God of Destruction

Chapter 3799: Festival curse dissipated

Chapter 3799: The curse dissipates

"Why is it always me who suffers in the end? As a god, I don't have human rights, so I must suffer from this suffering?" At this moment, the God of Tongtianhe was very angry, and all evil things fell on him. Zhan himself was so embarrassed that all bad things fell on him, and he had to bear it.

give up? No, Tongtianhe Water God cannot give up. After all, he has paid such a high price and has not received any benefits. To give up at this time is really a waste of previous work. This is the result that he cannot accept, so even if he is afraid of such evil and bad things. All fell on himself, he still has to persevere, still has to bear it!

"The curse of life, this is the enemy's ultimate killer. The enemy is crazier and more terrifying than imagined. Fortunately, it is drawn to Xingtian and Tongtian River God in advance. Only with their help can it last until the end, otherwise this Once the trouble was really big, not only the empress could not keep it, but the army under her would also be destroyed. It's a pity that those **** barbarians have already left, otherwise these **** will be cursed by this life, and they will suffer heavy losses. !"

Unknowingly, General Morrow felt a little pity, because Xing Tian’s sudden outbreak shocked the barbarian cavalry and caused these damned **** to retreat early. Otherwise, these **** would also join the battlefield, and they would also suffer from this terrible life. The curse is calculated, it will deal a heavy blow to the vitality of the barbarian, and it will cause them to suffer heavy casualties.

ended! When the situation reached this point, for General Moreau, everything was over. He only had to continue until the end of the curse. No matter how terrible the curse of life, it could not last too long. After all, the number of enemies Limited, the curse power that can be condensed is also limited. As for Xingtian’s safety, General Moro didn’t care, because things on Xingtian’s side were so horrible that he couldn’t get involved at all, while Tongtian River God and Empress Empress, General Moreau was not worried at all, the water realm still exists, which proves that the queen empress is safe, and perhaps the water **** of Tongtian River will pay a price!

As time progressed, the power of the curse was gradually dissipating, and at this time, the thunder penalty area around Xingtian was also dissipating. This wave of thunder penalty and punishment day seemed to be blocked, but this does not mean the end of everything. , On the contrary, above the void above Xingtian’s head, the aura of the Eye of Thunder Punishment has become stronger, more terrifying, and more powerful Thunder Punishment is condensing, and just a little bit of diffused breath will make everyone’s heart pressure. On a boulder.

When the power of the curse gradually weakened, General Moreau was able to take a distracted look at Xingtian's situation. When he saw the terrible eye of thunder and punishment, he couldn't help but think: "Maybe this curse The power will dissipate so quickly, and Xing Tian’s most of the credit is due to the terrible power of the eye of thunder that he attracted to obliterate part of the source of the power of the curse!"

Although the power of the curse dissipated quickly, General Moro was not happy, because the thunder and punishment aura around Xingtian was so terrifying that it had affected his army: "What kind of road does this crazy guy practice? It can attract such a terrible thunder penalty. I hope this guy can get through this catastrophe soon, otherwise the entire barracks will be destroyed by his thunder penalty! Everyone will be impacted by the breath of this thunder penalty. Being careful will become a demon in your own heart!"

Yes! This kind of thunder punishment is really terrifying. For the strong, they can eliminate the impact of the thunder punishment with their firm will and strong mind, but for those soldiers, they can’t do this. Now they It was not greatly affected because of the existence of General Moro and the guardianship of military supernatural powers, but this military supernatural power cannot exist forever, once this supernatural power disappears, the situation of many soldiers is very dangerous!

At this time, General Morrow was worried. His army did not die under the enemy's curse, but was destroyed by the thunder punishment that Xing Tian attracted. This is not the result he wants to see. When such worries were raised, General Moro couldn't help but worry about the safety of the Queen Empress again, and worried that the God of Tongtian River could not completely protect the safety of the Queen Empress!

"No, you can't let this happen. The barracks can be abandoned, but you can't let the power of thunder punishment hurt many soldiers!" For General Moreau, he would rather give up the entire barracks and abandon the army's garrison than resist thunder. The impact of punishment!

"You follow in my footsteps, we leave here and join the empress empress. If we stay here again, when the next wave of thunder's punishment comes, our situation will be dangerous!" Although we don't know the thunder above the void When will the Eye of Punishment explode the next wave of attacks, but time is not waiting, so the dangerous place cannot stay long.

Soon, the general Moruo acted immediately, carefully maintaining his supernatural powers, and slowly began to retreat together with the army, towards the direction of the queen empress and the water **** of the Tongtian River, every step of the shift, for everyone It’s a serious test. You must know that once someone is upset, it’s easy to disrupt everyone’s pace. It will affect the supernatural powers of the general Morrow. If the divine record is broken, the remaining The power of the curse will erode their bodies!

"Okay, very good, this **** **** finally remembered me, and remembered the safety of the Queen Empress!" Seeing General Moruo and his army slowly moving in his direction, the God of Tongtian River finally He breathed a sigh of relief, and the pressure in his heart dissipated a bit. Although he was confident that he could hold on to the end, it would seriously damage his origin. If General Moro helped, all problems would be resolved. I understand, I don't have to bear this pressure!

auzw.com Unfortunately, Tongtian River Water God didn’t know that General Moro was moving in this direction. The biggest reason was not to resolve his crisis, but to avoid the thunder penalty caused by Xingtian. For General Moreau, the only thing he cares about is the Queen Empress, not the God of Tongtian River. The most important thing is that General Moreau deliberately abandons the barracks!

Xing Tian didn't know what was happening outside, his mind was completely immersed in his body, feeling the washing of thunder's punishment on himself! Yes, it is washing. Under such terrible thunder punishment, Xingtian has found a new direction. With the help of thunder punishment, he washes himself and cleanses his own origin and roots. Thunder punishment can not only destroy but also The power of good fortune is very suitable for Xing Tian's practice, and Xing Tian doesn't want to give up such an opportunity.

With the terrible thunder punishment power not only pouring into his body, Xing Tian constantly mobilized his spirit to guide the thunder punishment power to wash himself, whether it is the roots, blood, and the soul. During Xing Tian’s washing, although the power of thunder's punishment did not improve his body, he still made Xing Tian excited and happy about it. You must know that the roots and bloodlines have reached the level of Xing Tian, ​​and you can go further. It is not an easy task, and it is exactly the same. Xing Tian has the intention to use the power of the boundary world to wash himself and improve his roots, and now he sees new hope and new direction.

Although it is very dangerous to use the power of thunder to wash oneself, if one is not careful, one's own origin will be severely damaged, and one's own body will be destroyed, but the opportunity is here, the opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. If this time, oneself If you give up, you will completely lose the opportunity to use thunder punishment to wash yourself. After all, this is your first thunder punishment in the realm world. If you even shrink from this thunder punishment, you will not dare to face it. There is no chance to get involved.

Xing Tian never lacked courage, let alone determination. When he embarked on the road of spiritual practice, Xing Tian knew what he was going to face. When he embarked on this road against the sky, Xing Tian knew what pressure he was going to bear. With such thoughts, Xing Tian persisted in the thunder punishment frantically. The power of the dissipated thunder punishment was not absorbed by this world, but was guided by Xing Tian into his body to temper his own roots. Bone, one's own blood, constantly improving oneself!

There are many people in this barracks, and many people have watched Xingtian during this battle, but no one thought that the disappearance of the source of thunder punishment was absorbed by Xingtian and used by Xingtian to temper himself. This crazy thing is They could not imagine, nor did they dare to imagine. Neither General Moro nor Tongtianhe Water God dared to think about this, because neither of them could withstand the terrible thunder penalty, especially the Tongtianhe Water God, he was If the body of the gods is punished by thunder, it will be dead!

When the source of the last trace of thunder punishment was absorbed by Xing Tian, ​​the thunder punishment domain surrounding Xing Tian disappeared, but Xing Tian still did not wake up and was still immersed in the practice. At this time, the residual curse power quickly Plenty towards Xing Tian, ​​to erode Xing Tian’s body, and at this moment, the eyes of thunder punishment above the void opened, and a purple thunder light surged out like a slanting Tianhe water, turning into a terrifying stream. The waterfall falls down!

It is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days! This is the celestial phenomenon at this moment. Above Xing Tian’s head, a violent river of thunder light is slanting down frantically. The residual curse power is directly destroyed by this terrible river of thunder light before it can erode Xing Tian’s body. Xing Tian's entire body was instantly shrouded in this terrifying river of thunder!

"Huh! Crazy, it's really crazy. How could this thunder penalty be so terrible, but this is also a good thing. This thunder penalty reappears and wipes out most of the power of the curse. It won't take long before the power of the curse will All dissipated!" When seeing the long river of thunder light leaning down from the void, General Moro couldn't help but sighed lightly!

Fortunately, at this time, the army under his leadership had already retreated very far. Otherwise, when the river of thunder light tilted down, many soldiers would have been involved, once they were involved in such a terrifying river of thunder light. In the middle of the game, General Moreau had to give up on them. Such a terrible source of thunder punishment made General Morrow a headache. His own magical powers were also difficult to withstand such a shock. Under such a terrible thunder punishment, Xing Tian was still alive. , This made General Moruo very puzzled, what kind of strength Xing Tian relied on to persevere, what strength can withstand such a terrible thunder penalty!

"Perhaps I should have a good talk with Tongtian River Water God, and be able to understand some of this kid's situation from him. Such a weird situation is really incredible!" In an instant, General Moreau fought the Tongtian River Water God. It’s just that his idea is destined to be impossible to succeed. The water **** of Tongtian River does have a little connection with Xingtian, but that is only a little connection. The real situation of Xingtian is not clear to the water **** of Tongtian River. The most important thing is The Water God of Tongtian River is not a fool and will not tell what he knows. For the Water God of Tongtian River, he does not want others to know Xingtian’s identity. That will affect his own interests. One more person knows the secret, that secret. It's no longer a secret!

Soon, General Moreau brought his army and the Tongtian River Water God to join together, and when the two parties were brought together, it was not known whether the source of the curse of life was completely consumed, or the magical powers of both of them. The combination of forces wiped out the last curse power, in short, the curse power disappeared!

"Moreau, you **** finally remembered me, you **** hurt me miserably, this time you must give me an explanation!" Seeing Moreau's appearance, Tongtianhe Water God's face instantly became gloomy Get up and look at each other angrily.

This time, the Tongtian River Water God was really miserable. His body was severely damaged and the original source was exhausted. If there was no help from outside, it would only take hundreds of time to recover by himself. How could such a heavy loss not let the Tongtian River Water God? Angry, he must let General Moro give himself an explanation.

"Water God, this time the empire will give you an explanation!" Without waiting for General Moro to speak, the Empress Empress directly assumed the responsibility. This battle had a great impact on her, but it also made her understand a lot. Such a major event cannot be undertaken by General Moreau alone. After all, the biggest mistake this time is the center of the empire. Speaking of which, General Moreau is also a victim!

Of course, the most important thing is that at this time the Queen Empress stepped up to take over the cause and effect, not only to resolve the anger of the Tongtian River Water God, but also to get the gratitude of General Moreau and the approval of Moreau’s army. This is the most important thing. As long as you have the will of the army and the recognition of this army, it will be of great benefit to you in the future. If you don’t even know this, the empress will suffer the pain for nothing. , Wasted a great opportunity to express yourself!

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