God of Destruction

Chapter 3780: Cruelty

Chapter 3780: Cruel

cruel! This is the cruel situation that the lurkers have to face. The first lurkers are the killers carefully cultivated by the organization behind them. In order to be able to control these lurkers, their families, and their tribesmen are strictly protected. Some people betray, some dare not to follow orders, not only are they facing the frantic pursuit of the organization behind them, their families and their people will be devastated, so no one dares to resist!

"We all know and understand what you are talking about. There is only one chance. To bring the entire barracks into riots and make the army out of control. Only the grain and grass. We can only start with the grain and grass. Only in this way can the entire military camp be turbulent. It's impossible to do it with a few hands. It is Moreau's direct line who guards the army's food. In this situation, no one can approach it!"

"Yeah, in such a crazy situation, we have lost the opportunity, lost the initiative, and have no chance to go to war. Even this gathering was made with many excuses. Time waits for no one. , We cannot stay for too long, or we will expose ourselves soon, make a decision, you are the leader of all of us, this matter is up to you, no matter what we want to do, we will not refuse, this It is our life!"

After understanding his own situation, someone finally couldn't bear the terrible pressure and expressed his own voice. When he couldn't see the hope of survival, he no longer thought about so much. In any case, it was just a death. , Why bother about how to die, so I just dumped everything on the person who presided over the matter.

"The fire company camp, three days later, in the evening, all of us light up our camps and come to a fire company camp. Whether it is success or failure, we are also dedicated. With the fire, everyone who wants to break through will break through, and those who are willing to fight will participate. After three days of fighting, it’s the time to attack. Let’s go back and make preparations. In the next three days, none of us should meet again or discuss anymore. This is our final mission. How success or failure is up to God’s will!"

Although General Moro has been monitoring everything in the entire barracks, he still did not notice such a small gathering in his barracks, and the gathering ended in just a short time. , And this gathering directly determined the time of the war and directly made the situation more dangerous!

"Damn, the evil spirits in this barracks are even more terrifying. It seems that the war is about to break out. I'm afraid there will be turbulence in the barracks this time!" Just after the gathering was over, when the soldiers dispersed into the entire barracks, The God of Tongtian River sensed the bad situation and felt the change of luck in the barracks. This result made his heart heavier!

auzw.com"This is a normal thing. Since there are lurkers in the barracks, they will take action before the start of the war. General Moreau should have been prepared for this. If even this thing is not done well, Morrow will be the general for nothing. No matter what happens in the barracks, we don’t need to pay attention to it. We just need to ensure the safety of the queen’s mother! Big brother does not need to worry about this. Misfortune can't be avoided, it should always come, we can only face it!"

Having said that, when the situation has reached this level, how many people can do their minds as if water is still there, and can not shake their hearts for the outside world, at least for the God of Tongtian River, this is not possible, not only for him, the queen empress They can't do this. Under such a situation, their hearts are a little confused and they are all worried!

Isn't Xing Tian afraid that he will fail in this battle? Isn't he afraid of the fate after defeat? Having gone through too many wars, this little scene is nothing to Xing Tian, ​​and he can't shake his own heart. If he can't even face this scene, Xing Tian is not qualified to set foot on the road against the sky. , Has long since disappeared. No matter what changes in the atmosphere of this barracks, Xing Tian will not be moved by it. No matter how dangerous the battle is, Xing Tian is willing to start a **** path that belongs to him.

"Brother Xian, how long do you think we will keep on guard? When will the enemy take action?" Looking at the peaceful Xing Tian, ​​the God of Tongtian River was deeply moved. Just this performance is enough to show that Mu Zai has aspirations. How firm and terrifying is the will, and this makes Tongyi Disco God of Water follow Xing Tian desperately!

"Three or five days, after all, there is not much time left for them. No matter how big a storm is in the empire center, no matter what the other party wants to do, it is impossible to completely protect the secret, so they should only have three or five days!" When talking about this, Xing Tian suddenly sighed: "It's a pity, we didn't get back the power of the previous life, otherwise we can use the power of the stars to calculate it!"

Xing Tian also has some control over the deduction of secrets, but now Xing Tian’s body is too weak and his strength is too low. If he deducts secrets, he will not only gain nothing, but on the contrary, he will ruin his life. Tianji backlash is not Xingtian now. This little power can bear, not to mention Xing Tian's heart is worried that this is the conspiracy of those who enter the battlefield of the realm like himself, in order to eliminate the reincarnation powerhouse like himself!

"Damn bastards, don't let me know who you are. Those who dare to calculate my Xingtian will never end well. You will pay a heavy price for your actions. Don't think that the world has changed and you can do whatever you want. , As long as I pass this level, it will be the death of you bastards, no matter what your status is, there is only one dead end!"

It seems that Xing Tian's surface is unremarkable, but Xing Tian has endless murderous intent in his heart, the murderous intent of those who actually enter the battlefield of the boundary, the murderous intent of those who promote this battle, because this battle has begun. , Regardless of the outcome, the Great Tribulation had already erupted ahead of schedule, and for a reincarnated person like Xing Tian, ​​he lost the time he should have grown up.

Time is life. Losing this growth time naturally makes the situation of Xing Tian these reincarnation powerhouses more dangerous. Perhaps at this moment, for all those who participated in the territorial battlefield catastrophe, they have already been taken by their own Affected by selfishness, they have all forgotten the interests of the sect. They detonated the catastrophe frantically in advance, not only to seize the benefits of this realm battlefield world, but also to target the reincarnation like Xing Tian The strong of reincarnation!

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