God of Destruction

Chapter 3806: Ultimate Thunder Punishment

Chapter 3806 Ultimate Thunder Punishment

Balance is the foundation of everything, especially Xing Tian not only practiced the path of chaos destruction, but also the path of good fortune and the path of the world. Balance is the key to his own practice. If the path of chaos destruction is increased too much, he will only lose his balance. Loss of balance on the great road will destroy the foundation of Xingtian's own practice. This is a consequence that Xingtian cannot accept!

Xing Tian, ​​who understands his own path of cultivation, dares not to lose the balance between Chaos Destroy Avenue and His Destiny Avenue, especially now that his own'Chaotic Destroy Avenue' has been unlocked, so he dare not make any mistakes, or wait for himself. There will only be destruction, Xing Tian can't guarantee what will happen to his chaotic destruction avenue higher than the good fortune avenue after the thunder penalty!

Don’t think that this kind of situation will not happen. With the will of heaven and earth’s crazy attack on people against heaven, everything is possible. As long as there is a hidden danger, Xingtian dare not take risks. Any creature who underestimates the will of heaven and earth will only let himself go. Into death.

The more cautious Xing Tian is, the safer he is, and the Tongtian River Water God and General Moro, who are comprehending thunder punishment, will have more time to comprehend Dao, so that they can more easily realize the most terrifying thunder punishment in the world. origin. As for the others, they are just some existences that can't get on the stage. They can't perceive this powerful thunder punishment at all. If they have to perceive it, they will only make him walk into the abyss step by step. After all, they are still far from enlightening!

The more cautious Xing Tian was, the more so step by step he wiped out the power of thunder and punishment to strengthen himself. For those soldiers with greed and ambition in their hearts, the greater the impact and pressure they would have, making them feel deeply about themselves and The gap between Xingtian, and this gap not only did not make them give up the greed in their hearts, on the contrary, they became even more crazy. In their eyes, Xingtian gradually became a great opportunity, and he could not be Xingtian’s opponent, but There is a family behind themselves. In the eyes of these bastards, the power of the family is not something Xing Tian can fight against, but it is they who have such an idea that drags their family into the endless abyss and let the family step forward. The road to destruction.

The greed of the human heart is irresistible. When the greed arises, everything will be out of control. What's more, there are still people driving the development of the Great Tribulation in the dark. Xing Tian’s terrible performance cannot be concealed from those who are the same as him. The creatures who participated in the Great Tribulation of the Territory World can be said that Xing Tian has been ranked above the first hunting target. No matter whether Xing Tian is like those who promote the Great Tribulation, they will not give up, because Xing Tian's potential is too great. It's horrible!

No one wants to see Tianjiao evildoers like Xingtian grow up, and a little ambitious force will not let Xingtian grow up. This is also considered the general trend of heaven and earth, and it can be regarded as another suppression of Xingtian by the will of heaven and earth. It can be said that no matter this time Whether Xing Tian can survive this thundering punishment catastrophe, what awaits him will be endless danger.

Looking at the thunder punishment constantly falling in the void, and at the Xing Tian shrouded by thunder punishment, the Queen Empress’s eyes were constantly shining. Regarding the sudden outbreak of Xing Tian and the terrible thunder punishment, the Empress Empress felt At the same time as the majesty of heaven and earth, there are also different thoughts in her heart. If the empress empress still holds a hint of supremacy towards Xingtian in her heart, at this time she has no such ridiculous thoughts in her heart, although she is not practicing He also understands that when the strength reaches the level of Xing Tian, ​​the so-called empire can no longer suppress the opponent, not to mention Xing Tian has endless potential!

"Oh! It won’t be long before this earth-shattering thunder-punishment catastrophe will spread to all major forces in the empire, and the seemingly peaceful empire will usher in a terrible turmoil. I don’t know how many families will give birth to something that shouldn’t be. Xingtian’s ambitions can’t help but attack Xingtian. For those big families, they have never lacked greed. The powerful treasure in Xingtian’s body is enough to make them tempted and crazy about it, but they don’t know that there are How many families will be shattered in this disaster!"

Although she has not been in contact with Xing Tian for a long time, the Empress Empress has already learned a lot about Xing Tian. Tianjiao evildoers like Xing Tian will not succumb to others. It's okay if you don't hit him, there will be no danger. But once you move your brains, it will be a terrible killing that will never stop. The evildoer who can dare to cut the sky can do anything!

"Should I remind those aristocratic families not to beat Xingtian's idea, so that not only can they get Xingtian's friendship, but also preserve the vitality of the empire?" When she thought of this, the empress shook her head. What's possible, what are the personalities of those aristocratic families, how could they give up their greedy personalities because of their own words, as long as the war is together, all their actions will be wasted and all their efforts will be wasted!

"Forget it, life and death are my fate. I'd better not intervene in this matter. If someone wants to do it, let them find their own death. The empire today is not in its heyday. It can overwhelm all forces in the world, not to mention the empire center. Those aristocratic families should also be cleaned up. This time of shocking change, if they didn't push behind them, it would be impossible. In this way, even if the aristocratic families that had different ideas with the empire were destroyed, it would be more beneficial to the empire than harm! "

The thunder punishment continued, Xing Tian constantly adjusted the power of the'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array', bit by bit obliterating the origin of the thunder punishment, and Xing Tian relied on his own'Chaos Destruction Sword Array'. Little by little, it becomes the nourishment of one's own Dao cultivation, nourishing one's own chaotic destruction avenue and good fortune avenue, allowing one's own body and the chaotic destruction source treasure above the head to rise little by little, although Xing Tian He acted crazy, but this time he was extremely cautious. The power displayed by the Chaos Destruction Sword Array was never higher than the source of the thunder penalty. Every time he tried his best to block the thunder penalty attack. After exhausting his energy, he absorbed the source of the thunder penalty.

Before you know it, the thunder penalty has reached the ninth turn, and the nine is the extreme. When the ninth thunder penalty is condensed, the void becomes terrible, the dark clouds have long disappeared, and replaced by endless Purple air, purple clouds enveloped the world, giving people a feeling of nobleness, and under this noble air, there is also a terrible pressure, which is a kind of high pressure, avoided All defenses directly act on the hearts of all creatures. This is a manifestation of the will of heaven. When the ninth turn of thunder penalty appeared, the will of heaven and earth finally couldn't bear it, and it was about to explode with the most powerful force.


Nine is the extreme. Although the will of heaven and earth wants to destroy Xingtian, who is against the sky, the will of heaven and earth cannot do whatever he wants, and must abide by the rules. Existence is reasonable, and Xingtian exists in this world. That is a reasonable existence. Practicing the avenue of chaos and destruction does not give you any chance of life. The avenue is expensive, and everything has a ray of life, and Xing Tian is no exception.

"Hmm!" Suddenly, the generals Moro and Tongtianhe Water God both uttered a dull hum. They were all hit by the terrible pressure condensed in the void. Under that powerful pressure, Their spiritual defense did not play a role, and they were directly penetrated by the terrible pressure, causing their minds to be instantly hit!

"What a terrible coercion, this is the power of heaven and earth, is this the coercion of the great road? Such power is beyond the scope of my ability. Why is it just a catastrophe that is so terrifying?" Feeling the terrible impact before , Tongtianhe Water God could not help muttering to himself. Fortunately, the power of heaven and earth did not come against them. Otherwise, with just one blow, you can completely destroy your own mind and leave it in your own mind. An indelible mark!

Although Tongtian River Water God also has a lot of experience, it is the first time he has encountered such a terrible thunder penalty such as Xingtian, especially this ninth turn of thunder penalty, the aura of the sky full of purple clouds can make He was wounded, it can be seen how terrifying its power is, but Xing Tian still persisted, and did not have his own reaction, can it be said that this is the power of the ancient strong!

"Yeah, what a terrible pressure. This is indeed the might of heaven and earth. It's not that this power is beyond what we can bear, but that we haven't directly touched the thunder punishment at all, nor did the will of heaven and earth allow us. By opportunism, I realized the origin of this thunder penalty in advance, so I took the initiative to eject us. If you want to understand the thunder penalty, you can only get involved in the thunder penalty!" When he heard the voice of the God of Tongtian River, General Moro spoke Explain, speak out what's in your mind!

It’s not that the power of thunder punishment is beyond what they can bear, but that they are not the people who save the catastrophe and cannot perceive such lightning punishment. If everyone realizes it in advance, it will be very unfair to the people who save the catastrophe. Heaven and earth are the public, this is not allowed, otherwise there will be countless people against the sky in the future, because they can perceive the ultimate power of heaven and mine punishment in advance, and they can prepare and defend in advance. Since then, there will be countless people in this world!

The water **** of Tongtian River nodded thoughtfully and said: "It makes sense, this is indeed the Thunder Punishment deliberately ejected us, preventing us from understanding the origin of the Thunder Punishment in advance. This ninth round of Thunder Punishment has already been exposed. The origin of the will of heaven and earth has come into contact with the rules of thunder punishment. If you are not a person who saves you, you will not be able to realize it. If you act hard, you will only be backlashed by the thunder punishment. We can be ejected without being seriously injured. This is already unfortunate. Great luck in China!"

"Yes, this is indeed a great fortune in misfortune. Obviously being able to see this great opportunity but unable to touch it is a great misfortune for any practitioner, and we can protect ourselves from this misfortune. No injury, this is also a great fortune!" The general Moro sighed lightly, still reconciled to his inability to touch the source of the landmine penalty!

Facing such a great opportunity, but passing it by, who can be willing? No one can do it, even if it is a saint in the world, the avenue is right in front of you, you can only see and cannot touch, this impact is really too big, the generals Moro and Tongtianhe water **** can still keep calm so rationally. This is already very rare!

"The ninth round of thunder punishment has undergone a qualitative transformation, even if the eight previous thunder punishments are combined, there is no terror. This time I don’t know if Xing Tian can resist it, and whether his formation can resist. Live in such a terrible thunder penalty!" When such an astonishing thunder penalty appeared, the water **** of Tongtianhe couldn't calm down, and he was worried about Xingtian!

General Moruo comfortedly said: "It's Xingtian's job to do this alone. We can't help him, but everything has a silver lining. As long as Xing Tian can seize the opportunity, he will naturally be able to retreat!"

Is it really that simple? No, the thunder penalty is not as simple as the general Moreau said. Although everything has a ray of life, under such a terrible thunder penalty, the so-called first line of life seems to exist, but it is difficult to grasp. Under thunder punishment, a person must first face the coercion from the thunder punishment of heaven and earth, and the impact of thunder punishment. Once one's own soul is severely damaged, the so-called glimmer of life will not be grasped even if it is placed in front of one's own eyes. live!

Trembling! When the ninth thunder penalty was condensed and formed, Xing Tian could clearly feel that his'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' was trembling, and the origin of his chaotic destruction avenue was in fear. This majesty of heaven and earth has the ability to destroy his avenue. No matter how cautious it was before, no matter how reserved, but the great road cannot be deceived, the heaven and the earth must not be deceived. When the ninth round of thunder punishment comes, this terrible power has exceeded the range Xingtian can bear, and has exceeded his own chaos. Destroy the sword array's range, facing such a terrible thunder penalty, his sword array is trembling, and his avenue is in fear!

"Damn it, this day mine punishment really doesn't give me any chance. This is completely killing me. The power of the ninth turn of mine punishment turned out to be more than the sum of the previous eight mine punishments. Faced with such a terrible mine punishment, Even if I burned the original source, I couldn’t resist it. The power of the'Chaos Destruction Sword Array' could not be sustained at all. Once the thunder penalty falls, it will not take long before your own'Chaos Destruction Sword Array' will be severely damaged, and its chaos will be destroyed. The avenue is about to be destroyed by thunder!"

After only a brief contact, Xing Tian understood how terrifying the danger he was facing. This last turn of thunder punishment was really terrifying. It was beyond the range he could bear, but he had to face all of this. There is no possibility of evasion. Under such circumstances, it is natural to imagine how heavy Xing Tian's mood is!

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