God of Destruction

Chapter 3824: Knot evolution

Chapter 3824 Evolution

"Hey! The Great Avenues of Destruction and Good Fortune actually correspond to each other, and there is a faint connection between the origins. How is this possible?" Under the light of the sky, the transformation of the two origins of the Dao brought huge benefits to Xing Tian. It brought a huge impact. Xing Tian never thought that his chaotic destruction avenue and the good fortune avenue were connected, and this connection not only did not lead to terrible conflicts, on the contrary, there was an exchange between the two. The emergence of communication accelerates the transformation of one's own road!

"Does the chaotic destruction avenue and the good fortune avenue merge into one, to evolve into the chaos yin and yang avenue?" Feeling his own changes, Xing Tian couldn't help muttering to himself, the impact of this change was too great for him. Xing Tian's mind was a little bit turbulent, and he had never thought of such a result.

"No, it's impossible. It is impossible to evolve the Chaos Yin-Yang Dao. The two original powers do not change into one, but evolve in a stronger direction. Perhaps this is the most correct practice of the two Dao. The method is to evolve these two opposing avenues to the extreme, and then under the action of the signs of heaven, there will be such an astonishing change. Perhaps with such a transformation, I can break through without external force. The seal of the inner world can also be forcibly torn apart all blocking forces and collude with the inner world clone!” In an instant, a new idea and new decision emerged in Xing Tian’s heart. If his guess is true, if it is his own The idea can be successful, and I will walk out a new road, an unprecedented road!

The Trinity, if you can use your own strength to tear the seal between the inner world and the outside, you will regain the powerful power and truly achieve the Trinity. The three avenues are condensed into one, but now Xing Tian is still capable of turbulent liver. The power has just begun, and I still need to use the power of the signs of heaven to accelerate the transformation and evolution of the avenue of chaos destruction and the avenue of good fortune!

Under the signs of the sky, Xingtian’s chaotic destruction avenues and good fortune avenues are indeed evolving, evolving in an unprecedented direction, and this evolution has not only brought huge benefits to Xingtian’s physical body, and continuously tempered his flesh and blood. Essence is tempering his soul and will, allowing himself to undergo a comprehensive transformation.

This is the washing that Xing Tian has been pursuing, the washing of the roots. Under the action of the signs of heaven, the origin and aptitude of Xing Tian will undergo a qualitative transformation. Under the signs of heaven, Xing Tian frantically destroys the Dao and Dao with his own chaos. The Great Dao of Good Fortune is swallowing, and is constantly accelerating the transformation of its own Dao. Under the blessing of the signs of heaven, the two avenues are constantly communicating, evolving, and also constantly changing. The destruction and good fortune are constantly changing. Every transformation has brought a qualitative transformation to Xing Tian!

Now is not the time to mobilize the power of the original source to tear the seals of the inner world and the outer world. Under the signs of the sky is the best opportunity for oneself to transform. It is a great opportunity for oneself to transform. You cannot give up such a great opportunity because of temporary excitement. !

Try hard to gather your mind so that you will not be affected by the signs of heaven and the transformation of your own Dao, so that you can calm down and carefully understand the evolution of the Dao, the transformation of the Dao, and the transformation of your own roots and aptitudes. For Xing Tian, ​​this The same is a great road, and it is also a great opportunity, not lower than the unblocking of the inner world.

After Xing Tian gathered his mind, when Xing Tian devoted himself to the blessing of the signs of the sky, his mind was completely integrated into the evolution and transformation of his own two avenues, as if at this moment, Xing Tian had already turned into the avenue of chaos and destruction and the avenue of good fortune. , Is swimming in the law of heaven and earth, and is constantly communicating with the law of heaven and earth, and every contact and exchange can make Xing Tian have a new understanding of these two avenues, new ideas, and he will continue to follow. The earth evolves, and the blood is also transformed!

"What's the matter, this omen has lasted for so long and it hasn't ended. This is too amazing. Is there something wrong with Xingtian in the city of thunder punishment? Why hasn't this omen weakened a little bit?" Looking at the omnipotent omen that kept pouring down above the void, General Morrow's brows were tightly frowned, and a faint horror was revealed in his eyes. Such a huge omen, the omen that lasted so long, let His heart is even more disturbed.

"There is nothing to worry about. This is the strong. If you, Mo. Luo, can also withstand such a terrifying and terrifying punishment, can retreat under the attack of the eye of thunder punishment, and can enter the city of thunder punishment. , You can also get such benefits. You can gain as much as you pay. The longer and stronger this sign lasts, the more proving Xingtian’s strength is, and the more it can show that Xingtian has endless potential. Wait quietly. , There will be no accidents, and there will be no danger. Under the signs of heaven, no one can threaten the safety of Xingtian, and no one can break through the protection of the signs of heaven. At this time, if anyone dares to make a big move and want to plot against Xingtian , It will only provoke the wrath of the heavens, and will only allow oneself to bear the punishment of the heavens and the earth!"

At this time, the face of Tongtianhe Water God was filled with joy and madness. Such a terrifying omen made him more desperate to follow Xing Tian. As long as Xing Tian accepts the power of Tian Zhao, he will have The qualitative transformation, at that time, all the hidden dangers on the body will be washed away, and its own potential will be infinitely enhanced. Even under the omen, the city of thunder punishment will be completely controlled by Xingtian, and it will completely become Xingtian’s powerful attacking treasure. .

Hearing the answer from Tongtian River Water God, General Moruo sighed in his heart. He was afraid of this result. The stronger Xing Tian is, the more terrifying threat it is to the empire and Moro himself. There is huge pressure. After all, Moro had calculated Xingtian before. Even if this calculation has passed verbally, but Moro still dare not rest assured. After all, this world is respected by the strong. When Xingtian becomes stronger, he must Regrettably, Moreau has no power to stop it!


At this time, not only the general Moro was in fear, but the barbarians in the distance were also in fear. For such a terrible omen, they also felt the terrible vitality, felt the powerful impact, and in such a powerful omen. Below me, how terrifying and terrifying the enemy that caused the thunder tribulation before, but this person is in the fortune of the empire, and their barbarians are dead enemies, with such a terrifying enemy. It is unacceptable for any barbarian!

"Damn, I knew it would be like this. Even if it was a tragic price before, I have to let go and attack the enemy without giving him a chance to successfully overcome the catastrophe. Now everything is too late. It has already happened. It is the fault of the leader and the elders of the tribe. They are unwilling to fight with all their strength. If there was enough power before, how could I withdraw and retreat, and all this in front of me would not appear!"

To shirk responsibility, when seeing that the signs of the sky are still pouring down, and when seeing that the signs of the sky are still showing no signs of weakening, the barbarian generals commanding the army began to excuse themselves from responsibility and push all failures. On the tribe leader, they were all pushed onto the many elders. They were too ignorant and did not dare to give it a go. As a result, they did not have enough power to fight the enemy, which led to such a terrible situation.

"Give my order, the army retreats with all its strength, with such a terrible enemy, we will not be able to threaten the security of the empire within ten years, and we will not be able to defeat those **** of the empire!" Although I am unwilling, but here In this case, the leader of the barbarian made the right choice. At this time, he had to retreat with all his strength, so as not to wait for the enemy to digest the power of the signs of the sky, and then kill the barbarian. The iron cavalry is dangerous!

When this order was issued, there was a dead silence among the barbarians' iron cavalry, and no one stood up to oppose it, because their minds were all taken away by the terrifying and terrifying signs that Xingtian had drawn, and they no longer mentioned it in their hearts. Not a trace of the courage to fight the empire army to the end, the terrifying signs of the sky completely destroyed the fighting spirit in their hearts.

When the fighting spirit in the heart of an army is destroyed by the enemy, even if they are still alive, even if their team is still the same as before, but their combat power has completely disappeared, and such an army can no longer exert its own strength. , Really got on the battlefield, waiting for them is only a dead end, this point, whether it is the barbarian leader or the barbarian cavalry, their hearts are clear, before they have completely forgotten this scene before them, they have not completely followed Restoring confidence and fighting intent amidst the impact, that means that he can no longer fight against the enemy, or he is just destroying himself.

With the sound of horseshoes, this barbarian cavalry army retreated with all its strength, desperately retreating. Although they remained silent and did not make a single sound, their expressions were extremely flustered. There was a hint of madness in their panicked look. They were venting the fear in their hearts frantically. They were afraid that if they were one step behind, they would learn and use their souls and be killed by the enemy. The whole army was embarrassed. Unbearable!

This is the impact that Xing Tian brought to them, this is the trauma that Xing Tian caused to them, and this is their fear from the bottom of their hearts. At this moment, even if it is the leader of the tribe, even if the elder appears, it cannot be stopped. Their fleeing heart cannot make them wake up from that terrible fear.

Such an astonishing sign of the sky is not only the inspiration for the border gates, but the powerhouses of the entire empire have also felt the powerful shock from the border gates, making them feel the changes from the world, especially those who are rushing. The coming empire army, they felt the impact even more intense, vaguely they could see the terrible omen above the void, such a terrifying omen also caused a violent impact on them, making their hearts uneasy!

Xing Tian didn’t care about the changes caused by the signs of heaven. At this time, Xing Tian’s mind was completely integrated into the rules of heaven and earth, absorbing all the nutrients in the rules of heaven and earth frantically, and constantly expanding the origin of his own great path and evolving. Under the nourishment of this powerful sign of the sky, Xing Tian's power is constantly changing.

When Xing Tian devoted himself wholeheartedly to his understanding of Zaibin, he did not realize that the seals inside and outside of his own world were changing. The power of many seals, as well as the mysterious power above the gap, was constantly receding. The retreat is not dissipating in the void, but constantly shrinking, as if to condense into one body, to have a new transformation, and above the shrinking power, there is a faint breath of the world, and this faint The world's breath is extremely pure and extremely noble!

If Xing Tian sees the changes in the inner world and the outside, and feels the aura of his inner world and outer seal, he will be shocked, because this world aura is stronger and noble than the aura of his inner world. Even if it is the pillar of one's inner world, the aura of the world tree cannot be compared with it. Why is this kind of origin appearing? Why does it exist on the seals inside and outside the world? Where does this power come from? Is it the origin of this realm battlefield, or the origin of the Supreme Chaos World, and who is the origin of other forces? Or even the power of the rules of heaven and earth?

With the continuous shrinking of the power of the seal and the mysterious power, the two gradually merged into a sphere, a sphere full of vitality, with a noble world breath, and this sphere seems to have its own life. The same, breathing spontaneously, absorbing the power of the signs of the sky, but the power of this sphere still shields the breath of the world in Xingtian, and still isolates the connection between Xingtian deity and the inner world, as if its existence is for To isolate the Xingtian deity from the inner world!

Spirituality! Above this sphere, there is a strong spirituality. The appearance of such a mysterious treasure is a good or a bad thing for Xing Tian. It is not known what its existence is for. If you want to understand all this, you may only have to wait for Xing Tian to absorb the void. All the origins of the signs of the sky can only use the power of the deity’s powerful divine consciousness and primordial spirit to understand its abilities after they have completed their transformation, but when that moment appears, what will this spiritual sphere look like? , It’s hard to say. After all, its appearance has too many mysterious auras, too many incomprehensible powers, even if Xing Tian comes from the highest chaotic world, it is difficult to understand this spiritual sphere for a while. After all, all this happened too suddenly. In the face of such a sudden accident, even Xing Tian can hardly maintain a calm heart, and it’s hard to face all this calmly.

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