God of Destruction

Chapter 3797: Day of life blooms

Chapter 3797: Life Blooms

There is a great opportunity in the crisis. Xing Tian can also feel this. Although the power of thunder punishment is constantly destroying his body, it is also constantly tempering his body and continuously purifying his own origin. The existence of thunder punishment is a manifestation of the two powers of life and death. There is a huge vitality in death. It only depends on whether Xingtian can grasp it and whether he can persist. What makes Xingtian happy is the quenching of thunder punishment. Under the practice, his path of good fortune and path of destruction have changed.

Lei Punishment continues to attack, and now no one can be seen around Xingtian. All those who participated in the war took the initiative to avoid the place where Xingtian is, whether it is the enemy or the empire army. After all, no one wants to die. It has no value at all, even these enemies who have been desperately desperate to die.

Perhaps in this battle, Xing Tian did not show strong dominance and was able to kill all enemies directly, but his deterrence was incisively and vividly exposed. With such a terrible thunder penalty, who dares to be at this time, Under this situation, war with Xingtian. No. Everyone understands that fighting with Xingtian at this time will not only help Xingtian fight against thunder punishment. The enemy is not a fool and will not do this stupid thing. Can't kill Xingtian, but hope that Xingtian can die under thunder punishment, and hope that the power of heaven and earth can fulfill his dream!

The barbarian cavalry retreated, and the greatest external threat of the empire’s army was eliminated. It seemed that the situation had developed to their favorable side, and it seemed that the empire side had an advantage. In fact, this is just an illusion, because the enemy is desperately trying to madly The situation exploded its last bit of potential. Under such a crazy impact, the imperial army suffered heavy losses. It was just a short time of confrontation. The imperial army fell thousands of people, and the enemy only fell. With more than a hundred people, under such a terrifying ratio, we can see the ferocity of these enemies and the situation of the empire army!

Under the frenzied killing, the entire battlefield was enveloped by a terrible **** atmosphere. This battle can only be described as tragic. There is no second word besides that. Faced with such a terrible scene, the empress empress’s eyes revealed There was a faint horror, and her heart was extremely shocked at this moment. This **** war was the first time she saw and encountered this **** war.

Seeing the many soldiers falling in a pool of blood and being killed by the enemy, the empress empress became nervous. Soon she finally couldn't stand it and said, "Water God, how could this battle be so cruel? These enemies have clearly lost their foreign aid and can no longer see the hope of victory. Why do they still have to fight hard to retreat? Don’t they understand that there is still a chance to retreat. There is no need to fight the imperial army to death. death!"

Hearing this, Tongtianhe Water God shook his head and said: "The war is so cruel, and for these enemies, they have forgotten life and death. It can be said that from the moment they started this war, they They have understood their ending. For them, whether it is victory or defeat, these people have only one dead end, because they have no second way to go. They all came with a mortal heart. This is their destiny, this is their destination!"

"Why are they doing this? Is it true that their hatred for the empire has really become irresolvable, so that they would rather sacrifice their lives and go all out to launch a meaningless war?"

"Why? There are not so many reasons. In the final analysis, it is a struggle of interests. As for whether they hate the empire in their hearts, this is only clear to them. This time, no matter what General Morrow reacts, after the end of World War I, his team The army will be completely crippled. This time the empire’s arrangement is really stupid and ridiculous. Without knowing the strength of the opponent, without knowing who the opponent is, he acted rashly, and even this terrible result occurred. , This battle will completely shake the foundation of the empire, and the defeat of such an iron-blooded division will surely bring the entire empire into turmoil!"

The God of Tongtian River is right. This battle will shake the empire's army. After all, the army under General Moreau suffered heavy casualties. Originally, this was already a crippled army. Now it is facing such a terrible situation. The casualties will naturally expand further. Although the number of enemies is small, they can use their own lives to take away dozens of times the number of people in the empire. For them, this is victory and this is the goal. You don’t need to pay attention to everything else. .

"Queen, this battle is no longer something you can understand. You have gone through too little. You will not understand the terrible battle or the fighting between them. You only need to protect yourself. Safety is enough. As long as you can survive, everything is victory. If even you are lost in this battle, the luck of the entire empire will collapse!"

The destruction of an iron-blooded division will trigger the turmoil of the empire, and coupled with the death of the queen empress, the consequences are really out of control. There is no one, no power can stop the overall collapse of the empire, and this It was not the result that Tongtianhe Water God was willing to see. He paid such a high price, but he didn't want to get nothing in the end.

People must have self-knowledge, especially as a high-level power holder. Although the Queen Empress has no fighting ability, her vision is still OK. She can understand what she should do in such a terrible battle. It is good for herself and good for the entire empire. After hearing the persuasion, she didn't say anything, and immediately stopped her voice and watched the killing on the battlefield quietly!

For the Queen Empress, it is better to remain silent. The more cautious, the more helpful to the war. After all, the empire's army occupies a numerical advantage. Although such killings are terrifying and cruel, but if you persist, it will eventually be The imperial army won, but the price to pay for doing so is a bit staggering, a bit big!


Expect Xingtian to quickly get out of that terrifying crisis? This is unrealistic. No one is stupid enough to have such terrible thoughts. After all, Xingtian is only facing the second attack of thunder punishment. With Xingtian's qualifications and his terrible karma, what he has to face Thunder penalty is definitely not the lowest, at least nine lightning penalties will come, but now it is only the second! Only the appearance of the second thunder penalty has already caused a huge impact on Xing Tian.

"I **** it. At this time, is it necessary to make a move? I have to help Xingtian. After all, the danger Xingtian faces is too great. If there is no external help, it will be impossible to rely solely on his own strength!" Soon Tongtianhe Water God gave up this idea again in his heart. At this time, under this situation, even a person like him would not have the ability to fight against the thunder punishment above the void, let alone weaken the thunder punishment attack.

If the power of thunder punishment damages Xingtian at five and the damage to Tongtian River Water God is ten, there is an essential difference between the two, because Xingtian has his own physical body, and Tongtian River Water God does not. The power of thunder punishment is only a **** body, but the power of thunder punishment has great restraint on the **** body. Don’t look at Xing Tian can protect himself in thunder punishment now, but if it is replaced by the **** of Tongtian river water, it will be ten dead and silent. The power of being punished by thunder destroys everything in itself.

"It's time to end, it can't go on like this. There was the threat of barbarians and cavalry before, and I couldn't let go of his hands and feet. Now I don't have so many worries! It's time to end this war!" In an instant, General Moro There was a terrible killing intent in his eyes. Before he wanted to save more soldiers, he was powerless. After all, there was still a barbarian cavalry hidden in the dark, which made him have to have reservations, but now he no longer needs to do this. I may let go of everything!

"If you want to fight, then I will accompany you to fight. If you want to die, then I will fulfill you. In this world, not only you can work hard, but I can also do it!" With a heart move, General Moro also He made a crazy decision and started to burn his own blood, because he knew that he wanted to end this battle early with his own strength, but there was still some insufficiency. If he didn't pay some price, it would be impossible compared to himself. The hard work, the luck of the empire is more important!

"Supernatural powers of soldiers, blood boiled, killing the world!" A deep shout suddenly came from the mouth of General Moro, resounding through the battlefield, and his body instantly amplified with this deep shout. The **** aura of He was awakened, turned into a terrifying battle armor of blood and worn on his body, making General Morrow like a terrifying **** of blood killing!

"Crazy, Moro is also crazy. He actually used military supernatural powers, which are permanent great supernatural powers. Every time such supernatural powers are used, they are a devastation for themselves. For some soldiers who have no potential at all, And sacrificing one's own energy and blood, sacrificing one's own condensed supernatural powers, is it worth it?" Looking at the blood armored Moro, Tongtianhe Water God muttered to himself incomprehensibly, the impact of all this on him was too great. Big, this kind of effort is a bit worthless in his opinion!

As a god, an ancient god, Tongtianhe Water God naturally felt that General Moreau’s efforts were not worthwhile, but standing in Moreau’s position, such efforts are worthwhile, because his efforts are saving the empire’s luck, although he will Losing this powerful martial art supernatural power, but his own sacrifice in exchange for the stability of the empire, in exchange for the lives of his soldiers.

The standpoint is different, and everyone’s unnaturalness is different. For some people, the sacrifice of General Morrow is not worthwhile, but for others, it is completely different. They think that such sacrifice is worthwhile, and at this time The sudden outbreak of General Moreau was not only a suppression of the enemy, but also a awakening of the bloodliness of his army!

"What a Moro, it seems that my waiting is really not wasted, the military is supernatural, the blood is boiling, let me end your supernatural powers, let me use my life as the price to destroy your origin!" Moro, who was wearing the blood armor, showed a crazy look on the face of a strong man hidden among the enemies. He has been waiting for this moment to come. Originally, it seemed to him that his waiting was wasted, but Now things have turned around!

"You have the magical powers of war, and I also have the magical powers of life, let us use our magical powers to fight for life and death! Life blooms, life is infinite, and death comes!" The end of life is death. This is not a false statement, this is life. At the end of the avenue, it's just that this kind of natal supernatural power has little meaning, because once it is displayed, there is only one result, and oneself must die!

‘Wow! With a sound of', this hidden enemy body instantly turned into nothingness, that powerful vitality was condensed into an arrow of life, and in this arrow of life contained the terrible source of death, the very end of life is death, this It is his natal magical powers, life blooming, magical powers released, and the origin of his body will be transformed into nothingness!

A stream of light flickered in the battlefield, and the arrow of life broke through the void in an instant, and plunged directly into the body of General Moreau. No matter how strong the magical powers of that general Moreau’s military master, it was him. No matter how strong his blood armor was, it could not withstand a single blow in front of the arrow of life. This was the ultimate strength, at least Moruo's military masters could not resist it.

"What is that? Such a powerful life force, does Moreau have a back hand that can attract such a powerful life force to bless himself!" When the arrow of life flickered, Tongtianhe Water God immediately noticed that one. The powerful vitality that flashed past made him suspect that General Moreau was hiding a powerful force in the dark.

The general Moro, who was penetrated by the arrow of life, instantly exuded a powerful vitality, and the spirit of the whole person had a qualitative change, as if his own potential was stimulated by this arrow of life. His injury recovered in an instant, and the breath of the whole person rose crazily, but he himself was not happy at all, because he could deeply feel the terrible power in the arrow of life, which seemed to be in Help yourself to recover, but the price of this recovery is to ignite one's own potential. Once one's own potential is fully ignited, when this life force is completely consumed, the terrible power hidden in the depth will explode. I am about to face a terrible crisis, because this power erupts in my body, so I don’t even have a chance to resolve it. You must know that when you ignite your own potential, that terrible power is also integrated into Moreau. In his body, it became a part of Moreau's body. This is the most terrifying place where life blooms supernatural power!

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