God of Destruction

Chapter 3771: Knot fur

Chapter 3771: Fur

For Xing Tian, ​​Tongtian River Water God was only the first **** he received, and also the first important power he wanted to cultivate. He didn't want the other party to ruin the foundation and lose promotion because of temporary ignorance and temporary care. potential. In Xingtian’s vision, he hopes to use the power of the Tongtian River Water God to attract more gods and complete the mastery of Zhou Tian’s stars. Although this is somewhat difficult and unbelievable, Xing Tian believes that as long as he is willing to work hard, he will succeed. .

If before the end of the catastrophe, with the help of the power of the gods, to complete this earth-shattering plan, what kind of power can stop oneself from seizing control of the world, can prevent oneself from mastering the general trend of the world, and bring the whole world Condensed in one body, with the help of the power of the world's origin, washing itself once again!

"Fur? All I got is just a little fur? How could this be possible? Now that I have got rid of most of the limitations of the **** body, how could this be just a little fur power?" Tongtianhe was shocked by Xingtian's words. The Water God was already a little lost, muttering to himself involuntarily, with shocked expressions on his face.

"Nothing is impossible. The Way of the Stars is much stronger than you think. It's a pity that I can only come up with a little memory. If there is a complete inheritance of the Mercury Stars, you will naturally Knowing how ridiculous this idea is, the way of the gods does not take so much into account, you can increase your own strength as you like, but the way of the stars is different, the foundation is the most important, the purer the source, the more endless in the future Brother, think carefully about the potential of the company!"

"What is there to consider? Naturally, I will focus on my cultivation in the future. Although I have no ambitions, I will not be lost by the temptation in front of me. With the Great Dao of Heaven, who would go to the sheep intestines? Xiaolu, I'm not a fool!" Soon the God of Tongtianhe water woke up from the shock and quickly made a choice.

Hearing the answer from Tongtianhe Water God, Xing Tian laughed and said, "Okay! Big brother can think so, because he is afraid that he will always be affected by his own god's body instinct and can't get rid of this power. After all, big brother is in the spiritual practice. Countless years have passed on the road, and it is normal that it is difficult to let go of the original practice instinct for a while!"

The power of instinct is imprinted on almost every part of the body, even if it is prepared, it is not easy to get rid of it. Although Xing Tian's heart is very happy, he cannot do it with Tongtian River Water God Energy. , I’m not sure, after all, the power of instinct has too much influence on oneself. Even if there is a firm will, it will take time to gradually adapt to this, but Xing Tian can’t speak such words!


"Brother, my problem is easy to solve. As long as you spend a little time and a little energy, you can naturally clear your own hidden dangers. But you are different. Your murderous aura is too heavy, although I don't know what road you use as yourself. Origin, but I still want to advise you not to kill too much, it will not be good for you, maybe you are not afraid of the impact of killing on yourself, but heaven is precious, excessive killing will only make you abandoned by heaven. !"

In the eyes of the water **** of Tongtian River, the practice should not be too against the sky or over killing. Such practice is almost a devil, but this is only his own thought, and only applies to ordinary practitioners. It is not the case with Xingtian. It must be the Great Way of Defying the Heavens, from the beginning to the end, he has not been recognized by the Heavens. It can be said that he has been a forsaken from the beginning. There is no difference between killing and not killing. The vitality that Xingtian killed can not affect himself at all!

It’s a pity that Xing Tian cannot tell about his own situation. This is his own secret and cannot be known to outsiders. Not to mention the God of Tongtian River, even his own teacher. Such a secret can only be known by himself, and by one more person. Then there is more danger, and you will be plunged into the crisis of death, and you will have more tribulations on your spiritual path!

"I understand what the eldest brother said. My way is different from what you imagined. I know what I am doing. Don’t worry about me. What you should worry about is yourself. It helps a lot, but after a long time, this aura will also erode your self, and will affect your soul silently. If you can’t keep from this erosion, you will only be gradually drawn into the empire. In the camp, at that time, it will be difficult for you to get out again!"

The water **** of Tongtian River is not much less than Xing Tian for the understanding of Qi Yun. After all, as a god, he is exposed to too many forces of Qi Yun, and he naturally understands the hidden dangers of the imperial Qi Yun. However, as an ancient god, Tong Tianhe The water **** is confident that he can withstand the erosion of this power. After all, the empire today is no longer the strongest time. It is not easy to shake one's mind, as long as one is careful to deal with it, there will be no big danger.

In response to Xingtian’s kindness, Tongtianhe Water God nodded, expressing that he understood that this time the gain is great, but the price to be paid is not small. To survive this disaster, you need to make a lot of preparations and be more prepared. It’s more security. If war does not occur, then everything will be fine. Once war occurs, it means that it will be a terrible life-and-death duel. If there is a slight difference, it will wait for one’s own death. The enemy will either not do anything, once do it It must be a shocking crazy shock.

"My brother, it's not early, you go back early to prepare, although those enemies will not attack mortals, but you have to explain your intention to leave, and brother also needs to go back to the cave to arrange everything, two days later, See you in the camp!" After saying these words, the water **** of Tongtian River flashed, turning into a blue light and disappearing before Xing Tian's eyes.

Seeing the light of the water **** of the Tongtian River who left with water, Xing Tian couldn't help but shook his head. This time he really had to face the most dangerous catastrophe since reincarnation, but Xing Tian was confident that he could retreat all over, maybe I don’t have any protective treasures in my hand, but with my current realm and combat power, self-protection is still profitable, no matter how crazy the enemy is, no matter how dangerous the battle is, the pressure I have to face is still Limited, the real pressure is on General Moreau, he is the real target that the enemy has to deal with. General Moreau will not die, he will not be affected too much!

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