God of Destruction

Chapter 3794: Take the initiative

Chapter 3794 Active Attack

At this moment, it is not only these people who are upset, even the barbarian cavalry who are madly coming to the battlefield are shocked by this terrible thunder penalty, and their hearts are also cast a shadow. Although they have not participated in the war at the moment, all of this has a subtle connection with them. If it were not for their appearance, Xing Tian would not be so crazy, so they also have to bear part of the responsibility, which may be very small. But under this circumstance, their hearts are still shaking, they are all afraid of it, afraid of it, for fear that the next moment the thunder penalty will fall on their heads!

"Leader, shall we continue to move forward?" When seeing the terrible thunder penalty, as a sacrifice to the barbarians, there was endless fear and anxiety in his heart at this time. He tried hard to calm himself down and show his leader Ask!

"No, we can't move on anymore. No one knows whose head the thunder penalty will fall on the next moment. If we move on at this time, we will be caught by the madman in the battlefield, and the thunder penalty will come. At that time, our troubles were serious. Stop it, stop for me, don’t move on!” With this order, the barbarian’s horses stopped instantly, and Dasein was in the faces of these horses. There was a hint of nervousness on all of them, and they were also shocked by this heavenly change!

"Boss, we have an agreement with those people. If we back down at this time, I'm afraid it will attract the hatred of those lunatics. You must know that these lunatics can do anything, even betray their own people. Even the act of betraying the empire can be done. These people have nothing to pass. Once they form a deep hatred with them, it is not a small trouble for us. With these **** staring at us secretly, our situation will be even more dangerous! "

"We really can't afford these lunatics, but we can't afford the thunder punishment above the void. Compared to the terrible thunder punishment, I would rather face those lunatics. At least in this way, we still have a way to survive and fight against thunder punishment. , How much do you think our iron cavalry can still live, once our iron cavalry is severely damaged, do you think the king will let us go? How do we explain to the king, those **** don’t have a saying called dead fellow Don’t you want to die? Now we’re going to do this. We will wait until things are settled. If those lunatics can do more than Moro and can resist this terrible thunder penalty, then we will help them. Otherwise, we will turn around. Leaving, lest you lose your life here, as for future revenge, you have to wait for these lunatics to survive this battle!"

When the situation has reached this level and the battle has reached this point, neither side has a retreat. Any losing party will have to pay a heavy price, so this barbarian leader does not think that those lunatics can still be chased by Moreau after they are defeated. If he survives, he will be able to escape the frantic revenge of the imperial army. Under such circumstances, what does he have to worry about!

Watching the changes, this is what the barbarian cavalry is thinking now, and this is their decision. This cavalry instantly stopped outside the battlefield, watching the battle silently, waiting for the battle. When they stopped, the enemies who were fighting with the empire army were all annoyed by it, and they were all annoyed by the shameless behavior of the barbarians!

"Damn barbarians, I know these **** are unreliable at all. They can make mistakes if they get information, and there is nothing they can do. Now these **** **** dare to breach their contract and sit back and watch. Fight, wait for us to fight with Moro and both lose, and then stand up and take advantage of the fishermen. These **** are really damned!"

The voice of anger rang from the mouths of those crazy enemies. When the situation changed like this, they couldn't help but cast a shadow over their hearts. They were all shocked by the sudden change, and they didn't expect it. The situation has reached this level, the barbarian's cavalry is still so timid and fearful, so afraid to let go!

Does it hurt each other? To reason with these savages? No, this is impossible. At this time, these enemies have fallen into the battlefield. They can't help but advance and retreat. For them, it can only be a battle of death, or the final result is destruction.

"I didn't expect that a small mistake would plunge everyone into such a terrible crisis. The original small'ant' went against the sky, broke our plan and disrupted everything about us. If we lose once, then we will lose on this'ant', on the ignorant **** of the barbarians, and with a group of deceptive allies like them, then we are ruining ourselves! If we can get away this time, we must Let the barbarians pay a heavy price for this!"

When the situation has reached this point, these enemies will also bear the hatred of the barbarians who have not saved their lives. Even in their hearts, this hatred is not smaller than Xing Tian. Some people have had it in their hearts. After all, the barbarians are betrayed. Lift, make their situation change instantly, let them feel the impact from death, let them fear it!

"No, I can't continue like this, otherwise this army that has been hard to get together will be completely lost over time, and my own troubles will be even greater at that time. I can't let this happen anyway! "When I thought of this, the barbarian's master instantly launched a crazy counterattack against his soldiers, they couldn't sit still!

"That kid, all this was caused by that **** kid. As long as we can kill him, we still have a chance to reverse the situation. Now this kid has been affected by the thunder penalty. It is our great opportunity to kill him, and it is our reason. Those dying companions avenge revenge, if we miss this opportunity, we will pay a heavy price if we want to kill him again!"

Compared to being able to kill Xingtian, no matter how big the price is, it is worth it. They can't do it. They really lost this battle. They lost nothing to say. From this moment, these enemies hate Xingtian more than Because of their hatred of the empire, the first target to be hunted among them is no longer the empress, but the lunatic Xing Tian!


In the eyes of the barbarians, those who betrayed the empire and assassinated the queen of the empire were lunatics, and in the eyes of these enemies, Xing Tian was the real lunatic. This battle had nothing to do with Xing Tian, ​​and they would not ignore them. They hunted Xingtian all the way, because their target was the queen empress, the empire army, but Xingtian, a lunatic, was desperate for the empire, was desperately risking his own life for the queen empress, and even led to thunder punishment. People who are not crazy are what they are, desperate for someone who has nothing to do with them, this is really unacceptable!

"Kill him, do you think I don’t want to do this? What are we going to do to kill him? Now this madman is being spotted by the eye of thunder punishment, who can guarantee that attacking this kid will not be backlashed by the eye of thunder punishment, if you want Go ahead, I can let you try!"

Yes! When attacking Xingtian at this time, will he be backlashed by the Eye of Thunder Punishment? Although Eye of Thunder Punishment is a punishment for Xingtian, no one knows whether killing Xingtian at this time will transfer his terrible cause and effect. As for themselves, no one wants to take risks or dare to take risks until they know everything. Failure is death. Now they cannot afford too many casualties. After all, this battle has just begun, and no one knows what will happen next. What's the situation!

"But we can't wait any longer. This lunatic is daring to attack our people. It won’t be long before we continue like this. Those of us who participated in the war will die here. Now we have no choice but to take on this cause and effect. , We have to kill this bastard, and if it can really attract the Eye of Thunder Punishment, it will be more beneficial to us. We can use the power of the Eye of Thunder Punishment to destroy the empire army, destroy Moreau, kill the queen, and break the empire. Luck!"

"Yes, this is indeed a good idea. Now that you have put forward such an opinion, let you start the attack. Don't let everyone down! The forbidden arrow in your hand is enough to threaten the life of that lunatic. Just find the right opportunity. The ground can give him a fatal blow! There is not much time left for us. The barbarians can't count on it anymore. Everything depends on us!"

Those who can stand here are true dead men, all to achieve their goals, they can sacrifice themselves, for them as long as death is worthwhile, they will not fear death, will not shrink back! Before starting the action, all those who participated in this battle knew what would end, and they all understood that even if they succeeded, they could not escape death, so they all came with the belief that they would die. Death to them is just Return to the world, just re-enter the cycle!

"I need everyone's help. This time I can't miss anymore. There are not many forbidden arrows. We want to complete the task. We have to face not only this crazy kid, but Moro, and Tianhe Water God, I hope everyone can help me so that I can shoot the strongest arrow, the most terrifying arrow!"

Refuse? No, no one would refuse. The situation has reached this point. Such a request cannot be more reasonable. The strong people who have been hiding in the dark nodded one by one, and then a series of spells were blessed on this person. On the forbidden arrow, blessing on the treasure bow, in order to make it shoot the most terrible arrow!

When the enemies joined forces, when the forbidden arrow once again locked Xingtian, Xingtian's heart palpitated. With countless combat experience, he instantly understood what was going on, and said in his heart: "No, those **** enemies are staring again. Fuck me, this time they are determined to kill me. Under such circumstances, I cannot avoid it!"

"What to do, how can we avoid this mortal blow, how can we defuse this threat? Moro can't count on it, and Tongtianhe Water God can't count on it. They can't block this terrible blow for themselves. And my current strength has been suppressed by the Eye of Thunder Punishment, and I can't fight it at all?" Xing Tian's mind was turning frantically, thinking about ways to resolve the crisis.

"Thunder Punishment, now I want to shoot this killing calamity. I can only rely on the power of the Thunder Punishment Eye, and only rely on the power of the Thunder Punishment. Only in this way can I block the opponent's mortal blow. The collision between the attack and the thunder penalty will allow me to preserve greater strength, and in the face of subsequent dangers, the thunder penalty will not disappear like this!"

Xing Tian knew very well that when the thunder punishment came, he would not face one or two thunder punishments, but several times, or even the number of great perfections. After all, his chaotic destruction avenue was abandoned by all heaven and earth. Knowing the consequences of mobilizing the killing array to destroy the enemy, Xing Tian did everything possible to preserve his combat power in order to survive this terrible thunder penalty!

Accumulation? The enemy hidden in the dark is accumulating power, condensing the most powerful and terrifying arrow that must kill, and Xing Tian is also accumulating power, but Xing Tian’s power is preparing to trigger the power of thunder punishment and actively let the thunder punishment come. , In order to achieve his own mortal blow against the enemy. At this time, Xing Tian has accumulated the power of chaotic destruction of origin. As long as Xing Tian’s mind moves, this chaotic destruction of origin will appear again, and it will provoke that above the void. The terrible Eye of Thunder Punishment.

Can Xingtian's plan succeed? He himself didn’t know, because everything is unknown. After all, the eye of thunder punishment above the void has not condensed to the limit. He actively mobilized the power of thunder punishment, which may not be successful, but Xing Tian has no choice now. Under this double attack, he wanted to survive, there was only one way.

With a sound of "Whoo!", the enemy finally shot the terrible arrow, and the arrow shot out, directly tearing open the void, directly breaking through the resistance of heaven and earth, and instantly appeared in front of Xing Tian, ​​and in this moment , A ray of light flashed through Xing Tian's hand, and the terrifying chaotic destruction source gushed out again, turning into a powerful barrier on his body.

With a loud noise of "Boom!", when the origin of chaos destruction appeared on the battlefield again, the eye of thunder punishment above the void moved, and before condensing the most powerful force, a terrifying thunder fell once again. Then, when this thunder penalty came, the terrifying power of 100 meters around Xingtian was shrouded in terrifying power. Those creatures close to Xingtian were instantly crushed, and their bodies and souls disappeared on the spot. Whether they were enemies or empire soldiers, they were all crushed. Destroyed by that terrible power, and this is just pressure, the real power of thunder punishment has not yet come, and that's it, so that everyone present is astonished, and everyone’s heart is affected by this terrible thunder punishment. Shocked, they did not resent Xingtian for the soldiers of the Empire, because this is the cruelty of war!

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