God of Destruction

Chapter 3759: Worry

Chapter 3759 Worries

The stabilization of the army under General Moro means the stability of the border, which means that the hidden enemy will once again cast their eyes on Moro. Moro is in front to attract firepower, to Xing Tian, ​​to the God of Tongtian River. Both are great benefits.

Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God wanted to get rid of the restrictions imposed by the situation on them, wanted not to be noticed by the outside world, and wanted to practice with peace of mind, but General Moro would not let them go. Although the morale of the army was restored, the vitality was great. Under the injury, the combat power of the entire army was severely weakened. This could not be recovered in a moment, and there were also queen empresses in the barracks, which had to make General Lamorro worried. , The queen mother was chased and killed, that can still be used as a part of the plan, but if it is attacked in this barracks, it will not be justified.

His own strength was not enough to retreat to protect the safety of the Queen’s Empress, so General Moro turned his attention to Xing Tian, ​​and to the God of the Tongtian River. Although Xing Tian was young, he was incomparably powerful in killing swordsmanship and absolutely possessed amazing combat power. Not to mention the water **** of Tongtian River. As a **** who exists in ancient times, his power is even more terrifying. If he can be pulled into his side, the safety of the queen empress will naturally be solved. Underneath, it is absolutely impossible to assassinate the empress empress silently and silently, no one can escape the induction of the water **** of Tongtian River!

In the imperial dynasty, although the gods were subordinate to the rule of the dynasty, they were not completely controlled by the dynasty, because they all controlled their own laws and had their own gods. Although the imperial dynasty had certain restrictions on them, they could also You can't make it like an arm. It's not easy to get Tongtianhe Water God to help!

"Niang Niang, although the morale in the barracks has recovered now, the previous battle has greatly damaged the vitality of the army. It is impossible to recover in a short time. To ensure your safety, we have to find another way. In this border, The Tongtian River water **** is still there. If he can be brought to the barracks, it is very important to the empress. With him, the safety of the empress is guaranteed!"

General Moro is very shrewd. He doesn't want to take action on his own for this kind of thing. It will only add a piece of cause and effect to himself. The most important thing is that at this moment, the God of Tongtian River is not so easy to manipulate. He made a request. If he is rejected, his face will be uncomfortable, but all this is completely different if the empress’s empress does everything. After being a country, even if the God of Tongtian River is an ancient god, he must admit his fate as long as he is still in the empire. During the dynasty, it will be restricted by the imperial luck.

auzw.com"Tongtianhe water **** actually appeared at the border, is he also playing this strange treasure idea? At this time, if you ask him to come, if you accidentally lead the wolf into the room, everyone will be trapped. In danger!" After hearing the words of General Moro, the empress's face changed, and the clouds became dense. It is not a wise move to ask the other party to intervene at this time!

"Don’t worry, the goddess of Tongtian River, as an ancient god, is not stupid. Naturally, he doesn’t have the idea of ​​making strange treasures. It’s just that ancient gods like him have an arrogant side. If this general comes forward to ask for help, he will naturally get nothing. The identity of the general can not suppress such a powerful ancient god, but the empress empress’s appearance is different. No matter how proud he is in front of the empire, he has to bow his head!” At this point, General Moreau’s eyes flashed. A trace of polish.

"The idea is very good, but it is very dangerous to place all hopes on a god. After all, the **** and us are not the same. No one knows what will happen in the next moment, not to mention the previous battle. There have been too many enemies that we did not expect, and this Tongtianhe Water God cannot be believed! The ancient gods' dependence on faith is not as important as we thought, and the threat of the empire is not fatal to him!"

Yes! As an ancient god, how could there be no means of self-protection? Even if the imperial dynasty wants to kill the water **** of Tongtian River, it is not an easy task. After all, the other party is not an ordinary god, which makes the empress woman feel something in her heart. Worry, who makes this matter to one's own life and death, no matter how careful and careful in the face of life and death, I can't think that!

"Niang Niang, I also know that this is a bit risky, but in our current situation, we have to do it. At least in the previous battle, the Tongtian River Water God did not attack us. If he did, the previous one. We have no chance of victory in the war, so in the short term he is still worthy of our trust!"

When the general Moro mentioned the previous battle again, Xing Tian's figure suddenly appeared in the empress's heart. The overbearing killing kendo gave her too much horror, and she took a deep breath. , Empress Empress sighed: "Speaking of the previous battle, I thought of a person, to be precise, a child. Although he had no desire to obey the empire in his words, his combat power was amazing, and this A person owes the general's cause and effect. If he can be moved, will the crisis be resolved? The most important thing is that he is just a child and will not be noticed!"

As soon as the Queen Empress said this, General Moreau's face showed a wry smile. He naturally knew who the Empress Empress was referring to. He just wanted Xing Tian to help. This was even more difficult. Xing Tian was in the previous World War I. I have already repaid the cause and effect, and I am afraid that it is not easy to ask him to take action. The most important thing is that Xing Tianxiu is a slaughter kendo, killing as he pleases. If you are not careful, you will trigger a crisis. What worries General Moro the most is Could Xing Tian have seen through the calculation of the imperial fortune!

"Niang Niang, this matter is even more difficult. If we talk about the God of Tongtian River, we still have a chance, but Xing Tian has no chance at all. Being able to practice such an overbearing killing kendo as a child is also not done by ordinary people. This is only a supreme powerhouse who reincarnated in reincarnation, or even a powerhouse who has regained part of his previous life. You should know how terrifying the danger of such a powerhouse is. The previous calculations are afraid of being seen through. , No one is willing to accept such calculations, especially those who are strong in reincarnation, not to mention that the opponent has already repaid my share of the cause and effect in the previous war!" At this point, General Moreau couldn't help but He sighed lightly!

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