God of Destruction

Chapter 3779: Lurker

Chapter 3779

"No, I will not leave. No matter how terrifying the danger of this battle, I will not leave alone, no matter how dangerous it is, I will protect the way for you!" Tongtian River Water God said to Xing Tian firmly. Although he knew in his heart how amazing the danger of this battle was, in the end he was willing to accompany Xing Tian to face this terrible catastrophe!

Count on the empire center? No, no matter whether it is Xingtian or Tongtian River God of Water, they don’t care about it. It’s better to rely on people than on yourself. Only your own strength is the most true and reliable. Since the enemy dares to make this crazy move, It shows that they can't bear it. Under such circumstances, conspiracy and trickery are useless, and everything must be spoken with strength!

Is the water **** of Tongtian River confident in Xingtian, or is he unable to let go of the inheritance of stars in Xingtian's hands? Worried about Xing Tian's fall, his inheritance of Shui De Xingjun will also disappear, letting himself miss the opportunity to transform himself? Speaking of both! When the God of Tongtian River saw the hope of getting rid of the divine way, he was naturally unwilling to watch the opportunity quietly drain from his side, so even if the situation of this battle was fierce, he also stood firmly on Xingtian’s side and was willing to let go. Give it a go!

Xing Tian shook his head and didn't say anything more. Everything has both pros and cons, and the situation he faces this time is ten dangerous and dangerous. Since Tongtianhe Water God is willing to step into this overall situation by himself, it also means his own investment. Succeeded! Of course, Xing Tian does not fully believe that the other party will work hard for himself. After all, no matter how good his interests are, his own life is not as important. The longer you live, the more afraid of death. This is Xing Tian’s perception of all practitioners, and this is Harmony It is also true!

As a god, Tongtianhe Water God has seen too many deaths. After living for such a long time, he really has to face death and let him give up his life for Xingtian protector. Will he work hard? No, at least in Xing Tian's heart, he doesn't think such a thing will happen. If you take these words seriously, then Xing Tian is the real fool!

Time is passing, and as time goes on, the evil spirit over the barracks is getting stronger and stronger. The breath of death enveloped the entire army camp, even the evil spirit of the army itself was suppressed by the terrible breath of death. , So that everyone's heart seemed to be crushed by a boulder, making people breathless.

This is the precursor to the storm, this is the silence before the war! The stronger the cultivation base, the more he can feel the pressure from this invisible, and the more he can be affected by this terrible aura. When the external situation reaches this terrifying level, whether it is Xingtian Well, the **** of the Tongtian River or the general Morrow became extremely vigilant, and the entire army was fully mobilized. In order to prevent the occurrence of civil strife, General Morrow also issued a death order. Anyone who dares to confuse the crowd will be killed, no matter what What identity does the other party have, no matter where they are!

auzw.com has just experienced a **** battle of life and death. When receiving such an order, they all had a vague understanding. In the previous terrible war, the death and injury It's so heavy, not entirely because of the departure of General Moro, more because of their own internal destruction, but no one knows who the secret person is, because all they know are already dead in that war. In the midst of an order, the whole army became extremely quiet, countless pairs of eyes staring at everything secretly!

General Moreau did not directly issue the order to search for the lurkers, but completed the process. The anger in the hearts of all the soldiers was ignited, and they were investigating the people around them one after another, because everyone was afraid of the time when the war appeared. , I will be assassinated by those **** lurkers, and the entire barracks will become extremely solemn in an instant.

"Damn, we all underestimated Moreau. As a general, he has abilities that we can't imagine. Just a command ignited the anger in the hearts of all soldiers. Under this situation, if we dare to show our heads. , Wanting to make trouble, it is definitely a dead end, and you will be directly bombarded by **** who are going crazy!"

"We all know what you said, but we now have no choice. The death order was issued from above. We must obey the order. Even if we pay our lives, we have to make the entire military camp unrest. This is the only way outside. Only when the companions have the opportunity to enter the barracks can they assassinate the empress and break the empire’s luck. As long as there is a problem with the empire’s luck, as long as the barracks fryer, the barbarians who have been watching coldly will naturally not stand by. The flames of war above the border will surely be ignited again, and then the entire empire will face collapse!"

"The life and death of the empire has nothing to do with us. What we have to do is how to complete the task while ensuring our own safety. This is the point. If we can't do this, there is only a dead end waiting for us. I think no one wants to. Face death!"

"Dreaming, you are dreaming in the daytime. There is such a good thing. From the moment we became the lurker, our destiny was already doomed. The last time we could escape the murder, that was because General Moro didn’t Knowing that we exist, we were caught off guard, but now it’s different. We want to do this again. It’s impossible. There will be gains if we don’t want to sacrifice. This is unrealistic, everyone don’t want to. With such illusions, you can only let yourself die faster, it will only ruin the overall situation, and will only make yourself sacrifice your life in vain!"

Silence, a breath of silence enveloped this small camp, and those people bowed their heads, thinking, it is difficult for anyone to face death. When death comes, their hearts will be for it. Fear, fear for it!

Seeing the performance of everyone, the person in charge of this round said again: "I know that everyone is worried about their own safety and don't want to face death, but we have no choice. You don’t think about yourself, but also for your own. The family considers it. Even if we die this time, we can only bite the bullet, because we can't hurt our family!"

Family, this is the biggest burden for these lurkers. Their life or death alone is nothing, but if they affect their family members because of themselves, the consequences will be too serious, so serious that they are also unbearable for trained lurkers. So they really have no choice. All they can do is one thing, follow orders!

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