God of Destruction

Chapter 3786: Festival Liuhe Great Array

Chapter 3786: Liuhe Grand Formation

The God of Tongtian River wanted to find out the identity of the other party, but no matter how much he looked at it, he couldn’t figure out the identity of the other party. Obviously, these six powerful men who were about to die were hidden behind these forces. Strength, it is impossible to determine the power behind the other party from the basis of identity. None of these six people, Tongtianhe, water **** knows!

"Hmph, don’t delusion, don’t try to inquire about our identity, it is impossible for you to know, God of Water, give you another chance, stop and leave, we will not embarrass you, if you must be pleased to be our enemy , We only have one chance to see you off, and only one chance. You have to test it clearly, lest you lose your life in vain!"

Soon the six powerhouses opened their mouths to continue to warn the Tongtian River Water God, hoping to use this pressure to force the Tongtian River Water God to leave, even if their strength is far beyond the Tongtian River Water God, even if they have already determined She lost her identity as a queen empress, but she didn't dare to take the initiative. The God of Tongtian River was not an ordinary little god, but a true ancient god!

"Ha! Ha! Ha! It's funny, you want me to stop, you don't think you are too self-righteous, even if there are a few big forces behind you backing up, what about it, this can't scare me, no one can let it pass. Tianhe Water God retreats. If he retreats this time, he will lose not only his own will, but also hurt his own luck and put himself in terrible danger! If you want to stand, fight, don’t take your time, Your little power alone is not enough to make me retreat, come to fight, let me see your strength, see what your ability to dare to assassinate a queen of a country!" Said Tongtian River Water God ignited endless battle At this moment, the situation has reached the point of being out of control. At this time, no matter how crazy the Tongtian River Water God is, he has to face this battle. World War One!

"Okay, what a God of the Tongtian River, dare to be our enemy, it seems that the **** Moreau gave you something that is difficult for you. Since you are determined to find death, don't blame us for being cruel, but you should blame yourself Too greedy, do it, the Liuhe Great Formation!" With a deep drink, the six powerful men moved quickly. The breath of the six people instantly came together to form a powerful and unmatched Liuhe Great Formation, directly attacking Xing Tian, The **** of the Tongtian River and the empress are trapped!

"Fight, talk more useless! Since it is inevitable, then use strength to speak, kill!" Xing Tian shouted, the sword in his hand flashed out instantly, turning into a stream of light to point to a strong man, and the human sword was directly integrated. The enemy is locked.

"Slaying Swordsman, you are the kid that the barbarian has always wanted to kill. You are really powerful. You have trained in Swordsmanship at such a young age. It seems that your origins are not simple. I wonder if that old monster reincarnated?" Facing Xing Tian's killing sword, the Liuhe Great Array quickly turned around, easily blocking Xing Tian's terrible blow!


"Don't be entangled with him, Liuhe refines the sky, kills, no matter what his identity, there is only a dead end if we dare to stop us!"

When this low voice fell, the Liuhe Great Formation directly exploded with the most terrifying power. The six powerful beams of light connected the power of heaven and earth, and the terrible power quickly condensed, and the six heaven and earth spirit fires appeared in the great formation. As soon as these six spiritual fires came out, the camp was enveloped by a powerful fire, and Xing Tian, ​​Tongtian River God and Empress Empress all felt terrible pressure!

Fortunately, the queen empress has a treasure of protection on her body. Otherwise, under the sudden outbreak of the enemy, even with the power of the domain of the Tongtian River Water God, it will be difficult to protect her safety. The power of the Liuhe Spirit Fire directly restrains the Tongtian River Water God. It seems that the enemy is not unprepared. They are well prepared. They know the existence of the water **** of Tongtian River, and they also know the existence of Xingtian. The precautions of Xingtian and Tongtianhe water **** are wasted, and the other party already knew that they were standing. On the side of the empire!

Was someone from General Morrow’s army whispering? No, it’s not that General Morrow’s army had a problem, because General Morrow never told his men about the arrival of the Tongtian River God of Water and Xingtian. This happened because the enemy was too prepared. Enough, they understand the situation of the entire border, and are prepared for the worst!

Sure enough, Xing Tian and Tongtian River Water God are in the army camp of General Moreau. They previously wondered why Moreau didn’t care about the safety of the Queen Empress at all. Now everything is clear, because there is Tongtian River Water God beside the Queen. With Xingtian’s protection, even though Xingtian’s killing swordsmanship is powerful, these six powerhouses did not take it seriously. In their eyes, Xingtian is just an ant. What they worry about is the God of Tongtian River. After all, this is an ancient god. Therefore, as soon as the battle started, they directly used the ultimate move, directly exploding the ultimate power of the Liuhe big formation, they wanted to destroy the water domain of the Tongtian River Water God in one fell swoop!

"No, this is the Liuhe Spirit Fire. I restrained my water domain. If I can't break the opponent's Liuhe Great Formation, this time I really have to be planted. I can't let them continue. Otherwise, my water source must Will be refined!" Feeling the origin of the terrible fire, Tongtian River Water God's mood is extremely heavy. At this time, he has no hope that Xing Tian can fight back. After all, Xing Tian's killing swordsmanship is weakened in the Liuhe formation. Now I can only rely on my own strength to break the game!

"The stars are attracted, the light of water virtue!" With a deep cry, the Tongtianhe water **** directly used his own power of water virtue and stars to attract the heavens, water virtue and stars to bless himself, and strengthen his own water domain with the help of water virtue. Following his deep drink, a starlight fell from the starry sky, directly tore open the Liuhe big formation and fell on the water **** of Tongtian River!

"No, stop the starlight!" When the light of Shuide star fell, the six enemies were disturbed. In the light of that star, they felt threatened. The power of Shuide star restrained their Liuhe Ling. Fire, the power of the Liuhe Great Array is torn apart by the light of the stars. If the connection between the Tongtian River Water God and the stars cannot be cut off, their Liuhe Spirit Fire cannot destroy this water domain, and cannot break the defense of the water domain. You can't kill the protected queen empress! Once this happens, it means that their assassination has failed, and failure is death. You must know that this time they have no way out!

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