God of Destruction

Chapter 3765: Ridicule

Chapter 3765 mocked

Taking a deep breath, General Moro sighed: "I can understand the anger in the hearts of fellow Daoists, and I know I'm sorry for doing this, but I can't help it. How dangerous is the situation today, it must be two. It’s all clear that the situation in the army is even more dangerous than what the two of you saw. Let’s not hide it from the two. There are enemies hidden in this army. I don’t know when they will get into trouble. The power in the dark will come out again to assassinate the empress empress! As a general of the empire, I must ensure the safety of the empress empress, because it is related to the luck of the empire. I do not ask for the understanding of the two, but only for the two to be able to In this crisis, stand on the side of the empire and protect the safety of the empress!"

"As a general, you have been in charge of this army for decades. You said that you can't control this army. It makes me hard to believe that being able to lurch under your nose is simply a big joke!" Regarding Moro’s words, the God of the Tongtian River did not believe it. If other generals could not control his army, it might be possible, but Morrow was different. From the perspective of the God of the Tongtian River, the reason why the other party said such a thing would be The position is very low, and the purpose is to stimulate my sympathy, so that I have to participate in this terrible muddy water!

Seeing the reaction of the Water God of Tongtian River, Moreau sighed, shook his head and said: "I know it is hard to convince fellow daoists, but this is the truth. I underestimated those enemies, and the empire was too self-conscious. It’s too big. I underestimate the erosion of the army by the forces hidden in the dark. If there weren't those **** making trouble in the dark, do you think my iron-blooded division would have suffered such a heavy loss in this battle? It will make the military's spirit float and the situation will go away. Is it to the point of collapse?"

General Morrow's series of rhetorical questions caused Tongtianhe Water God to frown. Although he didn't want to admit it, Morrow did have some truth in what he said. This battle was really abnormal, even if the imperial plan appeared. The loophole, with the experience of General Morrow in command of the army for decades, it is impossible to have such a situation. The only explanation is that the army hides the enemy's lurkers, and even causes the army to lose in the battle with the barbarians. heavy!

"So what, what to do with us, this is your own business and your responsibility, but now you are delusional to let us take responsibility for you. This is simply bullying, you can really bully me for this god. Can you let it be at your mercy?" No matter how many reasons General Moruo had, he wouldn't care about Tongtianhe Water God.

auzw.com "If you pay, you will gain. The empire will not treat meritorious officials badly. Although Daoists are ancient gods, they are still subject to humanity and restricted by the empire. If Daoists are willing to take action Help, the empire will naturally not forget your credit. You may not believe what I said. After all, I did not do this thing correctly, but you don’t have to doubt the promise of the Queen Empress!” At this time, General Moreau I had to push the Empress Empress to the front desk again. After all, only Empress Empress could make Tongtianhe Water God believe in the sincerity of his own party and get help from the other party.

Since the beginning of this exchange, Xing Tian has been silent. Everything is determined by the God of Tongtian River. In this matter, Xing Tian is not willing to express his attitude too much. After all, he has a lot of concerns about him, and there is no God of Tongtian River. The cheap brother came easily, and he couldn’t overdo it, he couldn’t be too late. His combat power had already attracted the attention of many people. At this time, he showed amazing wisdom, and he had to face it next. The situation is even more dangerous!

"Empress, you can believe what she said, but no matter how good the promise is, it is just empty talk. The enemy you have to face may not give you a chance to leave the border alive. You have exposed too many shortcomings in this battle. , One wrong step is a wrong step. I don’t think you still have the ability to fight against the many forces hidden in the dark. Unless the Empire sends a powerful army to meet you, your defeat is set! I want the Empire to send Great army, this is not an easy task. Even your army has been eroded by enemies hidden in the dark. The ministers of the imperial dynasty are only afraid to do the same!" When he said this, the face of Tongtianhe Water God appeared. There was a hint of ridicule.

"Oh! This is not a place to talk, please come with me, whether you are willing to intervene in this matter, but since you come to the barracks, you will always see the empress, you must give the empire the face!" If you continue with Tongtianhe water **** After the conversation, General Moreau worried that he would not be able to resist the anger in his heart. Such ridicule made him feel endless anger!

"Never mind! We saw the Empress Empress. If there is not enough reason, even if you say it's a mess, I won't intervene or step into this muddy water. Nothing is more important than my own life! "

Facing the crazy hostility of the Tongtian River Water God, General Moro was very distressed. Everything was as the other party said, one step and one wrong step. Now under the seemingly calm environment, there is an undercurrent surging. When will the hidden enemy make another move, making the situation even more out of control!

As General Morrow entered the central camp of the barracks, the Empress Empress was sitting in the camp. There was no one in her company, and the entire camp was empty. This situation made the eyes of Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God flash past. If the average person sees such a situation, they will only think that this is the frugality of the empress and the virtue! But in their eyes, this is a terrible crisis. Only when the situation deteriorates to the limit, will the general Morrow make such an extreme choice. All this is only to protect the safety of the empress. The situation is really so terrible. To the point? Even the Chinese army camp must be so cautious, can it be said that the enemy hidden in the army can threaten the life and death of the queen empress? This makes Xing Tian and Tongtian River water gods unbelievable. You must know that this is the Chinese army camp. General Morrow’s foundation is, it is impossible for ordinary people to sneak in. If you really get that step, the situation is really out of control. Under such a situation, even if you try your best, it is difficult to change this danger. In an instant, Tongtianhe Water God had a thought to turn around and leave!

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