God of Destruction

Chapter 3805: Festival crazy

Chapter 3805 Crazy

Although the Chaos Destruction Sword Array blocked the impact of thunder punishment, this does not mean that Xing Tian can sit back and relax. In fact, this is the beginning of danger. Xing Tian cannot be immersed in that fantasy. You can easily survive the catastrophe. That is a fool. Although his Chaos Destruction Sword Array is strong, the power of the will of heaven and earth is stronger, and the power of Thunder Punishment Eye is even more terrifying. The reason why I am so relaxed now is because of Lei The power of punishment has not reached its peak.

Under the thunder punishment, the physical body cannot ignore a little, even if his own Chaos Destruction Sword Array can withstand the terrible impact, but Xing Tian still dare not be careless, the Chaos Destruction Sword Array will still put down part of the thunder punishment. Power, so that Xing Tian can be used to continue to temper the body, continuously strengthen the power and origin of his body, so that he can accumulate more power!

Of course, Xing Tian did not let go of the power to continue to grow the'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array'. After that huge thunder penalty was obliterated, its roots were all turned into the nutrients of the'Chaotic Destroy Sword Array', continuously nourishing Xingtian's chaotic destruction. Dadao, the power of the “Chaos Destroy Array” that had been wiped out is rapidly recovering. It won’t take long before the original source that was lost will be restored. This is the terrible chaos destruction Dao, all power will become its own as long as it is wiped out. nutrient!

I saw that both the "Chaotic Destruction Sword Array" above Xing Tian's head and Xing Tian's own aura were rapidly increasing. Only for a short time, the aura was greatly enhanced under this terrible thunder punishment. Those who are outside of Thunder Punishment can clearly feel the changes in Xing Tian and the breath of the'Chaotic Destroying Sword Array' above him!

"Crazy, really crazy, under such a terrible thunder punishment, you can swallow the power of thunder punishment to strengthen yourself!" Seeing such an astonishing change, General Moreau's mind was once again violently shocked. Shocked by all this in front of me!

It’s terrible, it’s really terrible. The power Xing Tian demonstrated is too terrifying, it’s too heaven-defying. It can ignore the threat of thunder punishment, and can directly obliterate and swallow the source of thunder punishment to strengthen itself. This kind of road is really terrifying. Power is completely destroying the rules of heaven and earth, so it is no wonder that he will be punished by the will of heaven and earth, and it will attract the eyes of thunder punishment!

Crazy, Xingtian is indeed crazy, but all this is not Xingtian provoked, nor is Xingtian willing to see, but the will of heaven and earth and the eyes of thunder punishment push Xingtian to this level step by step, so that Xingtian can’t be forced. If he didn't go all out, he had to unlock his own seal and loosen his own chaotic destruction avenue, otherwise Xing Tian had only a dead end.

If it is possible, Xing Tian is unwilling to explode at this time, unwilling to expose himself in this situation, it is really the will of this world, after all, when Xing Tian sees the enemy’s conspiracy, he is more vigilant about the future catastrophe. Under such a crazy outbreak, it will attract the attention of those enemies who are also outsiders, and make his situation more dangerous. If he can, Xing Tian is willing to hide in the dark, develop his own strength in a low-key manner, and wait until the end. The moment of decisive battle arrives, and then accomplish your goal in one fell swoop, strangling all enemies in one fell swoop!

It’s a pity that life is unsatisfactory, and everything will not develop as perfectly as Xingtian’s own plan, and the enemy’s calculations will also not be satisfactory. This is the environment of the world, this is the general trend, and you can promote the general trend. Development, but the general trend is not controlled by you. No one can control the general trend of the world, that is not allowed by the world!

"Crazy? No, this is self-confidence. Under the will of heaven and earth, dare to do so under the eyes of thunder punishment. This shows that Xingtian has enough confidence. Only such a firm belief can persist under this terrible and strange thunder punishment. Finally, the last laugh!" When he heard the words of General Moruo, Tongtianhe Water God couldn't help but retort, he did not agree with the other side's opinion!

"Confidence? This is indeed confident enough, and bold enough, this is simply going against the sky, it is going retrograde, such crazy things are definitely not something normal people can do, at least I have never seen such crazy and crazy Confident person!" The general Moro shook his head again, sighing at all this.

Retrograde cutting the sky, this is not a casual talk. Now Xing Tian's performance can completely use this word to swallow the source of thunder punishment to strengthen himself. How terrible the risk is. General Moro knows that Tongtian River God of Water It is clear that it is already very difficult to protect oneself under the thunder penalty, and the ability to swallow the source of the thunder penalty is not something normal people can do.

"Xingtian going so crazy will make the power of Thunder Punishment's Eye stronger and more terrifying punishment from the will of heaven and earth. Although the power of this formation is unmatched, it will be the enemy of the whole heaven and earth. It's far from enough. After all, the power of Thunder Punishment is just the beginning, and the attack Xing Tian will face will be even more terrifying! I hope he can persist to the end and get through this catastrophe!" As he said, General Moro sighed again. With a sigh of relief, all kinds of emotions inevitably grew in my heart!

"General, is Mr. Xing Tianxiao's situation really dangerous now? Why do I look so relaxed when I see him?" After hearing the conversation between General Moruo and the God of Tongtian River, the empress empress couldn't help but move. There is more enthusiasm for Tianjiao like Xing Tian, ​​after all, such Tianjiao is very rare!

auzw.com is relaxed, Xing Tian is indeed very relaxed now, because most of the pressure is resisted by the "Chaos Destruction Sword Array" above his head, and those thunder punishments that fell on Xing Tian The power is also Xing Tian himself consciously put down to temper his body. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian is naturally very relaxed, no wonder the empress empress is so confused!

General Moro sighed: "Easy? He is really easy now, but the eye of thunder punishment is not easy to provoke. Now thunder punishment is just the beginning. Every heavy thunder punishment will have a qualitative change. Although this thunder punishment There is no way to punish the sky, but the next wave of thunder penalties will become even more terrifying and even more terrifying. With the continuous enhancement of thunder penalties, it is difficult to successfully survive the catastrophe by relying only on the power of this external formation. , Especially such a crazy and terrifying calamity, it will be even more terrifying and dangerous!"

"Let’s keep watching, now it’s useless to say more. Everything is just our own opinion. It is not us, nor the will of heaven and earth, that really determines everything, not the eye of thunder, but the one who is in the midst of suffering. Xing Tian, ​​he is the key to all of this. This thunder punishment is also a rare opportunity for us. If we can understand the rules of thunder punishment from it, it will be an unimaginable help to our own practice!" The water **** of Tongtian River no longer pays attention to the general Moro, the queen empress, and the surrounding environment. He quietly understands the thunder punishment in the void, the power of the rules in the thunder punishment, and the top of Xingtian's head. The'Chaotic Destruction Sword Formation' shown on the above, he was not tempted at all, that formation was not accessible to a small **** like himself, and that terrifying aura would directly destroy his mind!

As an ancient god, Tongtianhe Water God knows what he should choose at this time and under such circumstances. Excessive greed will only make himself into a desperate situation. It is not the power that he can contact, and he will not have the slightest greed. Nian, even if this power is tempting, no matter how longing it is, he will not be tempted by it!

The state of mind, not everyone has the state of mind like Tongtian River Water God. When he saw Xingtian sacrifice the terrible'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array', General Moruo was moved by it, because this power is really powerful, such a power If he could be mastered by the empire, why would he be afraid of the various forces hidden in the dark, it's a pity that such forces exceeded his imagination! General Morrow was also considered a determined person. He recovered his calm state of mind in a short period of time. He was not affected by the greed in his heart. Unfortunately, not all soldiers have the will of General Morrow, and some are not determined. People, some people with ambitions in their hearts, are all affected by that greedy desire and hope. If the thunder penalty in front of them were not too horrible, they could not bear to rush into the thunder penalty and take it. The infinitely powerful'Chaos Destruction Sword Array' above Xing Tian's head!

General Moreau also felt the reaction of his soldiers, but under such circumstances, he couldn't speak many words. The most important thing was that these soldiers who had lost their minds would not listen to his persuasion. Especially in this situation, not only will my persuasion not have any results, but on the contrary, it will make the soldiers under him feel resentful.

The road came out by himself. Since he could not stop all of this, General Moro could only remain silent and could only watch with cold eyes. What's more, these ambitious soldiers were almost all nobles from famous families. For them, in their hearts There is no fear at all, they don't know the dangers of this world at all, they all have eyes above the top.

More things are better than less things. Since these ignorant and greedy soldiers have ambitions, let them do it. It is a good thing to let them suffer a bit, or they will walk on the road to death one day and provoke them. To a formidable enemy that shouldn't be provoked!

General Moreau seems to have forgotten one thing, Xing Tian is also not easy to provoke, Xing Tian has never been merciless, if these soldiers really dare to attack Xing Tian, ​​waiting for them will be death, no one can stop Xing Tianda The empire cannot do the killing, nor can the general Moro. If the empire is involved, it will be very difficult!

The water **** of Tongtian River did not have as much consideration as General Moreau in his heart. He quickly gathered his mind to realize the true meaning of Thunder Punishment, while General Moreau had to bother to think about countermeasures when he woke up from his helplessness. At that time, the Water God of Tongtian River was already immersed in enlightenment, and when faced with this great opportunity, he walked in front of General Moruo!

Opportunity is not terrible. Lost will never come. Such a great opportunity does not appear at any time. Once missed, it is harder to get such an opportunity than going to heaven. After all, not everyone has the madness of Xingtian, not who They all have Xingtian's terrifying ability, which can cause the thunder penalty to come, make the eye of thunder penalty appear, and drop such a terrible thunder penalty!

Regret it? No, although he knew that he had missed part of the opportunity, General Moreau had no regrets in his heart. He is such a person. Everything is important to the empire, and everything is willing to put the empire first, even if he is After being placed in the empire, in the face of such a great opportunity, he still has not forgotten the empire. This is his greatest weakness!

The thunder punishment is still going on, Xing Tian is still madly tempering his body according to his own wish, strengthening his own chaotic destruction avenue, although the power of the'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' is wiping out the source of the thunder punishment, every time it is wiped out, it is against the chaotic destruction The sword formation is also a self-hardening, whether it is that formation or the four killing swords. As time goes by, Xing Tian gradually feels that his chaotic destruction avenue has undergone a qualitative change. Its origin is no longer as vain as before, but extremely solid. The most important thing is that after continuous tempering, Xing Tian's mastery of the chaotic destruction avenue is also continuously enhanced, as if he has suffered the impact of thunder punishment. 'The Avenue of Chaos Destruction' can be integrated into this world!

Existence is reasonable. Xing Tian has forgotten this important sentence. The three thousand avenues are the laws of heaven and earth, and the avenue of chaos destruction is no exception. The reason why the world was rejected before was because Xingtian’s avenue of chaos destruction was not recognized by heaven and earth. Xing Tian survived the catastrophe of heaven and earth, and his own avenue was naturally recognized by heaven and earth.

Every thunder punishment is not only a test of Xingtian, but also a test of Xingtian's own avenue. Every time the chaotic destruction avenue is tempered under thunder punishment, there will be qualitative changes and will be recognized by heaven and earth. After this life and death catastrophe, not only will he be completely integrated into the world, but even his avenue of chaos destruction will be fully recognized, but there is a premise that Xingtian’s avenue of chaos destruction cannot be destroyed. You can't kill too much, or you will still be punished by heaven and earth. After all, heaven and earth are precious. Excessive killing and destruction cannot be recognized by heaven and earth!

Balance, Xing Tian understands his own situation. Although the thunder penalty from the Eye of Thunder Punishment is not enough to shake his own defense, Xing Tian is not crazy enough to quickly devour the source of the thunder penalty with the power of his own'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' , But carefully strengthened oneself little by little, without a slight leap, trying hard to make one's own avenue of good fortune keep up with the progress of its own chaotic destruction avenue, and not let the chaotic destruction avenue go too far!

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