God of Destruction

Chapter 3762: Festival general trend

Chapter 3762 General Trend

The general trend, now the imperial fortune is the general trend, under the general pressure, the Tongtianhe Water God can only sigh, and there will be no good results in confronting Moreau at this time, even if he is unwilling in his heart, he must Going to see Moreau, this is the general trend, unmatched general trend, unless Tongtianhe Water God is willing to abandon everything he has, even if he has now got the inheritance of the Water Destar Lord, has gotten rid of some of the restrictions of the Water God, but he still Can't refuse!

"Since avoidance is inevitable, we will go to see Moreau and see the empress empress. If they are really vulnerable and there is no possibility of saving, we naturally don't need to lay down our lives to help. If the situation is fair, we can even help. They are not enough. Although this will make us the target of the public, it will let us face the hostility of the hidden enemies, but we also have no choice. Who makes us now involuntary, as long as those hidden enemies There is still a trace of reason in the heart, it will not punish us to death, and will not form an insoluble contradiction with us!" When he said this, Tongtianhe Water God sighed again!

Even if Xingtian and Tongtianhe water gods have to help General Moro, as long as they don’t do too much, they will not be targeted by the enemy. No one is a fool, they They all understand the current situation of Tongtian River Water God and Xingtian, under the general pressure, they can't help them to call the shots, they can only passively accept! But will things be like this? This is impossible. When fighting together, everything can’t be ruled out by Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God. Unless they can’t afford to fight, otherwise their hands will naturally be stained with the blood of the enemy, and they will naturally be hated and branded as the empire’s fortune. !

"Impossible. As long as we meet with Moreau, this time we will not escape the connection with the imperial fortune. I have to admit that Moreau's scheming is too deep, and we are calculated to death. This time we see No, it's not if I don’t see it. I have calculated this cause and effect, and I will let him repay it one day. No one can calculate my Xingtian without paying the price!” When he said this, Xingtian could no longer suppress the share in his heart. Killing intent, terrible killing intent rises to the sky!

The endless killing intent to kill the heavens, the land, and the common people once again raged, and the terrible killing intent went straight into the sky, causing the whole village to fall into a dead silence. Although this killing intent did not spread to the village, it was invisible. The power still affected all the creatures in the village, making them all feel a huge boulder on their hearts, and they were a little out of breath!

"What a terrifying murderous aura, it seems that Xing Tian understood my calculations, this time the cause and effect have been established!" When he said this, Moro in the barracks couldn't help but sighed. The careless intention made the original friendship with Xing Tian directly turned into flowing water, and the evil result was directly made with him, which made Moruo feel extremely regretful in his heart.

While Xing Tian was still weak, he directly killed Xing Tian and directly ended this cause and effect? This kind of thought did not never appear in Moreau's heart, but in the end he gave up. Facing a Xing Tian who did not know the depth, a powerful killing power, he did not dare to act rashly, not to mention that he was still Need help from each other.


When General Moruo regretted, Tongtianhe Water God shouted in a deep voice: "Brother Xian, take care of yourself, don't be affected by your anger. This is not a battlefield!" Facing such a terrible murderous intent, Tongtianhe Water God One His face looked anxious, for fear that Xing Tian was accidentally controlled by the killing intent in his heart and turned into a messenger of killing!

In fact, the God of Tongtian River underestimated Xingtian’s willpower, not to mention the stimulus, even if Xingtian was stimulated to a great extent, he would not be affected by the intention of killing, or he would have already turned into a killing. Puppet, Xing Tian did this only to warn General Moro, telling him that he is not a fool and that his calculations have already been seen through by himself!

Of course, Xing Tian had a deeper intention. In the previous war, he paid a great price, but the so-called chance did not appear. This made Xing Tian's heart very confused, but he couldn't tell the truth. The God of Tianhe Water can't help but feel a little depressed, just taking this opportunity to vent, it can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone!

Although he doesn't know what his opportunity is, Xing Tian believes that there is no news about the opportunity, but he has not found it for a while. It is precisely because he still misses this opportunity in his heart, so Xing Tian is willing to meet this time. General Moro is willing to step into this muddy water again, or if the threat of the empire’s fortune is greater, Xing Tian will not take it seriously. After all, Xing Tian no longer has the heavy burden on him, so he is not affected by it. The big mission limit of the frontier battlefield world!

"Brother virtuous, I know you are not happy, in fact, I am too, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves. We have no powerful force to fight the imperial dynasty, so we have to compromise. No matter what we have, we don’t have enough power. Power must be compromised. Power determines everything. A big fist is the truth!"

The God of Tongtian River is right. No matter what the world is, the big fist is the truth. This time General Moruo has the advantage and righteousness. No matter whether they are willing or not, they have to compromise. What's more, now Xing Tian also Not alone, he still has his mother, and his companions in this village, which are all a huge drag on Xing Tian.

Taking a deep breath, Xing Tian’s killing intent quickly converged. After a few breaths, the terrible killing intent disappeared. If it weren’t for the strong sense of induction before, everyone in the village would think they were themselves. Is dreaming! The cause and effect are established, and one day it will be repaid. No one is exception. General Moreau's plan this time is really a failure!

When Xing Tian vented his dissatisfaction, and when the terrible killing intent rose to the sky, not only Moro in the barracks was aware of the terrible killing intent, but the empress also felt this crazy and terrifying killing. The first reaction in her heart was to think of Xing Tian, ​​this murderous child, the other party issued such a crazy and terrifying killing intent. It was obvious that she had seen through the calculations of the empire's fortune, and had endless hatred and hatred for the empire. Killing intent, if you are not careful, you will become an enemy of the imperial fortune, and it will add an unknown and terrible enemy to the imperial fortune!

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