God of Destruction

Chapter 3801: Out of control

Chapter 3801 The Out of Control Force

"Huh! The war is over, the entire barracks are empty, the enemy retreats, and the army retreats too!" When he woke up, Xing Tian quickly scanned the barracks and found that everything had changed astonishingly, that cruel The war was over, and the entire army barracks were empty. If Xing Tian hadn't felt the breath of the **** of water of the Tongtian River not far away from the barracks, he would have thought that Moreau's army had been wiped out and swept away by the enemy!

"What's going on? Does it mean that General Moro has a more powerful assassin that can end such a terrible war in such a short time? Or is it that Tongtian River God has a powerful assassin? But Tongtian River Water God's Probably not. After all, he was only passively participating in this battle. Even if he had his assassin, he would not use it. It seems that General Moreau has more power!"

Xing Tian was thinking in his heart, but the time for thinking like this is very short, because now his own problems have not been solved, the terrifying thunder punishment is still continuing, the eyes of thunder punishment above the void are still staring at him. You will be caught in an unresolved death, and you will be completely dead in this realm battlefield world!

"Forget it, since the war is over, I don't need to waste careful thinking about this. The most important thing now is to survive the current catastrophe. If you can't even pass this level, there is no point in thinking about it!"

For Xing Tian, ​​it is right to think this way. If the thunder penalty cannot survive the current thunder penalty, no matter how much you think about it, it is a waste of effort. There is no possibility of trickery in the thunder penalty. Attracted even more terrifying power of thunder punishment, as before, so Xing Tian didn't dare to have such thoughts at this time.

war! Facing the thunder and punishment Guanghe falling from the void, Xing Tian raised his energy and faced it with all his strength. When Xing Tian fully operated his own origin and guided this force to wash himself, it was completely different from the previous instinct washing himself. As a result, the insane power of thunder punishment rarely accumulates in Xingtian's body. When it is slightly increased, Xingtian will reduce the guidance of thunder punishment, let it dissipate outside of the body, so as not to be in himself Too much precipitation forms a hidden danger!

Under Xing Tian’s guidance, the bones of the whole body were shrouded in a terrible purple thunder, and his blood was also shrouded in thunder. The power of life and death was blending, the power of destruction and creation was blending, such a terrifying power Xing Tian's body is constantly colliding and fusing, constantly tempering Xing Tian's self!

With a loud noise of "Bump!", Xing Tian's soul consciousness sea trembled for a while. When washing itself with the power of thunder punishment, the chaos in the soul consciousness sea was attracted to destroy the origin, the chaos in that thunder punishment The source of destruction actually aroused the power of its own chaotic destruction of the avenue, and its own chaotic destruction of the avenue has an instinct to swallow the power of the destruction of the origin of the thunder!

"Damn, what the **** is going on, the original power contained in the thunder penalty can activate the chaos sealed in the sea of ​​soul knowledge and destroy the original road. Could it be said that the power of the thunder penalty can ignore its own seal?" In an instant, Xing Tian's mind was shaking. Such a shock made him feel the endless pressure. If so, this time his own trouble will be big!

"No, it can't be like this. I must have thought too much. The origin of chaos destruction in the Soul Consciousness Sea does not have the power to break through its own seal, but the origin of chaos in this thunder penalty seems to be the chaos that can complement itself. Destruction Avenue!"

At this moment, a crazy thought suddenly flashed in Xing Tian's mind: "What would it look like if I guided the power of thunder punishment into the sea of ​​soul consciousness to complement my own chaotic destruction avenue?"

Although this idea is crazy, and even risking his own life, once he misses it, he has no chance to save it. After all, his own chaotic destruction avenue is sealed in the sea of ​​soul consciousness, and the sea of ​​soul consciousness is the most important thing for himself. Importantly, if the soul is lost, he will really die too much, and there will be no power to save his life!

"It's crazy, this idea is too crazy, a little error is really deadly!"

"No, this is a great opportunity. If you can succeed, your own chaotic destruction avenue can be completed, and you may truly condense into invincible power, and you will truly master the most terrible power against the sky!" Two thoughts Constantly colliding in Xing Tian's mind, the pros and cons of this crazy idea are indeed mixed.

"The road to guard against the sky cannot tolerate the slightest retreat. Perhaps this temptation is a trap set by the heavens and the earth. It is a conspiracy set against yourself, but I have no choice. Now I have an arrow on the string and have to send it, even if I don’t What if you step into this trap, will the power of the thunder of heaven and earth let you go? This is impossible, since you can't escape, let's give it a go!"

When such crazy thoughts are for a lifetime, Xing Tian can no longer stop. Between life and death, only a single thought, and only a moment, the power of thunder punishment is guided little by little into the sea of ​​consciousness of his soul, this time Unlike before, he was only tempering himself with the power of thunder punishment, but now Xing Tian is guiding the power of thunder punishment to perfect his chaotic destruction avenue.

After the power of thunder punishment enters the sea of ​​soul consciousness, both the formation and the four killing swords are shaking and whispering, all yearning to swallow the power of thunder punishment, but there is also a hint of faintness in that desire. The hostility of the thunder is as if the power of thunder's punishment is restrained by himself. Such a situation makes Xingtian's heart heavy. Such a situation shows that the force of good fortune in the force of thunder's punishment is affecting his own chaotic destruction. Dao, and this force is rejected by its own chaotic destruction Dao!

auzw.com Give up! Now Xing Tian has to send the arrow on the string, giving up at this time will only make the chaotic destruction avenue in the soul-knowledge sea even more violent, and it is even more harmful to himself! With a cruel heart, Xing Tian guided the power of thunder punishment into the sword of killing that represented the meaning of chaotic beasts. If there was a problem, at most it would only damage the power of the sword of killing, and he still had a chance to save it!

When this force was swallowed by the Chaos Sword, the Soul Consciousness Sea was trembling, and the power of good fortune was eroding its killing sword, and at the same time, the power of destruction was also perfecting its own chaotic destruction avenue!

"Damn, it's a big trouble. If you can't get rid of this force of good fortune in time, your sword of killing will be eroded by the force of good fortune, and your avenue of chaotic destruction will definitely be polluted. Once this happens, it means His own chaotic destruction avenue will be completely shattered! What a sinister will of heaven and earth, what a sinister eye of thunder!"

Yes, this is indeed a bureau, a bureau aimed at Xingtian, and a bureau aimed at Xingtian chaos destroying the avenue. The origin of destruction in the thunder penalty can complement his own chaotic destruction avenue, but what is contained in the thunder penalty The origin of good fortune can also erode Xingtian’s chaotic destruction avenue. As long as Xingtian can’t clear this avenue of good fortune in time, his own chaotic destruction avenue will be severely damaged, contaminated by the power of good fortune, and will no longer be pure. When the avenue is not pure, it means that this avenue will be completely cut off, and there will no longer be the possibility of growth. If you continue to practice, you will not reach the peak!

At this time, Xing Tian fully understood the purpose of the will of heaven and earth, and understood the intention of the eye of thunder punishment. Unfortunately, all of this has already happened. Even Xing Tian regrets it too late. If he does not want to let his chaotic destruction avenue be completely shattered, Xing Tian can only do that. The origin of good fortune was cleared. If there was an accident in Xing Tian's mind, he would just lose a little of the origin of the Chaos Sword, but now it seems that he was wrong and made a big mistake. Time waits for no one, so Xingtian can’t worry!

I overestimated his abilities, thinking that his chaotic destruction avenue would override the power of thunder, but now it seems that he was wrong, and time is not good for him. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian had to make a new one. Decided, had to unlock the sealing power of the four killing swords, and wipe out that trace of good fortune with the help of the powerful chaos destroying the origin!

If the seal is unlocked, it will be out of control, and it is not easy to want to seal it again. Xing Tian will face great danger, and he will bear the impact of the chaotic destruction avenue. Once his mind cannot remain sober, he will Being eroded by the Chaos Destroy Avenue, you are in a very dangerous situation at that time, and you will even turn into a puppet that chaos destroys the Avenue!

Does Xingtian have other options? No, except for this method, there is no other method. The origin of good fortune is not so easy to remove, let alone the will of heaven and earth in this source of good fortune, and the will of thunder and punishment!

"Well, if you want to fight, then fight. I Xingtian never fears war. Let's open it!" Xingtian let out a low shout, the sealing power on the four swords of killing was opened, and the terrible chaos destroyed The power of the original source instantly swept the entire sea of ​​soul consciousness, impacting Xing Tian's mind, and the impact was his soul, as if it was a puppet that would turn Xing Tian into destruction!

This is a test of his own will. If Xing Tian can hold on, remain calm under this impact, and resist the erosion of the chaotic destruction, he will be able to overcome this crisis, take the opportunity to wash his soul, and strengthen himself. On the contrary, he will fall into a terrible death crisis!

After the sub-seal was released, within a few breaths, that trace of good fortune was obliterated by the terrifying origin of Chaos Destroy Avenue. When this trace of good fortune was obliterated, Xing Tian's mood instantly became more dignified, his own chaotic destruction of Dao origin. Not only was it not worn out, but it also got a little bit of enhancement. What worries Xing Tian the most is that the four swords of killing after unlocking the seal did not want to leave the sea of ​​soul knowledge, but wanted to destroy the avenue array with chaos. The picture is one!

"No, you can't let this sword of killing and cutting into the array of Chaos Destruction Avenue, and you can't let it merge into one, so that the Chaos Destruction Avenue in the sea of ​​soul knowledge will definitely be out of your control. With all kinds of suppression from the frontier battlefield world, I cannot mobilize the power of the inner world, and cannot forcefully suppress the riot of chaos and destruction!"

Xing Tian didn't want his chaotic destruction avenue to lose control, especially at this time, if such a situation really occurred, now that his weak and physically unable to withstand the terrible impact, his physical body would collapse in an instant. , Even if there is the existence of the Great Dao of Good Fortune in my own body, he can't stop the impact of the chaotic destruction of the Dao!

"What's the test this time? Is the real purpose of mine punishment in this world to detonate the chaotic destruction avenue in my body, and use my own power to destroy my enemy?" To kill with a knife, this is Xingtian's idea, of the void The Heaven and Landmine Punishment on the world wants to take some opportunity to kill himself, the person who is against the sky, and destroy himself, the creature who is practicing on the path of the sky!

Just a test, Xing Tian’s previous thoughts were shattered, using the source of thunder punishment to perfect his chaotic destruction avenue, this is an impossible plan, because he underestimated the source of thunder punishment, and underestimated the eyes of thunder punishment and the world. The insidious will, but now it is too late to stop, and the four killing swords that unlocked the seal are out of his control!

Weak and small, with this series of abnormal changes, the most important thing is that Xing Tian himself is too weak. If Xing Tian has enough power, he can easily suppress the four killing swords and suppress its abnormal movements. Now Xing Tian can only find another one. Other ways!

"What should I do to stop all of this? By the way, chance, the chance I got from the queen empress, the jade pendant that can be sealed with the power of the world condensed by the complete Three Thousand Avenue may be able to help me resolve it This crisis!"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian's heart moved, the sealed jade pendant was directly collected into his soul consciousness sea, directly blocking the four killing swords that were about to merge with the chaotic destruction road array, when this jade pendant appeared At that time, the four killing swords were trembling, and this mysterious jade pendant made them feel a strong threat, and they had to stop!

"It can make the four swords of killing and cutting feel threatened. The power of this jade pendant is really strong, but I don’t know what the sealed treasure is. Maybe I can use the chaos to destroy the avenue of origin to obliterate the power of this external world. To succeed, it is no big deal to sacrifice these four swords of killing and cutting. After all, these four swords of killing and cutting have been out of my grasp. If they are allowed to develop, it will be harmful and unhelpful to myself, an out-of-control chaos. Destroying the avenue is its own calamity. Such an uncontrolled destructive power cannot give it any opportunity to develop and grow. The perfect chaotic destruction avenue is good, but it cannot be out of control, and the power that is out of control should not exist!"

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