God of Destruction

Chapter 3792: Festival Killing Array

Chapter 3792

"Damn, how is this possible, this junior has mastered the supernatural powers of space, what exactly did the barbarian have done, and didn't even have this information!" When Xing Tian's figure appeared on the battlefield, the great elder who directed the battle Angry for it, he has endless hatred for the barbarians, and the three armies will be exhausted by incompetence. The incompetence of the barbarians can plunge them into a huge crisis!

"With such a powerful supernatural power in the body, it is just a joke to assassinate the opponent. No one has such confidence. Unless they can confine the void, otherwise this junior can retreat at any time!" , The enemies who were full of endless killing intent towards Xingtian were all saddened by it, and there was endless loss in their hearts.

Compared with the enemy, Tongtianhe Water God showed a hint of joy on his face, muttering to himself: "Okay, very good, no wonder he is so crazy, with room for magical powers, even if he is caught in a heavy encirclement. Get out!"

It is a pity that Xing Tian is not as confident as these people, mobilizing the supernatural powers of space, and the pressure Xing Tian himself bears is much more terrifying than they thought. If it weren't for the killer who mastered the power of taboo secretly, Xing Tian had no choice. , He was unwilling to do this, unwilling to bear this terrible pressure, it was just a space shift, Xing Tian's own origin was consumed hugely, which seriously affected his own combat power, but everyone was shocked by Xing Tian's previous actions. I didn't notice it!

"It can't be delayed any longer. The murderous intent of heaven and earth is getting more and more serious. If this battle cannot be solved quickly, when the power of the earth and the earth comes, when I die, those enemies are not fools, they will definitely notice me. My own flaws!" When thinking of this, Xing Tian had a crazy idea in his heart. With normal means, it is very difficult for him to break the game. After all, his time is limited, even if the killing avenue he owns is powerful, It is impossible to kill the enemy in a short time.

"Perhaps I should really use the power of chaos to destroy the sword formation. Even if I just mobilize the four killing swords to condense the power of the pseudo sword formation, it can also give the enemy a fatal blow, which may resolve the current crisis and let the Empire army You can free up your army to fight against the barbarians who are coming! Otherwise, judging from the current situation, everyone won't be able to hold on to the dawn!"

This is indeed a crazy idea, and also a dangerous one. Once Xing Tian mobilizes the origin of the four killing swords, even if it is only a moment, it will definitely lead to the coming of heaven and earth, and will surely endure what comes from heaven and earth. The sanction is based on Xingtian’s current combat power. Whether he can resist this terrible punishment is unknown. To do so is to risk his life!

Is there any other choice for Xing Tian? No, Xing Tian walked on the road against the sky. On this road of practice, there is no retreat, advancement leads to life, and retreat leads to death. One step back is the abyss. Therefore, Xing Tian cannot retreat, only bites the bullet. anti.


"Kill, the four evil spirits refine the sky formation!" With a deep cry, Xing Tian mobilized the origin of the four killing swords in the sea of ​​soul knowledge. Although there is only one trace, these four origins leave Xingtian's soul consciousness sea. After that, it immediately turned into four fierce beasts, and the phantoms of the four chaotic fierce beasts appeared between the world and the battlefield.

"Roar!" A series of four terrifying beast roars sounded. The phantom of the four fierce beasts aroused the evil aura between heaven and earth, and the aura of destruction instantly enveloped the battlefield. Under the endless evil aura, the emptiness of the four fierce beasts was condensed. Yingzai quickly solidified, and as the roar of the beast fell, the four fierce refining heavenly formations condensed and formed, and the enemies rushing in the forefront plunged directly into the big formation! Of course, there is still a small part of the imperial army, but Xing Tian has no choice. If he wants to win the final victory, he must pay something. At this time, Xing Tian can't let the imperial soldiers withdraw from the battle!

"Asshole, what's going on, how can this junior have such a terrible battle formation, capable of condensing such terrible beasts, that group of **** barbarians really must kill us!" Those enemies were screaming frantically, venting the fear and anxiety in their hearts. Together, they were completely plunged into a crisis of death. The space around them was confined by the force of the large array, making them unable to sense the outside world. Case!

"The power of the four fierce beasts, the terrifying aura of destruction, and the terrifying power of killing, is this his avenue of stars? This is terrible. Compared with the power of the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun, it is not worth mentioning. In front of this terrible power, the power of water virtue will be destroyed in an instant. Is this the power of the ancient strong?" When he saw the phantom of the four fierce beasts that continued to solidify, the heart of Tongtianhe Water God was shocked. He originally thought that Xing Tian's Star Avenue was stronger than his own Shui De Xingjun inheritance, but it would not be much stronger, but now he understood that he was wrong, and it was very wrong!

Facing such a terrifying battle formation, Tongtianhe Water God was shocked by it. Even if he fell into this great formation, he was dead or alive, and he could not get out of the trap at all, because these four fierce beasts condensed. Given the mighty power of heaven and earth, this power is beyond his imagination and beyond what the world can bear. Such power is a taboo existence!

"Boom!" A thunderous thunder resounded through the world. When the phantoms of the four fierce beasts appeared, a dark cloud was drawn above the void of the battlefield. Among the dark clouds was a terrifying heavenly might, although it was just a trace of the origin. Power, although the origin of the Great Dao of Destruction is not complete, when Xing Tian laid down this terrible killing formation, it also attracted the wrath of heaven and earth, and the punishment of heaven!

"This is the power of Heaven's Punishment, this forbidden power is not allowed in heaven and earth. This junior has committed Heaven's Wrath. This is his last assassin. As long as he survives the opponent's first attack, he can start from this killing formation. Get out of trouble, everyone hold on, don’t be afraid!” When he felt the terrible heavenly power from above the void, the strong enemy trapped in the killing array became excited about it. He saw the hope of getting out of trouble. When it comes to the hope of survival, it is hard to say just how big this opportunity is!

"Huh! It's so ridiculous that you want to survive the attack of my killing array, you have such ability, do you have such a chance, die, no one can shake my killing array, destruction will come, Nirvana!" Xing Tian With a low drink, the phantoms of the four fierce beasts stopped their solid behavior, and once again let out a roar, and this is the roar of death!

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