God of Destruction

Chapter 3760: Saving calculation

The third thousand seven hundred and sixty chapter calculation

remorse! To General Moreau, there was endless regret in his heart. He knew that Xing Tian's cultivation level had improved so quickly, and he knew that Xing Tian was a strong man in reincarnation. He would never keep his plan from the other party or let him. Easily repay this cause and effect, so that you lose the opportunity to win over the other party, not to mention that your current situation is still so dangerous!

In exchange for his sincerity, General Moreau did not really put Xingtian in the same position as himself in his heart. He did not treat Xingtian with his sincerity, so although he obviously had the opportunity to win Xingtian, he ended up with this result. How can this prevent him from regretting, but all of this has become a foregone conclusion, and it is not an easy task to win Xingtian!

"It is a talent, it is worthy of the empire to win over, especially for such a strong person in reincarnation, no matter what his attitude toward the empire, as long as he can be used by the empire!" In reality, the empress is more realistic. Unfortunately, she doesn't understand a strong person. The arrogance of the people, the so-called imperial power is not worth mentioning to these powerhouses, especially those who are against the sky like Xing Tian!

"Manny, things are not as simple as you think. For the reincarnation powerhouses who have regained their past life memory and power, they will not care about the existence of the empire at all. For them, there is only one goal in their eyes, and that is detachment. No benefit is more important than your own detachment. We lost the opportunity to win over, so we won’t reappear. If we want such a powerful person to be used by the empire, all we can do is complete the work, because they fundamentally Not afraid of any threats!"

Speaking of this, General Moro sighed again. When every reincarnated powerhouse gets back the memory of his previous life and the power of the previous life, he will have a terrible assassin. This is for them. For safety after reincarnation, as long as you are not a madman, you are unwilling to confront such a powerful person in reincarnation, because you don't know if the other party will give you a crazy killer in the next moment and beat you to pieces!

"Can we have no other way? Seeing such an infinite potential evildoer and the empire pass by!" At this time, the empress also couldn't help feeling regret in her heart. She knew that Xing Tian was so powerful, the previous one. In World War I, I shouldn’t be silent. I should stand up to stop those stupid guards and prevent them from angering Xingtian and leaving a bad impression on him!

"In the previous battle, how much we have already hated each other, but fortunately he is still living in a village outside the barracks. We can also relax the relationship between the two parties first, try to see what he thinks, if he is willing It’s best to help us, but if we don’t want to, we can’t force it, lest we really offend him! This person has a very close relationship with the God of Tongtian River, once offended, I’m afraid that God of Tongtian River will also be with us. Enemy!"


General Moro was worried that the queen’s arrogant character would be unbearable, so he told what he knew. If only Xingtian was alone, it would be okay to say, but it would be completely different if it involves the God of Tongtian River. One person and one **** together, it's not one plus one equals two, this person, one **** and one **** together, even the general Moruo would be afraid of three points.

Thousands of calculations, General Moro’s biggest mistake was to underestimate Xingtian’s growth rate. Killing Kendo grew rapidly in that endless killing. Before General Moro was confident that he could withstand Xingtian’s attacks, but now Xingtian That terrible chaotic destruction power is so terrible, it can truly threaten one's life! Just the power displayed is so terrifying, if the opponent uses a killer mace, General Moro doesn't think he can retreat all over!

General Moreau’s idea is not wrong. Their current situation is indeed very dangerous. Under the surging tide of that dark tide, many forces once again took action. Border crossing is their focus. They all want to know the previous one. What happened in the war and why the entire army was destroyed. At the same time, they are also paying attention to the luck of the imperial fortune. When Anzi, who was hidden in the imperial fortune, passed back what he knew, all the major forces Horrified.

Wrong, they made a huge mistake. They had the opportunity to severely damage the empire’s fortune, even behead the queen’s empress, and cut off the empire’s pillar of luck. Unfortunately, they did not seize this opportunity and let this opportunity be free from If they knew that the luck of the imperial fortune was impaired after the war, even if they risked their lives, even if they paid a high price, they would give the imperial fortune a fatal blow, but now It's too late, it's all over.

"The luck of the imperial dynasty was damaged and then recovered. It must have been a loss of military spirit. It seems that the calculations of the great general Moreau and the imperial dynasty made a mistake. Although they won, they were also miserable. I paid a heavy price!"

"Damn, it's the ignorance of the barbarians. If they weren't greedy for life and fear of death, they wouldn't have missed such a great opportunity in vain. If they could attack again after failure, they would definitely give the empire a fatal blow and be able to kill it. Moreau and the empress are able to completely break the two pillars of the empire's fortune, leaving them badly injured!"

"In fact, we are too cautious. If we can add more strength and arrange more manpower to attack, the result will not be the case. Unfortunately, we are all too cautious. The imperial dynasty will be even more advanced than we thought. Weak, at least this time their arrangement is like this. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again. The loss of this opportunity is very unfavorable for us. Now we have two choices. One is to stop immediately and hide ourselves in the dark again. Don’t give the Empire any chance to detect us. The second is to attack again. There is a problem with the army in Moreau’s hand, so he can’t immediately set off to **** the queen back to the palace. This is our chance, just to do so. The risk is too great, we have to face not only Moro, but also the army of the empire!"

The plan has undergone such a terrible change. As the emperor, it is naturally impossible to have no reaction at all. Naturally, they will arrange for a large army to meet Moreau. Since then, their secret forces want to kill the queen empress must face a double Pressure, a careless person will not only kill those who attacked, but also expose where they are!

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