God of Destruction

Chapter 3763: Section gap

Chapter 3763: Gap

Who is to blame for this? Is General Morrow to be blamed? No, this is not to blame the general Morrow. Although Morrow has a little responsibility in this matter, the greater responsibility lies in the imperial fortune. The calculation of the imperial fortune has made a huge mistake. Let the situation become uncontrollable, it will lead to the bitter fruit like this.

"Perhaps I shouldn't refuse Moreau's request. I should take the initiative to meet the Tongtianhe Water God, but now it is too late. This cause and effect has already been established, and one day I need to pay back!" , Empress Empress couldn’t help sighing. She, who was a queen, should not have such consideration. When faced with such unknown danger, the first thing she thought of should be elimination, not compromise, but the previous life and death The war touched her heart, made her lose her previous decisiveness, and made her feel a touch. The imperial dynasty has not suppressed the majesty of the world. This world is changing. It is only one who wants to suppress the world's heroes. What a joke!

"Perhaps I should change my mind. Deception is just a joke. Deterrence is no longer useful. Forcing pressure will only lead to endless backlash. The temptation of interest is the right way!" For a moment, the empress empress thought of the strange treasure in her hand, but this A piece of foreign treasure is not the foreign treasure that I got this time on my own adventure, but one of the protective treasures brought from the palace!

When Xingtian is weak, he can still use a little resource to win, but now resources are not very useful for Xingtian. At least there are no resources in the barracks to make Xingtian tempted. Xing Tian is no longer what the former general Moreau can win with a little medicine. When the two sides have a conflict, everything has changed!

"Brother, let's go to see Moreau and see what kind of explanation he can give us. The cause and effect are established. It won't work if he doesn't want to pay a price!" Xing Tian's expression was confined to his murderous intent. Become calm, speak calmly, but in this calm voice there is endless indifference and ridicule!

A good card was beaten by General Morrow. If General Morrow had a little support for Xing Tian and told the calculation of the imperial movement, the situation would not develop into the current situation, too. Wouldn't Xingtian be so grudged, such an ending, where is the root cause? Or the general Moreau himself didn't really regard Xing Tian as the same thing. He just looked at Xing Tian from a high-level perspective and regarded Xing Tian as a junior kid, and didn't treat Xing Tian with equal eyes.

Speaking of Xing Tian strode out of his house and headed out of the village, he didn't mean to wait for Tie Han to appear. At this moment, Xing Tian secretly said in his heart: "My current realm is in this realm of the battlefield world. Zhong can also be regarded as a master. It was not too difficult for me to shake the general Moruo head-on with my current combat power, but the five uncles in the sea of ​​consciousness made me embarrassed, no matter what It's the Chaos Dao Tu or the four Slaughter Swords, neither can appear in this world. At least it won't work right now. Maybe only when this realm catastrophe develops further, will we have a chance. !"


When he thought of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed secretly. The practice of Chaos Destruction Avenue is really too dangerous and too difficult. Even if he has taken a crucial step, he wants to truly master this source of power. Still extremely difficult! In Xing Tian's heart, sometimes there was even a thought, perhaps if he knew the terrible and dangerous of the chaotic destruction avenue when he was reuniting his own avenue, he would not make such a decision, and would not devote himself to this chaotic destruction avenue. Of spiritual practice.

remorse? No, Xing Tian didn’t have such an idea. Ever since he embarked on the path of practice, Xing Tian has deeply understood a truth in his heart, and never regret what he has done. No matter what the final result is, he must go bravely. Faced with it, and only in this way can I go further on this avenue full of endless death breath!

Regarding Xingtian’s suggestion, Tongtianhe Water God sighed and nodded, one person and one **** headed out of the village. When they met the Tie Han in the village, they did not have the most insignificant footsteps, but said indifferently: "Your I know where I'm here. Let's go. Let's see Moreau, see the nobleman of the empire, and listen to what they have to say!"

After Ming Wu’s real calculations of General Moruo and the Empire’s fortune, Xing Tian did not have courtesy, and directly omitted the three words General. For people in the army like Tie Han, it would be affected by military regulations, but For Xingtian and the water **** of the Tongtian River, military rules do not exist at all. Since the skin has been torn, there is not so much consideration!

Seeing Xing Tian standing with the water **** of Tongtian River and seeing their indifferent appearance, Tie Han frowned first, and he was puzzled, but for a moment he seemed to think of something, and a look of horror flashed across his face. He couldn't help showing a faint bitter smile, and said in his heart: "The trouble is big, this time the general really has to offend people to death!"

Tiehan wanted to say something and wanted to explain something, but he swallowed it back when the words reached his lips. It had already happened. No amount of explanation would be useful. No one would believe it, at least in Xingtian, in Tongtian River God of Water I won't believe it here, they are not soldiers of the empire, and they won't be shaken by the words of the queen empress!

Once the estrangement has appeared, it is not easy to resolve it again. Moreover, this is not an ordinary matter, but a major event related to one's own life and death. This is even more difficult to resolve, no matter in this matter, the general What kind of role Moro played has deeply offended Xingtian and the God of Tongtian River!

Not to mention the previous calculations, just at this time, it is not a good thing to invite the other party in this situation. This is the sinister intention of pulling the **** of water into the game in Tormenting Sky, if it weren't for the general Moro. If Xingtian and Tongtianhe Water God hadn't taken care of the imperial transport, the war would break out immediately! It is a rare thing for Xingtian and Tongtianhe water gods to be so calm when calculating others insidiously. If you want to make them feel good, that is dreaming!

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