God of Destruction

Chapter 3804: Chaos Destruction Sword bursts out

Chapter 3804 Chaos Destruction Sword Exploded

Foggy? Confused, this is Xing Tian’s situation at this time. The mist enveloped him, making him unable to see the front and the intention of the Thunder Punishment Eye. This is completely different from the Thunder Punishment he imagined. Everything is so unreliable. Sheng, you must know that Xing Tian has gone through a lot of thunder punishments and has a lot of experience, but now all this makes him extremely unbelievable!

"Is this trying to lower my vigilance, or is this a big conspiracy in itself, a conspiracy that is pulling myself into hell?" Xing Tian muttered to himself, trying hard to face this weirdness for himself Find a reasonable explanation for the situation.

There is no explanation, no matter from which aspect, all this is so unreasonable and incredible, but all of this happened. I am the master of the incident, so I can't help but not accept all this and face it all!

"I can't think about it anymore, otherwise I will shake my beliefs and make my mind become abnormal, then the consequences will be serious!" As Xing Tian, ​​who has a lot of experience in dealing with crises, he knows how much he feels like this. Impact!

Not only Xingtian felt that this thunder penalty was weird, but also General Moro and Tongtianhe Water God also felt weird. They had never seen such a weird thunder penalty. Xingtian, who was punished by the eye of thunder penalty, was not only unsuccessful. Heavy damage, on the contrary, they are still absorbing the power of thunder punishment to temper themselves, and constantly strengthen themselves, which makes them unbelievable!

"Water God, you are very knowledgeable. Have you ever seen such a thunder penalty, how do I think everything is so weird!" Facing such a weird thunder penalty, General Moro couldn't help but ask the Tongtian River Water God. After all, the Water God of Tongtian River is an ancient god, and he has much more experience than himself, and may have different opinions on such a weird thunder punishment!

"Moreau, what do you want me to say, don't say see this strange thunder punishment, I have never heard of it, who can imagine that the power of thunder punishment does not kill the target, on the contrary, it is nourishing the target with its own origin. No one will believe it when going out, but all this happened right before our eyes. This is really weird and incredible!"

When talking about this, a faint worry flashed in the eyes of Tongtianhe Water God, and for a moment he continued: "I don't think this is a good thing. Such a weird situation happened during thunder punishment. This is not ordinary. Maybe This is not only related to Xingtian, the person who saved the calamity, but also related to the changes in the whole world. It's a pity that the secrets of heaven and earth are chaotic now and cannot be calculated!"

Deduction of secrets? This is a bit too arrogant. This is the first thought of General Moreau, because this heavenly secret is related to the Eye of Thunder Punishment and is related to the will of heaven and earth. A small ancient **** wants to deduct such a great secret. , This is a bit too much, under the backlash of heaven, let alone the ancient gods, even the most powerful gods will die!

"No, as an ancient god, it is impossible for Tongtianhe Water God not to understand this, but now he has said something like this. Could it be that this battle has caused his mind to be hit hard, making him no longer aware of it? There was a problem!” For an instant, General Moro's mood became heavy, and he could make an ancient **** suffer this heavy damage. It can be seen that the terrible enemies and such terrifying power are hidden in the dark. It will be for the empire. What a threat!

This is indeed the case. The enemy's final blow not only caused damage to the origin of the Tongtian River Water God, but also hurt his Dao Heart and his soul, but now the Tongtian River Water God himself did not notice this! In this war, the price that Tongtianhe Water God paid was too great. It was so big that he didn't know how serious it was. His mind was injured. This is not ordinary serious. If he can't repair it in time, it will definitely affect him in the future. Practice!

"The **** of water, it is better not to mention the deduction of heaven and earth. This is the punishment of heaven and earth. Xingtian faces the eye of thunder punishment. It is the expression of the will of heaven and earth. Anyone who deliberately deduces the heaven and earth will be a challenge to the will of heaven and earth. You If you really have to do this, the consequences will be unthinkable. Don't do this kind of thing!"

Although the general Moro had a little contradiction with the water **** of the Tongtian River, Moro did not conceal anything about this matter, and directly spoke out his own thoughts, and issued a warning to the water **** of the Tongtian River to prevent him from setting foot. Death journey!

Hearing these words, the expression of Tongtianhe Water God changed drastically. With the reminder of General Moreau, he immediately woke up and immediately noticed his own fault. After a few breaths, his mood became even heavier. , He felt the trauma above his mind, and felt how terrifying the damage the enemy's last blow brought to him!

"Damn bastard, who left such a sinister calculation in that attack, what a group of sinister and despicable villains!" In an instant, Tongtianhe Water God couldn't help swearing, venting his own anger!

"Oh! It seems that things are really as I thought. The God of Tongtian River was unknowingly calculated by the enemy. For these hidden forces, we must not be taken lightly, or else it will be unimaginable. This time the empire owes too much due to the fruit, I am afraid that the price to be paid is not light!" When thinking of this, General Moruo couldn't help but sighed inwardly, feeling as heavy as the God of Tongtian River. .

In contrast, the Empress Empress didn’t have much feeling. After all, she was a mortal with no cultivation base, and she was unaware of the many major troubles hidden in this battle, and Moro couldn’t talk about these things. , Because these things cannot be known to ordinary soldiers, otherwise it will shake the army's morale, and it will have a huge impact on the army!


The military spirit cannot be lost, this is an important guarantee for being a general, so when such a situation occurs, all the pressure will be borne by General Moro alone, this is his responsibility! At this time, under this situation, even if he knew the terrible and terrifying enemy, General Moro could only press in his own heart.

"Water God, this eye of thunder punishment appears, but it will not end with only three thunder tribulations. Looking at the aura above the void, at least nine thunder punishments must fall. How much do you think Xingtian will persist?" Looking at the terrible dark cloud that condensed again in the void, General Moro asked worriedly, although Xing Tian and the empire did not have much connection, he did not want to see Xing Tian fall into this terrible thunder penalty. Among them, after all, Xing Tian is also a rare talent!

Tongtianhe Water God shook his head and said: "I don't know, this thunder penalty is too weird. Whether he can survive this catastrophe, everything depends on Xingtian's own ability and his background. If he is just the same as before. , It is absolutely impossible to survive this catastrophe, but I think he should have no use, and dare to take the initiative to provoke thunder punishment, he must have his own dependence!"

After his state of mind returned to calm, Tongtianhe Water God became sensible. In his mind, he believed that Xingtian had enough power to survive the catastrophe, otherwise he would not actively cause thunder punishment to come, and in his opinion, Xingtian was the reincarnation of the ancient strong man. , Must have a strong background, be able to reincarnate in reincarnation, absolutely made all the arrangements for himself! Although the thunder penalty in front of me is terrible, it is not without the power to deal with it, and from now on, Xing Tian still has a certain amount of initiative!

During the conversation between General Moro and the Water God of Tongtian River, the thunder penalty condensed in the void once again fell. This time it was no longer a river of thunder, but a rain of thunder like needles. The first rays of thunder condensed into terrible The needle of the law of the law has terrible penetrating power. I only saw the rain of needles falling, and I just felt the terrible breath through the void. The generals Moro and the God of Tongtian River were all discolored. If the terrible needle rain is let them face it, no one has the confidence to resist it!

When the thunder punishment fell again, Xing Tian's heart was shocked, and a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart. When he looked up and saw the needle rain falling, a trace of shock appeared in his eyes. This is the thunder punishment. The real start, the previous thunder punishment was only the beginning. If the previous thunder punishment was both destruction and good fortune, this time the thunder punishment was completely destructive.

When just touched, Xingtian’s physical defenses were torn apart, and the terrible needle rain directly penetrated through the body’s defenses and attacked Xingtian’s blood. The blood was even shaking Xingtian’s bones, the terrible needle rain. Madly destroying everything in Xing Tian's body, and wiping out the origin of good fortune in Xing Tian's physical body!

Guide this force into the sea of ​​soul consciousness? No, now Xingtian can’t do this at all. No matter how firm Xingtian’s will is, no matter how strong his soul is, he will not be able to attract this terrible rain of needles. This rain of needles is the beginning of the real thunder punishment. , Is the beginning of facing the danger, such a terrible attack made Xing Tian's brows frowned involuntarily!

"Damn, this is for my own physical body, for my own great path of good fortune. It used to be to obliterate the chaotic and ruined path of my practice, but now it is for the great path of good fortune of my flesh. The Eye of Punishment is determined to control me to death. This situation is really wonderful and very dangerous!" Xing Tian muttered to himself, this time the thunder punishment was beyond his imagination, if the body continues to bear it. The terrible rain of needles, it will not take long before the origin of his great path of good fortune will be severely damaged, but now he has no defensive treasure at all.

"Damn it, if there is the power of the inner world, it will be fine, even if it is a terrible thunder penalty, you don't have to worry about your own safety!" At this time, Xing Tian once again thought of his sealed inner world, and thought of his inner world. The endless source of power, but this is just thinking about it, the reality hurt him very much.

Before, Xing Tian was able to find a ray of life, even if there were hidden dangers, but now Xing Tian could not find the slightest vitality. Faced with such a terrible thunder penalty, Xing Tian seemed to have reached the limit of mountains and rivers, and he could no longer resist!

"I can’t take a passive challenge like this anymore. If I continue like this, I really will die without life. It’s time to let go. Now that the will of heaven and earth and the eyes of thunder and punishment don’t give me a chance, I will create a chance for myself. , You can’t see the existence of my chaotic destruction avenue, then I have to let you see it and start an outbreak for me!"

In an instant, Xing Tian made a crazier choice, unlocking all the sealing power in the sea of ​​soul consciousness, and completely let go of the sealed chaotic destruction road in the sea of ​​soul consciousness, a terrible aura of destruction. Rising from Xing Tian's body! And at this moment, Xing Tian quickly collected the mysterious jade pendant. At this time, Xing Tian didn't need it to balance his soul consciousness, and he didn't need it to contain his chaotic destruction avenue!

"War, Chaos Destroy Swords are coming!" With Xing Tian's deep cry, in the terrible aura of destruction, the original formation of Chaos Destroy appeared, and four swords of destruction appeared, in the terrible aura of destruction. The roar of four beasts rang out in an instant, and the four killing swords changed in a moment, and evolved into four chaotic beasts standing on the array!

"Hey! What a terrible aura, what a terrifying formation. Is this Xingtian's killer? With such a terrifying aura of destruction, is he not the way of killing, but the way of destruction! Only this explanation can tell everything. , And only in this way, will such a terrifying and strange thunder penalty appear!" In an instant, General Moruo figured out everything, but there was endless shock in his heart, and Xing Tian’s impact on him was really too great. Up.

terrible! The chaotic destruction sword array standing on Xingtian’s head is really terrifying. When the sword array appeared, all the thunder punishments were strangled by the power of the sword array, and turned into nutrients that nourished the array and nourished Xingtian’s Chaos Destruction Avenue!

"Well, Xing Tian is really good, and the ancient strong man really has the treasure of the way. If anyone dares to beat him, he will be ruined. My choice is really right!" Compared to General Moruo's shock Horror, and Tongtian River Water God is endless joy. The stronger Xing Tian manifests, the more at ease he feels, and the more determined he is to follow Xing Tian.

From the point of view of Tongtianhe Water God, such an astonishing method is definitely not something that ordinary strong men can do. Xing Tian is definitely one of the most powerful beings in ancient times, and only those strong men who stand on the top can have such The terrible treasure of the Taoist protection, the treasure that can fight against the will of heaven and earth, and the eye of thunder punishment. With such a treasure protection, who dares to attack Xingtian, even if the empire is fortune, he must think twice, and he must be afraid of three points. ! Such power may not be able to shake the rule of the empire, but it is enough to threaten the safety of the empire and shake the foundation of the empire!

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