God of Destruction

Chapter 3808: Section advice

Chapter 3808 Advice

Seeing Moro’s reaction, Tongtianhe Water God shook his head and said: "Moro, don’t think so much. Instead of worrying about Xingtian’s safety, you should worry about the safety of those ignorant families in the empire. When you have that time, you can Go and persuade them not to act rashly, otherwise no one can save them, and offend a powerful existence, which is not the consequence that their "ants" can bear. Although the empire is strong, the family is powerful, but it is also for whom, At least they don't have such confidence in front of Xing Tian! If they insist on pursuing treasures they shouldn't get, they will only kill themselves!"

The words of Tongtian River Water God were like thunder, which instantly shocked General Moruo. He never doubted that Tongtian River Water God’s words were false, because there was no such need, even if Tongtian River Water God had selfishness and neither They will cheat on this matter, or they will eventually be dismantled. After all, there are many people who do not believe in evil and will not cry without seeing the coffin.

"Could it be that Xing Tian is so powerful that even the Water God of Connecting Tianhe has said such things? If so, Xing Tian is not just as simple as a reincarnated powerhouse, but he also has a more powerful identity, but such things can't help me. To decide, I shouldn’t do this either. After all, it’s the empire that rules everything!" When I thought of this, General Moreau turned his eyes to the empress empress. This matter can only be decided by the empress empress, and he cannot go beyond his authority. , Or else it will only bring disasters to oneself, and only make the empire jealous of itself, which is not a good thing for itself or the empire!

Empress Empress naturally heard the words of Tongtian River Water God, although in her heart she hopes to use Xingtian's hand to suppress those aristocratic families in the empire, but this matter cannot be revealed, let alone at this time, in this situation , Showing it in front of General Moreau, that will only cause General Moreau's worry!

Seeing General Moreau’s eyes, the Empress Empress showed a bitter smile on her face, shook her head and said: "General, I’m afraid we can’t help this matter. People’s minds are unpredictable. In the face of interests, even the empire comes forward. It's useless. They won't believe it at all. They won't listen. They will only doubt the empire's intentions. They will only think that the empire wants to swallow the treasures. Let them go. If the general is really worried, you can tell your majesty!"

General Moreau was startled first, and then there was also a wry smile on his face. Just as the empress said, people's hearts are unpredictable, and this matter cannot be persuaded at all. It is difficult to persuade the damned person when the family is up. When you are greedy, no matter how well you say it, no matter how dangerous it is, they won’t care about it. Greed will make them desperate. Perhaps in the hearts of these families, the empire is their strongest backing. With the empire, they are not afraid of revenge!

The empire today can really block disasters for them, block lunatics like Xing Tian, ​​crazy counterattacks from lunatics like Xing Tian for them? No, the empire can't do it, it can't do it, the empire cannot offend such crazy people like Xingtian because of the greed of these aristocratic families, offend such a powerful man with such a big killer in hand, the consequences of that kind are not the empire can bear!

General Moro sighed and said, "Oh! It seems that things can only be done like this, but we still have to do the persuasion that should be done. We can't just do nothing just because those noble families don’t care. If they don’t believe it, we still have to make a warning. As for whether they believe it or not, this is their own business. At least the empire has no mistakes in the righteousness. There is a family that believes that it is a good thing for the empire! It is good for the empire. It is a family that can keep one family!"

It’s a bit frustrating to be able to keep one family, but that’s the truth. With Xingtian’s current madness, no one dares to despise, nor can anyone despise it. In contrast, friendship with Xingtian is the most important thing in the empire. Those aristocratic families are resigned to their fate, life and death are all up to them, and others cannot interfere or interfere!

"Moreau, don't care about the lives and lives of those aristocratic families. The empire today is no longer the empire of the past. If those aristocratic families really need to die, let them go. Speaking of which, the empire attaches the most importance to Xing Tian, ​​nor those families. It is the many forces hidden in the dark. Now they are all jumping out frantically to make trouble. If this arrogance cannot be suppressed, the whole world will not be far from the chaos, and then the empire will have great fun! But now the empire can How much power is squeezed out to suppress those secret forces, and how confident is it? I am expecting the imperial army. I am afraid that it is unrealistic. You must know that the remaining army under your hands is no longer able to suppress the border. If this time, those **** barbarians commit another On the side, the luck of the entire empire will be turbulent! For the empire army, the first thing to do is to ensure the security of the border!"

Although Tongtianhe Water God’s words are not good, they are all true. When this catastrophe broke out, everything was left to the empire. The empire had already lost its first opportunity. From the moment his army was crippled. , The empire’s army has a big problem. The borders of the empire will be extremely cautious. There are really not many troops that the empire can deploy. It has become a very difficult thing to suppress those secret forces, especially in the empire. There are still their people hidden in the center. As long as these **** are still in place for a day, it will be difficult to strike a devastating blow to those secret forces!

difficult! difficult! difficult! This is the status quo of the empire. Before, when there was no violence, the entire empire seemed to be calm, but when I took the initiative to open up the overall situation, I found that the world had already undergone astonishing changes, and the empire’s rule had major problems. In this battle, he miscalculated with the empire, so that he fell into such a passive situation!

"Water God, you are an ancient **** and have a deep understanding of the world. According to your opinion, what should the empire do to preserve its vitality and suppress the world?" At this time, General Moruo had to ask the Tongtian River Water God , This sounded a bit harsh, a bit unbelievable, it is ridiculous to ask a **** about the important affairs of the empire!

Hearing the words of General Morrow, Tongtianhe Water God was startled at first. He really did not expect that the General Morrow in front of him would say such a thing, and would ask himself, a **** who has little connection with the empire. This made him wonder how to answer for a while. After all, he is a god, and there are many things he cannot do! In embarrassment, the God of Tongtian River was very embarrassed by these words, and it was a little inappropriate and dangerous, and it would add to the cause and effect!

auzw.com After a while, Tongtianhe Water God took a deep breath, shook his head gently, and said, "Moreau, in this case you shouldn’t say that such military affairs are not What a sloppy **** like me can dictate, and the god’s responsibility prevents me from interfering in mundane matters. Doing too much will only be troublesome and will only plunge myself into the crisis of death. It's not your calculation, I won't even participate in this battle, after all, I am a god!"

The refusal of the Tongtian River Water God did not surprise General Mo Dian. This was in his expectation, but when General Moreau asked, he had already thought of a countermeasure, and Moro smiled lightly. Said: "Water God, your identity does not allow you to do too much, but you must not forget that now you are different. Your luck is connected with the empire’s luck, and you get a share of luck from the empire. At this time, you will not be able to get rid of the influence of imperial luck on yourself!"

At this time, the empress empress also reacted and persuaded: "Water God, the general is right. Your status is different now, and after you participated in this battle, no matter how you explain it, it is useless. Those forces hidden in the dark will not believe it, and they will not let you go. Under this situation, what do you have to worry about!"

On the thief ship! This is the first reaction of the God of Tongtian River. He knew that there would be such a situation a long time ago. I shouldn’t have agreed to it before and shouldn’t participate in this battle. When I thought of this, the God of Tongtian River had endless regrets. For the benefit of the moment, I made such an ignorant choice!

Now everything is just as the Empress said, no matter how she explains or does what she does next, those secret forces will not believe that they are not connected with the empire, and will see themselves as thorns and thorns in the flesh. Everything on this battlefield is already gone. Passed back to the major forces, those forces hidden in the dark have already hated themselves!

After thinking of all this, Tongtianhe Water God sighed and said: "Moreau, you **** is really damned, you have caused me such a hardship, and let me get on your thief boat. You are really harmful. If you can't give me a satisfactory reply this time, we will only endure endlessly! This is the price you pay!"

The empire will not save the price that should be paid, especially for such things, let alone do it. If you do this, it will not only offend the God of Tongtian River, but also lose everyone’s hearts. , Such a stupid thing will never appear in the empire anyway, even if there are enemies in the center, those **** will not jump out and make trouble under this situation, because they did it, One is not making trouble, but self-defeating!

General Morrow nodded and said: "Water God, put your heart on your stomach, and the empire will never forget your merits. The empire has always been very generous to those who have done meritorious services. Tell us what you think. Broad knowledge and endless years have given you a thorough knowledge of the entire empire. Perhaps none of the ministers in the center of the empire have a deep understanding of the empire!"

Views, Tongtian River Water God really has a lot of opinions, and things are just like what Moreau said. If we talk about understanding of the empire, Tongtian River Water God is really powerful. The endless years have given him a powerful foundation and let him witness The rise and fall of many forces!

"How can I put it? Although the situation of the empire is very unsatisfactory at this time, and the frontiers need to be suppressed by the army, but the forces hidden in the dark cannot be relaxed. Whoever jumps out to make trouble must pay the price, only with strong suppression. Only to be able to kill this trend, kindness will not have good results. After all, those forces have been recuperating for too much time, and they have already given birth to thoughts that they should not have. Once the opportunity appears, they will jump out and make trouble. It’s not just this little person, this little force, the whole world will be turbulent. As for the center, this requires the royal family’s determination. The objects to be eliminated must be eliminated. No matter how high the price is paid, they will not hesitate to do anything. It all depends on the empire's own choice!"

At this point, Tongtianhe Water God's voice paused, and then continued after a light sigh: "The hidden power in the imperial royal family should have moved. At this time, only **** wrists can do it!"

The water **** of Tongtian River directly pointed out the power of the royal family, but whether this decision can be made or not depends on the emperor himself. If the royal family still has any illusions, it is useless to say more. The catastrophe has already been opened and hidden. Those enemies who secretly promote the general trend of the world will not give up. Any fantasy will make the empire fall into an endless abyss!

General Moro was very dissatisfied with the words of Tongtian River Water God, but when he saw the dignified look of Tongtian River Water God, he couldn't help but sighed in secret. The other party could only say so much. Continuing to inquire will only arouse the anger of Tongtian River Water God, after all, in this matter, Tongtian River Water God does not have much to do!

"Thank you God of Water. If there is an accident in the situation, I hope you can help. After all, this world is really messed up, and it is not a good thing for your gods. When troubled times appear, the gods will also be affected, and the personal safety of Taoists will also be affected by the outside world! "

"Hmph, Moreau, you don't need to use my **** body as an example. Even if the world is really messed up, I have my own means of protecting myself. I have survived the endless years, and I am afraid that such turmoil will not happen. If you have that time, you should think more about how you should choose. You should make a retreat for yourself. Once the world is turbulent, Moro will be the first to be hit!"

The water **** of Tongtian River is not just talking about it. This is the fact. As the pillar of the empire, General Moro will be attacked by the enemy. The enemies here, or those in the center of the empire, will jump out to target Moro in the first place. At that time, it is difficult to say whether the imperial royal family will protect him as a general. After all, it was difficult for the royal family to suppress the world at that time!

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