God of Destruction

Chapter 3814: Explosion Sword Array

Chapter 3814 Explosive Sword Array

Xing Tian wanted to wait for the opportunity, wanted to fight back, swallowing the city of thunder punishment in one fell swoop, but the will of heaven and earth, and the eye of thunder punishment would not give him this opportunity at all. This is a life-and-death contest, no one will keep their hands, let alone The original intention of the will of heaven and earth and the eye of thunder punishment is to destroy Xingtian. Although Xingtian is hiding his clumsiness, his real situation still cannot hide from the eye of thunder punishment. When he notices that the situation has changed again, the eye of thunder punishment New changes took place immediately!

In an instant, the Eye of Thunder Punishment changed. It was originally hanging high in the void, and it started to fall slowly towards the city of Thunder Punishment. As the Eye of Thunder Punishment fell, the city of Thunder Punishment took place astonishingly. After the change, the originally relatively calm thunder pond experienced violent fluctuations, and the powerful golden lightning tossed in the thunder pond, causing the entire thunder punishment city to become extremely violent!

"Damn, the will of heaven and earth really doesn't give me a little bit of life, and I really want to kill me in this thunder punishment. Even the eyes of thunder punishment are falling. Once it merges with the city of thunder punishment, this thunder punishment is scary. There will be horrible changes in an instant. Even if I have the means to reach the sky, there is only a dead end. No, such a situation cannot happen!"

When seeing the change of the void and seeing the eye of thunder punishment falling, the murderous intent in Xing Tian's heart rioted again. At this moment, he hated the will of heaven and earth, and the origin of the battlefield world in this realm. He said that heaven and earth would give People are left with a ray of life, but they don’t feel the existence of this ray of life. Obviously, Heaven and Earth’s will to kill himself, how can this prevent Xing Tian from getting angry, and the repeated changes of lore, completely angered Xingtian, what can Xingtian keep in this situation!

When death comes, when there is no vitality in sight, and the way forward is not bright, Xingtian can’t bear it anymore. Patience will only make him fall into the endless abyss step by step. At this time, Xingtian can only do one thing, resist and exhaust. His greatest strength resisted all of this and had a life-and-death confrontation with the will of heaven and earth. Perhaps this was not the ultimate power of the will of heaven and earth, or perhaps this was not the final impact of the Eye of Thunder Punishment, but Xing Tian couldn’t wait any longer, otherwise. When the enemy's power reached its peak, he would never have a chance to resist!

"Perhaps I have been patient for too long, so that the will of heaven and earth thinks that I am weak, without the will to swallow the sky, without the intention to destroy the sky, and I cannot survive this terrible thunder penalty! I don't remember this being myself The first few times I gave birth to the heart of resistance, I don’t remember how many times I went retrograde to cut the sky, but this time will be the moment when I truly change!"

As the mumbling fell, Xing Tian’s murderous intent and fighting intent skyrocketed again. The two powers of will were exploding frantically, and after the outbreak, they were also frantically merging, and this fusion of will was frantically Blessed on the'Chaotic Destroying Sword Array' on Xing Tian's head, when the decisive battle in his heart arises, everything will enter the final duel. Xing Tian will not keep his hands, nor can he keep them, only from this Only by breaking out a **** path in death can I get that ray of life!

"Retrograde cutting the sky, the chaos shattered, destroying the sky and destroying the earth!" When a deep drink was taken from Xing Tian's mouth, the sky and the earth changed color. The meaning of endless destruction came from the'Chaos Destruction Sword Array', and the terrifying destruction Li directly slammed into the city of thunder punishment above the void, and at the same time, the mysterious jade pendant also rushed towards the city of thunder punishment. Either you don’t do it, you must do it thoroughly, since you have made up your mind to do that life and death With one stroke, you can't keep your hands, you must do your best, just rely on the power of the'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' to break through the city of thunder and punishment, this is not an easy task!

Fearless! This is the true portrayal of Xing Tian now. When a full-scale outbreak occurs, Xing Tian has no negative emotions in his heart. There is only the will to fight against the sky, the determination to become benevolent if it fails, and the retrograde attack on the sky. At this moment, Xing Tian seemed to be completely integrated into his chaotic destruction avenue.

With a loud "boom", Xing Tianqing's attack broke out with all his strength, and the powerful force of destruction directly hit the mysterious jade pendant and exploded directly on the city of thunder punishment, a terrible storm It swept across the entire city of Thunder Punishment in an instant, and at this moment, the power of the powerful storm made the city of Thunder Punishment tremble, and the thunder pool in the city of Thunder Punishment was more tossed, and terrible golden lightning rushed to the entire Thunder Punishment madly. City to withstand this terrible storm.

It’s a pity that Lei Chi’s outbreak was a bit too late at this time. No matter how powerful the golden lightning, the terrible storm that Xing Tian detonated had already tore through the defenses of the city of Thunder Punishment, and the terrible storm of destruction hit Lei directly. In the City of Punishment, the mysterious jade pendant and Xingtian's "Chaotic Destruction Sword Array" also followed the storm and rushed into the City of Thunder Punishment!

At this moment, the world is changing color, the eyes of thunder punishment are trembling, and the defense of thunder punishment city is broken. This is what the eyes of thunder punishment did not expect, and it was not the will of heaven and earth. They did not expect Xingtian to be so crazy. , Will fight into their strongest blow, and burst out the most terrifying blow. At this time, they want to give Xing Tian a fatal blow. At this moment, the offensive and defensive are shifted. Xing Tian has the initiative. The eyes of Thunder Punishment In a passive position.

The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come again. When such a situation occurs, Xing Tian will not hesitate. In an instant, Xing Tian’s body turned into a stream of light and rushed into the void and rushed to the city of thunder punishment. The determination to fight to the death can't be afraid of the slightest bit of fear. Having such a heart of fear will only make your previous efforts into nothingness!

I was dumbfounded. In an instant, this astonishing change made the Tongtian River Water God and General Moruo who had been watching the battle horrified. They never thought that Xing Tian would suddenly make such a crazy move and face any thunder punishment. People are all cautious and obliterate the thunder penalty bit by bit. They dare not have the slightest impulse, but Xing Tian did so, and he did so crazy, not to say that he went retrograde, and he rushed into the thunder penalty. Among them, rushed into the city of thunder punishment that represents the thunder of heaven and earth!

"Crazy! Xing Tian is really crazy. He clearly has the advantage. He can wipe out the thunder punishment bit by bit, and survive the thunder punishment safely, but he has to find his own way, kill himself, and rush toward the thunder. Punish, take the initiative to enter the city of thunder punishment, even if he has the ability to break through the defense of the city of thunder punishment, but enter the city of thunder punishment, he will definitely lose the initiative and fall into the opponent's home court!"


In the eyes of General Moreau, this is suicide. There is no vitality in such a move. Xing Tian made a madness by doing this. He made an irrational act and made a madness that put himself to death. Act of.

Crazy? It’s really crazy, but he’s not in the thunder robbery. No matter how General Moro guesses, it’s just his own words and thoughts. He doesn’t know the situation Xing Tian is facing now, and he doesn’t understand what Xing Tian is thinking. In his mind, this is suicide and self-destruction, but in Xing Tian's mind this is his only life!

In contrast, although Tongtianhe Water God was shocked and did not understand all of this, he still had confidence in Xingtian, and believed that Xingtian must have his own reasons for doing so, even if he was worried in his heart, but soon he again Calm was restored, now that everything has happened, I can only wait for the end of this duel!

When rushing into the city of thunder punishment, Xing Tian really realized how small he was. Although the defense of the city of thunder punishment was torn, the origin of the city of thunder punishment did not suffer much damage. The power of thunder pond was there. It burst out in an instant, frantically strangling all the forces that rushed into the city of thunder punishment, whether it was the mysterious jade pendant, or his own'Chaos Destruction Sword Array' and himself, the terrifying thunder pool's origin was madly destroying everything, thunder and lightning. Violence was manifested frantically at this moment. If Xing Tian hadn't prepared for it, the Great Road of Good Fortune on the physical body would have exploded, and it would have been destroyed the moment it entered the city of thunder punishment!

Even if Xing Tian was prepared and prepared, under this terrible attack, the physical body’s defenses were instantly torn apart, and the flesh was blurred for a moment, and the blood was sprinkled in the city of thunder and punishment, his own'chaotic destruction The Sword Array was also making low noises. Under the attack of this terrible thunder pool, his "Chaos Destruction Sword Array" received a heavy blow. If it was in its heyday, its "Chaos Destruction Sword Array" would return. It can last for some time, but Xing Tian has fully exploded the power of the'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' before, which greatly weakens the origin of the'Chaotic Destruction Avenue'!

"Damn it, how could it be like this. After entering the city of Thunder Punishment, I still can't get rid of the terrible crisis, and even plunged myself directly into a more terrible death crisis. The power in the city of Thunder Punishment is more terrifying and stronger than outside. !" Faced with such a terrible situation, Xing Tian's heart became heavy. If he knew that the city of Thunder Punishment was more dangerous than the outside, Xing Tian would not do it rashly, but all this had already happened, and Xing Tian could not regret it.

In the cage! This is Xing Tian's first feeling now. How to break free of this cage has become Xing Tian's first question now, but does he have that time? difficult! difficult! difficult! In the face of such a heavy pressure, Xing Tianzhen was able to reach the limit. At this moment, Xing Tian even had a ridiculous thought in his heart. All of this was just a trap, a trap aimed at himself. Everything before that was just to lead. Put yourself in a cage and plunge yourself directly into death!

Is this really a trap? No, this is not a trap. There is no need to do this with the power of the Thunder Punishment Eye. Even Xing Tian himself quickly abandoned this ridiculous idea. To blame, he can only be blamed for being too careless. Of course, all of this cannot be helped. Xing Tian, ​​letting go is dangerous, there is only one dead end if you don't let go, you have no choice!

war! Even if you can't see the vitality, even if you are in a dangerous situation, Xing Tian will not surrender, let alone give up, even if you try your last bit of strength, even if you die, you will die at the last moment instead of giving up. !

"Blow for me!" Faced with the crisis of life and death, Xing Tian didn't even think about it. He blew his own treasure of Chaos Destruction Avenue, the "Chaos Destroy Sword Array", and fell with Xing Tian's voice, "Chaos" The Destruction Sword Array emits a terrible dark light, and then a terrible shock wave erupts. The devastating shock wave directly greeted the Lei Pond’s attack and rushed directly towards the Lei Pond. Even if it was dead, Xing Tian would also punish him. A fatal blow to the city!

Trembling! The entire city of Thunder Punishment was trembling, and Xingtian’s terrible explosion attack directly caused the entire city of Thunder Punishment to tremble. It was afraid and in fear. When the'Chaos Destruction Sword Array' blew, the terrible shock wave produced directly destroyed Thunder Punishment. Everything in the city, when everything in front of this shock wave is destroyed, turned into a terrifying force of destruction!

The self-destruction of the'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array' means self-destruction. When the'Chaos Destruction Sword Array' exploded, Xing Tian's'Chaotic Destruction Avenue' was directly hit hard, and the original source of the Chaos Destruction Avenue was directly damaged severely. Severely hurt the origin of Xingtian's Great Dao, directly leaving Xingtian's chaotic destruction Dao incomplete!

If it were possible, Xing Tian would not be so crazy, nor would he make such a crazy decision. It is precisely because Xing Tian had no choice, so he had to sacrifice his life, and only abandon his own'Chaotic Destruction Avenue', the original treasure blew himself up. Let Xingtian’s'Chaotic Destruction Avenue' directly hit back to its original shape, leaving Xingtian's Chaos Destruction Avenue only a little missing!

Fortunately, Xing Tian is in the city of thunder punishment, covered by the city of thunder punishment, no one sees all this. If the generals Moro and Tongtianhe water **** see all this, they will lose their voices and will be afraid of it. Not to mention those ordinary soldiers, such a crazy person, a crazy person who doesn't take his life as the same thing, who dares to offend!

When Xing Tian blew up the'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array', the power of the world in the mysterious jade pendant was also subjected to a strong impact. The power of the seal was wiped out by the origin of the thunder pond, and a trace of terrible aura came from the seal. It exudes a more terrifying, more terrifying, and purer aura of destruction than Xing Tian's self-destructive'Chaotic Destruction Sword Array'.

Just a faint aura of destruction appeared, making Xing Tian's heart tremble, making Xing Tian's heart tremble, making Lei Chi trembling, and the entire city of thunder punishment feared. This is the treasure sealed by the power of the world. The aura that exudes, just as Xing Tian had guessed before, this is a terrifying treasure with a source of destruction! When the aura of ruining the source of the treasure exudes, Xing Tian's situation instantly changed. The terrifying Lei Chi source no longer attacked Xing Tian, ​​but turned to this mysterious jade pendant, to the terrible aura of destruction!

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