God of Destruction

Chapter 3769: Worry

Chapter 3769 Worry

Seeing the hesitation of Xing Tian and the water **** of Tongtian River, General Moro condensed his expression and said in a deep voice: "I can understand the difficulties of the two of you, but that's the way it is. This is not what you and I can decide, but now this There won’t be any major problems in two days. If you have something to deal with, you can deal with it first!"

The opportunity is right in front of us, and no one can give up. Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God looked at each other, and both nodded, expressing their approval of General Morrow’s suggestion. They will have a buffer for one or two days, and they have a way to deal with their bodies. Foreign affairs, be fully prepared! You need to know that you can stay if you stay. Whether Xingtian or Tongtianhe Water God, you need to be prepared to avoid a battle and you don’t have any weapons at hand. Fighting is not a game. Life and death are only a moment, one more. If you are ready, you will have more chances!

"Okay, things are settled like this, and we will come again in two days!" Xing Tian and Tongtian River Gods were about to leave.

At this moment, the Empress Empress suddenly said: "Wait, there is nothing for the two of you to leave, but after two days, the two should not come directly to the camp. It is best to sneak into the camp in secret. At this time, there are only four of us. People know that to avoid being detected by hidden enemies, and to prepare in advance, that would be bad!"

Hearing the words of the Empress Empress, Tongtianhe Water God nodded to express his understanding. In fact, even without the Empress Empress’s words, the God of Tongtianhe Water and Xing Tian would not swagger into the military camp under the sun, so that the enemy would have something in advance. Beware, this is not a trivial matter, any mistake will affect the outcome of the battle, no matter how careful you are, you can't take it too seriously!

Soon, Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God left the barracks with gloomy expressions, as if they had not reached an agreement with the general, Moro, and looked angrily. Such a change made the hearts of the people in the barracks float. Fortunately, the war has ended, and everyone did not care too much about the result, otherwise I am afraid that new disturbances will arise in this camp!

After Xing Tian and the water **** of Tongtian River left, the Empress Empress sighed lightly and said: "General, do you think this person and **** are really worthy of such vigorous traction? Can they really help the army resist the enemy's crazy counterattack? This time is not trivial. Either the enemy will do nothing, or he will directly crush us with the momentum of thunder. Can only the two of them stop the enemy's crazy attack?"

Don’t look at the empress empress who was very calm before. In fact, she didn’t have any confidence in her own heart. When everything was over, she immediately asked General Morrow, hoping to listen to Morrow’s explanation, so that she My heart settles down!

auzw.com "Niang Niang, we now have no other choice. Regardless of whether this person or **** has the ability to do it, we can only trust them. This is the only force we can win now. With their help, we will have more life. Without them, we are afraid that we will die without life. The situation is so cruel and merciless to us!"

When talking about this, General Moreau also sighed lightly. He had never been so angry in the world for decades, but for the sake of the overall situation, he had to swallow this bad breath. This is what he cannot do under the crisis. No compromises.

"Yeah, we have to compromise. Who made the situation so dangerous? We are already inevitable. We can only try our best. Whether it succeeds or fails, everything depends on God’s will. This line of life!"

"Mother, what we can do now is to concentrate our strength. As long as we can focus on a strong enough strength, even if this shocking change comes no matter how crazy or terrible it is, the result will be beneficial to us. Now we can only hope that this person is one god. Don't let down our expectations, be able to come back earlier, so as to alleviate the pressure on everyone!"

Speaking of pressure, General Moro couldn't help but sighed again. This is the result of passiveness. When he can't guarantee the safety of the queen, everything has to be compromised. If you want to escape the world, you need more than just A powerful force must have a powerful force in itself, otherwise everything is just a mirror image!

"I hope they will not let us down, and I hope that everything I have given can be rewarded!" This decision is also very costly for the Empress Empress, not to mention the trace of imperial luck on the water **** of Tongtian River. The treasure in Xing Tian's hands is also no small thing. Although the Queen Empress didn't know its true function and origin, she could have let her know that it was an extraordinary treasure, and it was precisely because of this that she would come out to win Xing Tian.

Xing Tian took over this treasure, and also took over the cause and effect of the queen empress. If it is just a normal treasure, this time help can really resolve the cause and effect, but if it is a supreme treasure that shocks the world, everything is different. Now, Xing Tian will owe a great cause and effect to the empress. This cannot be resolved with one protection. Just like Xing Tian took over the cause and effect of General Moreau before, he paid a huge price for himself and became infected with this. A terrible war.

For a cultivator like Xing Tian, ​​who has embarked on a path against the sky, every opportunity is extremely important. This cause and effect is indeed a burden and pressure for him, but the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. I am afraid that Xing Tian himself understands that this point of cause and effect is not so easy to end, but Xing Tian is still the next step. In the hearts of the Queen Empress and Moreau, this is a catastrophe that cannot be avoided. For Xing Tian, ​​this Opportunity is also inevitable!

No matter what kind of pressure there will be in the future, Xing Tian has no choice at the moment. This is the general trend. Under the general trend of the world, even Xing Tian, ​​who is going against the sky, has to follow the general trend and has to bear the empress’s Cause and effect! Even if he understood the calculations of the Queen Empress in his heart, he had to step through this muddy water.

"Niang-niang, by contrast, I am worried about the military camp. I am worried that those enemies who have hidden again will make another move. The military can no longer withstand a major turmoil. Once the situation reappears last time, the whole situation will collapse. There will be a terrible impact at the border gate, and the entire empire will be turbulent!” When he said this, General Moreau's face showed endless worry, he was worried about the changes in the center of the empire. , I am worried that the army will not appear sooner!

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