God of Destruction

Chapter 3803: Worry

Chapter 3803 Worries

Hidden danger! Is there no hidden danger in reverse selection? No, there are also hidden dangers, but the hidden dangers are relatively small, and the two evils are the lesser one. Compared with the previous life danger, Xing Tian is naturally willing to accept such a result! What is the hidden danger of reverse selection, in fact, lies in the sealed treasure in the mysterious jade pendant, that may exist the original treasure of the road of destruction!

If the destructive power decomposed by the power of thunder's punishment severely obliterates the power of the world condensed by the entire Three Thousand Dao, it will definitely invalidate the seal and make the treasure in the seal appear. For an unknown treasure, this is for Xing Tian There is an unpredictable danger. If it were a terrible source of the treasure of destruction, Xingtian's situation would become very dangerous! Of course, everything is possible. Perhaps this is also a chance. After all, Xingtian’s soul-consciousness has its own chaotic destruction avenue. If it can absorb and swallow a treasure of the destruction avenue, it may be more perfect and one step further. evolution!

No matter whether the hidden danger exists or not, and no matter how terrible it is, Xing Tian now has to send an arrow on the string, and once again makes a decision to guide the new thunder punishment power into his body, and under the tempered body It was introduced into the sea of ​​consciousness of his own soul. When the power of thunder punishment was decomposed, Xing Tian had to concentrate again to inter-modulate the separate destruction and the origins of good fortune, so that they could obliterate their respective targets. Complete the idea in your mind!

I have to say that such a crazy move puts huge pressure on Xing Tian, ​​and each step requires a lot of his own energy, because as long as one step is wrong, it will fail, and it will make the decomposition of good fortune and destruction. Force is affected by its instincts to nourish their respective goals, and this Qia Qia is a result that Xing Tian does not want to see and cannot accept!

"Huh!" Xing Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and it took a lot of effort to complete the first action, using the first thunder penalty to obliterate the mysterious jade pendant and the trace of his own chaotic destruction avenue. Origin, but this time Xing Tian was not targeting the four swords of killing, but his own chaotic destruction origin array! The four swords of killing and cutting have fewer origins and are easy to control. However, once this array is out of control, the consequences will be unimaginable, so Xing Tian chose to weaken its power in the first place!

When Xing Tian breathed a sigh of relief, he was quickly given new troubles. When he concentrated on guiding the power of thunder punishment to obliterate his chaos and destroy the origin of the avenue and the world origin on the mysterious jade pendant, his body was punished by thunder. With the crazy impact of the power, his body was damaged to a certain extent, which in turn had to make Xing Tian devote his energy to recover the damage on his body.

"What a terrible catastrophe, this is really a catastrophe of life and death. If you can survive the catastrophe this time, you will have a qualitative transformation for yourself. This time the thunder punishment, whether in the body, the spirit, or even the soul All above will get a crazy wash!"

After only completing the guidance once, Xing Tian can clearly feel that he has a slight difference. Although his own origin is damaged, this does not affect his own combat power, as if the damaged origin does not affect him much. Influence, such a result surprised Xing Tian, ​​this is a situation he has never encountered before!

"How is this possible? My own source of strength has obviously lost part of this guidance, but his own combat power has not been damaged. Could it be said that the source of his loss is not as important as he thought?" For a moment, Xing Tian's heart I was puzzled, and this result made me feel a little unbelievable, which is quite different from my previous understanding! ]

"Perhaps there is another explanation. The origin of the obliteration is not really dissipated, but it is transformed into nutrients with the power of thunder and punishment to nourish the soul of the sea of ​​consciousness, and in this obliteration, the origin of itself has also been quenched. Refining!” Although this is only Xing Tian’s own guess, it is infinitely close to the truth. Energy conservation is an unchanging truth. Xing Tian’s choice of'battlefield' is in the sea of ​​soul knowledge, whether it is his own origin, Still, the power of thunder punishment will not disappear for nothing, even if they cancel each other out, the energy generated after the two offsets will not disappear, but merges into the sea of ​​soul consciousness and turns into nutrients!

"Is this the vitality I've been looking for? Perhaps only this explanation can tell everything, and only this kind of explanation can prove the existence of that glimmer of vitality. If it continues, it will eventually damage its own chaotic destruction avenue. , Even if the seal of the mysterious jade pendant is broken, you will not have the power to protect yourself!"

The essence that has been tempered again and again, even if it is severely damaged, but what is left after condensing is the essence. Perhaps at that time the essence of the chaotic destruction avenue will undergo a qualitative transformation, and the soul will also be aware of the sea. Under the nourishment of mysterious energy again and again, there will be greater changes, and all of these will become their own defense against danger!

When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face. The original pressure in his heart instantly turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared without a trace, and the whole person became energetic, regardless of whether the road worked. , But as far as the moment is concerned, this is the most beneficial way for me, and the most suitable way for me.

Rebirth from the ashes, maybe this is another kind of rebirth from the ashes, rebuild the roots! Under the thunder punishment, Xing Tian is not worried that someone will be disadvantageous to him. It can be said that there is no power in this world that can harm him through the power of thunder punishment. At least now, Xing Tian does not know that such power exists, even if it is. Yes, it is impossible to appear in front of Xing Tian at this time!

auzw.com For those real big shots, Xing Tian is just an ant, and he has no right to determine the general trend of the world. In this world, how many strong are hidden, Xing Tian doesn’t know, maybe No one knows that these hidden powerhouses will show up only when the world’s catastrophe completely erupts, and only when the world is in a great transformation. The power on the bright side will definitely not be real. The strong, just withstand the impact of this thunder penalty, Xing Tian's heart has changed his past recognition and training. The battlefield world of this realm is not as simple as he thought. What he saw and may be exposed to. It's not the truth of the matter, it's often some ants that jump out first.

A dynasty of luck that has been in charge of this world for endless years, will there be no real strong, if there is no strong, they can suppress the world? I'm afraid it's impossible. Perhaps it looks like General Morrow is the pillar of the empire at the moment, but when the empire is facing a life and death crisis, he still can't change the general trend or the luck of the empire. It is the royal family who really guards the empire. No matter how strong the external power is, it will not become the true pillar of the empire!

The road has to be walked step by step. Although I have figured out the problem, it does not mean that Xingtian can easily pass the test. There is still a huge gap between perception and experience. Understanding is one thing, and whether you can get past it is another. Going on. For the current Xing Tian, ​​there is no need to think too much, just to be able to survive this catastrophe first, this terrible catastrophe of life and death!

After regaining himself, Xing Tian resumed his previous fighting operations, once again guided the power of thunder and punishment, and carried out this terrible repetitive journey again. Time gradually passed, and Xing Tian was also trying his best to complete himself. Xingtian’s plan to get rid of this terrifying crisis step by step. With success after time, Xing Tian can feel the weakening of his chaotic destruction avenue, the improvement of his physical body, the enhancement of the avenue of good fortune, as if this terrible life and death The Great Tribulation is just like pushing Xing Tian to weaken one's own chaotic destruction avenue step by step, everything is so'smooth'!

This time Xing Tian’s actions were so smooth that Xing Tian himself couldn’t believe it. After so many operations, he had never failed once. Such a situation made Xing Tian feel a little uneasy in his heart. I am worried about whether I have been affected by the power of thunder punishment, whether my soul has been impacted by the will of heaven and earth, and has fallen under the influence of the other party unknowingly, otherwise how could all this go so smoothly!

Too smooth also made Xing Tian feel uneasy. After all, he was under the catastrophe of life and death, under the attack of the eye of thunder punishment, living a terrible catastrophe, but now he has not felt this. Threat of thunder punishment!

"How could this happen, can it be said that everything is really as I feared, this is a game, a game against me, just to let myself go according to the will of heaven and earth, or even that mysterious jade pendant is also there? Under the arrangement of the will of heaven and earth, everything at the moment is also under the arrangement of the other party?"

With some thoughts, Xing Tian's mood could not help but heaved again. If all of this was really arranged by the will of heaven and earth, would he fall into a terrible crisis by doing so, and would truly ruin his road. , Ruining the chaotic destruction avenue of one's own practice, or even cutting off one's own path of practice?

Frightened bird, now Xingtian is like a frightened bird, a little bit of trouble, a little unusual, will be extremely vigilant, but all of this is indeed too smooth at the moment, and it is so smooth that it is incomprehensible and difficult to accept. Practice The road was full of endless tribulations, but now everything is completely different, it is so smooth, so weird!

It is a pity that Ren Shi Xing Tian couldn't find a clue no matter how he searched it, and he didn't have much time left. Under the guidance of time and time, the river of thunder light above the void had become dim, the source of thunder punishment Most of the losses are lost. It seems that it won't take long before this time the thunder penalty will end, and a new round of thunder penalty will come. At this time of thunder and punishment, Xing Tian didn't dare to be too distracted. That would only make him fall into a place where he could never recover. A carelessness would kill him!

I forcibly gather my mind and let myself not think too much about such issues. Although I have some worries in my heart, all this has already happened. If this is really the layout of the will of heaven and earth for me, everything will be revealed before long. After all, Any conspiracy will be exposed one day, let alone such terrible thunder!

As the physical body continues to grow stronger, the power of Xing Tian’s own road of good fortune gradually overwhelms the road of chaotic destruction. The power of the road of chaotic destruction in the sea of ​​soul knowledge seems to be blocked by the road of good fortune, and it is no longer difficult to spread a trace of chaotic destruction. If it weren't for Xing Tian, ​​he could still feel the origin of the chaotic destruction avenue under time and again, and he could feel the existence of that array of pictures and four killing swords, Xing Tian would think that his chaos destruction avenue had been destroyed!

Under the weakening time and time again, Xingtian’s Chaos Destruction Array was finally revealed, and the four killing swords gradually dissipated a terrifying murderous intent. When he saw the weakened Chaos Destruction Array, Xing Tian was a little dumbfounded. Now, in just such a small amount of time, the true meaning of his chaotic destruction avenue has undergone such a terrible change. Above that array, Xing Tian can no longer feel the terrible impact before, and the entire array has appeared. A trace of cracks seems to be the possibility of collapse at any time, and the four swords of killing and cutting have become very ordinary. If you do not pay attention, you will not feel the aura of chaos destroying the avenue!

"If it weren’t for the pure and terrifying avenue of chaotic destruction in the original formation, if it weren’t for the presence of the four fierce beasts in the four killing swords, I would have thought that my avenue of chaos destruction was complete. Shattered! The power of thunder punishment is really terrible, but the sealing power of this mysterious jade pendant is surprising. For such a long time, it was only weakened a little bit, and it did not shake its roots at all. Such a result It's incredible!"

No wonder Xing Tian thinks this way. He spent countless energy and invested a lot of resources, and the condensed chaotic destruction avenue was shaken and weakened. However, the sealing power of a mysterious jade pendant was not lost too much. This result is not wide enough. Xing Tian was not shocked. The power of the world condensed by the complete Three Thousand Dao is really so powerful and terrifying, but why did he also practice the Three Thousand Dao and master the power of the world, but not have such a powerful force? The gap is too big!

Under such crazy thunder punishment, what exactly are the eyes of thunder punishment and the will of heaven and earth going to do, now I am still at a loss, is it just to weaken my chaotic destruction avenue, just want to cut off my own against the sky? the road? I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out, Xing Tian wants to break his head and can’t figure out the other party’s true intentions. If this mysterious jade pendant is also the other party’s calculation, what is it for? Obviously his own chaotic destruction avenue is already very weak now. But didn't take the initiative to devour it?

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