God of Destruction

Chapter 3823: Festival of origin

Chapter 3823: Origin Transformation

"It's over, the will of heaven and earth can't stop my Xingtian's pace, **** heaven and earth, swallow all things, swallow! Swallow! Swallow!" With Xingtian's deep cry, the endless blood on the city of thunder punishment burst into the sky. Turning into a terrifying scarlet gluttony, he opened the big mouth of the blood basin and issued a terrifying suction, directly pulling the power of the will of heaven and earth directly into his own mouth!

At this moment, Xing Tian’s own chaotic destruction avenue reappeared. This time, Xing Tian was not to fight the will of heaven and earth, but to swallow the power of the will of heaven and earth, and to reawaken the true meaning of his own chaotic destruction avenue with the help of swallowing. After coming out, the entire city of thunder punishment was trembling crazily, violently emitting terrible suction, swallowing everything!

"Gourmet, the glutton of the four fierce beasts, Xing Tian is the power to swallow the will of heaven and earth, and to end this battle completely!" When he saw the blood rising from the sky turned into gluttony, General Moro felt even more heavy. Although he had already known that Xingtian had already gained a huge advantage in this battle, no matter how he resisted the will of heaven and earth, it would be difficult to change the overall situation, but he did not expect Xingtian would do such a crazy thing at this last moment, turning into a gluttonous appearance. The power that swallows the will of heaven and earth!

"Lunatic, this is really a madman who does not fear what he is. It is easy to swallow the power of the will of heaven and earth, but after this battle, he will definitely be targeted by the will of heaven and earth. This is really not worth the gain!" Secretly sighing in my heart, feeling worthless for Xingtian's move, doing so does more harm than good!

This is true in the heart of General Moreau, but Xing Tian doesn’t think so. As far as Xing Tian is concerned, if he can reconsolidate his chaos and destroy the avenue, it will be worth the price, not to mention that he is not in this world. The creatures of the realm battlefield world, even if they are reincarnated, can't erase the imprint of the supreme chaotic world on their souls. This realm battlefield world will one day disappear and merge into the supreme chaotic world, and naturally it will be in the heart. Not so much fear!

A world that is destined to dissipate, let alone Xing Tian, ​​who has the intent to fight against the sky and fearless in his heart, even those creatures who directly enter the realm battlefield world, they know this realm. After the secrets of the battlefield world, there is no trace of fear. This is the general trend, the general trend of heaven and earth, facing a will of heaven and earth that is destined to be swallowed, naturally no one will be afraid, let alone this realm battlefield world still restricts the world The power of the rules of will exists!

When the power of the will of the heaven and earth was swallowed by the gluttonous and ferocious phases evolved by Xingtian, a message flooded into the soul of Xingtian. This is the power of the city of thunder punishment. When the power of the will of heaven and earth is swallowed, the city of thunder punishment instinctively I asked Xing Tian whether he wanted to integrate the power of the will of heaven and earth to re-evolve a new core of origin and evolve a new thunder pond to perfect the city of thunder punishment?

within Temptation! This is indeed a huge temptation. For Xing Tian to face such a huge temptation, it is false if he is not tempted. Once he evolves a new mine pool, it means that he will completely master the city of thunder punishment and truly become thunder punishment. The master of the city, no one can compete with him for the sovereignty of the city of thunder punishment, but if he does so, he will abandon his previous plan, he will not be able to complete the restart of his own chaotic destruction avenue, and he will not be able to perfect his chaotic destruction. Avenue!

Hesitated. When faced with such a huge temptation, Xing Tian's heart was also hesitating. No matter which choice it was, he had different interests. Evolution Lei Chi completely mastered the city of thunder punishment, and his own combat power would be Get a huge improvement in an instant, and your own safety will be guaranteed. With the city of thunder and punishment, no matter how strong it is, it is difficult to give yourself a fatal blow. You will have enough time to practice without fear of the outside. All threats! If you continue to devour it and use the power of the will of heaven and earth as a nutrient to perfect your own chaotic destruction avenue, the original source that you had lost before will also be restored. Perhaps after absorbing this power, your chaos destruction avenue will have a quality The transformation!

Embarrassed! At this time, Xing Tian's heart is also very embarrassed. On the one hand, it is the improvement of combat power and the guarantee of safety, on the other hand, the resumption of his own chaotic destruction avenue. No matter which choice it is, it is of great benefit to Xing Tian himself, and Xing Tian must be here. Choosing between the two has a huge impact on Xing Tian.

"I still give up the full control of the city of thunder punishment. After all, this city of thunder punishment is only a treasure, and his own chaotic destruction avenue is the foundation of his own practice. Now the situation in the inner world is still unknown. Let the opportunity of own chaotic destruction avenue disappear. After all, the avenue is the root of everything!” Under the huge temptation, Xing Tian finally chose the chaos destruction avenue, choosing to devour the power of the will of heaven and earth to perfect his own chaos destruction avenue!

When Xing Tian made a choice, the gluttonous Faxiang directly uttered a huge roar, and the blood light once again made a big splash. At this moment, there is a trace of terrible chaotic destruction true meaning in that blood light. That is the evolution of Xingtian chaotic destruction avenue, which represents The origin of Xingtian Chaos Destruction Avenue, after the catastrophe, Xing Tian no longer has to worry that his own Chaos Destruction Avenue will be suppressed by the will of heaven and earth, he can completely let go of everything, and fully explode the power of Chaos Destruction Avenue!

With the fall of this huge roar, the blood light was rapidly converging, and the city of thunder punishment also recovered its calm. The blood light converged, the mysterious power disappeared, and a faint light of thunder appeared on the city of thunder punishment. It's over, everything is over. In this confrontation, Xing Tian laughed to the end, persisted to the end, and won the final victory!

After devouring the power of the will of heaven and earth, Xing Tian’s own chaotic destruction avenue has also been reborn. The chaotic destruction avenue that was almost destroyed has re-evolved into the avenue seed, broken and then stood. After being reborn, Xing Tian can clearly feel There is a trace of mysterious power in the true meaning of this new avenue of chaos destruction. The existence of this power gives the avenue of chaos destruction endless potential and endless vitality, as if its own avenue of chaos destruction has really evolved to its limit and achieved the end of destruction. It is good fortune, such a change shocked Xing Tian's heart.

auzw.com" It’s worth it. This choice is really worth it. Fortunately, I gave up the perfection of the City of Thunder Punishment, or I would have missed a great opportunity, I thought I was in chaos. The Dao of Destruction can only be restored with the help of the last signs of the sky. I didn't expect that the power of the will of the sky and the earth can do this, and it can also achieve such a powerful effect!"

The benefits brought by the destruction of the Chaos Destroy Avenue are so powerful that Xingtian is not excited and unhappy. Compared with this effect, the city of thunder punishment is nothing at all, at least in Xingtian’s eyes, even In addition to excitement, Xing Tian's heart was born with the idea of ​​breaking down the city of thunder and punishment, and using it to recast his own chaos and destroy the original treasure of the avenue!

Fortunately, Xing Tian did not lose his mind because of this joy, and was not inspired by this thought. Although his own chaotic destruction avenue was reborn, it was still a bit premature to recast the original treasure, and his own original strength was not enough to support the original treasure. The most important thing is that the city of Thunder Punishment still has the imprint of the ancient Thunder God, which cannot be perfectly integrated with its own chaotic destruction avenue. At this time, it is really necessary to use it to recast its own chaotic destruction avenue. Leaving serious hidden dangers will bring endless trouble to one's own practice of chaos and destruction!

At the time of Xingtian's joy, the thunder punishment in the void completely dissipated, a colorful light was condensing, and endless colorful lights flooded in a moment, the sign of heaven! This is a sign of heaven, it is the reward given by Xing Tian to survive the great catastrophe of heaven and earth.

When the signs of the sky appeared, all the creatures present felt the joy of the heaven and the earth, and they all felt the endless vitality contained in the colorful light above the void, especially the powerhouses like General Moro and Tongtianhe Water God. They are more able to feel the vitality of the colorful light in the void. They also yearn for the signs of heaven to add to their bodies, eager to wash themselves under the signs of heaven, but it is a pity that this sign is not for them. Let’s not say that Xing Tian is still punishing. In the city, even if Xing Tian stood on the ground, this sign of heaven would not give them the slightest help. This was the power of the rules of heaven and earth, and no one could stop it.

When the colorful light above the void condenses to the limit, when the power of the signs of the sky is complete, a rainbow falls from the void and directly sinks into the city of thunder punishment. The colorful light continues to fall, gradually punishing the entire thunder. The city was shrouded in the signs of the sky, the colorful rays of light once again suppressed the thunder light in the city of thunder punishment, and the city of thunder punishment became a colorful city.

At this moment, the huge vitality burst out instantly. Although the endless vitality did not come from the city of thunder punishment, when it poured into Xingtian's body, it was also washing the city of thunder punishment, although this vitality did not stop. In the City of Thunder Punishment, the origin of the City of Thunder Punishment has changed a little, and the city of Thunder Punishment has a little more life!

When the signs of the sky fell, when the huge vitality poured into him, every cell of Xing Tian’s physical body was cheering, and they were consuming this huge vitality madly. Under such a huge vitality, Xing Tian’s The flesh is undergoing rapid transformation, and all impurities are washed away by this huge vitality, and under such a powerful vitality, Xing Tian’s own origin of the Great Dao of Good Fortune is also stimulated, and the original source of the Great Dao of Good Fortune that has been greatly depleted is rapidly Recovering.

joy! Xing Tian should indeed be pleased in this situation, but when Xing Tian's mind sank once again into the gap in the seal of the inner world, his mood was not happy. The mysterious power above the gap in the seal still exists, this huge vitality Cannot act in the inner world, cannot enter the inner world, and let the inner world be washed.

"How could this happen, the thunder punishment has ended, and the signs of the sky have already fallen, why is there such an abnormal change in the inner world? Could it be said that the inner world has really changed and was really taken away by the eyes of thunder punishment?" I feel very heavy. If this happens, I will lose a lot this time. The inner world is not a normal source. If I lose it, my own practice will be an irreparable loss for myself.

The power of the rules of heaven and earth does not care about Xing Tian’s mood at this time, and will not change due to the changes in the world during Xing Tian. The huge vitality is constantly falling, the colorful light in the void is constantly losing, and the huge vitality is given. Xing Tian's own great opportunity for good fortune, after the original origin of Xingtian's good fortune, has also undergone a slight change, a slight transformation.

Although it is only a slight transformation, it is a qualitative transformation, just like Xingtian’s own chaotic destruction avenue, except that Xingtian’s chaos destruction avenue is broken and then erected, and this good fortune avenue is a quantitative change that triggers a qualitative change. With the blessing of huge vitality, With continuous accumulation, the avenue of good fortune has undergone a qualitative transformation!

Although he was worried and unwilling to change the inner world, Xing Tian had to withdraw his mind when the origin of good fortune changed, and he had to devote himself to his perception of the great path of good fortune. Furthermore, such a great opportunity is not always available. If you miss this opportunity, you will suffer even greater losses.

No matter what changes happen in the inner world, no matter whether this change is good or bad for him, at this moment, Xing Tian must let go, and must put his energy on his own path of good fortune, and under the signs of heaven, it is himself. The best time to break through the Great Dao of Good Fortune is the best time for my own good fortune to transform, and it is also the best time for his own roots to change. Xing Tian doesn’t know if he can get the ultimate cleansing of the origin of the world, and I don’t know if there is still a chance to obtain this world. This time Xing Tian will not give up. Under Tian Zhao and under the huge vitality, his own roots and bones can also be washed, and it can also cause qualitative changes from quantitative changes, and it can also bring huge changes to itself. the benefits of.

Under the enormous vitality, Xing Tian’s own great path of good fortune is evolving rapidly under the body of Tian Zhao, and the true meaning of the path of good fortune is gradually enlightened by Xing Tian, ​​and a trace of good fortune is radiated from Xing Tian’s body. Come out, in this good fortune breath, there is endless vitality, and when the endless vitality continues to accumulate, a faint destructive aura appears in the vitality, quantitative change triggers qualitative change, the appearance of this destructive aura makes Xing Tian feel it The limit of good fortune is destruction, and when the Great Way of Good Fortune also has this kind of perception, when there is such a transformation, Xing Tian’s own chaotic destruction avenue involuntarily surging, and this Great Way of Good Fortune mutually corresponds, and the two avenues are in communication. Collusion!

. Writing Chinese Network m.

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