God of Destruction

Chapter 3816: Festival of the World

Chapter 3816: World Movement

Suddenly, with such a panic, it is normal for Xing Tian to be uncomfortable, but even if the panic is too terrifying, Xing Tian will not be able to stop, let alone retreat. The situation is out of control, but it is not. It means that Xing Tian is letting go, seeing no hope, no gleam of vitality, but the craziness in Xing Tian's heart is even more intense!

"Lei Chi, this is the key to this battle. If Lei Chi's power continues to go crazy now, it will completely stimulate the mysterious source of destruction in the seal. With my own strength, I can't stop all of this from happening. The idea of ​​benefit is also shattered by the appearance of external forces like the Eye of Thunder Punishment. All I can rely on now is the inner world. Only the power of my own world can change everything. This is my ultimate strength and my only chance of survival. !"

In an instant, Xing Tian had the idea of ​​the inner world. If his deity fell into this thunder and punishment city, whatever means, thoughts, and all the details would be empty, maybe he would use the inner world that he has not completely unlocked. Adventure is madness, but Xing Tian has no choice. Only the power of the inner world can let himself see a ray of life in this despair!

"Turn it on, burst it out, let the power of the world break the void and come to this city of thunder punishment!" Xing Tian shouted in a low voice, colluding with his inner world, and the power of the inner world burst into full force in the next moment, tearing the outer world frantically. In the seal of Zai, a terrifying breath rushed through the seal and descended into the city of thunder punishment. Without the threat of thunder punishment eye, without the suppression of the will of heaven and earth, at this moment, Xingtian gained powerful authority. The power of the world rushed to the core of the city of thunder punishment, Lei Chi!

Swallow the thunder pond, devour the mysterious jade pendant, and completely cut off the source of their confrontation. If you can change a world and pull the thunder pond into your own inner world, with the help of the power of the inner world, it is not yet possible for you to come back, and you cannot end this yet. A terrible battle to end his life and death catastrophe, but this catastrophe will be added to his inner world!

There is still a ray of life if you don’t fight. This is the real situation that Xing Tian is facing now, and it is exactly that, Xing Tian will become so crazy at all costs, when the power of the world When rushing to the thunder pond, it instantly turned into a light gate, a light gate with terrifying suction, this is the gateway to the inner world!

"Swallow it for me!" When the light gate appeared, Xing Tian let out a violent shout. There was no time for the eye of thunder punishment to react. The light gate exuded terrible suction, which directly acted on the thunder pond and directly affected the mysterious Above the jade pendant, these two treasures should be directly connected to the light gate, and directly led to the inner world through the power of the light gate!

When the horrible suction erupted, Lei Chi had no time to react and was directly pulled into the light gate. The jade pendant that sealed the source of the mysterious destruction of the source also exudes a strong world power that echoed with the light gate, cutting off that The terrifying aura of destruction was also drawn into the gate of light, but compared to Lei Chi, this mysterious jade pendant did not resist!

When the light gate forcibly pulls away the thunder pond, the aura of the thunder punishment city is weakening. The loss of the thunder pond is very dangerous to the entire thunder punishment city. Without a strong source as the source, the power of the entire thunder punishment city is inevitable. It was greatly affected, but now the Eye of Thunder Punishment did not care about the changes in the City of Thunder Punishment, for it, the City of Thunder Punishment was far less important than Thunder Pond!

With such a shocking change, the Eye of Thunder Punishment has two choices. One is to stay by itself to replace the role of Thunder Pond and turn into the origin of Thunder Punishment City, to support the thunder punishment, and put its power on Xingtian again. The second is to follow Lei Chi, enter the Light Gate, and join forces with Lei Chi to end the terrible path to escape from the source of destruction!

The Eye of Thunder Punishment chose to follow the Lei Chi to end the extinction of the Primordial Treasure of Destruction. After all, in its eyes, the threat of Xingtian is far less than that of Destroying the Primordial Treasure, so its first goal is naturally the terrible and terrifying destruction The original treasure.

In an instant, the Eye of Thunder Punishment also rushed into the gate of light. The moment the Eye of Thunder Punishment disappeared, the gate of light also collapsed. All this happened in an instant, coming and going faster, Did not leave too much time for the Will of Heaven and Earth and the Eye of Thunder Punishment! Everything is so urgent, everything is so crazy.

When the light gate disappeared, Xing Tian's face instantly turned pale, and at the same time he let out a low muffled grunt. Although everything was as fast as lightning, Xing Tian paid a heavy price again while completing all this. Forcibly inspiring the original power of the inner world and tearing open the seal, this caused huge damage to Xing Tian himself. The body and soul were under tremendous pressure and impact. Even if it was only a moment, Xing Tian's own burden was also terrifying. Extremely!

With the Thunder Pond, the Eye of Thunder Punishment, and the terrifying and mysterious jade pendant disappearing, is all this over? Is Xing Tian's Thunder Punishment over? No, all this is not as beautiful as Xingtian imagined. There is no end. Thunder punishment still exists. For Xingtian's thunder punishment, as long as the city of thunder punishment does not disappear, the thunder punishment will not end. Xingtian is still being punished. Trapped in the city of thunder punishment, but Xing Tian's situation is relatively better now.

Although he is still trapped in the city of thunder punishment, but without the powerful source of thunder pond, without the guidance of the eyes of thunder punishment, the power of thunder punishment city will no longer cause damage to Xingtian, and what remains of the city of thunder punishment The power is concentrated on the defense against the outside world. Even if Xing Tian is weak now, almost a little power may destroy him, but compared to before, Xing Tian is now very safe, at least there is no need to worry about the attack from the city of thunder punishment. As for the Thunder Pond, the Eye of Thunder Punishment, and the mysterious jade pendant, all of these must be resolved by the power of one's own inner world, and now the crisis of Xingtian has transferred from the outside to his own inner world!


Is it dangerous? This is natural, but compared to before, Xing Tian is a little more relaxed. After all, Xing Tian couldn't get in at all before, and he was in a real crisis. Now Xing Tian still has the ability to confront and has the opportunity to change everything!

When Xingtian used the power of the light gate to pull the thunder pond into the inner world, and introduced the eye of thunder punishment into the inner world, he was shocked as the will of heaven and earth, everything was beyond the grasp of the will of heaven and earth, because when he entered the inner world After that, the eye of thunder punishment completely lost contact with the will of heaven and earth. Without the blessing of the will of heaven and earth, without the power of the whole world as the source, the power of the eye of thunder punishment was also greatly weakened, without the world as the source. , The power of the Eye of Thunder Punishment is to use a little less, when the source of the Eye of Thunder Punishment is all consumed, that is when the Xingtian Thunder Punishment ends!

For such a result, this situation is something that the will of heaven and earth does not want to see. It does not want to see Xingtian retreat with his whole body, but Xingtian is now in the city of thunder punishment, and he cannot help the will of heaven and earth, let alone the blade. In order to be able to change the situation before, the will of heaven and earth has violated the rules and has been backlashed by the origin of heaven and earth. At this time, no matter how unwilling it is, no matter how reluctant it is, it can only accept it, its power has been limited!

In the inner world, when the thunder pond, the eye of thunder punishment and the mysterious jade pendant appeared, the whole inner world changed its color, the origin of the inner world surged crazily, and all the creatures in the inner world felt it. Changes from the void, feeling the changes from the world, but they can't change the external environment at all.

When all this happened, the tree of the world immediately contained the mysterious jade pendant, and the power of the huge source was frantically blessed on the power of the seal. Compared with the power of thunder and punishment, the source of the world tree was The power that is truly integrated with the seal, because the tree of the world also has a complete three thousand avenues, which can also condense the power of a perfect world.

After the outbreak of the World Tree in the inner world, no matter how violent and powerful is the Destroy Origin Treasure in the seal, it fell into a disadvantage within a few breaths. With the help of the World Tree, The power of the seal is rapidly recovering, and the huge world power of the inner world is also being consumed frantically, and the aura of the inner world is decreasing! To completely seal the terrifying and terrifying source of destruction once again, it takes time and a huge world source, which will definitely affect the evolution of the inner world.

Without the threat of terrifying destruction of the original treasure, Lei Chi suddenly lost his target of attack, and I don’t know what to do, because this is an unforgettable world. There is no enemy it wants to punish, and there is no target to save it. , So Lei Chi can only stand on the tree of the world blankly, exuding a faint light of thunder, waiting for the terrifying and terrifying destruction of the original treasure to appear, and its waiting is destined to have no results, it is a pity Lei Chi has no real self-awareness, and doesn't know what to do when such a change occurs, and how to change it!

Compared with Lei Chi’s dullness, the situation of the Eye of Thunder Punishment is not so good. The first time the Eye of Thunder Punishment appeared in the inner world, it was targeted by the origin of the inner world and stepped into that terrible and terrifying destruction. Following the footsteps of the Primordial Treasure, a terrifying will of heaven and earth directly surrounds it, directly swallowing its origin and power.

Yes, the world of the inner world is devouring the power of the eye of thunder, and is absorbing the power of the eye of thunder to perfect the source of thunder of the inner world, and enhance the inner world of the inner world. When such a shock occurs, the eye of thunder Fear, fear, it wants to resist, it wants to run away, unfortunately it cannot do this, because the entire inner world has blocked its connection with the outside world, and it has no ability to resist in the inner world. This is not its world, its power has been greatly suppressed!

When such a change occurred in the City of Thunder Punishment, when the Thunder Punishment above the void appeared abnormal, General Moro and the God of Tongtian River were shocked again, especially General Morrow, he did not expect it. The situation will suddenly turn around, the power of Thunder Punishment is weakening, what happened in the city of Thunder Punishment, such an astonishing reversal happened in an instant, what killer Xing Tian used to change the situation again ?

Although there are many doubts in his heart, General Moro could not ask, because this is a secret, a secret unique to Xingtian. No matter how good the relationship between Tongtian River Water God and Xingtian is, it is impossible to know, even if the other party knows. I won't say it, the most important thing is that if I ask, I will cause myself a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"The thunder penalty is about to end, and this catastrophe should also be over, Moro, you should think about the way you will go in the future, and think about what you should do. When the thunder penalty is over, I think this day too. It's time to light up, and it won't take long before the imperial reinforcements should appear. If you don't want to see another round of killings, you have to stand up and take responsibility!" Looking at the changing look of General Moro At that time, Tongtianhe Water God said softly, the look on his face was extremely calm!

For the water **** of Tongtian River, nothing is more important than the immediate changes. The weakening of the thunder penalty means the end of this catastrophe, which means that the thing that I worry about the most has not happened, and I should turn my energy to Moreau. , Turn to the imperial army, warn Moreau in advance, and solve some problems for Xing Tian in advance.

"The **** of water, with the empire, will not let Xingtian suffer. The empire will never forget the ministers who have contributed. This is not the responsibility of the general, but the responsibility of the empire!" At this time, in this situation, the empress empress Stand up again, once again for the general Moro platform, shouldering this responsibility on the empire.

When he heard these words, Tongtianhe Water God smiled indifferently, shook his head and said softly: "I hope so, if the empire can't fulfill this promise, what awaits you will be endless killing, and it will be a terrible one. Conflict, I don’t think the empire is willing to face such a terrible danger and face such a terrifying enemy!"

No one wants to face such a terrifying enemy as Xingtian, even the Empire is no exception. Xingtian who has not survived the catastrophe of life and death is scary enough, let alone survived the catastrophe, as long as the empire has a little sense of reason. , Wouldn’t be ignorant to provoke such a horrible existence as Xingtian, just that everything really can be decided by them? Those aristocratic families in the empire, those rich and powerful, would listen to the empire’s advice, and would give up the alluring excitement of Xingtian Interest? All this is only an unknown number, and everything is afraid that the empire will decide. After all, the interests are moving. No matter how the empire warns, there will always be a small group of greedy people, and there will always be people with ignorant illusions!

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