God of Destruction

Chapter 3811: Thunder change

Chapter 3811: Thunder Change

Awe, a heart of awe for the strong, no matter whether Xingtian really has the terrible power now, but as a strong reincarnation, everyone should have a sense of awe, a group of ignorant and stupid to lose the strong His heart of awe, in the eyes of Tongtianhe Water God, it is waste, it is ants, and a group of ants who do not live or die!

If you want to challenge the dignity of the strong, you must first have the power to endure the anger of the strong. Without the strong power, you have delusion to rise to the sky and plunder the resources and treasures in the hands of the strong. That is simply destroying yourself, even if these people There are empires behind them, but their identities will not be changed. They are still just a bunch of ants!

A group of ants delusions against the sky, this is a big joke. Naturally, the life and death of a group of ants will not be put in the heart of Tongtianhe Water God. There is a qualitative difference between passing the catastrophe and not passing the catastrophe. After a catastrophe, the so-called external threat will not exist, and Xing Tian will have an astonishing transformation at that time. This is the point that Tongtianhe Water God will not look away!

Waiting, in the eyes of Tongtianhe Water God, he only needs to wait. As for the reaction of the empire, the reaction of General Moro, this is not in the scope of his consideration, people are selfish, and they can say anything. I have already said that it is not guilty to sacrifice one's own interests for others and want to learn more about Xingtian from one's own mouth. This is just a joke.

Seeing Tongtianhe's still disdainful look, General Moruo once again cast his gaze on the Queen Empress. Everything was beyond his grasp and everything was out of control. He thought he had seen through Xingtian's fiction, but he didn't think of himself. His thoughts were just a joke, and he didn't agree with Tianhe Water God, and they all despised him. This could not help shaking his confidence!

The Queen Empress gently shook her head and said she gave up. There is no need for the empire because of a group of ignorant and stupid "ants" to be an enemy of powerful people like Xingtian, even if this may be less than one ten thousandth, they can't. Taking this risk, after all, the consequences of failure are too serious. One day the tiger is the empire and cannot afford it. If it is not a last resort, the empress will not let the empire fall into crisis, and she is unwilling to condemn Xingtian, a goddess with endless potential!

When he saw Empress Empress shaking his head, General Moreau suddenly sighed in relief. Perhaps many people would think that Empress Empress’s choice was cruel and ruthless, but for a group of selfish families, it was really necessary to drag the entire empire back. Into the danger, let the entire empire face the terrible crisis, and plunge the empire into desperation!

The God of Tongtian River said it well, that different ways do not correspond to each other—Since they have different beliefs and can’t walk the same way, Tuangan needs to pursue too much persistently. Not only will it not be beneficial, but it will make itself fall into it. In the crisis of destruction!

After a light sigh of relief, General Moreau's mood calmed down, no longer shaken by this change, and looked back. When General Moreau once again turned his eyes to the God of Tongtian River, he found that The picture in front of me has changed again. The city of Thunder Punishment seems to be irritated, the lightning in the void is even more terrifying, and the height of the city of Thunder Punishment is falling again. It seems that Xing Tian is still in this contest. Did not occupy the active advantage, still on the more passive side!

The power of the world is dissipating? The power of the city of thunder punishment does make the world above the mysterious jade pendant dissipate, but the speed of dissipation is not as terrible as Xingtian thought, no matter how terrifying the impact of the city of thunder punishment, but the mysterious jade pendant is still top At the front, no matter how intense the terrible impact is, the world above the mysterious jade pendant still restrains it. Although the city of thunder punishment is still descending and the pressure Xing Tian is under increasing, Xing Tian's situation has not reached. The boundless land.

"It's such a powerful world origin. It seems that I still underestimated the power of the seal. The dissipation of the world origin before does not represent the true situation of the power of the seal. Even under the impact of the source of thunder, it is difficult to break. With the power of opening the seal, it is difficult to release the sealed treasure, but this is good, so that your situation will be safer! Safety first, the most important thing at this time is safety, as long as it can survive this life and death Jie, there is nothing to gain even a little bit!"

Feeling the origin of the world on the mysterious jade pendant, Xing Tian's heart couldn't help but feel a glimmer of joy. Although Xing Tian also wanted to know what the sealed treasure was, it was not what Xing Tian longed to know most, but the most important thing for Xing Tian The thing is to block the impact of this terrible city of thunder and punishment, and survive this terrible crisis of life and death!

Xingtian will never make a mistake in the choice, especially at such a momentous moment, it will not miss, because missed means death, even if Xingtian is crazy, he is unwilling to face the threat of death, unwilling to accept death The impact!

However, the more critical the moment, the more cautious Xing Tian must be. Judging from the fluctuations of the Thunder Punishment Eye above the void, this final Thunder Punishment is only just the beginning, and the next Thunder Punishment Eye will definitely change. , It is impossible to allow oneself to rely on the power of the world origin above the mysterious jade to restrain thunder and punishment. It is precisely because he understands this in his heart that Xing Tian dare not have the slightest carelessness. After joy, he immediately gathers his mind and makes more preparations!

auzw.com In such a terrible and terrifying thunder penalty, more preparation will give you more chances. More preparation is good for you. Only by being careful can you be Only after the last laugh in this thunder-punishment catastrophe can his ideas become reality. With the power of thunder-punishment, Xing Tian is constantly tempering his body, tempering his own path of cultivation, and tempering. The'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' above his head, I have to say that the opportunity Xing Tian got this time was really powerful. Under the impact of this terrible thunder penalty, Xing Tian could clearly feel his own'Chaotic Destruction Avenue' Continuously improving, the speed is far beyond one's imagination, this is the gain obtained under extreme oppression!

When faced with the impact of death, both Xingtian’s own instinctive reaction, the evolution of his own avenue, and even the “Chaos Destruction Sword Array” itself, are evolving at an astonishing speed, and are constantly being stimulated by thunder punishment. Unleash huge potential, constantly improve yourself, and repair all hidden dangers exposed in yourself!

Any avenue that wants to evolve quickly can only be achieved under such terrible extreme environments, because only death can stimulate all potential, and can find the most defects at the fastest speed, and only under the impact of death Only then will I frantically repair all the hidden dangers exposed yesterday and perfect all my own evolution!

Of course, evolving in such an extreme way also has a huge disadvantage, that is, I have been on the verge of death. If there is a slight difference, what is waiting for me will be death, destruction, even on the horrible edge of death. Walking up here, it's easy to let your tightly collapsed mind be defeated, break your mind, and break the heart of the Great Dao!

For normal practitioners, no matter how crazily they are, they will not make such a choice. No one is willing to try such a tempting method to quickly improve their strength and realm. After all, no one is confident. Believing that they can survive such a terrible and extreme practice, no one dares to make sure that they don’t make any mistakes, and once they make a mistake, they will be waiting for death. No matter how important the practice is, no one’s life is more important!

"Boom!" A loud noise once again resounded through the world. With the help of this terrible loud noise, the city of thunder punishment fell a little again. As this terrible city of thunder punishment continued to fall, Xing Tian's face began to appear. He became dignified, and the "Chaos Destruction Sword Array" above his head trembled again. The terrible impact made Xing Tian's "Chaos Destruction Sword Array" feel tremendous pressure, and Xing Tian also noticed a slight strangeness. The power of the world's origin on the mysterious jade pendant that was released is weakening the impact on the city of thunder punishment. Although this reduction is not too much, it still attracts Xingtian's attention!

"Thunder punishment has changed. The same method cannot be applied to the will of heaven and earth, and it cannot be applied to the eye of thunder punishment. Even the origin of the whole world condensed by the three thousand avenues is the same. Eyes grasped a trace of breath, as long as the will of heaven and earth touches the essence, the so-called restraint will gradually dissipate, and now is just the beginning, I am afraid that it will not be long before the power of this world can no longer weaken the attack of thunder punishment! "

In an instant, Xing Tian figured out the key to the problem and understood how dangerous the environment he was facing. Once he lost the weakening of the power of the world's origin, Xing Tian's "Chaotic Destruction Sword Array" would collapse, even in this period. The power of the'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' has increased a lot in time, but there is still no chance of winning in the face of that terrible city of thunder punishment!

"This is indeed not an ordinary castle. There is a terrible aura on this castle. Perhaps this is really a castle of thunder punishment. The thunder pool in the castle is the origin of Thor?" Facing the changed city of thunder punishment At that time, Xing Tian couldn’t help but have a new idea in his heart. Perhaps there had been thunder punishment in this realm battlefield world. A **** who mastered the origin of thunder punishment in the realm battlefield world, and the thunder he faced The City of Punishment is the castle of Thunder God, and even the source of Thunder Punishment!

"It can't go on like this anymore. Facing the impact of thunder punishment, showing weakness will not have any results. If you want to really survive such a terrible thunder punishment, all you can rely on is your own strength, and only strong strength can ensure it. For my own safety, it’s time to prepare the ultimate killer. Although I am unwilling to do this, it seems that I have no choice now!"

Xing Tian was muttering to himself. As his voice fell, Xing Tian's breath continued to change. Under this terrible and terrifying thunder punishment, Xing Tian had to prepare in advance. No one knew his ultimate killer. What is it, but it is definitely not an ordinary power that can make Xing Tian so cautious, it definitely has a shocking power!

"Come on, let the impact come more violently, so that I can tear off a little seal, so that I can mobilize more of the world origin!" Xing Tian whispered to himself, hoping to tear himself apart with the power of thunder punishment More seals, but his willingness is difficult to achieve, the will of heaven and earth is not a fool, the eye of thunder punishment is not a fool, and it is impossible to give Xingtian too much opportunity.

When the city of thunder punishment changed, the power of the world's source of restraint on thunder punishment was weakening, even if Xing Tian had the intention to use external force to tear his own seal, this is not an easy task, after all, not only Only he himself is evolving, the eye of thunder punishment is also evolving, and even the will of heaven and earth is also evolving. The appearance of thunder punishment is not only an opportunity for Xingtian, but also an opportunity for this heaven and earth. When the power to restrain oneself appears At time, the will of heaven and earth will evolve, and the eye of thunder punishment will also evolve. It can be said that the longer the time is, the more perfect the evolution of the will of heaven and earth and the eye of thunder punishment will be, and the more terrifying the danger Xing Tian will face!

Xing Tian knew exactly how dangerous the environment he was going to face, but he was powerless to change all of this. This is the territorial battlefield world, where Xing Tian could not get any help. The stronger his performance, the more exciting he would be. The Will of Heaven and Earth and the Eye of Thunder Punishment have evolved to be more perfect. If this time Thunder Punishment I cannot get more benefits and cannot achieve my wish, then next time Thunder Punishment I will have no hope of achieving what I want. This is Heaven and Earth Will With the evolution of the Eye of Thunder Punishment, this is the most terrifying power between heaven and earth, and also the most terrifying power. No matter how fast an individual evolves, there is no evolving as fast as the origin of the world!

"This time I must succeed. No matter how high the price is, as long as I can ensure my life is safe, as long as I can achieve my wish, everything is worth it. If this time I cannot tear my inner world under the thunder penalty. For all the seals, there is no hope for the next thunder punishment. Perhaps in this territorial battlefield world, there is only one opportunity like this. The opportunity is not to be missed. If you miss it, you don't have a second chance!"

Feeling that the speed at which the seal of his inner world is breaking down is getting slower and slower, Xing Tian can't help but feel nervous in his heart. There is even a trace of worry. However, he has no reference to all these objects, and he can't find the direction of comparison. , Everything can only rely on their own instincts and their own guesses to make choices. Time waits for no one. If my plan fails this time, perhaps before the end of this territorial catastrophe, before the territorial world merges into the highest chaos world, it is impossible for oneself to unlock the seal of the inner world, and the inner world will be completely Lost a big chance!

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