God of Destruction

Chapter 3770: Section advice

Chapter 3770 Advice

Fighting for power and gain is a normal thing in the center of the empire. For those ministers for their own benefit, there is nothing they can’t do. Moreover, in the center of the empire there are also hidden enemy lurkers, and they are still living. Being in a high position, under such circumstances, even if the military responds and sends a large army, it may not be able to arrive smoothly!

This is no longer the strongest period of the empire. Everything is under the control of the empire. Now under the turbulent situation, all the enemies hidden in the dark will continue to spring up and continue to destroy the power of the empire. The previous tragic victory was caused by them. , If the other party’s conspiracy succeeds this time, the border will surely be on fire again, and those barbarians who have been silent will swarm again. When the barbarians reappear, everything will be out of control. This is Moreau’s biggest worry. .

General Moreau didn’t think about the power of the sects in the empire, and there were masters like the mysterious Dao Master under him, but he didn’t dare to do this. He didn’t know how the sects in the empire stood. Will they also betray the empire in secret, and be connected with those hidden forces? After all, the empire has also suppressed the Dao Sect in the past, and some people in the Dao Sect are also very dissatisfied with the empire. If they also betrayed After the empire, when you ask for help at this time, you are ruining yourself, and pushing yourself into the fire will make you cut off your last vitality!

difficult! It's so hard! This is the real situation of General Morrow. This is the first time he has a sense of helplessness in his heart. As a general, he cannot control his army. What a ridiculous thing, but this is the fact. Originally, his confidence was destroyed at the moment when the military spirit collapsed. Except for a few people, Moreau could not believe the others. This is also until now, Moreau has not found the lurking hidden in the army. By!

When the general was in distress, the same was true for Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God. Although there were great gains this time, there were also great causes and effects. Causality and benefits were closely intertwined, so that they would also be happy because of pain. They can’t retreat. When opportunities arise, they can’t help but back down. Two days is not long for them. It is not easy to arrange everything completely. You must know that they have a lot of things. Xing Tian’s age is too young. There is no persuasiveness, and Tongtianhe Water God is also alone, and many things can only be undertaken by himself, so the pressure on himself has been even greater.

"Brother Xian, do you think this time I can use the empire's fortune to directly complete my own transformation, from the water **** to the water deity star king, and master the power of water virtue between heaven and earth?" Suddenly, there was silence. The silent Tongtian River Water God asked Xing Tian. He had to say that this time the Queen Empress’s promise gave him even greater ambitions. He wanted to reach the sky in one step, transform himself in one fell swoop, break through his many limitations in one fell swoop, and step into the path of Xingjun !


When he heard these words, Xing Tian's brows couldn't help but frowned. As a man with too many experiences, he naturally understood why this cheap brother Tongtianhe Water God would say such things at this time. This is not a good thing. , This shows that the other party's mind has been shaken, and his mind has been shaken by the huge temptation in front of him!

"The foundation, no matter what kind of cultivation, no matter what system of cultivation, is the foundation of oneself, if the foundation is not well laid, even if you can quickly improve your realm for a while, it will also ruin your future potential. I don't know. Big brother now has a lot of roots, but I believe that you have never tempered your foundation to the limit. With the help of the power of luck, you can indeed reach the sky in one step, but at the expense of your potential, I don't want you to do this!"

Speaking of this, Xing Tian took a deep breath, and a wry smile appeared on his face. In terms of his own situation, it would be a good choice for Tongtian River Water God to break through himself with the help of imperial luck. It’s best for him to become stronger for the Tianhe Water God, and when the Tongtianhe Water God gets rid of the limitations of the Water God, he has a real help by his side, but in the end Xingtian gave up. The temporary gains and losses are nothing. This catastrophe is just It's just that the curtain has just kicked off, and the real contest has not yet begun. If the future of Tongtianhe Water God is cut off for a short-term advantage, it will not be worth the gain!

"What?" When he heard Xing Tian's answer, Tongtianhe Water God's face showed a shocked look. He didn't understand why Xing Tian would reject his suggestion. In his opinion, the foundation is not too important. After all, he is not. The human body is the body of the gods. In his heart, the origin of the gods comes from the consciousness, not the accumulation of himself!

"Virtuous brother, the so-called foundation of the spiritual practice does not seem to be that important, right? As long as you seize the priesthood, everything can be transformed by the power of the priesthood. Is there a fundamental difference between the cultivation of the stars and the spiritual practice? "Tongtianhe Water God looked at Xing Tian with a puzzled expression, and wanted to get the answer he wanted to know from Xing Tian!

Xing Tian shook his head and sighed: "Brother, although I only retrieved a little memory of the previous life, the practice of the way of the stars is not as simple as you think. The priesthood is very important to the gods, but the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun, It seems that it is also the practice of gods, but there is an essential gap. It is not a pure god's way, but the avenue of stars. It has not completely tempered its origin to the limit, and has not compressed all its power to the extreme. , I don’t want you to use external force to transform, the way of the stars, it is best to evolve on your own, now you seem to have set foot on the way of stars, but that is just a fur!"

fur! Xing Tian is right. The Tongtian River God is a little arrogant and a little floating. Perhaps this is the result of his long-term dedication to the gods. His subjective consciousness has always believed that he is still on the path of spiritual practice, but Xing Tian The inheritance given to Lord Shui De Xing is not like this. If he keeps doing this, he will only ruin his foundation and cut off his own future. Even if he makes a big step forward and improves his realm, he sacrifices his future potential. For the price, Xing Tian must be a helper who has the potential to face the supreme chaotic world, rather than a **** who can only nest in this realm of battlefield world, or when all this is over, the God of Tongtian River will lose its value. !

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