God of Destruction

Chapter 3800: Causality

Chapter 3800: Cause and Effect

"It's good to have a queen! I believe that the empire will not disappoint my little god!" Although there was a trace of unwillingness in his heart, at this time, the God of Tongtian River still did not react too violently. It can't be changed, as long as it can get back a little benefit, it's ok, there is no need to turn face with the empire and fight against the general Moro!

Hearing the water **** of Tongtian River professing with a small god, it made the generals Moro and the Queen Empress feel heavy. They could all hear the dissatisfaction in the heart of the water **** of Tongtian River, the kind of calculated anger, It was General Morrow that caused all this. If the Queen Empress had not stood up and assumed all the responsibilities, General Morrow would have to pay a heavy price this time. After all, it would be no small thing to cheat an ancient **** like this, especially It is that the water **** of Tongtian River has undergone a qualitative change!

"Water God, I know your heart is angry, and I also understand that I did a little too much this time. I will repay this cause and effect. Now we are not arguing. The barracks are no longer safe. It is better for us to evacuate earlier. If we wait for this If the power of thunder punishment increases, all of us will be involved. No matter who is involved, there is only one dead end. I don’t think you want to face this terrible thunder punishment by yourself. If there is something we will do in the future. talk!"

Speaking of this, General Moruo's eyes were looking at the God of Tongtian River. He also didn't want to be an enemy of the opponent. As an ancient god, no one knew what kind of hole cards the opponent would have. The Tianhe Water God did not really face the threat of death, did not explode his ultimate strength, which had to make General Moro vigilant!

"Okay, let's leave the barracks first. The thunder punishment that Xingtian this kid attracted is too terrifying. This lunatic is really crazy to the limit. No one can bear such thunder punishment. I hope he can retreat in this disaster. But, this time you played too much, Moro, the cause and effect you owe is too big, and there will be some time for you to suffer in the future!" When he said this, a faint sneer flashed across the face of the God of Tongtian River. What did Luo think before, regardless of his background, and regardless of the attitude of the queen and the empire, this time the cause and effect owed by General Moreau is too great!

Seeing the flash of sneer on the face of Tongtian River Water God, General Moruo's mood became even more serious. This cause and effect is indeed amazing. If it is only the cause and effect of Tongtian River Water God alone, it is nothing, it is a big deal. Paying a little price, with the help of the empire, it is not difficult to repay, but Xingtian’s cause and effect is difficult to repay. To win the final victory in this battle, the biggest hero is Xingtian. If there is no madness of Xingtian, The whole army will be destroyed!

"I will naturally repay the cause and effect that should be paid back. The empire never treats the heroes badly. Just rest assured!" Although there is a faint anxiety in my heart, at this time, under such circumstances, General Moreau cannot retreat. Weakened my momentum!

This is a confrontation. If General Moreau retreats, he will not only weaken his aura, but also the empire’s aura. The current situation is turbulent. If the empire’s aura cannot be maintained, it will only make the world even worse. Confusion.

"I hope you can do it, otherwise your troubles have just begun!" As he said that Tongtianhe Water God ignored General Moro, condensed his breath and quickly retreated, and he was also afraid of thunder punishment. The enhancement of, the river of thunder and punishment under the void like a waterfall made him feel uneasy, allowing him to clearly feel the mighty power of the sky!

Looking at the rapid retreat of the water **** of the Tongtian River, General Moro couldn't help but sighed slightly. Only judging from the reaction of the water **** of the Tongtian River, he knew that Xingtian's origins were not trivial, and he was associated with such a mysterious person. Great cause and effect, this is indeed a great trouble, one carelessness will bring endless trouble and danger to oneself!

"What is Xing Tian's identity? Let ancient gods like Tongtian River Water God treat him with caution. If only a practitioner who kills swordsmanship will not let him be so cautious, perhaps Xing Tian is really the reincarnation of an ancient strong man. And it is the reincarnation of a strong man who once stood on top of the world, or perhaps the God of Tongtian River already knows his true identity!"

For an instant, many thoughts flashed through General Morrow's mind, and in the end, these many thoughts turned into a sigh. He couldn't think of a way to resolve the cause and effect. He could only take one step and count one step. Who would let it all? Beyond your own control. In the face of the general trend of the world, no matter how hard you try, you can't grasp the general trend and can only passively accept it. A wrong step means a wrong step. Now that the empire has taken the wrong first step, it is impossible to save everything.

The general trend is in contention. It is not easy to lose the first opportunity and want to make a comeback. What's more, until now, whether it is General Moro or the people in the center of the empire, I don’t know who is here. Secretly promoted all this, who is driving the change of the world, who is leading this change of heaven and earth!

No one knows who the opponent is. Naturally, it is conceivable how difficult the empire is to face. The pressure and the boundless pressure are pressed down on General Moreau, making him uneasy and having to worry about the empire. Life and death!

The sky has changed! This is the most profound feeling of General Morrow. Under the change of the sky, everything is possible. The empire that has suffered the most from this change, because the empire is the greatest power between the sky and the earth. Naturally, the empire is the first to bear the brunt. This is inevitable, and it must be faced by the empire.

auzw.com "General, you don't have to worry too much about this, no matter what the outcome is, the cause and effect will be borne by the empire! All this is not your responsibility, but the empire's responsibility!" Seeing the worried look of General Moreau, the Queen Empress said in relief, wanting to make General Moreau relieved of her many worries!

Moreau shook his head and said: "I don't know the mother, this is no one's responsibility, but the sky has changed. The empire will face unprecedented shocks. This time it seems that we have won, but is this really a victory? Things are not that simple. The enemy is attacking so frantically. What they ask for is not as simple as it seems, and it is not really to assassinate the empress and damage the luck of the empire. They have deeper conspiracies and more terrible calculations! "

General Moreau is aware of it, but what if he is wary? This is the general trend. In the face of the general trend of the world, he has no power to resist, the enemy is hidden in the dark, and there are indeed many conspiracy calculations, but can the general Moreau prevent this from happening, and can he resolve the threats? No, he can't do it, and no one can do it.

"The biggest conspiracy is to overthrow the rule of the empire. In fact, this is nothing. It will be the same every time the sky changes, and every time the world is in turmoil, unless the enemy keeps not showing up, otherwise they will eventually be exposed. This time it is the empire. Without comprehensive preparation, I didn’t expect that the other party would be so crazy, and the next time it would be different!” After experiencing such a catastrophe, the empress empress is also deeply touched. As long as the empire is not chaotic, there will not be too many enemies. opportunity!

"Next time, will the empire really have another time?" General Moreau asked himself in his heart. He was not sure about this. After all, the empire today is no longer the empire it used to be. The imperial family is not so powerful. It is difficult to suppress the common people in the world, suppress the various forces hidden in the dark, and suppress the ambitions of the rebels and thieves!

With a heavy heart, General Moreau led the army to leave the barracks and evacuated outside the barracks, quietly waiting for the dawn to come, quietly looking at the terrifying thunder-punishing Tianhe above the barracks, feeling from the world. The prestige.

For any cultivator, such a terrible thunder penalty is also a rare opportunity. Being able to feel the power of the heavens and the earth at such a close distance has a vital role in understanding the great avenue of heaven and earth. After everyone is out of danger, General Moruo also devoted himself to the perception of this thunder punishment, and felt the power of this world.

The opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will not come again. This kind of opportunity does not happen at all times. It is not only the general Morrow, but the strong men in his army are quietly comprehending this great opportunity. This is even more true for the Tianhe Water God. As for whether there is still an enemy hidden in the secret, and whether there is danger, this is no longer in their consideration. The war has reached this point and is over. No matter whether there is an enemy in the secret, they are all There is no danger anymore.

"Destruction and good fortune, this is the origin of thunder punishment, two opposing origins condense into the eye of thunder punishment, punishment of heaven and earth, this is the power of heaven and earth, and the existence of this power is really just to punish the common people?" The source of thunder punishment tempered itself, the more doubts in his heart, and the feeling of the power of thunder punishment, this time the eyes of thunder punishment he faced were extraordinary, and there was something that he could not see and understand. Power exists, and this power gives Xing Tian an urgent desire!

At this time, there is a vague feeling in Xing Tian’s heart. As long as he can see this power clearly, he can make himself qualitatively transformed, and he can change his roots, blood, and even make himself As soon as it soared into the sky, this force was right in front of his own eyes, in the midst of this thunderous punishment, but no matter how hard Xing Tian tried to chase, he still got nothing!

The repeated failures did not make Xing Tian give up or make Xing Tian impatient. If this power is really so easy to grasp and so easy to find, then this is not a big opportunity, and I won’t keep it until now and let myself feel it. The presence!

With Xingtian's continuous investment, Xingtian's mind gradually changed. He forgot that he was tempering his body, tempering himself, and his mind was completely empty, wandering in the source of this terrible thunder punishment, constantly chasing the mysterious power! When Xing Tian's mind was empty, he himself did not fall into the crisis of death. On the contrary, at the moment when his mind was empty, his instinct took over everything in the body, silently pushing the source of thunder punishment that was constantly pouring into himself, washing To oneself!

"What kind of power is this, destruction and creation, the origin of chaos? No, this is not the power of chaos. Forget it, I still don’t have to chase this power. Maybe it’s my chance, but I can’t ignore it all the time. All chasing this power, I am still being punished by thunder, and I have to face the test of heaven and earth. If I am affected by this power, I am afraid that I will be extinct between heaven and earth. After all, I am against the sky and I walked. It is the road against the sky, and the world will not let go of any chance to kill me!"

After repeated failures, Xing Tian's mind finally came out of this confusion. Although the chance was good, his life was not as important as his own life. If he blindly chased the chance and forgot his own safety, he would be ruining himself. Now that Xing Tian is still under thunder punishment, maybe he can relax a little at first, and he can be distracted to chase the chance, but it can’t be so for a long time. Otherwise, he will only die under this thunder punishment. A kind of calculation, the chance is placed in front of Xing Tian, ​​waiting for Xing Tian to chase him, if Xing Tian forgets his own safety because of this chance, then it should be his death!

As a cultivator, he walks on the road against the sky, every step is very dangerous. If Xing Tian can't resist this temptation, he is naturally not qualified to survive under thunder punishment, and he is not qualified to continue walking this road against the sky. It is also dangerous. Excessive pursuit of opportunity will only make oneself fall into an unforgettable place!

When Xing Tian woke up from the confusion, when thinking of the emptying of his mind before, Xing Tian couldn't help but shudder, a sense of crisis came from his heart, terrible, this is really terrible, but fortunately, he wakes up in time Come, otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for oneself, and the mind is lost in enlightenment, which is a fatal danger for Dujie!

"What a heaven and earth, what a thunder punishment, this arrogance is really terrible, it is directed at people's hearts, no one can bear such temptation, fortunately, I wake up first, if I continue to indulge in enlightenment, use Before long, my physical body will be destroyed by thunder punishment. Although the power of instinct is very strong, instinct cannot always guarantee my own safety. After all, thunder punishment is not static. The power of thunder punishment will change at any time. In the event of an abnormality, the instinctive force cannot respond in time. At that time, no matter how strong the body, no matter how strong the origin, will be destroyed by the power of thunder punishment, and will become the nutrient of thunder punishment, and too much thunder punishment will be accumulated in the flesh. Origin, this is a huge crisis, any power has a certain degree, and the same is true for body tempering!"

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