God of Destruction

Chapter 3807: Festival Thunder City

Chapter 3807 Thunder City

anger? No, this is of no use. This is a thunder-thunder penalty, a test that you must face. Even if you can't see the vitality in this thunder-punishment, this is the catastrophe that you have to face! What is the catastrophe of life and death? That is, compared with the last thunder penalty, the previous thunder penalty is not worth mentioning. There is no comparability. If the previous thunder penalty is used to measure the last thunder penalty, absolutely It is self-defeating, the power of thunder punishment is beyond all imagination.

"What should I do? How should I deal with this terrible thunder punishment?" Xing Tian frowned while thinking about the countermeasures during the thunder punishment. Although he still has a little time to think about it, it's just that time is running out. The power of thunder punishment above is getting more and more terrifying. If you can't think of a way to resolve it, there is only one dead end waiting for yourself.

"The power of the Chaos Destruction Sword Array cannot be counted on. Although it has undergone a qualitative transformation through the washing of thunder punishment, its foundation is still insufficient. Facing such a terrifying destructive thunder punishment, it is still powerless and physical. Not to mention the Avenue of Good Fortune. Even if the Avenue of Good Fortune has undergone a qualitative transformation, it cannot withstand the impact of thunder punishment. It seems that my last vitality is still above the mysterious jade pendant. Perhaps I should rely on it. Go to the World Avenue to resist this time of destruction and thunder. Maybe this will have a huge hidden danger, but now it can’t take care of that much!"

Yes! Now Xing Tian really can’t take care of so much, no matter what power is sealed in this jade pendant, at this time, under this situation, only the power of the world above this mysterious jade pendant can thunder for himself. In addition, Xing Tian There is no other way, even if it is a full-scale outbreak, igniting the power of its own blood, and evolving the Chaos Destruction Dao and the Great Dao Da Dao, to evolve a more powerful chaos origin, it is still not the opponent of the Destruction Thunder Punishment, unless Xing Tian can solve it. One’s own inner world can draw on the huge source of the inner world. Unfortunately, the inner world is still not connected at all, and is still sealed by the boundary world. This directly cuts off Xing Tian’s greatest heritage and makes Xing Tian have nothing to do. !

"Perhaps this life and death catastrophe is not only because of its own chaotic destruction avenue, perhaps it also has a relationship with its own inner world!" Suddenly, for some reason, such a thought came to Xing Tian's heart, although this realm battlefield The world has always kept a seal on its own inner world, but Xing Tian still thinks that his guess may be true. Why can't a world that can accept the existence of other great roads accept the existence of the world's cultivation way!

Unfortunately, there is not much time left for Xing Tian to consider. He has no time to explore this issue. If his guess is true, when this terrible thunder punishment is over, everything will have results. There is no need for him to share in this situation. Xin, when he made a decision, a madness flashed in Xing Tian’s eyes. Although this life and death catastrophe was terrifying, it was also an opportunity. Although his own'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' could not resist this terrifying thunder Punishment, but this does not mean that Xing Tian must let go. The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. Even if it is just a little time, it is very important for his own "Chaotic Destruction Sword Array" and his own chaotic destruction avenue. The role of, even has an important role in one's own good fortune road.

In an instant, Xing Tian mobilized his origin and fully supported the'Chaotic Destruction Sword Formation', so that his sword formation could last longer, so that he could get as much as possible in this thunder penalty. Many benefits, as to what will happen when the mysterious jade pendant in his hand is released, and whether he still has the opportunity to absorb the source of thunder punishment, Xing Tian dare not delusion, after all, he cannot control the power, don’t hold too much Big hopes, too much desire, will only disappoint even more!

After figuring out everything and making all the preparations, Xing Tian once again flared a strong intent to fight, even if it is no matter how terrifying the sky is, no matter how great the impact on his soul, but Xing Tian will not shrink back. This is war. In a battle of life and death, you can't help but retreat, even if you can't see the way out, you must bite the bullet and go on!

Thunder Punishment can not only cleanse one's own avenues, cleanse one's original treasure, but also cleanse one's own fighting spirit, and cleanse one's soul. If one can seize the opportunity in this life and death catastrophe, he will eventually get amazing reward!

"Okay, very good, Xing Tian really has a firm will. Under this situation, he resisted the impact of thunder punishment and exploded with his own powerful fighting intent. Just this fighting intent gave him a trace of victory. Hope!" When seeing the changes in Xing Tian's body, General Moruo couldn't help showing a faint joy on his face. Among the thunder punishments, the most feared is not the horror of the heavens, nor the terrifying thunder, but the fear of not fighting. If so, then there is really no hope!

Compared with the joy of General Moruo, the expression of Tongtian River Water God was incomparably plain, as if Xing Tian’s change did not surprise him at all, as if he had known Xing Tian would do it a long time ago, and the whole person was there. Waiting calmly for the arrival of the thunder punishment, waiting for the final arrival of the thunder punishment, waiting for the final result!

With a loud bang, the endless Ziyun seemed to be irritated by Xing Tian’s strong fighting will. The endless thunder and lightning originated in the thundercloud. At this moment, the endless thunder and lightning origin condensed into a huge The origin brand of the road of thunder, when the brand of the road condensed and formed, Xing Tian’s heart immediately seemed to be crushing a mountain, and he was carrying the pressure of a mountain to fight against the punishment of heaven and earth. The huge pressure made Xing Tian a little uncomfortable. !

"Damn, this thunder penalty is really amazing, it can bring such a lot of pressure to myself, if this power can't be washed away, I'm afraid my situation will be even more dangerous next, but I can't do this with my own power. One point, the source of the thunder penalty has been firmly locked in my body. As long as I reveal a trace of flaws, it will immediately cause a terrible blow and a devastating blow. This time, I am afraid that the thunder penalty is no longer an instinctive impact. The influence of the will of heaven and earth is affected by the eye of thunder punishment!” Soon, Xing Tian thought of the key to the problem, but it was useless for Xing Tian to think too much. He had to face the terrible impact, but Xing Tian wanted himself If you can persist for longer, you can take the opportunity to comprehend more power!

auzw.com "It's started, this final thunder punishment is finally about to begin!" Xing Tian muttered in his heart as he looked at the origin of the thunder punishment surging wildly in the void, With the outbreak of thunder punishment, Xingtian's own pressure is also extremely shocking!

Although the thunder penalty has not yet fallen, Xingtian’s mind has already felt the devastating impact, and the powerful force is madly robbing himself of the battlefield control. If the thunder penalty force is in control of everything, the consequences will be unimaginable, even this duel. Xing Tian had prepared well, but it was not easy to do all this!

What is the battlefield? The battlefield is the world around Xing Tian. It can be said that Xingtian is above the innate. Xing Tian is at a disadvantage. This is the territorial battlefield world and the opponent's home. The power of thunder punishment can limit Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian wants to break free from the power of this world. It is very difficult to restrict himself. After all, Xingtian cannot focus on this. What he has to face is thunder punishment. Thunder punishment is the root of everything. When thunder punishment comes, the pressure on Xingtian is naturally It skyrocketed!

What is the thunder penalty Xing Tian will face this time? Whether it is lightning, or the river of thunder, or thunder-needle torrential rain, or other powers, no one knows until the thunder penalty has completely erupted, even if it is Xingtian who is in the midst of the catastrophe and under the thunder penalty I also couldn't feel the thunder punishment bred by the eyes of thunder punishment.

Thunders continued to sound, and the pressure on Xing Tian's body increased rapidly. Gradually, the thunder punishment in the void finally took shape. What was condensed from the endless purple energy was not lightning, nor a river of thunder, nor a thunder needle. Heavy rain is a castle, a supreme castle condensed by purple gas. Above that castle is a terrible thunder pond. The thunder pond merges into the castle and becomes its core source of power, pushing the castle downward.

"What is this? The City of Thor?" Xing Tian couldn't help but wonder when seeing the terrible castle falling continuously. Although the castle exudes a terrible atmosphere, Xing Tian can't figure out what this castle does. What is the terrible lethality of Thunder Punishment's last turn? Could it be that the castle was used to suppress oneself?

I can’t figure it out, but I can’t figure out this question no matter how I think about Xing Tian, ​​but as the castle continues to fall, the pressure on Xing Tian’s body is rapidly increasing, and his body has to run with all his strength to build the Great Road of Good Fortune, in order to resist the void and the coming The pressure brought by this castle, in front of this castle, seems to be the power of his own "Chaotic Destruction Sword Array" has been offset, there is no way to weaken the terrible pressure emitted by the castle, this result makes Xing Tian involuntarily Frowned!

accident! This is really too unexpected. The ultimate power of Thunder Punishment turned out to be a mysterious castle. This not only surprised Xingtian, but also shocked everyone who watched the battle. Thunder Punishment suddenly changed. For a terrible castle, this makes everyone feel puzzled, even the ancient gods like Tongtianhe Water God are also puzzled!

"Water God, you are an ancient god, have you ever heard that there is such a terrible castle between heaven and earth? A powerful castle condensed by purple clouds, is this condensed from heaven and earth thunder punishment, or it has always existed in heaven and earth? Time?" When looking at the sudden change in front of him, General Moreau couldn't help asking his doubts!

Tongtianhe Water God sighed, shook his head and said, "I don’t know, I don’t know what’s going on, and I’ve never heard of such a castle between heaven and earth. If this castle really exists in heaven and earth. In between, it definitely did not exist in the ancient times, but existed at the beginning of the world. With the castle as the last thunder punishment, this time the thunder punishment is really weird and unbelievable. No one will believe the situation!"

Yes! If this kind of thunder punishment is told to others, no one can believe it, and any strong person will dismiss it, because there has never been a thunder punishment that has evolved into a castle, and it is still a castle that fell from the void, so it is even more impossible to exist. !

"That’s good, the more impossible it is, the more we can protect Xing Tian from outsiders’ impact. After all, the drastic changes that Xing Tian has caused this time are terrifying. Even if I am the commander of this army, I cannot guarantee that it will be in the army. No one will be tempted. After all, the treasure is tempting, and the power of the sword formation in Xing Tian’s hands is too terrifying, and the children of the aristocratic family will be tempted!" At this time, under this situation, General Moreau said in his heart His worries remind the God of Tongtian River to be cautious!

Tongtianhe Water God snorted disdainfully and said: "Haha! Ignorance, if such an ignorant thing happens, it is really interesting. It’s not that I look down on those aristocratic families, even if their power is doubled, it’s really interesting. Without that ability, if Xingtian can retreat in this terrible thunder punishment, Moro, do you think that the aristocratic families in the empire can shake the safety of Xingtian? Not to mention them, I am afraid that the imperial royal family will also be difficult to shake. The security of Xingtian, the sword formation is not given for nothing, and its power is not a display! Now I can’t see its power, that’s because the sword formation is against the thunder punishment, the eye of thunder punishment, and the will of heaven and earth. If this sword formation is placed on the earth and used to deal with the army, do you think the great power in your hand can fight against it, and can you retreat in this sword formation?"

With a'swipe', General Moruo's face turned pale. Tongtianhe Water God's words were correct. If the sword formation above Xingtian's head was placed on the earth, his army could resist the sword formation. The power of killing? Impossible, I can’t do it, even if I use my full strength to explode my own martial arts supernatural powers, I can’t do it, even if the imperial imperial family can hardly do it, even though the imperial imperial family hides a powerful force, it is facing The terrifying sword formation Xing Tian mastered was able to exert some strength. After all, this sword formation was able to smash the world and punish the land directly!

"The **** of water is right. I am really too self-righteous. Xingtian's safety does not need me to worry about. As long as he can retreat from this thunder punishment and survive the attack of the thunder punishment, his own realm There will be a qualitative leap, and my own combat power will also have amazing growth. What qualifications do I have to worry about his safety!" At this point, General Moreau couldn't help but smile!

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