God of Destruction

Chapter 3810: Festival Buster

Chapter 3810 Nemesis

"The power of the world is returning. This is the turning point that I have been pursuing. I must hold on and open the seal with the power of Thunder Tribulation. Only when the seal of the inner world is hit can I be truly liberated and truly able Step out of your own path, the power of the world is also the foundation of your own practice!" With such a crazy will, Xing Tian persisted under the endless pressure on his head, no matter how exhausted his body and mind, he thought When the inner world was sealed, Xing Tian's whole person became energetic, burning himself time and time again, holding on again and again!

Potential is released frantically, Xing Tian insists again and again, constantly exploding his own potential, no matter how strong Xing Tian’s will is, no matter how he persists, but his own origin is limited, and the time he can persist is also limited. After all, his own potential is not endless. Such frantic persistence gradually emptied the potential in Xing Tian's body, making Xing Tian's spirit gradually unable to continue. If Xing Tian continues, only death is waiting for him!

"Oh! This is the end of my own potential. This is the limit of my own physical body. I can no longer hold on to it. Otherwise, perhaps my mind has not collapsed. This body will collapse first. It is time to rest and release. Out of that mysterious jade pendant, perhaps with the help of thunder punishment, oneself can see through the treasures sealed in the jade pendant!"

When he thought of this, Xing Tian's heart moved, the mysterious jade pendant that had been waiting for a long time turned into a stream of light, directly passed through his'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' and directly hit the Thunder City, which represents the will of heaven and earth. , The city of terror in the eyes of thunder punishment.

For Xing Tian, ​​the pressure of this horrible city was terrifying, even his own "Chaos Destruction Sword Array" was affected by it, but something that shocked Xing Tian happened, and the mysterious jade pendant he cast was not affected. A trace of influence directly hit the city of horror, and the terrible pressure seemed to be ineffective at all on this jade pendant!

"What's going on, why is that powerful pressure unable to affect this mysterious jade pendant a little bit? Could it be that the power of the world origin can withstand the impact of this thunder-punished city and ignore the terrible pressure?"

No one can give Xing Tian an answer, everything needs Xing Tian to verify by himself, but it is a pity that Xing Tian still cannot mobilize the power of his inner world, otherwise he can really take this opportunity to give it a try, perhaps the power of the world is thunder punishment If this is the case, you need to liberate your inner world even more. Only in this way can you go further in this catastrophe and get more benefits. If you can ignore the thunder penalty, this world What power can block one's own path of practice, and what power can limit one's development and growth?

No, if there is no thunder penalty to stop him, Xing Tian can't think of any power that can stop his practice in this realm world. Even those who have seized the opportunity can't do it, with the power of the world. Xing Tian will definitely be a qualitative transformation, and he can use his endless source as his foundation!

"Come on, let me see if you, the city of thunder and punishment, can destroy the power of the entire world above this jade pendant. Is the power of the entire world condensed from the three thousand avenues the nemesis of all power?" Xing Tian muttered Saying to myself, I can’t let go of such an opportunity. After all, this is a great opportunity for myself to verify many plans. As long as I can overcome this barrier, the road will be better in the future. At that time, I no longer have a lot of consideration. , Not so much worry!

There is no earth-shaking noise, no shocking shocks, and the power of the world above the mysterious jade is silently dissolving the pressure of the city of thunder punishment. When the power of the world touches the city of thunder punishment, Xing Tian can understand I felt that my own pressure was reduced a lot, and my own'Chaos Destruction Sword Array' did not tremble as before. The power of the world restrained the power of thunder punishment, and the power of this terrifying and terrifying city of thunder punishment was weakened. , Let Xingtian breathe a sigh of relief!

Before the shot, Xing Tian was not sure whether his plan would be successful or whether the power of the world could weaken the impact of Thunder Punishment. Everything was a risk. But now Xing Tian succeeded and successfully weakened Thunder Punishment’s power. It’s just that Xingtian doesn’t know how long this world’s power can last, and what the will of heaven and earth will do after being weakened by the world’s power. This city of thunder and punishment formed by endless purple clouds will be able to breathe. What kind of counterattack!

For Xingtian, I don’t think that in the face of the weakening of the power of the world, the City of Thunder Punishment will not react at all, and will let Xingtian’s "conspiracy calculation" succeed. This is the final blow and the final thunder punishment. Neither the will of heaven, earth, nor the eye of thunder punishment can make Xingtian pass so easily. If the power of the city of thunder punishment is weakened by the power of the world in this way, then Xingtian will not have to face any crisis. Punishment test has become a big joke!

Seeing the astonishing change above the void, General Moreau couldn't help feeling shocked in his heart and lost his voice: "Good means, good scheming, Xing Tian is really amazing. Under this situation, it can still come back. What kind of power is it that can kill the thunder punishment by surprise, can directly weaken the impact of thunder punishment, and can withstand the suppression of this thunder punishment city?"

Although the general Moro could feel the change in the void and the weakening of the thunder punishment breath, he could not see the mysterious jade pendant that flashed by, and could not know Xingtian's methods. After all, this was in thunder punishment. , Ren is the great general Moreau has the means to reach the sky, and he cannot understand the real confrontation, let alone the power of the world inspired by Xing Tian.


Tongtianhe Water God shook his head and said: "I don't know, this power is very mysterious and powerful. Although it only passed by in a flash, it resisted the impact of thunder punishment and weakened the power of the city of thunder punishment. It is enough to prove its power. If the Thunder Punishment Eye had no other means, this thunder punishment punishment day would have been successfully passed. After the weakening of the thunder punishment shock, it is impossible to threaten the safety of Xingtian. The power of the sword formation has been Recovered!"

Yes! Although it was only a short period of time, it was enough to make Xing Tian breathe, enough to restore the vitality of the'Chaos Destruction Sword Array' above Xing Tian's head. As the most precious treasure to carry his own'Chaos Destruction Avenue', it was naturally not comparable to ordinary treasures. I am afraid that it will be hit no matter how badly it is. As long as the original source is not damaged, as long as there is a little breathing time, it can be restored. This is the greatest advantage of carrying the treasures of the great road. Everything is possible with the original source!

"Water God, if I am not mistaken, the sword formation above Xingtian's head is not a normal formation, but a great road that carries Xingtian himself. This is only the treasure of his life. Such a treasure is not Xingtian now. The only thing that can be sacrificed is the existence of this treasure, which is enough to explain his identity. An existence from the reincarnation reincarnation in ancient times, a supreme power who once stood at the top of this world, but I don’t know now that he is recovering. How many memories of past lives did you have?"

Inquiring, General Moreau is asking, there is a difference between reincarnation and reincarnation, there is also a gap between the ancient strong, and the amount of power that can erupt when the memory of previous lives is restored is also different, and there is a qualitative gap in each stage!

"Moreau, there is no need to test me. Such a treasure is indeed not something Xingtian can sacrifice now. This is the treasure he prepared for himself as an ancient powerhouse and the supreme treasure that carries the power of his previous life. I still That sentence, don’t use his idea. This is not something you or ignorant people can bear. It is a treasure of one's own life, even if it is a treasure of a previous life, it cannot be seized by others. As for how many memories of past lives Xing Tian has restored, only he himself knows, and only he himself understands that you should respect the strong!"

Tongtianhe Water God said these words very slowly. He could see clearly the intentions of General Moro. There is an essential gap between those who have awakened memories of previous lives and those who have not. Naturally, you can master all the killer skills prepared after the reincarnation in the previous life, with terrible combat power, and not awakening is another thing!

"Water God, don’t be so nervous. I am not so ignorant of Moro, so I don’t want to do such a stupid thing. I just want to understand Xing Tian’s origins and his situation at this time. Only by understanding all this can I have There are enough reasons to stop the stupid actions of the imperial family, so that they can give up the greed in their hearts!"

Tongtianhe Water God laughed and said: "Hahaha! Moro, at this time, do you think this is necessary? Do you think that with such a powerful treasure of the road, Xingtian will care about those ignorant ants, a group of ants? No matter how much they jump, they are still ants, and they are still vulnerable to the strong. If they are acquainted, they will live longer. If they can’t see the reality, they can’t blame others when they die. This is their fate. I don’t care about the life and death of the ants!"

Although these words are cruel and ruthless, they are facts. When they heard these words, the empress empress's mood became even heavier. These words represent the psychology of the strong, and it is true that the water **** of the Tianhe River is connected. Views, let alone other people, as an ancient god, no matter how powerful, but the god’s body has hidden dangers, defects, and more or less subject to the influence of the empire, but at this time Tongtianhe water **** has no To cover up what he said in his heart, it can be seen that the existence of the empire is nothing to the real powerhouse, and they did not take the existence of the empire into their hearts at all!

"Water God, you can’t say that. Perhaps Xingtian was very powerful in his previous life, but now he is only a reincarnated person. He is just a child. I don’t believe that he can always explode such a powerful force. This is the punishment of heaven and earth. Under threat, all the methods of his previous life can be solved, because such a killer's skill is to protect the road, but such power can explode several times. Perhaps in your eyes the empire family is just ants, but there are more ants. It can also kill elephants, not to mention that Xingtian does not have invincible power now. We should communicate with each other so that we can guarantee our own safety to the greatest extent!"

Speaking of this, General Moruo showed a faint smile on his face. In his opinion, he saw through the reality of Xing Tian and the God of Tongtian River. Everything was under his control. The power like Xing Tian was just Under the threat of death, it was only to deal with the impact of the thunder penalty, and when everything was over, how much power Xing Tian could grasp is still unknown, I am afraid that there is no such shock and horror in front of the world!

"It's not too speculative, Moro, you are too self-righteous. Since you think so in your heart, then you can dream everything by yourself. I don't have to talk too much with you. The road is your own way. , What results are made by yourself, you think you have seen everything, I can only say one thing!" He said that Tongtianhe water **** snorted disdainfully, and ignored the general Moro, as if he was too real. Morrow's words are in his heart.

Seeing the reaction of the water **** of Tongtian River, Moreau's expression changed. He couldn't help but hesitate in his heart. Is it really as he thought it was? What happened in front of him was really just Xing Tian Zai Lei Punishment. Is it so simple to motivate the guardian power left over from previous lives? Will Xing be so naive as to be beaten after Lei's punishment?

Mo said that it was General Moro who hesitated, and even the empress was in a heavy mood at this time. All of this brought her too great an impact, and she didn’t know what to choose for a while. At this moment, Xing Tian’s strength is too shocking to the world. It is not the power that a child should have. Even a strong reincarnation should not have such a terrible power. If all this is like General Moreau said, then It can be accepted, if not, things are really scary!

Tongtianhe Water God doesn't care, but can Moreau and the Queen Empress not care? Not to mention that even the generals from those imaginative families have their expressions unpredictable. When Moro talked with the water **** of the Tongtian River, they always attached great importance to them and kept careful notes of their each. In a conversation, when Morrow asked confidently, each of them was extremely excited, but soon they became embarrassed. The response of Tongtianhe Water God is really incredible. Could it be that Xingtian is not as big As General Moreau said, the power he exploded is not only under thunder punishment? This violent terrorist attack is under Xingtian's self-control?

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