God of Destruction

Chapter 3787: Anti-kill

Chapter 3787: Anti-kill

Is the starlight so easily blocked? It is okay for ordinary stars, but it is very difficult for the natal starlight. After practicing the water **** of the Tongtian River, which is inherited by the water deity star, he uses the water destiny star as his natal star, and what he takes is the natal starlight. , No matter how strong the Liuhe Great Formation is, it will be difficult to stop the power of the Starlight of Water!

"It's such a powerful star power. Even the terrifying Liuhe big array in front of me can't stop the light of the stars. I'm just a beginner. If I go further, it will be so powerful. If I complete the transformation of my own practice, I'm afraid I alone can destroy this Liuhe Great Formation, but unfortunately, I still have a long way to go!" Seeing the light source of my stars continuously being drawn down, Tongtianhe Water God was shocked. I have a new understanding of the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun I got!

Strong, this kind of star inheritance is really too strong, even the Liuhe Spirit Fire can’t restrain the star’s light. Originally, his own water domain was restrained by the opponent’s Spirit Fire’s might, but now the star’s light falls, and the situation happened instantly. Reversal, his own water domain suppressed the opponent's Liuhe Spirit Fire, how could such a reversal not shock the Tongtian River Water God!

"Okay, very good, it seems that my investment is not in vain. The origin of water of this cheap big brother can be integrated into the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun. The ancient gods can indeed be combined with the Avenue of Stars, with the light of the stars. For blessing, the Liuhe Great Array can't even break the defense in the realm of boiling water. The power of the starlight is endless, and it takes time and energy to consume these six people. I am afraid that they will have a back hand. After all, this is not a normal disaster. This time, the target is not only the queen empress, but also me, a person who is against the sky, heaven and earth will not let me escape this test so easily!" Looking at the situation before him, Xing Tian was secretly thinking. Although the situation seems to be very favorable to his side, Xing Tian did not relax his vigilance because of this. On the contrary, Xing Tian was more cautious in his heart. In Xing Tian's view, this battle has just begun, and it is far from the end!

If Xingtian tried to assassinate the Queen Mother with the power of the Liuhe Great Formation alone, it would seem stupid to Xingtian, and the enemy had made such comprehensive preparations and paid such a huge price, how could he have such a stupid idea? It is possible to do such a stupid thing, so all this is just the beginning, perhaps this Liuhe big formation is just a temptation for the enemy!

Be careful to sail the Wannian Ship, the more at this time, the more under such circumstances, the less Xing Tian can't give up his vigilance, the more careful, if the water domain had not suppressed the opponent's Liuhe Spirit Fire, Xing Tian thought It is not an easy task to kill these six people. After all, using personal power to fight against the formation, even if Xingtian’s killing kendo is strong, it can’t do this. After all, Xingtian’s practice time is too short. The new body is too weak, but now it is different!

"Kill!" The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. When the opportunity arises, Xing Tian will not have the slightest hesitation. Regardless of whether the enemy has a successor or not, whether this is the enemy's temptation or not, Xing Tian will seize it at this moment. Opportunity, we must kill these six people, we will break through the Liuhe big formation, relieve the current crisis, and destroy the enemy in front of us!


With Xing Tian’s stern shout, the sword light rose again, and his body merged with the sword. Endless killing intent and fighting intent burst out of Xing Tian’s body. The sword light flashed, and the fighting intent and killing intent merged into a meteor of death. Blasting out, Xing Tian’s true meaning of chaos and destruction was sandwiched in this dead meteor. In order to quickly resolve the battle, Xing Tian was also cruel!

"No, get out of the way!" When he saw Xing Tian's terrible blow, the leader of the Liuhe Great Formation was shocked and shouted in shock. It's a pity that his reminder was too late, when Xing Tian's attack was launched. , Everything is a foregone conclusion. The Liuhe Array is a tool they use to encircle and kill Xingtian and Tongtian River Water Gods. Now this tool has become a rope to restrict them. Under the influence of the Array, it’s not that they can move at will. Mobile, and this Qia Qia has become their Achilles heel!

The most powerful force is also the most deadly weakness. This is their biggest hidden danger. Liuhe's attack is extremely powerful, but it is also their biggest weakness. Once the big array is restrained, their situation will become very dangerous. , And now this Liuhe formation is being restrained by Tongtianhe Water God’s water domain, so Xingtian’s fatal blow has become a terrible devastating blow, directly hitting their weakness and directly hitting theirs. Three inches away.

"No!" The enemies were screaming frantically, but no matter how they shouted, it was useless and could not change the ending. Xing Tian's terrifying and deadly sword quickly ripped open the defenses of the Liuhe Great Formation, and fell directly into the enemy. In the body of the locked person, under the terrifying Chaos Destroying True Intentional attack, the strong one had no chance to react, and was directly slashed by Xingtian's sword, and both the body and the soul were directly destroyed. Completely dead here!

With a loud bang of "Boom!", with the death of this person, the Liuhe Great Array was destroyed, and the Liuhe Spirit Fire condensed by the Liuhe Great Array also exploded, and a terrible backlash surged instantly. Losing the bodies of the other five people, they were all shocked by the terrible backlash force, and blood arrows fell in the air.

terrible! None of them thought that the humble "ant" in their eyes would destroy everyone's carefully arranged Liuhe array in one fell swoop, and endless regrets suddenly flooded their hearts. If they had known that such an amazing kid Xingtian had this way. Terrible combat power, then they will not commit such terrible and low-level mistakes and plunge themselves into a crisis of death!

Those who can be used to assassinate the empress are not stupid people. They all understand how terrible such a mistake is. A miss means failure in action and their own death. They are not afraid of death. What made them deeply feared was that their death did not achieve the desired effect, and broke the sect's major event!

For these people, the consequences of failure are the most terrible. The break of the Liuhe Great Formation means that they can no longer face the counterattack of the Tongtian River Water God, and are unable to resist the killing from the Tongtian River Water God. The backlash of the Great Formation is enough to hurt. They lost their roots, and their strength was weakened by half, so that they no longer have the strength to threaten the empress!

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