God of Destruction

Chapter 3772: Festival World Seal

Chapter 3772: Seal of the World

Is the enemy a fool? Obviously no. A fool will not hide in the dark for endless years and will not be destroyed by the imperial movement, so this time, as long as the opponent does not have a big problem, he will not target a small ant like Xingtian at the first time. Yes, at least in the eyes of those enemies, the current Xingtian is just a small ant that can be wiped out with a wave! Age directly hides Xing Tian. In the eyes of those superior powerhouses, the strongest Tianjiao is just an ant before he grows up, and he is not qualified for them to pay attention, not to mention Xing Tian’s message has not been spread!

As far as those forces hiding in the dark are concerned, they are calculating the barbarians, and they do not regard the barbarians as their own. Similarly, the barbarians do not regard them as their own. Both sides have reservations and are worried that they are driven by interests. Next, let the other party sell yourself, let yourself fall into a frantic battle with the empire army.

Don’t look at the current weakness of the empire, but it’s really being watched by the empire army. No power has the confidence and ability to withstand the battle against the mountain and temples from the empire army. If not for this rare opportunity, those Enemies hidden in the dark will not be so crazy, so at all costs to deal with such a female stream empress empress!

Withdrawing his gaze, Xing Tian shook his head again and muttered to himself: "Two days are enough. If you can crack the secret of this jade pendant, maybe you will find a new direction!" Xing Tian's figure flashed. Disappeared quickly!

For his excuse for going to the military camp two days later, Xing Tian had already thought about it on the way back. It was indeed a good excuse to have General Moro as a shield, and Xing Tian also believed that his mother would not be here. Things have blocked himself, after all, the identity of General Moro is there, and his origin is also somewhat mysterious.

"What is this, what power can make it hide so well, even the power of my divine consciousness can't unlock it, the power of this seal is so powerful, as if the power of a world is sealing it!" Jiang Yupei Holding it in his hand, Xing Tian's expression was constantly changing, his brows were sometimes frowned, and sometimes let go, his mind was completely devoted to the exploration of this treasure!

The power of a world, this is the true feeling of Xing Tian from the power outside the jade pendant. If Xing Tian hadn't practiced the way of the world, he would not have felt this mysterious power, but only the trace of power he felt, Xing Tian It seems to be facing a world, and it is a complete world, a complete world with three thousand avenues!

auzw.com"How is this possible? I must be wrong. The power of a world condenses on this little jade pendant and seals it. This is really ridiculous, no To say how terrible the power of the world condensed by this complete Three Thousand Dao is, it is only the power of the general world, and it is not something that this little jade pendant can bear!" Xing Tian shook his head soon and gave up his previous guess. , After all, this is too unbelievable, let alone a small jade pendant, even if it is a real treasure, it can also withstand the power of the complete world. In the face of the power of the world, even the treasure will be destroyed!

No matter how weak the world is, it is also the power of the world. It is not something a treasure can carry. What treasure is worth using the power of the world, and is the power of a complete world to seal? Xing Tian couldn't think of it. The impact of this treasure on his return was so great that he couldn't believe it and made him doubt it!

After exploring again with all his heart, Xing Tian's expression became extremely dignified. The result this time was still the same as before. He still felt the power of the world, the power of the world condensed by the complete three thousand avenues. It is a treasure that has been sealed, a treasure that has been sealed by the power of the entire world! Who has done such crazy things with such a big hand, or is it that only the power of the entire world can seal this treasure?

Xing Tian was meditating. This time the impact on him was too great, but he could unlock this secret and dissolve the seal of the power of the world, and he would get a world-shattering supreme treasure that could make him fight instantly. Power multiplied!

Of course, it is also possible that what is sealed inside is not the most precious treasure, but the foreign treasure that makes the world and the world be jealous. It is the foreign treasure that exists for the destruction of the world, just like its own chaotic destruction avenue. If this is the case, the consequences will be serious. After that, the pressure and danger he faced will also multiply. When he thought of this, Xing Tian could not help but shudder!

What I should do is to fully mobilize my own chaotic destruction avenue origin, to wipe out this world avenue little by little, break this seal, or give up temporarily. After all, to wipe out such a powerful world power, it will also affect my origin. There will be terrible consumption, even if one can mobilize the power of destroying the treasure in the sea of ​​consciousness, it will also deplete its own origin.

"Forget it, let it go for the time being, two days later, I may face a terrible storm, a crazy killing. At this time, under this situation, it is not the wise man’s work to consume his own origin. Once I have a problem, it will definitely affect my safety and plunge myself into a crisis of death. Perhaps the emergence of this treasure, the arrival of this opportunity, is also a calculation by the world for me, perhaps this It's a trap, a terrible trap!"

Think twice before doing everything, especially at this critical moment, Xing Tian can't be careless, any mistake will bring him devastating damage. After thinking of this, Xing Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and once again wore jade. She put it away and let go of her mind, letting all the previous guesses and confusions disappear.

Before the war, Xing Tian didn't want to mess up his mind, lost his care, and plunged himself into a terrible disaster, calmed all the thoughts in his heart, and Xing Tian's face was calm again, and Xing Tian also wanted to sacrifice. A weapon that is worthy of the hand is limited in time and resources. Even if he has a good method of refining, he still can’t do it. The only thing Xing Tian can use now is the sword of average quality. The quality of this sword is so ordinary, the power it can carry is so limited, Xing Tian had to sigh again!

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