God of Destruction

Chapter 3809: Festival of the World

Chapter 3809: World Movement

loyalty! General Morrow is very loyal to the empire, but loyalty does not mean that he must follow the imperial fortunes to extinction. His life and death alone is not a big deal, but the family behind him is not. It is impossible for Morrow. Ignoring the life and death of his own family, it is impossible to drag the family to follow the empire towards destruction with his own will. He alone cannot determine the life and death of the family, and he does not have the qualification to decide. After all, people have selfish intentions and fear death. !

The words of Tongtian River Water God made the Queen Empress very dissatisfied, and her eyes could not help showing a trace of irritation, but at this time, under such circumstances, the Empress Empress could only endure, and she also understood that Tongtianhe Water God said everything. It's the truth, and these words can be used not only on Moreau, but also on his own empress!

As a queen, she can be loyal to the empire and lay down her life for the emperor, but the family behind her will not do so. When the imperial family can suppress the world, no one will stand up against it, but when the day is full of chaos, behind her How would his family choose is another matter, and the identity of his own queen has no effect! When thinking of this, the empress empress couldn't help but have an awkward look on her face. Once that happened, her identity as a queen would be embarrassing!

Not paying attention to the trace of embarrassment and irritation on the empress empress’s face, Tongtianhe Water God continued, “Molo, think about it. It’s not that everyone has the ability like Xing Tian, ​​not everyone can defeat the sky like Xing Tian. Without that fate, don’t try to shake the world. It’s not loyalty, but stupidity. Take destruction!"

"It's self-defeating, it's a self-defeating one. The Water God is right. Without that fate, you can't withstand that power. Not everyone can bear the power against the sky. I can't do it. No one can manage the entire empire. I can do it, in front of the general situation of the world, I am all ants, and they are all vulnerable!" When he said this, the general sighed again.

sigh! At this moment, General Moreau’s heart was filled with endless sighs. Whether it was for himself or for the empire, he was heavily pressed on his heart. Under such a dangerous environment, he really had to be self-conscious. Do you really have to be'loyal' to the empire? I have that ability, is it necessary?

Hesitate! At this time, General Moreau couldn't help but hesitate in his heart. When this thought of hesitation appeared, General Moreau's thoughts were unsinkably shaken by the God of Tongtian River. He was no longer before. The great general who was loyal to the empire already had a trace of selfishness in his heart at this time, and as time goes by, as the world changes and the empire runs, this trace of selfishness will continue to grow and grow. Until he parted ways with the empire!

The change, although it was only a short moment, the Empress Empress could clearly feel that General Moreau had changed and became a little unnatural, and she understood that it was not General Moreau’s body that had changed, but his The heart has changed, and it is precisely this way that she can feel this way, and she understands more that it is no wonder General Moro, all this is God's will, everything is destiny. In the face of the general trend of the world, the empire is not worth mentioning, and is not qualified to go against the sky.

Suddenly, the Empress Empress thought of a sentence before the Tongtian River Water God: "Without that fate, don’t think of going against the sky. Not everyone can afford it. Xing Tian can go retrograde and cut the sky. This shows that the identity of the other party is absolutely not. Generally, Xingtian has big secrets and great good fortune. If the empire can win over Xingtian, can it change the general trend of heaven and earth?"

In an instant, the empress empress couldn't help but have a crazy thought in her heart, but this thought flashed in her mind. What did she use to win Xingtian, and what did the empire use to win Xingtian, even if she had it? This heart, but the empire will do this, will your majesty believe all this? It’s just hard. After all, all this is incredible. What's more, there are a group of terrible enemies hidden in the center of the empire. In this army, there are some disciples of aristocratic families who have given birth to strange hearts. How should the empire get along with Xing Tian when the aristocratic family took action?

difficult! Endless difficulties appeared in the empress’s heart, which made her have to give up her ridiculous thoughts. Without that fate, don’t want to go against the sky. Although she is a queen of a country, she has no fate to bear it. Everything can't be done by yourself, and your Majesty can't do it, maybe no one in this world can do it!

Seeing the thoughtful look of General Moro, Tongtianhe Water God smiled lightly and said: "How can I figure it out, Moro, it’s not that I said you, you can’t be too selfish, you can be loyal to the empire, but you You must also take care of your family and the family behind yourself. You were born for the empire in the first half of your life, but you should consider your own affairs in the second half of your life. After all, you are not a god, and you don’t have that endless life. In a word, don’t always put your mind on the empire, just like you calculated me and Xingtian this time, that is, I talked with Xingtian, and I don’t want to have evil with you, or else you think it’s the cause and effect behind you. What will happen to his family? Don’t treat everyone as kind people like us!"

kindness! Although Tongtianhe Water God used these words to describe himself as a little complacent, it is true that not all strong men can have the kind heart of Tongtianhe Water God, and they are replaced by a cruel and cruel person who is waiting for Moro's general. It will be a crazy killing, and will pay a heavy price for everything you have done.

auzw.com "Thank you for your advice, I know what I should do. Morrow remembers this kindness in my heart and will never forget it!" For many people, maybe they don’t care about it. This reminder of Tianhe Water God is different from Moro. He can learn more from this master's knowledge. It can be said that these words made him see another piece of heaven and earth. He must remember this kindness!

"It's good if you have this heart. I don't ask for anything else. I just ask you to think carefully when you want to calculate me in the future. Don't challenge my bottom line again and again. After all, my patience There is also a limit, not to mention Xing Tian, ​​this time your life is good, the next time it is not necessarily!" When he said this, the God of Tongtian River sighed lightly, and a solemn expression flashed across his face , Once causation occurs, it is not easy to resolve, especially the causation caused by General Moro!

After shook his head, Tongtianhe Water God didn’t say much. It’s enough to say that. No matter how much it is said, it’s not a good thing. Terror will only be counterproductive. The most important thing is that the thunder penalty has already fallen. , The terrible castle was slowly pressing against the sword formation above Xing Tian’s head. Although it was only slightly pressed, its momentum was increased several times, even the Tongtian River Water God in the distance could feel it. From the terrible impact of this castle!

"It's terrible. This is the power of heaven and earth. I still have such a terrible impact in the distance. I really don't know what Xing Tian will feel when I am in it. Is this the gap? The ancient powerhouse is so powerful. , Facing the majesty of heaven and earth, his face will not change!" Thinking of this, the God of Tongtian River couldn't help but shook his head again.

Xing Tian didn’t change his face. Under such a terrible impact, Xing Tian’s own pressure was beyond what outsiders could imagine. It was only a little bit left. Xing Tian already felt that his'Chaos Destruction Sword' was showing signs of collapse and had to Put more energy into maintaining the sword formation and prevent the thunder-punished castle from continuing to fall. It can be said that Xing Tian is now fighting against this castle. As for how long he can persist, Xing Tian has no bottom in his own heart!

Everything has pros and cons. Although Xing Tian is under tremendous pressure now, this pressure is also an opportunity and has huge benefits. When confronting this castle, Xing Tian can perceive that his chaotic destruction avenue is in every breath. Constantly being condensed, the Dao is constantly being tempered. It can be said that every breath that persists is of great benefit to Xingtian’s practice, and this is only the destruction of the Dao in chaos, and the way of the physical body is not bad at all. Continuously improving, even my own mind is constantly getting stronger over time!

After seeing such a huge benefit, how could Xing Tian not work hard, and how could he not be dedicated, it is precisely because of seeing this boundless benefit that Xing Tian can persist under the terrible impact time and time again, and be able to sustain it. After breathing one after another, it can be said that Xing Tian has tried every means and made every effort in order to be able to hold on for a little longer!

Persistence, persistence is victory, persistence is cultivation, even the mysterious jade pendant that has been prepared is suppressed by Xing Tian at this time, because Xing Tian himself does not know if he uses the power of this mysterious jade pendant to resist this terrible Thunder punishment, will this terrifying castle itself have such a huge gain.

The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will not come. Such thunder punishments are not always available. This time if I miss the opportunity, I am afraid it will be more difficult to get it. You must know that this is just one of entering the realm battlefield world. The first thunder penalty in China, so although this thunder penalty is terrifying, but I also have to face the weakest thunder penalty. This time I can’t get all the benefits, and naturally I won’t have another chance in the future. No matter how difficult or dangerous it is, Xing Tian gritted his teeth and insisted on frantically. As long as he could hold on to a breath, he would not use the power of the mysterious jade pendant!

"What a terrible will and a strong belief. This is the foundation of a truly strong person, God of Water, if under the same circumstances, can you hold on for so long yourself? Can your will be so firm?" Looking at Xing Tianna Persevering madly, the heartstrings of General Moreau were shaken once again. If Xing Tian was able to hold the impact without changing his face, it was nothing. After all, it was just the beginning, but now it is different. Xing Tian persisted for so long. Not everyone can do it.

Tongtianhe Water God shook his head gently and said: "I can't do it, I can't do this, not only I can't, it is difficult for all the strong people I know to do, after all, this is a heaven and earth mine. Punishment, every breath has a terrible impact. This is not only from the body, but also from the soul and will. The power on the bright side is nothing, and the impact hidden in the invisible is the most terrible. It can be said that every call is a world, extremely terrifying!"

Every breath is a world, is this an exaggeration? No, it’s not an exaggeration. Even Xingtian’s thunder punishment is even worse. Not everyone can bear the power of heaven and earth. Without that fate, there is only a dead end to provoke the world and Xingtian’s fate What is it? Is it the avenue of chaos destruction that oneself practiced, or the avenue of good fortune of the flesh?

No, although these two avenues are Xingtian's major ways, they are not Xingtian's fate against the power of the world, the world, and the world. The real fate is not the power revealed by Xingtian, but that always The sealed inner world, only the inner world is the power to intercept all this, the existence of the inner world allows Xing Tian to face such a terrible impact!

With the passage of time, as the potential in Xing Tian's body is constantly being released, and as Xing Tian's avenues are constantly being tempered, gradually the inner world that has been sealed finally has a slight improvement, as if it is that huge A small hole was opened above the seal of Xing Tian, ​​which made Xing Tian possibly feel the breath of his inner world again. Although it was only a hole, it made Xing Tian see new hope and made Xing Tian joy in his heart. Crazy!

For Xing Tian, ​​there is nothing better than to feel the breath of the inner world again. As long as the seal of his inner world is opened, even if it is just a mouth, this is enough to make Xing Tian pay all the price and get in touch with the inner world again. With the breath of the world, Xing Tian suddenly had a new realization in his heart. The sealed inner world is not immutable, even if he reincarnates, but the evolution of the inner world does not stop there. He is in the time of reincarnation. , The inner world has also received huge benefits, and the impact of the power of thunder punishment at this moment makes the inner world happy, and the tree of the world in the inner world is excited, as if a great opportunity is attracting It's the same. If it weren't for the seal still there, if it wasn't for the power to fully open the seal, or to get rid of the impact of thunder punishment, I'm afraid the inner world would jump even more crazy!

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