God of Destruction

Chapter 3778: Doubts

Chapter 3778: Doubts

"Is it worth it? Is it worth giving up your life and sacrificing your own future for these generals?" There was a faint doubt on the face of Tongtianhe Water God. He couldn't understand why General Moreau made such a decision!

General Moro smiled calmly and said: "Water God, you are a god. You can't understand my feelings and my decision, because during those long years, your humanity and your soul have been incense. Influence, you have lost your humanity, naturally you will not understand my mood, my thoughts, this is the gap between man and god!"

When the words of General Moreau fell, Xing Tian's heart was horrified. These words made him unconsciously vigilant. Although he had worshiped the God of Tongtian River, but the **** was ultimately a god, and he could not fully believe him. , After all, there is an essential difference between gods and humans. When there is an absolute temptation of profit, this cheap brother is likely to betray him!

"Yeah, I really can't understand it. It's because I can't understand, so I want to understand and I want to find my humanity! Don't worry, I am a god. Since I have promised you, I will try my best, as long as I don't At that dangerous moment, I won’t give up, because this may be my chance!” When Tongtianhe Water God said this, a faint smile appeared on his face because he was hearing General Moro’s During those words, I vaguely felt the appearance of chance in my heart!

Crisis is also an opportunity, disaster is also a harvest. Everything has a silver lining. This time seems to be a terrible crisis, but as long as you can grasp it, you can find your own opportunity in this crisis, and Xing Tian can feel himself. The opportunity of the Tongtian River Water God can also be felt, the same is true for General Moro, but the choice of General Morrow is different. As for what the queen empress is, this is what they can know, after all, the empress is just a mortal body!

When everything is said and done, everyone also has enlightenment in their hearts, and they can let go of their guards. No one wants to die, and no one wants to bear the huge cause and effect. So at this moment, Xing Tian is good. Regardless of Tianhe Water God, General Moruo, their hearts are relaxed, only the empress empress can't know how they feel.

"The two peace of mind are in this barracks. As long as the enemy does not show up and does not threaten the safety of the Empress Empress, you can hide forever. Even if the army is in turmoil, neither of you two will show up. Everything depends on the safety of the Empress Empress. Hey! I'm leaving, and the safety of the empress is entrusted to the two!" At this point, General Moro didn't wait for Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God to make a guarantee, so he turned and left, striding away from the central camp!

"What a Moro, what a pillar of the empire, able to make such a crazy choice, if the imperial fortune lost this pillar in this battle because of internal disputes, it would be a fatal loss!" Looking at the figure of General Moruo leaving, Tongtianhe Water God unknowingly said such words of exclamation, this is his true thoughts!


Xing Tian also sighed and said: "Yes! A thousand armies are easy to get, and a general is hard to find! If this battle is because of the empire itself, if General Moruo orders the border, the entire empire will be turbulent, really. When this happens, the empire’s luck will come to an end, no matter how hard you struggle, there is only one dead end, and the military and the people will completely collapse!

Upon hearing the words of Xing Tian and the water **** of the Tongtian River, the Empress Empress showed an ugly look on her face. She was worried and afraid. As a queen, she naturally understood what this situation would be for the entire empire. At this time, she couldn’t help but regret it. She shouldn’t have made such a choice. She shouldn’t have come here for a strange treasure, which would cause such a terrible change in the situation of the empire, once the worst happened. Now, the empire will collapse!

"Is this the empire's calculation, or is the empire calculated?" The empress could not help but feel this kind of confusion in her heart: "Perhaps the lurker in the center of the empire deliberately caused all this. The emperor must make every effort to find these lurking people and behead them, or they will become the villains who buried the empire one day!"

"Oh! Brother Xian, in fact, you shouldn't be involved in this battle. If you know that there will be such a shocking change, I will not let you participate in anyway. This battle is too dangerous, and I don't have the confidence to take part in it. Retreat!" When the figure of General Moruo disappeared, the God of Tongtian River looked at Xing Tian and let out a sigh, a faint worry flashed across his face!

Xing Tian shook his head and said, "No, brother, you are wrong. I have no choice in this battle. This battle is indeed very dangerous, but it is not enough to make me scared. Moreover, this is not just the Queen’s catastrophe, but also This is the catastrophe that I have to face in reincarnation. Only after this calamity can I be recognized by heaven and earth! This battle is the test of heaven and earth on me. I have passed it, and everything will be fine. There is only one dead end."

"What? How is this possible?" When he heard Xing Tian's words, the God of Tongtian River was shocked!

"There is nothing impossible. This is what I have to face when I return to reincarnation. Only after this catastrophe can I gradually regain the strength of the previous life and gradually restore all the memories of the previous life. , Brother can leave alone, leave me alone, because this is my catastrophe and has nothing to do with you!"

Shock! The empress empress was also shocked by Xing Tian’s words, but she couldn’t help but wonder why Xing Tian had to say such things in front of her. Such secrets should not be known to outsiders like herself. So, what exactly is Xing Tian doing this for? Isn't he worried that the leak of the secret will make him change?

worry? No, Xing Tian never worried that the empress empress will change because of these words, because in Xing Tian’s eyes, the empress empress is not the protagonist. Compared with the general trend of the world, the queen empress is not worth mentioning, this time it is the general trend of the world. Yang Mou, no matter how Xing Tian avoids it, it’s useless. As Xing Tian said, he must face this battle. This is a test. Heaven and earth test him. There is only one way to escape. Therefore Xing Tian is not afraid of the queen’s empress. change!

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