God of Destruction

Chapter 3796: Anger

Chapter 3796: Anger

"I can't go on like this anymore, or else the power of death will wipe out my origin bit by bit!" A trace of determination flashed in the eyes of Tongtianhe Water God, and the strong man broke his wrist. At this time, he could not help but not do it. If you want to protect yourself, only the strong man can decisively abandon his origin of being corroded by the power of death.

Tongtianhe Water God understands how much damage this will cause to himself, but he has no choice. Between life and death, he naturally understands how to make a decision. Perhaps abandoning these origins will greatly damage his own vitality and make his own body. He suffered an unimaginable blow, but it saved his life anyway, especially at this special time, it was impossible for Tongtianhe Water God to hesitate too much. After all, the situation on the battlefield is ever-changing. Only if you give up decisively can you be able to Save yourself as much as possible to survive this terrible war!

There is everything in life. As an ancient god, Tongtianhe Water God has seen too many wars, deeply understands the horror of wars, and understands what is best for him at this time! As the mind turned, the body of the water **** of Tongtian River changed for a while. The body of the water **** was divided into two instantly, and a small half of his body was directly abandoned by him. The abandoned body was turned into a black mist at the moment of separation. The terrible power of death is directly destroyed!

Regarding this sudden change, the Empress Empress’s expression changed again and again. This terrible war had caused too many impacts on her, making her deeply understand that this world is not what she thought before. Simple, if it wasn't for her chance, if it wasn't for the great general Moreau's full effort to pay, I am afraid that she would have died and died, the danger of this world is beyond her imagination, and it is beyond the people in the center of the imperial capital. Imagination.

Yes! Today’s world is not peaceful anymore. If this war had not started, who would have dared to imagine that a queen like himself would be attacked and killed by the enemy, and who would have imagined that the empire’s army would be concealed in the dark. Blocking, it is difficult to reach the border smoothly, and it is difficult to assist the army at the border. Who can imagine that the enemy will directly attack the army at the border, directly attack the army commanded by General Moreau, who can imagine that the enemy will collude with foreign enemies?

The princes and ministers in the center of the imperial capital could not think of all this, because they have always been too high from the beginning, and they have always believed that the world is peaceful, but all this has happened. If it were not for the help of Tongtian River and Xingtian, at this moment, the frontier gate army , General Moruo’s soldiers have been strangled here by the enemy.

"Why is there such a terrible change suddenly in this world? Is the empire abandoned by the world and lost luck? Or is the world so terrible?" The empress was thinking in her heart, just what she saw There is still too little of everything, and too little understanding of the world, there is no answer at all.

"Water God, can you still hold on? If you can't fight anymore, then leave. You have done your duty?" Empress Empress sighed lightly, although she didn't want to see Tongtian River Water God leave, But she had to admit that the God of Tongtian River had done everything she could, and had already paid a heavy price for this battle. She had no reason to keep the opponent anymore, and there was no reason to let the God of Tongtian River continue to fight for her life!

"Haha! At this time, does the empress think I will leave? I have paid such a heavy price in this battle. These **** **** have done so much harm to me. Will I just run away in embarrassment? No, They have to pay for what they have done. The more they try to assassinate you, the more I have to persevere. I want to see how they die in this battlefield one by one. Only seeing them die here, I Only then can I get rid of this bad breath in my heart!"

Regarding the Empress Empress’s suggestion, Tongtianhe Water God didn’t even think about it, but she refused. He paid such a heavy price, which was beyond the imagination of Tongtianhe Water God. Such a heavy price made him feel extremely angry, with The endless anger must be vented. If he retreats without a fight at this time, he will only give rise to magical thoughts in his heart, which will affect his future practice. This is a result that he cannot accept, so he must persevere!

"But you can't commit death for me. You don't have this obligation, and no one will blame you!" Regarding the refusal of the Tongtian River God of Water, the Empress Empress was very puzzled, and she didn't understand why the Tongtian River God of Water Making such a decision is completely incomprehensible, and the gods should not be so crazy!

"There are not so many, but this is no longer an obligation, nor a responsibility, but my practice. It is because I cannot accept this result, cannot accept being so calculated by these **** bastards, and I don’t have the nasty breath in my heart. I can’t calm the anger in my heart, even if I die, I will stick to it to the end!” When these words fell, the water **** Tongtianhe exuded endless killing intent, but it was a pity that his own vitality was seriously injured at this time. A killing intent cannot be condensed into a powerful force.

"Damn, I still failed. I let Tongtianhe Water God, the **** god, escape the catastrophe. The gods are really hard to kill. The **** body can give up at any time!" Seeing Tongtianhe water **** abandon a half of the **** body and escaped. When he was going to kill with an arrow, the terrifying assassin showed a faint unwillingness in his eyes, but at this moment he no longer has the strength to launch the next attack, because that arrow has consumed his source and strength, and his life has been With that arrow came to an end!

Looking at the terrible battlefield, at the dark clouds in the void, at the direction where the barbarian cavalry was staying, the face of this terrible assassin showed endless unwillingness, and his breathing gradually stopped, and his life was finally gone. At the end, he left this world with endless grievances and endless reluctance in his heart. This is his destination!

auzw.com Such a terrible assassin fell silently, no one saw his death, no one cared about his death, this is the cruelty of war, and although he He fell, but the war did not stop because of this, it did not end. On the contrary, the war became more and more frenzied and cruel. His death was just the beginning!

"Crazy, these **** are crazy, the betrayers of the empire are crazy, Moro's **** is crazy, his soldiers are crazy, this war is crazy, this is not what we should participate in, retreat! "When he saw the crazy **** battle not far away, the leader of this barbarian cavalry was shocked. The situation has reached this point, so that he no longer dares to have any illusions and dare not to have that ridiculous dream again. Imagine that you can take advantage of the fisherman's profit, and can wait for the opponent to come out to clean the battlefield when the opponent loses. If you have such an illusion, it will only make yourself and this iron cavalry perish.

For a group of lunatics who have forgotten their lives, they can do anything. If they are enemies of such lunatics, they are ruining themselves, and perhaps they will win in the end, but that victory is also a miserable victory, and they have to pay a lot. The price of the empire, even their own life, for the barbarians, there is no need for them to face such terrible dangers at this time, in this situation, to offend the empire to death, which is not good for the barbarians. .

When the order to retreat was given, all the barbarian cavalry had a relaxed look on their faces. They had already been horrified by this terrible **** battle, and their minds had already received a terrible impact. They did not want to He didn't want to participate in the war, but fortunately, his leader finally gave the order to retreat, which made them all feel relieved.

Time waits for no one. When this war has reached such a terrible level, no one knows what kind of shock will erupt in the next moment. Leave earlier, but be safe earlier. In a moment, the barbarian’s iron cavalry blasted out astonishing discipline. , This iron cavalry army changed in an instant, quickly and completely turned around and left the terrible battlefield of the border, for fear of an accident at night!

"A good group of perfidious beasts, they are all these **** beasts, so that we end up like this. All of this must be passed back to the school, and this hatred must be deeply remembered, and these beasts must pay the price in the future! "The barbarian cavalry's sudden departure completely angered the enemies who were fighting wildly, and made them deeply hate these bastards. At this time, their hatred for the barbarians surpassed Moro and Xingtian. , Surpassed the empire!

The more dangerous the situation is, the crazier these enemies are, the more they give up all illusions, and the more they can explode all their potential, because they have lost the last bit of hope. The departure of the barbarian cavalry completely cut off all their hopes. , Let them truly become a lone army, let the last hope in their hearts be shattered, let the despair in their hearts infinitely magnify, and this despair gives them endless motivation, makes them more crazy and fearless of death!

The last craziness! If you give these enemies a description, the final madness Qia Qia can perfectly express everything about these enemies! At this moment, who are they fighting for, for themselves, for the martial arts behind them, or for their own family? No, they don’t have any thoughts in their hearts now. They have forgotten any sect and family. Now they don’t fight for anyone or any forces. Their battle is just venting, just the last instinct blooming in life. !

At this time, under this situation, these enemies are the most terrifying, because what they have left is only instinct, and everything depends on instinct to fight. It can be said that now they have become puppets, they only know crazy The killing puppets, but their puppets are not controlled by the source of the killing, but they are instinctively controlling everything.

Although the army under General Moreau is desperate at this time and is not afraid of everything in battle, they still can’t compare with these crazy enemies, because they can’t be so crazy that they only have instincts in their hearts. There is also belief, they are still fighting for their belief, but the enemy has forgotten everything, just killing instinctively!

If someone can look at this terrible war with the eyes of a third party, he will be horrified by the crazy **** battle in front of him, and fear, this terrible war is beyond the imagination of living beings. The scope of everything is so cruel, everything is so crazy, so ruthless! It’s a pity that there is no power at all outside the battlefield. No one dares to watch the battle under this situation. Everyone is afraid that they will be involved in the next moment. Like the barbarian cavalry, they will eventually have to retreat. This is The cruelty and terrible of this war!

At this moment, what is Xing Tian doing? What role is he playing in this war? When this terrible war has reached this point, what is he facing? Thunder Punishment, Xingtian is still under the bombardment of Thunder Punishment, even if Xingtian calculated the enemy, with the help of the enemy’s attack, he successfully weakened Thunder Punishment’s attack on himself, but Xingtian still couldn’t get out of this thunder punishment. However, for him, such thunder punishment is just the beginning, and no amount of calculations can change his own situation.

The punishment of heaven and earth, and the punishment of cause and effect, are not so easy to end. Who makes this not an ordinary war? The gathering of many reasons has made Xingtian unavoidable. No matter how many calculations Xingtian has, the power of heaven and earth It is useless in front of it, and it is useless in front of this thunder punishment. Although the early arrival of thunder punishment weakens the attack a lot, the duration is getting longer. The impact Xing Tian faces has not decreased at all. Xing Tian is also incredible.

Under the terrible thunder punishment, Xing Tian’s physical body appeared damaged. With his weak body, under such terrible punishment, it is indeed unbearable, even if Xing Tian is running its own source with all its strength, trying as much as possible. Earth recovers from the physical injuries, but this effect is very small, even if Xing Tian does his best, but his own origin is limited.

The power of the original source is being wiped out bit by bit, Xing Tian’s breath is getting weaker and weaker, and this is only the second thunder punishment, and it is far from the end. If Xing Tian can’t find a way to resolve it, only death is waiting for him. Perhaps his soul can be preserved, but this reincarnated body will be destroyed. The loss of the body will be a devastating blow to Xing Tian, ​​and it is also a result that he cannot accept. In Xing Tian's heart, no matter how much he pays The price is to keep your body. If you can persist in this thunderous punishment to the end, both your body and soul will be washed. This is a great opportunity for transformation!

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