God of Destruction

Chapter 3798: Curse of life

Chapter 3798: The Curse of Life

"Hey! No, Moro's vitality has increased too fast. This is beyond the scope of his own ability. This is not a help to Moro at all, but is consuming Morro's life. This **** supernatural power is too terrible. It is so terrible that it can burn life potential. Moro is dangerous!” Soon, Tongtianhe Water God sensed Moro’s fault. As an ancient god, although he himself was severely injured, his eyesight But it was not affected. Before, because the vitality was too strong, it made him look away, but soon he saw the terrible crisis hidden behind it.

"Fortunately, this attack is directed at Moro. If it is directed at myself, can I withstand this terrible magical attack after being seriously injured?" When he thought of this, Tongtianhe Water God shook his head and couldn't do it by himself. At this point, although the body of the gods can avoid the erosion of many forces, but in the face of such weird magical powers, the body of the gods is also unable to resist. Once his life potential is ignited, the consequences are even more miserable than Morrow, because he has no flesh and blood. Body!

"Crazy, really crazy, all terrible magical powers have appeared in this battle, what the **** they want to do, they really have nothing to do with them, really want to detonate a catastrophe that swept the world!" Such a terrible battle made Tongtianhe Water God's mood extremely heavy. All this is crazy and terrible!

As an ancient god, Tongtianhe Water God deeply knows how terrifying and terrifying such a catastrophe is. He didn’t think about it before, because it was crazy, but now he has to think about it. The terrifying magical power is Appeared one after another, which deeply shook the laws of heaven and earth and promoted the outbreak of the great catastrophe of heaven and earth. Being involved in such a terrible calamity puts endless pressure on Tongtianhe Shui Shenlai, but now it is very difficult for him to get out, and he is already deeply involved in the calamity!

As the Tongtianhe Water God thought, all this has been out of control, and all this is exactly the result that those lunatics want in the depths. Victory and failure are not important to them. They care about pushing. The Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth promotes changes in this world, and they are the creatures of all parties who came here from the Supreme Chaos World to participate in the Great Tribulation of the Realm!

Troubled times! For these creatures from the outside world, what they want is chaotic times. Only when chaotic times appear can they have the opportunity to change the world, fish in troubled waters, and find the powerful reincarnation hidden in this world. Only then can we plunder more benefits, and then we can seize more luck!

Death is coming frantically. Every moment someone falls in a pool of blood, every moment life is ended. The cruel war has brought a huge impact to everyone, a terrible impact on this world, General Moreau wanted to end this crazy war, but he failed. Although his military powers were powerful, the enemy's magical powers were even more strange and terrifying.

The blooming of life not only interrupted General Moreau’s thoughts, but also inspired the ultimate imprint in the bodies of all those enemies who participated in this battle. This was the imprint on them when everyone participated in this battle. The power deep in the body, this is the ultimate power used by the enemy to accomplish everything, the ultimate means. Only when the terrifying and weird life blooming magical power appears, this ultimate power will be released and detonated, no matter what Whether it is life or death, as long as the body still exists, the power of this brand will not dissipate, and will be detonated at this specific time!

The extreme of life is death! The power of a terrible curse, the curse of life, broke out between life and death. The enemies who were killing frantically stopped for a moment, as if time was fixed at this moment, and the next moment, their Life was lost quickly, and the bodies of all enemies turned into nothingness in a few breaths, and when they turned into nothingness, that terrible curse appeared, and many imprints were gathered together to form a terrible curse that enveloped the whole battlefield!

The horror came, and within a few breaths, all the creatures on the battlefield were subjected to this terrible curse. This is a curse from life. When the curse came, the lives of all the creatures were quickly lost. This It is the enemy’s ultimate assassin, an almost incomprehensible assassin. For the strong, they can use their own powerful power to get rid of this terrible curse, but for ordinary soldiers, what is waiting for them will be death!

"Asshole, how dare these lunatics do this? This is to provoke the bottom line of all living beings, this is challenging the bottom line of life, and this is a force that is not allowed!" When he felt the curse of life suddenly descended, the God of Tongtian River did it. With a big look, and crying out, this is the enemy of life, this is the power of taboo, this power is challenging the origin of life!

"The realm of water, condensate!" A heavy roar sounded, and the Tongtian River Water God once again unlocked his own realm power. This time he didn't have any reservations. The spirit of the gods surged wildly, turning into a powerful barrier to take himself. Protected with the Queen Empress, in the face of such a terrible curse, Tongtianhe Water God dare not have the slightest sense of luck. Although he understands that the Queen Empress has great luck, he does not face this terrible curse of life. Knowing whether that luck can protect the safety of the Empress Empress, I paid such a high price, but I don't want to let the Empress die at this last moment!

"No! How dare you do this!" In the face of the sudden curse and such a terrible change, General Moreau lost his voice, making his mind tremble, and the curse of life came, just a few While breathing, the soldiers on the battlefield became extremely weak. If the curse is allowed to continue, it won’t take long for these soldiers to perish. Such a large-scale curse power is for all soldiers. A devastating disaster!

"General, this is the forbidden curse of life. It is the most evil and cruel curse!" As a master of the empire, the Taoist master of the empire knew the source of this curse in an instant, frantically reminding General Mo Luo!

"They are trying to force me to death, to force me to death step by step!" In an instant, General Moreau understood the enemy's intentions. When failure occurs, the enemy will choose this decision to die and pull himself. Pull the empire army to die together!

"Soldier! The evil spirit rushes into the sky, destroys the ten thousand laws, and the army comes!" In the face of such a terrible curse of life, General Moreau had no choice but to burn his own essence and blood again, forcibly activate the army's magical powers, and use the blood to kill Qi shattered all laws and resisted this terrible curse of life. As his roar fell, the endless clouds of evil spirits gathered in the battlefield and turned into a powerful shield to protect those weak soldiers, clearing the curse of life. The damage to many soldiers!


In a few breaths, General Moreau's expression became more tense, burning his own essence and blood to explode magical powers, which is rapidly consuming his own origin, his face gradually turned pale, and his hair turned black. Turning to gray, he is using his own life to save the lives of his soldiers and protecting these soldiers loyal to the empire!

Moved, for an instant, all the soldiers sheltered by General Moreau were extremely moved. Originally, everyone thought they were about to die, and they also accepted the result, but when they were ready to accept all this quietly, General Moro stood up and protected them with his own life. How could this not touch them!

At this time of the war, no matter how powerful General Morrow was, he would not be able to face this terrible curse alone. Being able to persist in this way shows that General Morrow is desperate. When this happens, all The soldiers of the empire were crazy about it. They were unable to maintain a calm state of mind. They all screamed frantically and burned their own blood, so as to reduce the pressure on General Morrow and reduce the pressure on General Moro. Luo's contribution!

In exchange for sincerity, General Moro exchanged his sincerity for the sincerity of many soldiers. When many fighters broke out frantically, their origins quickly merged into the magical powers of General Morrow, and they were sincere to each other. Underneath, General Moro quickly integrated with many of his officers into a whole, and the strength of everyone was gathered together to fight against the terrible curse of life. The situation that General Morrow had supported alone was improved.

When the people are united to form a whole, the cost of life is no longer borne by General Moreau alone, but by everyone. Since then, the pressure on General Moreau has been relieved, and everyone’s Safety has also improved, and the curse of life can no longer threaten their lives.

Such a result is something the enemy has never expected, because no one believes that hundreds of thousands of troops will be united and will link their lives together. In their opinion, this is almost impossible, but it is All this happened, happened in this battlefield, happened to General Moro. True heart for true heart, this is the power of human nature!

"Crazy, all crazy!" Looking at this series of shocking changes, Tongtianhe Water God couldn't help muttering to himself again. This battle has brought him too many shocks. He is no longer one or two times. Speaking of words like crazy, it can be seen how shocking his mind is, the impact is too great, it has already made Tongtianhe Water God unbearable!

It’s incomprehensible. For the God of Tongtian River Water God, I really can’t understand all of this, what these lunatics want to do, what to do, those enemies are crazy, Xingtian is crazy, General Moro is also crazy, for a group of weak men, Is it worthwhile to consume one's own life and one's own potential?

No one can give Tongtianhe Water God an answer. If you want to know whether it is worth it, you can only experience it personally. As the God of Tongtianhe Water God with endless years, it is difficult to understand all this, because he has no humanity and he does not understand The mood of General Morrow, he didn't understand the meaning of this sacrifice to Morrow himself, and he didn't understand what brotherhood was!

Humanity, at this time, is fully expressed in General Morrow. Such sacrifices cannot be made by anyone. And this Qiaqi is also the charm of General Morrow. It is a manifestation of his personality. Maybe he calculated before After Xingtian, he calculated the God of the Tongtian River, but everything he did was for the empire. Perhaps he was selfish, but in the face of such a big problem, he knew what he should do. Although this would sacrifice his own interests, he It seems it is worth it!

Unfortunately, Xing Tian did not see such a touching side, did not feel the earth-shaking upheaval in the battlefield, did not see the madness of the enemy, nor did he see the madness of General Moreau, because Xing Tian was still immersed in himself In the world, immersed in the terrible thunder punishment impact, there is no energy and distraction at all.

For the enemy’s curse of life caused by this madness, although Xingtian was also enveloped in it, the curse of life had not yet reached Xingtian’s body, and was destroyed by the terrible thunder-punishing power around Xingtian. If General Moro is said to be Burning his own essence and blood to induce the magical powers of the army to condense the defense power of all laws, while Xing Tian passively accepts the protection of the power of the thunder of heaven and land. When the power of thunder is attacking Xingtian, it will also use all external forces. After blocking it, no power can cross the field formed by the power of thunder punishment, and can hurt Xingtian who was punished by thunder punishment. This is also a kind of protection for Xingtian by thunder punishment!

Although this may be a bit ridiculous, this is the truth. When Xingtian received the test of heaven and earth and received the thunder penalty, he was also protected. No external force could conspiracy against Xingtian at this time and under such circumstances. .

Strange, under such a shocking change, the battlefield has become extremely strange. The military supernatural powers formed by the great general Moreau and the assistance of many soldiers are fighting against the curse of life condensed by the enemy at the cost of life. , Each other is consuming each other, although the terrible curse of life is very powerful, but when caught in such a confrontation, it is very beneficial to the general Moro and to many soldiers, because they occupy a numerical advantage.

Compared with everyone frantically fighting against the terrible curse of life, Xingtian’s side is surrounded by two layers of ice and fire. No matter how strong the terrible curse is, it cannot shake the power of the terrifying domain formed by thunder punishment. The people of the domain protection are constantly suffering the test of the power of heaven and earth in the thunder punishment! The worst thing to say is the Tongtian River Water God, because at this moment, there is no one to help him, and all the pressure must be borne by him. When he sees such a scene, the Tongtian River Water God is extremely depressed!

. Writing Chinese Network m.

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