God of Destruction

Chapter 3764: Respect the strong

Chapter 3764 respects the strong

"Oh, I hope the general and the empress can resolve this resentment, this cause and effect, or else there will be a lot of trouble in the future!" Tiehan has followed General Moreau for many years, and he is also very knowledgeable, although it has only been past. For dozens of days, he could also clearly feel the changes in Xing Tian's breath, and he could also feel that Xing Tian and Tongtian River Gods were different from the past! Standing by their side, Tiehan could clearly feel the terrible pressure!

There was nothing on the way, the two of them walked this way in silence. When they came to the barracks, Xing Tian's chaotic eyes opened and he directly probed the atmosphere of the barracks. As a result, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily. No wonder General Moro would invite himself and Tongtianhe Water God at this time and under such circumstances. Although the military spirit has calmed down, there are still many grievances in the hearts of the soldiers. That is the resentment of the empire. It can't be resolved in a moment.

The reason is clear in Xing Tian's heart, and the same is true for Tongtian River Water God. After seeing the grievances above the barracks, Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God looked at each other, and there was a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

Surprised! Yes, it is surprised! They never thought that there would be such a strong resentment in the soldiers' hearts, resentment towards the empire, although the empress empress stood up and took all the responsibilities, but this did not completely offset the resentment in the soldiers' hearts. Too many, many of the soldiers' comrades died, which was a heavy blow to them.

When they saw Xing Tian appearing in the barracks, the eyes of the soldiers showed a faint joy. It was joy from the bottom of their hearts. There was a faint smile on their faces, and they greeted Xing Tian:" I have seen the little Mr.!"

When she saw this scene in front of her, the empress empress was shocked. This was a result she had never expected. She did not expect that a child like Xing Tian would have such a high status in the hearts of lieutenants and soldiers. Take the initiative to salute! Why is it so? The empress's heart was wondering, she didn't understand what was going on!

In fact, if the empress woman knew the real reason, she would not have any doubts in her heart. The lieutenant soldiers could easily understand it. They all abide by the principle of recognition of the strong and trust in their companions, although Xing Tian did not Joined the army, but once killed the enemy with them in the battlefield. Xing Tian's crazy slaughter of the barbarian cavalry has penetrated into their hearts and has been recognized by them, so this scene will happen!

"The strong is respected. This is the iron law in the army. Even if Xing Tian is only a child, but he has a strong combat power, he can be recognized by the soldiers and recognized from the bottom of his heart. Compared with himself It is not worth mentioning to use identity to gain the trust of soldiers!" Empress Empress was muttering to herself, and her face was constantly changing with the words.


The army is different from the court officials. They don’t have so many intrigues and conspiracies. They only believe in power. When they figured this out, the empress’s mood became heavy. The emperor was wrong. It was not the ministers who really supported the imperial fortune, but the soldiers in the army. The army was the root of the imperial fortune!

The struggle for luck, the orthodox struggle between heaven and earth, does not rely on conspiracy and tricks, but on real strength. Conspiracy and tricks cannot be used in real war. In the face of absolute strength, no amount of conspiracy and trickery can withstand a single blow. Just like the scene before us, it is not easy to build a strong military spirit, but it is often only in a single thought to lose the military spirit. This time the imperial movement plan is really wrong. Using a conspiracy to deal with the enemy, it seems that the plan is nothing The problem, but once you miss it, you will lose your military spirit. Just like the previous storm, even the great general Morrow, who is the pillar of the empire, will also lose the trust of the generals because of a conspiracy calculation. On the verge of collapse!

Understand and understand, but the queen mother knew in her heart that it was not easy to do it, because there were too many and too many involvements in the empire's fortune, and under the struggle for many interests, she could not let her The idea is implemented!

reform! The imperial dynasty urgently needs to be reformed, and the leadership needs to be re-determined. In peacetime, ministers can take the heavy responsibility. This is acceptable. But in troubled times and in catastrophes, everything must be the soldiers first. The strength of the army can truly make the imperial royal family invincible and stabilize the overall situation!

When the Queen Empress was thinking deeply, General Moreau appeared in the barracks to welcome the arrival of Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God. It was only a few dozen days before the positions of the two sides changed. Fortunately, General Moreau's will Be firm, if you change to someone who is not determined, I'm afraid it will be difficult to accept such a change in a short time.

"Two fellow daoists are here, please sit inside, the empress has been waiting for you for a long time!" Although it was only a sentence, this sentence made Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God feel tremendous pressure. General Moruo and the Queen The more peaceful the empress's attitude is, the greater the pressure on them and the more difficult it is to get out of this chaos!

"General, good means, good scheming, it doesn’t matter if you are willing to step into this muddy water, but you should not drag us down, you should understand that this is a problem of your empire’s movement and has nothing to do with us. You have done this a bit too much. With this causal formation, it will not be easy to repay in the future!" Tongtianhe Water God didn't care at all, and directly attacked General Moruo, telling the opponent about his dissatisfaction and anger.

Xing Tian is now somewhat concerned. After all, Xing Tian is not alone, but Tongtian River Water God is different. After receiving the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun, the restriction of Shinto is not so big for him, even if it is facing the general Moro. , He didn't have the worries he had in the past, perhaps he was not the opponent of General Moreau, but the God of Tongtian River had the confidence to retreat.

Seeing the fierce counter-time of Tongtian River Water God, General Moruo sighed secretly. Such a situation was as early as his expectation. As a **** who existed in ancient times, it is normal for Tongtian River Water God to react like this. However, if Tongtianhe Water God did not react at all, then the consequences would be really terrible!

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