God of Destruction

Chapter 3822: Section clash

Three thousand eight hundred and twenty-two chapters confrontation

Tongtianhe Water God sneered, and said disdainfully: "Threat? A disaster? This may indeed exist, but no one can call Xingtian, and no one can make him succumb. Moreau, you want to use this method to threaten Xingtian and persuade him. Xingtian can only be a big joke. No matter how strong the empire is, it has fatal weaknesses. This world has reached the time of transformation, and the empire itself is hard to protect, and it can draw some strength to protect Xingtian, and how do you know Xing Tian needs this kind of protection. The strength of the ancient strong is not something you can understand, nor can the empire be able to control it. The strong will not surrender to any forces. The imperial movement does not have the ability to make an ancient strong surrender. !"

Yes! How could an ancient strong man be frightened by a small fortune, how could he surrender to others, the threat can only be a big joke for the ancient strong, although Xing Tian is not an ancient strong, but Xing Tian is neither Will surrender to the dynasty of the empire, and there is endless arrogance in Xingtian's body. How can a madman who can go retrograde to kill the sky surrender to others!

Hearing the words of the water **** of the Tongtian River, General Moruo's expression changed again and again, and the empress empress's complexion also became very ugly. Their hearts were all annoyed by the words of the water **** of the Tongtian River. Face slap, although Tongtianhe Water God said it was true, but it was too straightforward to say, he was hitting them in the face directly, hitting the face of the empire!

"Why, I feel that I have said a little too much. This is the truth. Don’t think how powerful and invincible the empire’s fortune is. When the world changes, the first thing that will be impacted is the empire’s fortune. At this time The imperial dynasty is the weakest. If you want to use the imperial dynasty to suppress people, you can only say that you are too imaginative. It is okay for you to say this in front of me. If you say it in front of Xingtian, it will only attract endless The anger of the empire has brought endless disasters to the empire and restored the ancient memory. They will not be threatened by any force, and will not be oppressed by any force!"

When talking about this, the Tongtian River Water God sneered again and again, with a look of contempt on his face. He did not give the general Moro, the empress, or even the empire fortune, and directly hit them in the face. !

"Huh! Water God, don't use such ridiculous words to overwhelm us. When the world changes drastically, the imperial dynasty will indeed be greatly impacted, but Xingtian is no exception. Don’t forget that he is a retrograde attacker. After the tribulation of heaven and earth, he will be hated by the will of heaven and earth. The most important thing is that as long as he does not grow up for a day and does not recover the powerful power of the ancient times, he will become the target of countless careerists. He is physically weak and naturally It's a fatal disaster!"

Facing the face-smashing act of Tongtian River Water God, General Moro was also extremely angry, and endless anger rose in his heart. He directly grabbed Xing Tian’s physical weakness, the fatal weakness, and talked with him. confrontation!

Seeing the ridiculous act of General Moro, Tongtianhe Water God sneered disdainfully: "Ignorance, every reincarnation ancient powerhouse will leave himself countless assassins to protect the road, and his physical weakness will treat them. It’s not a big deal at all. What’s more, even if the body is destroyed, with this city of thunder punishment, you can use that endless source of thunder punishment to condense a body of law at any time. With this treasure in hand, you Do you think anyone can threaten Xingtian's life?"

The body of the law! When this time appeared in the ears of General Moreau, it was like a thunder that shocked him directly. What is the law body? It is the supreme real body condensed by the law of heaven and earth. Once you have it The body of the law is the immortal existence, detached from the shackles of this world, and can truly ignore all threats.

"Damn, why didn't I think of this. Mastering the city of Thunder Punishment also mastered the origin of the city of thunder punishment. Even if Xingtian didn't fully refine the city of Thunder Punishment, he could also use the origin of the city of thunder punishment. From that emptiness, the source of thunder punishment is continuously absorbed, and the real body of the law is condensed, not to mention that there is a more powerful inheritance in this city of thunder punishment!"

Seeing Moro's loss of consciousness, Tongtianhe Water God continued to sneer and said, "I figured it out, don't connect your ignorance to Xingtian. As long as you survive the catastrophe, Xingtian will control his own destiny. Heaven and earth can’t destroy Xingtian. How could some “ants” threaten his life. If you have time, it’s better to think about how to let the imperial move through this life and death catastrophe, or how to get rid of yourself. The influence of the imperial movement is the highest!"

It was just a conversation. The God of Tongtian River had completely watched the imperial fortune. He no longer believed that the imperial fortune could survive this catastrophe. At this time, General Moreau could say so. In terms of words, this is definitely not the result of a momentary loss of mind, but because of the connection of air and luck, the great general Moreau was affected by the imperial fortune!

If it is normal, with the wisdom of General Moreau, how could it be impossible to see the key to this problem, but now he really does not see through, and even said such ridiculous words, this kind of performance is even more convincing. Tianhe Water God understands that the power of the empire’s movement has been weakened to the extreme. Even the martial arts powerhouses like General Moro have received a huge impact and been greatly affected. They can’t see the changes in the situation of the world and the things in front of them. crisis!

"Impact! Yes, I was affected by the power of the Empire’s fortune. When the sun and the earth changed drastically, the power of the heavens and the earth, and the general trend of the world, was always influencing the empire’s fortune. Previously, those hidden enemies appeared and kept showing up. The earth impacted the luck of the empire’s fortune, and now he was silently affected by the power of the origin of the earth, so that he said such a ridiculous statement, let the **** of the river water **** do it completely Made a decision!"

In an instant, General Moro understood the key to the problem and figured everything out, but now everything is too late. His own words have been spoken, and he has given Tongtianhe Water God a clear reason for judgment. It is no longer possible to change the view of the water **** of the Tongtian River. The water **** of the Tongtian River will not completely fall to the empire!

auzw.com"Damn it, how could this be so, let the **** of the Tongtianhe water **** take the opportunity to see through the reality of the empire’s fortune, this is not a good thing, although I did not want to live with the empire. I die together, but I need time to arrange everything. The most important thing is that this **** seems to be reminding myself, but in fact, he is telling the queen empress that I can't quickly get out of the empire! Bastard, this damn. The **** is really harmful. This will obviously drive me to death. This **** is calculating against him before taking revenge on me. This **** is really hateful and sinister!” General Morrow was scolding in his heart. Looking at the water **** of Tongtian River, no matter how much he hates the water **** of Tongtian River, no matter how much anger and unwillingness he has in his heart, he dare not show it. After all, the empress is right in front of him. If he does not perform well at this time, the consequences will be even more serious!

Before he knew it, General Moreau had made a choice, he was no longer loyal to the imperial fortune, but he himself did not notice this change, did not realize that there was a trace of betrayal in his heart, and he already thought about it. To part ways with the empire's fortune, and when he has such an idea, the influence on himself will be greater and greater, and the selfishness in his heart will be greater and greater!

After seeing through the sinister intentions of the Water God of Tongtian River, General Moro snorted coldly and stopped speaking. If he said too much at this time, he would only cause more troubles and make his situation more dangerous. No matter how much she expresses her position, the empress will not believe it, after all, in the face of life and death, betrayal is nothing!

Regarding General Moro’s silence, Tongtianhe Water God just sneered disdainfully, and did not do too much persecution. It didn’t make much sense. Even if it was really necessary to force General Moro, how could he treat himself? Benefits? No, when there is no benefit, Tongtianhe Water God will naturally not offend Moro!

After a confrontation, the God of Tongtian River finally won the victory. General Moreau was completely suppressed. At this time, the city of thunder punishment above the void was a brilliant work, and the power of the opponent continued to explode, Xing Tian The confrontation with the will of heaven and earth continued, and the confrontation between the two sides became more and more terrifying and crazy.

"Quickly! The power of the will of heaven and earth has reached its limit. It will not be long before it will be pushed back. As long as the will of heaven and earth retreats, this contest will be over. Xing Tian will win the final victory and completely master the thunder punishment. The city can truly stand firm in this world with its own strength, and no longer have to worry about your own safety!" Looking at the changes in the void, looking at the city of thunder and punishment, Tongtianhe Water God muttered in his heart Talking to himself, this result is exactly what he wants to see.

For the Tongtian River Water God, the stronger Xing Tian is, the happier he will be, which means that he can continue to get a stronger inheritance from Xing Tian, ​​and he also has the opportunity to get rid of the shackles of this world and control his own destiny.

Taking control of your own destiny and getting rid of the shackles of heaven and earth, this is what any **** desires, but it is not so easy to do this, it is not a little chance to succeed, it takes a long time and a powerful inherited!

"General, what should we do? It won't take long for reinforcements to appear. What attitude should we use to treat Xing Tian? This is not a trivial matter. Before the reinforcements appear, we must make a decision!" Avoiding the Tongtian River Water God, directly confronted General Moro in front of him.

"Cooperate, we cooperate with it with the utmost sincerity. For such a strong man who has restored the ancient memory, only cooperation, other hand-offs will not work, not to mention that we have already owed each other's cause and effect. If you don’t use the utmost sincerity to cooperate, it will only completely offend the other party and give the empire a powerful enemy. As for those disciples of the aristocratic family, directly suppressing them is also a warning to the aristocratic family and let them know what can be done. Do, nothing can be done!” At this point, General Moreau revealed a slight killing intent on his body. This killing intent was directed at those imperial families. At this time, he could not tolerate the imperial capital’s aristocratic families. The threat of imperial luck!

"Well, it's the only way now. I hope things can go smoothly. After all, Xing Tian is not an easy one!" When he said this, the empress empress's expression revealed a trace of helplessness. It was helpless to the world and the empire. Helpless!

"The mother can rest assured that Xing Tian is not a fool. Under this kind of embarrassment, in the midst of this great change, he will not be an enemy of us because of a little calculation. It is all for him and for us. Everything is beneficial, and interest is the root of everything!"

Hearing this, Tongtianhe Water God shook his head disdainfully. Benefits are indeed very important, but are they really that important for a strong man who has turned back from ancient times? I'm afraid that it may not be necessary. If you know that Xing Tian has survived the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, a madman who goes retrograde and snatches a city of thunder punishment from the eyes of thunder punishment, will such an existence care about that little benefit?

Although I was not optimistic about the words of the general Moro, but the God of Tongtianhe did not speak again to refute. He had done enough before, said enough, there is no need to continue to attack the other party, there is no need to do things absolutely. , And as for what Xing Tian did, he couldn't help but make his own decisions. Talking too much would only hurt him!

The Tongtian River Water God was silent, and the field soon fell into a dead silence. General Moro looked up at the city of thunder punishment in the void with a heart full of thought, and the empress also looked at the void with helplessness, although She couldn't see the changes in the city of thunder and punishment above the void, but her heart was still extremely heavy.

The tension is still continuing, but as time goes by, the kingdom of heaven and earth will gradually weaken, while Xing Tian’s breath is constantly strengthening, the mysterious power in the city of thunder punishment is constantly retreating, Xing Tian is just a little bit He expelled this external force little by little, restored control of the city of thunder punishment little by little, and took the origin of the city of thunder punishment in his own hands again!

The blood light gradually overwhelmed everything, and it was wrapping this city of thunder punishment bit by bit. When the blood light re-wrapped the city of thunder punishment, it was the end of the war of strength and the defeat of the will of heaven and earth. At that time, Xing Tian will truly survive the catastrophe, truly be recognized by heaven and earth, and recognized by the rules. Such a terrifying punishment of heaven and land mines, once it is over, the success of the catastrophe will be recognized by the endless source. If the signs of heaven come, if there is such a moment, it will definitely have great benefits for Xing Tian.

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