God of Destruction

Chapter 3812: Section change

Chapter 3812 Change

"No, you can't let this happen in any case. Even if you pay a high price, you must untie your shackles and destroy the power that is sealed on your inner world!" Xing Tian shouted in his heart, and This is also his decision. The opportunity that can motivate the origin of his inner world is definitely a great opportunity, and it is related to the supreme opportunity of self-cultivation and preaching. If such an opportunity slips out of his own eyes, it will definitely be himself. The biggest loss!

The practice of the World Dao was originally very slow. If you miss this great opportunity, I am afraid that your World Dao will directly stop. If you want to go further, it will be extremely difficult. After all, the emergence of such a great opportunity is not only The chance is so simple, but it is also a test. Missing the chance means missing the test and breaking one's own way of practice!

What is the reason for the slow breaking of its own seal power? Is this a change in thunder punishment? Or is it not enough pressure and not enough danger? How should I reverse all of this, how can I accelerate the breaking of the seal of the inner world?

Xing Tian's heart is constantly thinking, trying to find the key to the problem, even if he is now under the thunder punishment, facing the terrifying impact of the thunder punishment city, he is still thinking about the problem with distraction, because of this relationship The practice in one’s inner world is related to one’s own world avenue, so I can’t help but not do my best, even if doing so will plunge me into a greater crisis, Xing Tian will not hesitate anymore. There is only one chance, and there is no room for the slightest. error!

"No, it shouldn't be entirely a change of thunder punishment. It is more that the pressure on myself is not enough. I did not really face death. Perhaps only when I really face death, all my potential will explode. This The power sealed outside of my inner world will completely collapse! It’s just that the impact of death is not something I can resist now. I don’t have enough power to let myself retreat in the face of death. If I do this, it’s almost impossible. I am self-defeating! I need to change, and I need a new response plan. Only by following the general trend, and only by following the changes in thunder, can I have the last laugh!"

Thunder punishment is changing, and I must also make changes. If I don’t change, it won’t take long not only for the power of the world’s origins to be unable to resist the impact of thunder punishment, but I will also fall into greater danger and miss this. It's a great opportunity.

change! This is not something that can be done just by talking, and the transformation can not be accomplished in an instant, nor can it be achieved by thinking about it by yourself. It takes time, requires effort, and more needs to find the key to the transformation, otherwise the result It is still a miserable defeat. How should I change and how to change to reverse the overall situation?

Embarrassed! Xing Tian was faced with a huge embarrassment at this moment. He had the idea, but it was very difficult to do it. He gave up the power of the mysterious jade pendant, took back this strange treasure, and let his chaotic destruction avenue fight against the city of thunder punishment. Your own'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' will compete with one of them? This seems crazy, but it is not impossible. Perhaps my own chaotic destruction avenue is not defeated by the suppression and impact of the city of thunder and punishment, but it is still possible to support a few breaths, and between these breaths, He can completely draw the terrible thunder-punishing power into his body to impact the sealing power!

This is Xingtian’s true thoughts, this is the solution he found for himself, and this solution is indeed very dangerous, as long as there is a little mistake, waiting for Xingtian is death and destruction, the city of thunder punishment will not show mercy to Xingtian’s men, as long as If there is a chance, he will definitely directly suppress Xingtian, directly crush everything in Xingtian, whether it is the body or the soul!

"I don’t have much time to think about it. If I delay it, I will only let the opportunity really slip away from me. I just did it. Maybe this is a huge danger, maybe I will face a terrible death, but this This is the best way to resolve the current predicament by yourself. If there is something wrong, even if you sacrifice your own good fortune, you must accomplish your goal!"

For Xing Tian, ​​as long as the body does not collapse, as long as the seal of the inner world can be unlocked, even if his path of good fortune is damaged, it is worth it. As long as the power of the inner world is available, he can use the source of the inner world. Repair oneself, nourish the great path of good fortune, and if the seal on the inner world cannot be broken, but there is no power, there is no way to unlock the seal of the inner world, release the origin of the inner world, and strengthen your own world path!

The inner world has the tree of the world, which can give birth to three thousand avenues. Even if the origin of the avenue of good fortune is damaged, there is a chance of recovery. If the inner world loses this opportunity, it will no longer have it. Before his inner world did not respond, if the seal of the inner world did not open the gap, Xing Tian would not take such a crazy risk, but now Xing Tian has no choice, facing such an opportunity, if he dare not let go and dare not fight To compete, there is no possibility to advance on the World Avenue!

war! With a thought, the mysterious jade pendant controlled by Xing Tian fell directly into his own'Chaotic Destruction Sword Formation'. When the world's resistance was lost, the city of thunder punishment in the void had no resistance. , Fell directly on the'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array', and directly confronted Xing Tian's'Chaotic Destruction Avenue'. The powerful thunder punishment power acted on his own'Chaos Destruction Sword Array', and thunder punishments one after another. Appeared above the sword formation!

"Opportunity! Give me the thunder penalty!" Xing Tian shouted, a powerful thought force gushing directly from his'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array', directly locked in a thunder penalty, and directly used it. Pulled into one's own body, did not use the natural origin of the physical body to obliterate it, and directly applied it to the seal of one's inner world.

auzw.com In an instant, Xing Tian’s body exuded a strong thunder light. The undiminished thunder penalty directly impacted Xing Tian’s body, causing Xing Tian’s body to be damaged and maintained. The physical avenue of good fortune was also impacted. More importantly, when the source of thunder's punishment impacted the power of the seal, the physical body was once again impacted, and even Xing Tian's mind was strongly impacted, causing Xing Tian to groan involuntarily. With a sound, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of the mouth!

Everything is exactly as Xing Tian's heart expected, this thunder punishment has indeed changed. Not only is it no longer restrained by the origin of the world, but on the contrary, the force of thunder punishment is still restraining the origin of the world. This restraint and sealing the punishment day The power of the world is a bit the same. When this power is taken in, the origin of the inner world is rioting, and an instinctive counterattack appears!

Crazy, with the help of external forces to stimulate one’s own inner world, stimulate one’s own potential, and let it explode with more powerful power. This is really crazy. You must know that if one is not careful, Xing Tian will not only gain nothing, on the contrary, it will make The strength of the seal has increased. After all, the two forces are somewhat similar. When he realized this, a faint smile appeared on Xing Tian's face!

Opportunity, this is indeed his own opportunity. If there is no previous gap, Xing Tian is doing his own destruction and making the seal of the inner world stronger. Now it’s different, because there is that gap. The origin of the world has undergone an astonishing change, frantically starting to counterattack, so that the trace of the power of thunder that has been led down has no time to merge with the power of the seal, and is directly impacted by the origin of the powerful inner world, and is directly obliterated by it. During this process, although Xing Tian’s physical body was suffering huge damage, and his own path of good fortune was suffering a huge impact, the same power that sealed the inner world was also wiped out a lot, and the source of the inner world’s violence increased. The tear of the rip!

Hope, Xing Tian once again saw the hope of success, although this hope came very tragic, very tragic, and his own sacrifice was great, but Xing Tian would not back down because of this. Such sacrifice is worthwhile. Without hesitation, Xing Tian continued. With the power of thunder punishment, Xingtian's body was soon shrouded in the terrible thunder force. Ren Shi Xingtian's body had experienced the washing of thunder punishment before, but faced such a terrible thunder punishment. The damage was still severe, and his body gradually couldn't withstand the terrible impact. There were wounds all over Xing Tian's body, and the blood stained Xing Tian's body.

"Damn it, what happened? How did Xing Tian change in an instant? What is going on!" When seeing this sudden change, the God of Tongtian River no longer had the calmness he had before, and his face appeared. There was a trace of panic. He hadn't thought of such a situation. He didn't understand why such a contradiction occurred during the few breaths!

Not only was the Tongtian River Water God shocked, but General Moro was also shocked, but unlike the Tongtian River Water God, he was calmer in General Moro. Even though he was shocked by this change in his own heart, he did not have such a fierce reaction. , He took a deep breath and said, “Don’t worry about the water god. Calm down. Xingtian is still insisting. This catastrophe is not over, and everything has a chance. We can just wait and see. No matter how impatient it is, it will not help, and it will not change the overall situation!"

Yes, in the face of such a situation, no matter how impatient the God of Tongtian River is, it will not help. Such thunder punishment is not something he can intervene, and if external forces intervene, it will not only rescue Xingtian, but on the contrary it will harm Xing Tian will make Xing Tian's situation more dangerous. After all, Lei Punishment cannot tolerate external forces. This is the rule of heaven and earth, and no one can change the rule!

"Calm down, how can you calm me down? The situation is clearly detrimental to Xing Tian, ​​and the power of thunder punishment suddenly changed. Faced with such a dangerous situation, Xing Tian is in a very disadvantaged situation. We need to find a way to help Xing Tian Cai!" Tongtian River Water God is crazy! The ground roared, the worry on his face was expressing vividly, and this was his true thoughts.

"Help Xingtian, what do you do to help him? What ability do you have to help him? Now if you act rashly, not only are you not helping Xingtian, but you are harming him. Under thunder punishment, you will not tolerate external intervention. You cannot help Xingtian. On the contrary, you will ruin your life. Have you forgotten the power of the Thunder Punishment Domain before? Calm down. No matter how anxious you are, this is the general trend. You can't help you in front of the general trend, let alone your intervention! "

General Moro was also a little nervous at this moment. He didn't want to and dare not let the Tongtian River Water God impulsive, so as not to ruin the overall situation, so as not to involve himself and the whole army. If the Tongtian River Water God moves, it will definitely attract the will of heaven and earth. Anger will make the Eye of Thunder Punishment furious, and drop terrible Thunder Punishment. The situation will be dangerous at that time. The incomplete army that I managed to protect will once again face the disaster of destruction, and the Queen Empress will once again. In a desperate situation, the empire will be severely damaged. This is not the result that General Moreau is willing to see. Such consequences are beyond him!

Hearing Moro’s words, the God of Tongtian River was startled first, and then a trace of loss flashed across his face. After Morrow’s blockade, the God of Tongtian River finally woke up and understood the current situation. In front of him, there is really no chance for a'ant' like him to intervene. If he has to intervene in this terrible thunder punishment, it will only harm others and self!

"Damn it, how could this happen, what is the final thunder punishment!" Tongtianhe Shui Shen muttered to himself, venting the anxiety and anxiety in his heart. If Xingtian falls, he will fall on this thunder punishment. In the midst, the opportunity of the Tongtian River Water God will be completely shattered, and the inheritance that he has finally obtained will be directly cut off.

"Wait, we only have to wait now. You have to believe in Xingtian. Since Xingtian dared to do this and dare to face this terrible thunder punishment, he must have his own ideas and be fully prepared. We must have confidence in Xingtian, as long as Xingtian can After going through this catastrophe, great gains will surely be ushered in. All we have to do now is wait!"

Believe in Xing Tian, ​​this is a blunt word, can you achieve your wish if you believe it? Believe that Xing Tian can survive these crises? Impossible, Xing Tian’s current situation cannot be explained by a single word of belief. This point is clear to the God of Tongtian River, but after calming down, he also understands that when the situation reaches this point, he can’t help but make his own decisions. In front of him, in front of the eyes of thunder punishment, he was just an'ant', an easily extinct'ant', the ant delusional to go against the sky, it was just daydreaming and self-destruction!

Tongtianhe Water God sighed and said: "Moreau, you are right. I really can't help Xingtian now. I can only rely on Xingtian himself. This is thunder punishment. We outsiders can’t help him. In the test of heaven and earth, external forces cannot intervene, we can only wait quietly!"

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