God of Destruction

Chapter 3802: Knot circle

Chapter 3802: Strange Circle

The power that cannot be controlled by oneself should not appear in one's own body, especially the origin of Dao. Although Chaos Destruction Dao is one of Xingtian’s major avenues, this type of avenue can’t get out of control. With a thought, Xingtian controls The mysterious jade pendant in the sea of ​​soul slammed into the four killing swords, as if to directly destroy the four chaotic destruction avenues condensed killing swords, the frame is extremely fierce, extremely violent, and does not leave. A little leeway!

Yes, Xing Tian intends to destroy these four slaying swords that he has lost his grasp. Even if it hurts the origin of the chaotic destruction avenue, Xing Tian will not hesitate to do so. There is still a possibility of recovery from the injury, and it can be repaired. If one's own life is lost, then everything is over. Compared with one's own life, this price is nothing.

There is a crazy confrontation directly in the sea of ​​soul consciousness. I have to say that Xing Tian is crazy, and the sea of ​​soul consciousness is extraordinary. A slight difference will cause irreparable losses to himself, but now Xing Tian has done this. , Using that mysterious jade pendant madly collided with the four killing swords that had evolved from his chaotic destruction avenue. Under those collisions, Xing Tian’s heart beat frantically, and the original ordinary jade pendant changed. , The world origin of the power of the seal seemed to be activated, and it gave birth to an aura that would swallow the suppression of the four killing swords, as if it was angered by this chaotic destruction origin!

Why is there such a sudden change? what the **** is it? Xing Tian is not clear, but in Xing Tian’s view, this is likely to be the instinctive reaction of the world origin of the power of the seal. It can make such a powerful world origin have such a reaction. Xing Tian can think of only one explanation, the world origin. It is also the power of Destroying the Great Road that is sealed, and only in this way will it allow it to contact the four killing swords, and there will be such an astonishing change!

"Perhaps only the existence of the powerful chaos destroying the origin treasure can make the world origin condensed by the complete three thousand great avenues as a seal. If all this is as I suspected, this may really become my own opportunity! "

Why does Wu Zai have such thoughts, because Xing Tian has struck up the idea of ​​chaos that may exist in the seal to destroy the original treasure, and wants to use the eye of thunder to attack, bit by bit to perfect his own chaotic destruction road, this The road is almost impossible. The Eye of Thunder Punishment will not give itself such an opportunity, and the Will of Heaven and Earth will not give itself such an opportunity. If you have to do it reluctantly, it will only allow yourself to bear more terrifying impacts and only make yourself. In a bigger crisis.

If there is no such anomaly, Xing Tian may continue frantically, but now things have turned for the better, and this has to make Xing Tian give up his previous intentions and start the chaotic destruction of the original treasure that may exist, even if there is only a glimmer of hope. , It is possible that Xing Tian is unwilling to give up, after all, this is a shortcut to perfect his own chaotic destruction avenue!

The idea is good, but it is not an easy task to achieve this. Not to mention whether there is the original treasure of the Chaos Destroy Avenue in the seal, just what I should do now is a big problem, is to make these three complete The origin of the world condensed by the thousand avenues swallowed the four killing swords that I had condensed with the chaotic destruction avenue, or to stop all of this, continue to let the two collide, and even mobilize the chaotic destruction in the sea of ​​soul knowledge. Road map!

Under such circumstances, making any choice is of utmost importance. It is impossible to treat it with caution. However, without confirming the true situation, any choice is an adventure. Success is naturally a joy for everyone, but the consequences of failure are very serious. serious! How can we make the right choice? This is the huge problem Xing Tian has to face!

"How do I choose to be the best?" Xing Tian muttered to himself. At this time, no one can help him in this situation. Everything must be decided by himself and left to himself. There is not much time. You must know that you are still under the attack of thunder punishment. If you can’t make a choice quickly, the attack of thunder punishment will bring more pressure and impact to yourself, which will make you face the situation. More dangerous, more terrifying!

"Any kind of extreme choice is not suitable. After all, I know too little about all of this. Maybe I should make a more reasonable choice. At this time, stability is the root. Thunder punishment is just the beginning. , The danger I will face next will increase exponentially, and stability is the result I need!"

stable! How can we make our own road stable? Can he control the original power of the chaotic destruction avenue, and control the mysterious jade pendant that has changed dramatically? Obviously, I can't do it. It seems that they are enemies between the two, and they are not under my control. Especially now that the jade pendant has changed, it is even more impossible to achieve. Two hostile forces, as long as they meet, they will inevitably lead to a fight, and it will definitely be a life and death duel, which is irreconcilable!

"Perhaps I should draw the third power. The two powers cannot be balanced, and there will be conflicts. The three powers may turn around!" Xing Tian soon had another crazy idea. What is the third power? It’s very simple. It’s the power of thunder punishment that I’m currently undergoing. The power of thunder punishment is not weaker than my own chaotic destruction avenue. If this force is added, it may be able to calm the fighting, and of course it may intensify the conflict again. The sea of ​​own soul is more chaotic!

select! Does Xingtian still have a choice now? No, time waits for no one. When the situation reaches this level, Fu Xingtian hesitates. The pressing time makes him have to make a decision quickly, just like all the previous decisions. No matter what the choice is, it is Taking risks, Xing Tian can only bite the bullet and go on. Whoever lets himself choose a road to death, a road against the sky that is hated by the will of heaven and earth, when he steps on this road, Xing Tian has no chance to regret!

There is no retreat on the road of spiritual practice. This is the true portrayal of Xing Tian. If the power of thunder and punishment enters the sea of ​​soul consciousness, he may fail and put himself into a death crisis. However, if you do not introduce it, you will not see vitality. Xing Tian is very clear!

auzw.com During the transfer of mind, Xing Tian made a choice. The power of thunder punishment was once again introduced into the sea of ​​soul consciousness by Xing Tian. This time Xing Tian was not cautious before. Instead, he directly let go of the guidance of the power of thunder punishment, and the huge force of thunder punishment was directly drawn into the sea of ​​soul consciousness. When this force entered, the whole soul consciousness sea was instantly turbulent. !

The chaotic destruction avenue of its own is in joy, and the mysterious jade pendant reacts more intensely. As for the power of thunder punishment that has first entered the sea of ​​soul knowledge, it is trembling. This time it is no longer facing the four swords of killing, but It is the powerful and incomparable chaotic destruction avenue map. The powerful chaos destruction origin makes it instinctively fearful. Fortunately, the mysterious jade pendant reacted fiercely at this time, bursting out a powerful force to resist the chaotic destruction. The impact of the avenue!

balance! When the power of thunder punishment appeared in the soul consciousness sea, the previous fierce breakthrough instantly calmed down. The Avenue of Chaos Destruction no longer dared to attack the mysterious jade madly. The situation was a bit unfavorable for it. With this sudden thunder The power of punishment indirectly balances the conflict between the two parties and calms the Soul Consciousness Sea. Although this is only a temporary calm, for Xing Tian, ​​he sees hope and dawn, and makes Xing Tian understand that his choice is correct. , At least right now, what will happen in the future, this is not in Xingtian's consideration, after all, the future is misty!

Although the appearance of the power of thunder punishment balances the conflict between the soul and the sea of ​​knowledge, the power of thunder punishment is different from the previous two powers. Its power is not infinite. The power of thunder punishment comes from the eyes of thunder punishment. After the power was guided into Xingtian's Soul Consciousness Sea, the connection was severed and it became a rootless duckweed. The power of thunder punishment is consumed every moment, consumed by those two powerful forces!

"Okay, very good, as long as it is useful, I am still in the thunder penalty. As long as the thunder penalty is not over, the power of the thunder penalty is naturally endless. I can keep up with the rate of consumption. Maybe this is also my own response. With the powerful means of thunder punishment, with such an opportunity, I may be able to survive this terrible crisis safely, and be able to survive this catastrophe!"

Is it really that simple? It is impossible for the Eye of Thunder Punishment to let Xingtian survive the catastrophe so easily. The Eye of Thunder Punishment does not allow this to happen, and the will of heaven and earth also does not allow such a situation. If it allows Xingtian to survive life and death so easily , The so-called test has become a joke, and Xing Tian will really reach the sky in one step!

Everything has both pros and cons. Now Xing Tian sees only the side that is good for him. When the excitement is over, Xing Tian calms down again. Such a tricky method is really flawless, really has no effect on himself, and has no hidden dangers. ?

"This is impossible. I must have neglected somewhere. Since this thunder punishment is the eye of thunder punishment calculating its own conspiracy and tricks, this is the test of the will of heaven and earth on itself, and the trick of tricks will bring more seriousness to itself. If you blindly use the power of thunder punishment to balance your soul consciousness, you will only plunge yourself into a place where you can never recover!"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian immediately investigated himself, looking for the hidden danger bit by bit. First, Xing Tian discovered such a tricky method. He couldn't get up to his own physical body. Entering into the sea of ​​soul knowledge, the physical body cannot be improved without being tempered, and it is also unable to activate the source of good fortune in the physical body to strengthen the physical body.

With the power of thunder punishment like this, his physical body can still withstand it, but when the next thunder punishment comes, the unhardened flesh can continue to withstand the terrible impact. If it can’t withstand it, the flesh will only be able to withstand it in an instant. Being overwhelmed by the terrifying force of thunder punishment, and the physical collapse, means that this time he has failed in reincarnation!

"Damn, in the midst of the robbery, I really can't have the heart of tricks, otherwise it will leave a serious hidden danger to myself, and this is just the beginning of the investigation, and such a serious hidden danger is discovered. It can be seen that the way of tricking is self-destroying. !"

With such serious consequences, Xing Tian was more cautious. After checking the body, Xing Tian carefully checked his own soul consciousness sea. If he didn't check it, he didn't know. The result was even more terrifying than the previous body! The expended thunder-punishing power is not directly dissipated in the sea of ​​soul consciousness and becomes the nourishment of the sea of ​​soul consciousness, but is broken down and becomes the nourishment of the chaotic destruction avenue and the nourishment of the mysterious jade pendant. If this continues, when the two forces riot again without the power of thunder punishment, the consequences will be unimaginable, and the sea of ​​soul consciousness will be destroyed directly!

Distress, at this moment Xing Tian has endless distress in his heart. Now he seems to be trapped in a vicious circle, a vicious circle of self-destruction. Any choice seems to be able to make him see the hope of survival, but When I checked carefully, I was pushing myself to the edge of destruction step by step!

"Is it true that I have no life, this time thunder punishment is the end of my life? No, it will not be like this, everything has a ray of life, no matter how much the will of the world hates its existence, no matter how crazy the eyes of thunder punishment are , It is impossible not to give myself a little bit of life, this is not in line with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth! But what should I do to resolve the crisis?"

Perhaps the will of heaven and earth, the Eye of Thunder Punishment, did give Xingtian a ray of life, but now Xingtian can’t find this ray of life at all. If he can’t find it means death will come, and he doesn’t have much time left. If you hold on for an extra second, the pressure on yourself will increase by one point, and the danger you have to face will increase quickly!

"Perhaps what I should control is not my own chaotic destruction avenue, not the mysterious jade pendant, but this powerful thunder punishment power. I should try my best to delay its in the flesh when guiding the thunder punishment power into the body. Time allows it to quench the body with the greatest strength, and after entering the sea of ​​soul consciousness, the decomposing power cannot be swallowed by the two previous forces, but should be allowed to choose the other side to obliterate the opposing power. Reduce your own pressure and reduce the power of the crisis!"

Reverse selection, this is Xingtian’s intention. Perhaps doing so will cause Xingtian’s own chaotic destruction avenue to be severely damaged, but for survival, this is nothing, as long as you can survive this life and death catastrophe, as long as you can resolve the current crisis , Everything is worth it. After all, I only have one life, and I don’t have so much ability to continue to go crazy. You must know that if you continue to go crazy, you will be unable to control your own power and will go to destruction on your own!

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