God of Destruction

Chapter 3761: Festival crazy

Chapter 3761: Crazy

"This time the barbarians are unreliable. It is impossible to count on them to contain Morrow's army. Those **** have no determination to fight to the death. Once again, they can only rely on our own strength. There is no possibility of success by relying on our strength. Knowing other forces and letting them make choices! This is not what our family can do, nor is it our responsibility. To succeed, only everyone can work together! "

"If someone is unwilling to participate in this battle, what should we do? After all, the last attack ended in failure. This will make some people feel scared, so our plans will be huge. Impact?"

"If you don’t want to participate, then kick them out. This time it’s not our family’s business. If you don’t even have this courage, you don’t even have this courage, what value is there for such an ally? There is no right to survive!"

Ruthless enough, poisonous enough! But this is the reality. The reality is so cruel and ruthless. For those allies who don't have any ability, it is better to not exist, because such allies may become bombs when they are blown to pieces!

There was already an undercurrent surging in this empire’s fortune. As the situation develops, the power hidden in the dark becomes even more crazier. There is no opportunity to lose, and the loss will never come. If this time you scold you or end in failure, yes All the betrayal forces hidden in the dark will be a devastating blow, making them unable to fight for a long time.

It is precisely because everyone understands this and the importance of opportunity. All the forces have silently discharged their most powerful forces. They must use the momentum of Mount Tai to overwhelm the imperial dynasty before they have time to react. To complete the plan with crushing power, even if this plan is likely to hurt their own vitality, they will not hesitate!

Crazy! At this moment, all the major forces hiding in the dark are crazy about it, because this is their only opportunity to shake the fundamental fortune of the empire, and also the only opportunity to achieve their wish. In order to seize this opportunity, they are willing to pay All, as long as the plan is successful this time, the time for the Empire to rule this world will also end.

For many careerists, there is no better opportunity than this. It has to be said that General Moreau thought of the next crisis and began to make all preparations in advance. For the imperial movement, because of various The reason for this, whether it is the betrayers hidden in the imperial dynasty or the black-hearted politicians with ulterior motives, they are all blocking the imperial dynasty's forces, they are all delaying time, and they did not immediately arrange for a more powerful army to go to the border. Respond to the general, Moro, to welcome back the empress!


People’s hearts are sinister, this is the empire’s fortune, this is the general trend of the world, there is such a group of **** who are dragging their own legs, it is huge pressure for the general Moreau, and their situation has become more dangerous, if not now Having just reconquered the hearts of the people, General Moreau has the heart to pull up his army and continue training frantically, because his heart feels the rich crisis from the void, which makes his mind uneasy and makes him feel inexplicable. A sense of urgency!

time! For General Moro, there is a lack of time. Time is too short for him. Not only must he regain control of the army’s power, but he must also invite Xing Tian and the God of Tongtian River to help. This is for General Morrow. There is great pressure!

Although the Empress Empress is worried for her own safety, it is impossible for her Empress Empress to take the initiative to see the God of the Tongtian River Water God and Xing Tian. After all, her identity is placed there. After asking for help, the general. Moreau could only let his general Tiehan go to Xing Tian alone, and invite Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God to meet at the barracks, and talk about returning to the big event!

Although there is a great chance of being rejected with the iron man, General Moro has no choice. It is not that he is arrogant and disdain to invite Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God himself, but his identity is too sensitive and the barracks have just been restored. Calm, he needs to sit down in person to prevent the hidden enemy from instigating right and wrong again and making the situation out of control! This time the Queen Empress came forward to take all the responsibilities and calmed down the anger and unwillingness in the soldiers' hearts, but this was only the beginning. Once the situation fluctuates again, relying solely on the Queen Empress cannot calm everyone's anger!

When Tiehan appeared in the village, when the Tongtian River Water God felt the change in his own aura, whether it was Xingtian or Tongtian River Water God, he could not help but sighed. What they were most worried about still happened. , They deliberately wanted to avoid the general Moro, but they were still approached by the other party. At this time, it is not a good thing to come!

For Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God, they all understand the intentions of General Moro and are unwilling to intervene in this matter, but they are in this border, and it is also very difficult to refuse to speak, as long as they do not take the initiative to leave. The imperial fortune, at this time, can not fail to express, otherwise it will be hated by the imperial fortune.

"Damn, I knew it wouldn't end so easily. In order to avoid this catastrophe, I didn't even go back to the Water God Mansion, but this **** Morrow came to the door. How did he know that I was in the village? During this battle, the bastard's cultivation has improved again!" At this moment, Tonghe Water God has a gloomy face and is very angry!

When he heard these words, Xing Tian shook his head slightly and said: "This is the general trend. In front of the general trend, we are just like ants. As long as the empire survives, we are in the empire. We have to be affected by the luck of the empire, unless we are directly confronting the empire like those who betrayed, otherwise this time we have to give more face to Moreau, to give face to the empress, otherwise we will not be able to The imperial fortune has something to say!"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves. At this time, in this situation, if General Moro didn’t speak, Xingtian and Tongtian River Gods could still pretend to be ignorant and don’t care, but once the other came to the door, this They can't help them, even if they are just to give the empire a face, they must also go to see Moreau, see the empress, and bear the pressure. This is the responsibility that a member of the empire must bear!

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