God of Destruction

Chapter 3795: Fight to the End

Chapter 3795: Deadly Battle

Death in the war is normal. This is where the soldiers belong. In such a bad situation as now, Xing Tian can guarantee the safety of most people. This is already very rare. What's more, Xing Tian's action is to rescue them. How could Xingtian be blamed for this little death? There is no such reason in the world.

In just a moment, those people close to Xingtian, whether they are enemies or empire soldiers, are retreating frantically, leaving Xingtian quickly, for fear that the terrible area of ​​thunder punishment will expand again in the next moment. They themselves were drawn into it. When the thunder penalty fell, the situation on the entire battlefield was reversed, and the situation changed to the side of the empire. The most important thing was the sudden outbreak of Xingtian, and the arrival of this thunder penalty. They had to stop, and they were afraid to continue the war because they didn't know what Xing Tian would do next.

Of course, what everyone desires most is to know whether Xing Tian can withstand the terrible blow of the enemy, and whether he can survive this mortal forbidden arrow attack. If Xing Tian dies in this arrow, then everything will be fine. It's over. If Xingtian survives, everything will change qualitatively, and the enemy will shrink back because of Xingtian's madness, or even directly retreat.

"We must kill this **** bastard. If this **** survives, it will become our biggest hidden danger and our most terrifying enemy. At that time, all the major forces behind us will be madly retaliated by this bastard. I don’t know how many fellow students will die because of this bastard. Such a result is unacceptable to us!"

The hearts of many enemies are cursing Xingtian, and they are all yearning for Xingtian to die under this mortal forbidden arrow. At this moment, they all feel that time is passing too slowly, just counting the breath time, but they are like saving. After a hundred years, the pressure in my heart is even more unparalleled, more indescribable, and this is reality, and reality is so cruel!

When the area of ​​thunder punishment came, the forbidden arrow was anchored in front of Xingtian, and was fixed by the powerful thunder punishment area. Although this forbidden arrow was used to shoot Xingtian, the power of thunder punishment did not care about this. , For Thunder Punishment, any force that enters the domain will be its own enemy and will be destroyed. This Forbidden Arrow is no exception. Moreover, this Forbidden Arrow is also a forbidden power, even if it’s Power does not have the original horror of the chaotic destruction that Xingtian condenses, but its existence is also to destroy the heavens and the earth, and it is also a malignant tumor between the heavens and the earth. Because of the existence of the large malignant tumor of Xingtian, Thunder Punishment did not find it, but now this forbidden arrow appears in Xingtian. By his side, this made Lei Xian instinctively think that he and Xingtian belong together and must be destroyed!

"No, how could this be the case? The power of Thunder Punishment actually prevented the Forbidden Arrow from attacking Xingtian. What is going on? Don't the world want this **** to die? Isn't this Thunder Punishment punishing this bastard? , But to protect him from failure. If this is the case, can we still win this battle?" When seeing this happen, some enemies could not withstand the impact, and they were crying frantically under the chaos. !

"No, it's not that Thunder Punishment is protecting the bastard, but we think it is too natural. Although we have the intention to kill Xingtian, any force that enters Xingtian's side will be destroyed by Thunder Punishment, not to mention this forbidden arrow. Tiandi is also an enemy. We were wrong, a big mistake, not only failed to achieve the goal, but also gave Xingtian this **** **** a chance to weaken the thunder penalty. We all underestimated the bastard’s wisdom and underestimated. The power of thunder punishment!"

Among these enemies, there are still people who can keep a clear head and can see the essence of things from such shocking changes, but now it is useless for them to see through, because all this has happened, when the forbidden arrow was punished by thunder. When he was given a residence, he understood that this assassination was a complete failure. At this time, Xingtian had no chance to assassinate Xingtian. There is only one possibility for Xingtian to die. That is, Xingtian himself was punished by thunder. The assassination of Xingtian will be a waste of energy and will be a waste of their own energy, because no power can fight against the source of thunder punishment, at least they can't do it!

"What should we do? This **** **** has ruined all our plans, and the barbarians are even more treachery. Now they dare not even appear on the battlefield. It is only an illusion to expect them to attack. We are defeated by the leader. It's a great irony to be defeated by a kid who we regard as an'ant'!"

This is indeed a great irony. For an enemy who has planned everything in this way, this irony is too big to be accepted by them. It is a great deal, but in the end, it has not been calculated that it will be defeated so thoroughly. It's so ridiculous, who caused all of this? Is it Xingtian? Or are they themselves? Or a barbarian?

It can only be said that all this is a coincidence, and of course their own ignorance of information. If they can understand the previous battle in advance and know what Xing Tian did in that battle, none of this will happen. It's just that it's too late to say all this, and now they have fallen into this deadlock.

retreat? No, when they left the school and madly rushed to this border, when they gave all their strength to stop the advance of the imperial army, they had no way of retreating, no matter whether the result was success or failure, they did not. The only way to survive is death. Although the current situation is very unfavorable to them, this is not the reason for their retreat. Even if they die, they will bite off a piece of the empire and make General Moreau pay a heavy price. Let Tongtianhe water **** pay a heavy price, as for Xingtian, this **** bastard, they can only rely on the power of thunder punishment!

"It's defeated. Our battle has indeed failed. The barbarians can't count on it, but these **** don't think about it. Although they didn't participate in the war, they will take Moro as a person. After this battle is over, they will not easily let go. We have passed barbarians, but now we have to do our last bit of strength, even if we die, we have to bite off a piece of the other’s flesh, we have to make Moro heartache, we have to make Tongtianhe water **** pay the price, let him know What is the fate of being an enemy of us? No one can stop us without paying any price, and no one can be like Xing Tian, ​​a **** lunatic, who can be crazy enough to provoke thunder and punishment!"

auzw.com Fight to death! This is the choice of many enemies, and this is their final decision! Even if there is no hope of victory, even if they have already failed, they will fight to the end. This is their mission and their destination!

"Go to war, don't pay attention to that **** bastard, don't care about the existence of thunder punishment, try your best to kill Moro, kill the water **** of Tongtian River, and leave the last forbidden arrow to the **** of water of Tongtian River, let him know about us It's awesome! The battle begins!"

When this order was issued, all the enemies hidden in the dark appeared, and those enemies who were retreating crazily also stopped, and their eyes showed a mad fighting will, that is the fighting will of death. , At this moment they forgot the fear, the eye of thunder punishment above the void, and the danger.

kill! The roars resounded frantically throughout the world, and all the enemies became frantic. They charged frantically, avoiding the thunder-punishment area around Xingtian, they rushed towards Moreau’s army like a tiger descending from the mountain. Recklessly launched a death-like battle, using all their means to kill the enemy. At this time, they had given up dodge, and they were all desperately fighting against the swords and guns of the imperial soldiers!

In just a moment, the empire soldiers died and wounded countless, because they couldn't believe their eyes, and they never thought that these enemies would be so crazy and so desperate. Under such an impact, the empire soldiers naturally suffered heavy casualties.

"Damn, the enemy is crazy, they are flaring their final madness, they are going to die with us, these **** are really desperate!" When seeing this situation, the general Morrow's face showed endless Shocked, once the enemy desperately fights desperately and desperately, it is a devastating blow to them, because there is no slight injury in such a battle, and there is only death, either you die or I die, nothing else Possible.

Fight back? What kind of counterattack did Morrow take? Although the empire army is superior in number, they are disadvantaged in terms of individual strength. Under such a desperate battle, the empire army obviously fell into the disadvantage, obviously suffering from heavy casualties, as an enemy. When such a decision was made, when this terrible battle appeared, Moreau had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue!

"Crazy, all his, mother, are crazy, those enemies are crazy, Moro's army is also crazy, Xingtian this little bastard! Also crazy, all this has changed!" Seeing such a sudden change At that time, the mind of Tongtianhe Water God was in great chaos, and such a frantic death battle appeared, which made him unbelievable. With the existence of an ancient **** like him, he had never seen such a crazy war before, and both sides put on a death battle like home. The momentum, this impact on him is really too great!

Tongtianhe Water God did not expect that when the enemy was madly erupting, there was a terrible enemy hidden in the dark. The terrifying archer was mobilizing all his own power and was exploding all his potential, preparing to give him a fatal blow. This time, this terrible assassin did not lock the Tongtian River Water God prematurely, because the previous failure made him deeply understand that for a real strong man, once he locked the opponent, it would immediately cause the opponent to react, so this Once he did not lock the Tongtian River water **** first, but first condensed all his own strength, and waited for the completion to give him a fatal blow!

The blood was burned, and after repeated attacks, this terrifying assassin's own origin was consumed severely. In order to be able to make a fatal blow to Tongtianhe Water God, he had to burn his own blood. Of course, the battle has already failed. This is an unchangeable fact , The result of failure is death. Even if you burn your own blood at this time, it is nothing, because your own fate is already doomed. This madness is nothing. If it is not for the success of the attack, he will even burn his own body!

"Can't go on anymore, the flesh can't bear the terrible backlash, Tongtian River Water God, let me die!" With a low cry, this terrible killer instantly locked the body of Tongtian River Water God, and then locked it. At that moment, the forbidden arrow in his hand shot out, taking an arrow of his own life to the enemy!

"Not good, dangerous!" At the moment when the terrifying killer locked himself in, Tongtianhe Water God felt his mind, making him react quickly to avoid under the strengthening of his own defenses, but unfortunately, everything has been done. It was too late. When the water **** of Tongtianhe reacted, the terrible forbidden arrow had penetrated his water domain and directly shot into his divine body, and a terrible force of death was on him. Broke out in the body of God.

"No!" Tongtianhe Water God was screaming frantically, mobilizing his own source power frantically to suppress the terrible power of death, but this power of death was too pure, too terrifying, even if it was through. Tianhe Water God had already cultivated the origin of Shui De Xingjun, but still could not remove this terrible death origin from his body.

The power of death crazily destroys the water **** of the Tongtian River. In just a few breaths, most of his body’s origin has been lost, and the water domain outside his body has to be destroyed with the loss of his own origin, and his The body has also become illusory!

"Damn, how could this happen, isn't the **** assassin trying to assassinate Xingtian, why suddenly he will aim at me, what is going on, what do these **** **** want to do?" In the heart of Tongtianhe Water God Shouting frantically and angry, he really couldn't figure out why he was targeted by the enemy in this way. Even if these lunatics are desperate, they should go to Moro, go to Xingtian, and the empress, not at all. Should find yourself!

It’s not that the killer didn’t want to kill Xingtian, nor that he didn’t want to kill the empress, or Moro, because he couldn’t do it. Among all the objects worthy of assassination, only Tongtian River God was the easiest to assassinate. With the last command of the leader, and many reasons added together, Tongtianhe Water God will naturally become the target of the opponent's assassination. He has to blame, he can only blame himself for participating in this war that should not be participated, and he can only blame himself. It is the weakest existence of all enemies targeting the target, so all this has become his fate!

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