God of Destruction

Chapter 3815: Festival crisis

Chapter 3815 Crisis

Compared with this terrifying aura of destruction, Xingtian’s threat is nothing at all. If the source of destruction in the seal is allowed to appear in the city of thunder punishment, it will be the beginning of the destruction of the city of thunder punishment. In contrast, Xingtian’s self-destruction exudes Xing Tian was able to breathe a sigh of relief because of such a threat. He was able to get a little break from the attack of the Thunder Pond's origin, so that he had time to recover from the trauma of the body and let himself breathe. Take a breath!

"Can this explosion make the original treasure in the seal get out of trouble, and can it break the terrible seal formed by the power of the complete world condensed by the Three Thousand Avenue?" Xing Tian didn't have full confidence in this point either. After all, the mysterious jade pendant at this moment has already lost control and is not under his own influence. At this time, Xing Tian can only watch with cold eyes, and can only wait for the result quietly. If Xing Tian wants to intervene, he will only fall into the crisis of death. In, just broke out of the terrible death crisis, how could Xing Tian make such a mistake again!

For Xingtian, no matter whether the origin of the city of thunder and punishment can stop the terrible destruction of the treasure and break the seal, no matter who wins or loses in this battle, it is a good thing for Xingtian, this mysterious atmosphere of destruction of the treasure Appearing, Xing Tian gave Xing Tian a huge opportunity, allowing Xing Tian to sit on the mountain and watch tigers fight, and reap the benefits of fishermen!

"Fight, it's best that the origins of the city of thunder and punishment and the mysterious ruined treasure will hurt both sides, so that I can take advantage of the fisherman's profit, and directly refine them, strengthen my own background, if I can get that mysterious The treasure of destruction, maybe my “Bound of Chaos Destruction” that just blew up can be restored to the original, or even further. After all, this breath is too terrifying, too terrifying, and too pure. It's on par!"

At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but develop such crazy greed in his heart. He wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. He wanted to take this opportunity to refine the city of thunder punishment with the mysterious treasure of destruction, even if it was possible. Xing Tian also wants to use his own body to swallow the powerful sealing power condensed by the Three Thousand Dao. If he can really do this, he will rise to the sky in one step, increase his combat power instantly, and change his own background. It needs to be perfected!

The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will never come. Such a great opportunity, Xing Tian is not willing to give up anyway. It is precisely because Xing Tian has such crazy greed in his heart that he did not take the opportunity to escape from the city of thunder and punishment, but Continue to stay in the city of thunder punishment, waiting for the result of this crazy duel, and waiting for the opportunity to reap the benefits of the fisherman!

Is there no danger in the city of thunder punishment at this time? No, this place is still perilous, even if the city of Thunder Punishment is no longer chasing Xingtian, but instead focuses on the terrifying and terrifying mysterious treasure of destruction, but the terrible shock wave emanating from the confrontation between the two sides is still There is a terrible danger, and there is still a terrible threat to Xing Tian. If Xing Tian is accidentally involved, there is only a dead end waiting for him. In such a terrible shock wave, Xing Tian has no ability to protect himself!

When this terrible confrontation appeared, there was no force to stop it, even the will of heaven and earth, even the eye of thunder punishment that was slowly falling could not do it! At this moment, the entire city of thunder punishment is shrouded in terrible thunder, and the power of the thunder pond becomes extremely violent. No matter what power it is, it will be blocked. No matter what will come to this city of thunder punishment, all its power They are all used to target the terrible Destroy Treasure, and use all their power to prevent Destroy Treasure from breaking the seal!

After taking a few breaths, Xing Tian’s injuries recovered. Under the nourishment of the powerful road of good fortune, Xing Tian’s physical body recovered as before, but the source of consumption was not so easy to recover. After all, Xing Tian paid in the previous confrontation. With too many sources, even the "Chaos Destruction Sword Array" that he has finally sacrificed himself exploded. It can be seen how crazy Xing Tian was, and how dangerous Xing Tian was at that time, and he paid such a high price. Just a few breaths can be restored, that is simply a joke, Xing Tian didn't dare to think about it.

At this point, when the situation reached this level, Xing Tian could no longer get his hands in, raised his head, Xing Tian stared at the Thunder Punishment Eye in the void, felt the change of Thunder Punishment Eye, and felt the terrible anger in Thunder Punishment Eye. Not reconciled, no matter how the Eye of Thunder Punishment wanted to bless the City of Thunder Punishment, there was no response at all, and all the power was shielded outside the City of Thunder Punishment.

In Xingtian’s naked eyes, the Thunder Pond in the City of Thunder Punishment, the origin of the City of Thunder Punishment, is consuming frantically, and the terrifying origin of Thunder Punishment is frantically suppressing the terrifying and terrifying aura of destruction, just such suppression. The stronger, the more fierce the resistance to the mysterious destruction of the original treasure in the seal, the more terrifying the fluctuations emitted by the mysterious jade pendant.

The City of Thunder Punishment was constantly being destroyed in this terrible hedge, and the buildings were destroyed by that terrible shock wave. The terrible shock made Xing Tian also have to retreat, otherwise the consequences of being involved in it would be unimaginable.

When such an astonishing change occurred in the City of Thunder Punishment, the will of heaven and earth was angered. Such a situation was unwilling to see, not to mention that terrible and terrifying aura of destruction appeared in the City of Thunder Punishment, although there was only a hint of breath. It came out, but the will of heaven and earth instinctively felt the threat and the impact of destruction. Such power is not allowed. The destructive aura exuded by Xingtian before was suppressed by the will of heaven and earth, not to mention the destruction even more terrible than Xingtian. origin!

"Boom!" There was a loud bang, and a thunderbolt resounded through the world again, and the terrifying eye of thunder punishment changed under this thunder. In an instant, the endless source of heaven and earth blessed on the eye of thunder punishment. The blessing of the will of heaven and earth is also the suppression of the mysterious destruction. When the power of the will of heaven and earth is blessed on the eyes of thunder punishment, all balance is broken. The intervention of the will of heaven and earth has severely destroyed the existence of the rules. Power is no longer thunder punishment, but real destruction. Heaven and earth made such a crazy decision regardless of their will.

auzw.com Amidst the thunder, the Eye of Thunder Punishment went down again. This time, the lightning outside the city of Thunder Punishment could not stop its landing, and the powerful Eye of Thunder Punishment broke open. The defense of the Thunder Punishment City was the same as Xingtian before. It was directly in the Thunder Punishment City. The difference is that the Thunder Punishment Eye did not directly rush into the Thunder Punishment City, but chose to fall on the Thunder Pond!

When the eye of thunder punishment fell into the thunder pond, the whole thunder pond became crazy about it, the endless source of thunder was surging, with the help of thunder punishment eye, and the blessing of the might of heaven and earth, the thunder pond changed, the original aura was a bit low The thunder pond skyrocketed again, and the terrifying and terrifying power was madly condensed in the thunder pond. With the change of the thunder pond, the entire city of thunder punishment has also undergone amazing changes. In the City of Punishment, there are condensed a series of runes of the Avenue of Thunder. With the appearance of these roads of runes, the city of Thunder Punishment has undergone an astonishing change, and the destroyed buildings are restored in an instant. , Even stronger than before, the aura of the entire Thunder Punishment City instantly rose.

After just a few breaths, the defense of the city of Thunder Punishment that Xing Tian broke through was restored, and the entire city of Thunder Punishment was reborn with the help of the eyes of Thunder Punishment, and it was once again complete, with a terrifying breath frantically All the enemies in the city of Thunder Punishment, whether it is the mysterious jade pendant, the sealed treasure of the road of destruction, and the intruder, Xingtian, are suppressed under this terrifying aura. Only for a moment, Xingtian felt it. Until his own strength was suppressed by 10%.

In an instant, his own combat power was cut by 10%. What a terrible thing, especially in this terrible thunder penalty, such an astonishing change directly made Xingtian’s situation once again extremely dangerous, and once again fell into Into the terrible death crisis!

"Damn, how could this happen, the will of heaven and earth is violating the rules, it is the power to betray the rules, it is the power to destroy the rules by itself, what it wants to do, it is not afraid that its actions will drive the whole world crazy. , Are you afraid that the whole world will collapse? The power of rules is the foundation of the whole world!"

Xing Tian’s heart was screaming frantically, but no matter how excited Xing Tian was, no matter how many thoughts Xing Tian had, all of this had already happened. The will of heaven and earth did indeed react excessively, which resulted in all this harmony. It was Xing Tian, ​​he wore the mysterious jade into the city of thunder punishment, he himself inspired the power of the mysterious jade pendant, and it was he himself that stimulated the sealed treasure of destruction, so that there was such a earth-shattering change and such a terrible crisis!

Close hand? No, now Xing Tian can’t take his hand, everything has been out of his control, whether it’s the mysterious jade pendant, the thunder penalty, and the mysterious destruction that continues to erupt, everything becomes crazy and terrifying. Now Xing Tian has become The outsider was originally his own thunder punishment, but now because of his momentary madness, the thunder punishment has changed, so that everything is out of control, everything becomes uncontrollable, and everything is beyond his imagination!

What a ridiculous thing to become an outsider during his thunder punishment, but all this happened to Xingtian, in this city of thunder punishment, no matter how Xingtian is unwilling to accept this Everything, but this is the fact, a fact that cannot be changed can only be rejected by Xingtian, nor can it be accepted by Xingtian!

"No, this crazy duel can't be allowed to continue, otherwise, when the terrifying power of thunder punishment completely stimulates the sealed source of destruction, the entire city of thunder punishment will be destroyed, no matter what the thunder How powerful is the blessing power of the Eye of Punishment? It is impossible to destroy the ultimate treasure of destruction in the seal. Even the appearance of the Eye of Punishment will aggravate the power of conflict and cause the destruction in the seal. The Primordial Treasure accelerates escape!"

Compared with the Eye of Thunder Punishment, Xing Tian, ​​the'outsider', sees everything through. The sealed source of destruction is more terrifying than he thought. The terrifying power is beyond the scope of the battlefield world in this area. , If this terrifying and terrifying source of destruction is allowed to escape, the entire realm battlefield world will be destroyed.

"Damn it, how could this terrifying source of destruction treasure appear in this territorial battlefield world? Even if such a terrifying treasure should appear, it can only appear in the highest chaos world. Who brought this terrible treasure into it? In the battlefield world of this frontier!" Xing Tian was crying in his heart, such a shocking change made Xing Tian fear it!

Yes, it is fear. At this moment, a faint sense of fear appeared in Xing Tian's heart. This is the fear of the mysterious destruction of the original treasure that is out of control. At this point, the situation has exceeded Xing Tian's ability to bear. Scope, if Xing Tian had the heart to use the power of thunder punishment to weaken the sealed source of destruction, and then take advantage of the fisherman’s profit, directly refine it to himself, and integrate it into his own'Chaotic Destruction Avenue', And now Xing Tian no longer dared to have such crazy thoughts, it was not to improve his own combat power, let alone to save himself from the Chaos Destruction Avenue, but to commit suicide!

In the face of such a terrifying power, Xingtian’s current state of mind and Xingtian’s existing power cannot be refined at all. Even if this mysterious source of destruction has been severely damaged, this is not the current Xingtian’s idea, but Nowadays, Xingtian has no choice but to control everything. It is impossible for Xingtian to grasp the overall situation.

"It's all the **** thunder punishment, the shameless eyes of thunder punishment and the will of heaven and earth. If it weren't for them, they wouldn't give me any vitality at all and prevent me from leaving alive. How could I have such crazy thoughts? Making such a crazy move makes the situation uncontrollable!" In an instant, Xing Tian was also shirking his own responsibility, pushing all cause and effect to the will of heaven and earth, to the eye of thunder punishment, everything to himself Not much relationship!

To be able to make Xing Tian have such thoughts in his mind, I have to say that this matter has been out of control and has become terrible and terrifying. If Xing Tian assumes this cause and effect by himself, I am afraid that he will no longer have the possibility of practicing, that is terrifying. The karma of cause and effect will directly crush Xingtian, because when the will of the heaven and earth violates the rules, it forms cause and effect with the creatures in the whole world, and if such a huge amount of cause and effect falls on Xingtian, it will be Xingtian. The ability to pass the sky will be directly crushed to death, and there is no possibility of turning over again!

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