God of Destruction

Chapter 3793: Death comes

Chapter 3793: Death is Coming

Death has come, and destruction has come. When a roar sounded, the trace of destruction in the four evil shadows broke out. The power of destruction came on the battlefield, and the powerful destruction of the roar impacted and killed All the enemies in the formation, although Xing Tian is controlling this force, and doing his best to prevent this destructive force from harming the imperial soldiers, Xing Tian’s current realm and origin power are still too weak, even if it is. Do your best to control, there are still people who are impacted by this terrifying force of destruction, no matter how powerful the people in the killing array are, they are vulnerable to this force of destruction!

Death is coming, and the roaring sound is really the coming of death. As long as it is attacked by the power of destruction, there is only one dead end. In an instant, 90% of the creatures in the killing array were killed or injured, and only a little bit of the imperial soldiers Xing Tian survived under the protection of Xing Tian, ​​and at the moment when death came, the punishment from above the void fell down!

With a loud noise of "Boom!", a purple thunder penalty fell and pointed directly at the killing array set by Xing Tian. The thunder penalty fell, and the killing array set by Xing Tian was trembling, and Xing Tian's expression became extremely solemn, in his eyes. A terrible shock was transmitted.

Although it was only a blow, Xing Tian still felt the impact of thunder punishment on himself, and felt the blow of his own mind by thunder punishment. If Xing Tian had not experienced countless thunder punishments, he had a lot of coping experience, just this One blow can directly inflict a heavy injury on oneself, but once one is severely injured, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Damn, I still underestimated the power of thunder punishment. When the power of taboo appears between the world and the earth, the thunder punishment caused will be extremely powerful. This realm battlefield world is different from the world I have experienced before. The power of thunder punishment far exceeds the previous world, at least several times, even ten times, this time the trouble is big!" Xing Tian muttered to himself, this was only a blow, so Xing Tian had to be cautious. Be careful, you have to treat this battle carefully!

The increase of several times is a qualitative change. If it reaches a factor of ten, it will be a devastating blow. Even Xingtian will be shocked, and he must be cautious and deal with it carefully. If it is possible, Xing Tian would like to take back the power of the killing formation and the original power of the chaotic destruction avenue, but now it is too late. The original power of the chaotic destruction avenue that he has exploded has evolved into a beast phantom. , Has been integrated into the killing array, as long as the killing array is not over, he can't recover the original power of this chaotic destruction avenue, the original power is still there, this thunder penalty will not end!

"Hurry up, I hope this killing array can quickly clean up those enemies. Otherwise, after a long time, I will be severely injured by this thunder penalty. Once I am severely injured here, my situation will be very dangerous. No matter the enemy hidden in the dark, or the upcoming barbarian cavalry, they will never let go of this opportunity to kill yourself!"

In an instant, Xing Tian understood the danger of his situation. He knew that there would be such a terrible result, and that he would encounter such an astonishing thunder penalty. Xing Tian would not be so reckless, and he would take the kill before he was fully prepared. The power of the array.

"Thunder punishment, this is the power of thunder punishment. This **** junior has finally received retribution. Everyone holds on. As long as we hold on, the **** junior will lose without a fight and will be destroyed by the power of thunder punishment. Give people full defense and don't make any attacks. We are waiting for this **** junior to be destroyed by the power of thunder. This is a great opportunity for us to fight back. Let me hold on!"

A crazy voice sounded in the killing array. Although Xingtian killed most of the enemies, those strong still persisted and were not destroyed by the power of the killing array at the first time. The same was the case with the imperial soldiers protected by Xingtian. It was not destroyed by the killing array, so Xing Tian wanted to end this battle not an easy task.

"No, the thunder penalty is coming. Xingtian's counterattack drew the power of heaven and earth. His power was beyond the range that heaven and earth can bear. If he can't resist the force of thunder penalty, this boy will be bombarded by thunder penalty. Kill, how could this happen? Could it be said that God no longer cared about the empire, and at this time actually dropped the thunder penalty, causing us to die?" For a moment, General Morrow's mind trembled, and such a situation suddenly happened. His mind was shocked, not only for General Moro, but also for the minds of many soldiers under his command.

This time the change came too suddenly, and in such a dangerous environment, the minds of all the soldiers were strained. When such a panic suddenly happened, everyone's minds naturally couldn't bear it. The shock inevitably gave birth to such an idea. Fortunately, General Moro was not affected by this shock for too long. He quickly recovered. With a thought, his own fighting spirit broke out, integrating the breath of all the soldiers into the battlefield. In the middle, or it is really unthinkable, maybe in a few breaths, the whole general will collapse and fall under this terrible impact!

At this time, the Tongtian River Water God was also trembling. As an ancient god, he knew the terrifying power of thunder punishment better than General Moro, and understood how terrifying the impact this thunder punishment would have on Xing Tian, ​​if it were Xing Tian Unable to hold on, the only result waiting for him is destruction, heaven and earth cannot tolerate abnormal numbers, and Xing Tian's taboo power is abnormal.

"It seems that the luck of the empire is really weak. Just a war caused such a terrible thunder penalty. This is the camp of the empire army. It is protected by the empire’s luck and blessed by the empire. , The power of thunder punishment should be weakened, but this power of thunder punishment shows no signs of weakening at all!" Tongtianhe Water God saw much more than General Moruo, and thought much more. After all, the Tongtian River Water God is an ancient god, and the secret he knows is not comparable to that of General Moruo. In the first time, he felt the abnormal luck of the empire!

"How could this happen, the empire's luck is dissipating under the power of thunder punishment? What has happened, which caused the loss of the empire's luck, what is going on!" The queen empress in the big tent She was also shocked. As a country, she could feel the loss of the empire’s luck. Although the loss was slow, weak and almost imperceptible, it was the center of the war, and she could still be on the battlefield. I noticed a change in luck!

auzw.com Why is this happening? No one can give the Queen Empress an answer, even Xing Tian, ​​who is under thunder punishment, cannot give this answer. Xing Tian himself does not know why the power of thunder punishment is weakening the luck of the empire, nor is it clear why the thunder punishment It also targeted the empire's luck. Of course, Xing Tian didn't have the mind to pay attention to all that. The most important thing for Xing Tian now was how to protect himself from this thunderous punishment and how to survive this terrible impact.

Is it just that the imperial luck is losing? No, all the forces on the battlefield have also felt the loss of luck, and even the barbarians who are coming in madness have also felt the loss of their own luck. Why is there such a change? The reason There is only one, because they caused all of this. Their appearance detonated Xingtian’s power and made Xingtian sacrifice this terrible killing array. The killing array is weakening the origin of heaven and earth and affecting the power of heaven and earth. Therefore, the will instinct of heaven and earth is weakening the luck of all participating people, even Xingtian is no exception.

Qi Luck is very important to everyone, and Xing Tian is the same, but now Xing Tian can’t care about the loss of his own air luck. Although the loss of air luck will affect his own safety, as long as he can survive this catastrophe, he can. With the approval of heaven and earth, you can complete your own transformation, and the loss of a little bit of luck at that time is nothing.

"I can't go on like this anymore. I will be successful. Although I don't want to kill innocent people, I don't want to see imperial soldiers dying in the killing line. But if I am still so restrained, I can't do everything I can to pay. It will only be me. I can only blame the fate of these soldiers, and I can only blame them for being involved in the killing formation. I have no choice!"

When the situation reached this critical moment, Xing Tian’s heart changed. This time is not a time of soft-heartedness. If this continues, only himself will be unlucky, and only himself will suffer. For some outsiders, some who have nothing to do with him. The imperial soldier, let himself fall into the crisis of death, this is not what Xing Tian is willing to accept.

After going through many worlds and having countless war experiences, Xing Tian deeply understands that there can be no benevolent heart in war, and this time he has this kind of thought, so that he will be plunged into crisis in an instant. The impact of human nature recovery on oneself is the impact of human nature on oneself, which prevents one from making the right choice at the first time.

"I hope that this kid Xing Tian can see through the rules of war and make timely choices. Kindness should not exist in war. If he can't see through this, if he still takes care of it, it will only harm others and himself. !" Seeing that the thunder punishment continued to condense and the power of the killing formation changed, General Moro, as the commander of the army, instantly understood why such an anomaly occurred, and why Xingtian did not withdraw the killing formation when the penalty came. , But at this time General Moruo couldn't speak, because there were soldiers under his own in the trapped killing array. Under this circumstance, everything could only rely on Xing Tian's own consciousness!

Of course, everything has two sides. If Xing Tian directly acted and killed all the creatures in the killing array directly and desperately killed all the creatures in the killing formation, so that the imperial soldiers under his own death and soul would die, he would also bear a heavy cause and effect. A terrible karma, after all, such a killing is too serious. It can be said that when the situation reaches this point, Xing Tian is in a dilemma.

This is cause and effect, and this is why Tongtian River Water God is unwilling to participate in this muddy water. As long as it participates, once an abnormal change occurs, it is very difficult to get out of it. Now Xingtian has fallen into this situation. in!

kill! With a deep cry in his heart, Xing Tian let go of all considerations, and the power of the killing array broke out. The phantoms of the four beasts instantly turned into nothingness. When the phantoms of the four beasts disappeared, the entire killing array turned into chaos, killing the array All the creatures in it have been eroded by the chaos, and they have been killed by the origin of the chaos. The space in the killing array is returning to the chaos. In the chaos, these creatures are not able to survive. Those weak empire soldiers are in one place. Was destroyed by Chaos in an instant!

"No, you lunatic!" When the killing formation replayed the chaos, the enemies were crying frantically, they were terrified, but it was a pity that everything had happened, and it was useless for them to struggle no matter what, the power of the chaos was. Destroying everything, everything is destroying, unless they forcefully tear apart the source of chaos, otherwise they have only a dead end.

As Xing Tian made this crazy decision, a series of terrible black qi entangled Xing Tian's body. It was resentment, that was karma, that was cause and effect. When this resentment was entangled and karma was added, Xing Tian There was a faint distress on his face. The appearance of this karma caused Xing Tian's mind to begin to be affected, and a terrible killing intent was involuntarily born in his mind!

This is the influence of heaven and earth on oneself. Once you are affected by this terrible killing intent, once you are controlled by the killing intent, Xingtian will completely degenerate and turn into a puppet of killing, a puppet of destruction, and the thunder penalty caused by it. It will be even more terrifying.

When the chaos evolved, the thunder punishment on Xing Tian's head became more terrifying, but the thunder punishment did not fall, but increased crazily. The origin of the purple thunder punishment was evolving, and a terrifying eye appeared in the void. Among them, that is the eye of punishment, this is the anger of heaven and earth, Xingtian's behavior makes heaven and earth even more angry!

"Eye of Thunder Punishment, what did this kid do that attracted the Eye of Thunder Punishment!" When he saw the change of the void, General Morrow was shocked, and there was a trace of worry and fear in his eyes. The eye of punishment appeared, making his mind tremble again!

When the eye of thunder punishment came, all the creatures in the battlefield were in fear, and the shadow of death entangled everyone's hearts, because it was not only Xingtian who was under the pressure of thunder punishment, they were also affected by the eye of thunder punishment. Shock.

"Death is coming, can it be said that this time no one can escape this catastrophe, and will be destroyed by this thunder penalty? If so, this mutation is too terrifying, it does not matter that the **** died himself, don't hurt us!" Dang When the impact of thunder punishment rushed to my heart, all the enemies hiding in the dark were in a mess, and they couldn’t help cursing Xingtian, because all this was caused by Xingtian’s madness, but they forgot. It all started from them!

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