God of Destruction

Chapter 3825: Section

Chapter 3825

When the dual power frantically absorbed the origin of the signs of the sky, the signs of the sky in the void finally changed, and the aura of the signs of the sky began to weaken. No matter how strong the power of the signs of the sky, they could not withstand such a terrible consumption, just Xing Tian One person, absorbed by the two avenues, the source of the signs of the sky can still support for a long time, but after the emergence of this spiritual sphere, everything changed, the consumption of the signs of the sky accelerated, and the terrifying signs of the sky would not last long for such consumption.

Unfortunately, Xing Tian did not perceive the changes in the void, nor did he perceive the changes within and outside of his own world. His mind was still completely immersed in his own perception of the Dao, and he devoted himself to the evolution of his Dao. In the situation, he didn’t notice any changes in his own, and that’s not the case. Xing Tian’s perception of the Great Dao is rapidly improving, although such perception will not last long. After all, the origin of the signs of heaven cannot be under such terrible consumption. Hold on for too long.

Everything is a blend of pros and cons. If Xing Tian did not devote himself to the perception of his own great path, he would not have such amazing gains. He would naturally be able to perceive changes in the inner world and make rational choices. Now because His mind was completely devoted to practice, into his perception of the Dao. Xing Tian did not notice his own changes, nor did he notice the changes in the inner world and the outside, so his time to comprehend the Dao was also expended!

When the origin of the sky signs above the void changed, General Moro, who had always been nervous about it, finally breathed a sigh of relief. If the signs of the sky remained unchanged as before, he really had to worry about his own safety and the general situation of the world. , And now the signs of the sky have finally changed, and finally began to weaken, which greatly reduced his fear of Xing Tian. For General Moreau, the greater the potential of Xing Tian, ​​the greater his pressure!

Compared with the change in General Moruo's mood, the mind of Tongtianhe Water God couldn't help but sighed secretly. Although he had long understood that such a sign could not last too long, but when everything really changed, There was still a pity in his heart. It should be understood that the longer the signs of the sky persist, the greater the benefits Xing Tian will get, and the more terrifying his own potential. With such a strong person as a support, yes. It's a great thing for myself!

With the rapid consumption of the source of the signs of the sky, the hearts of the strong from all forces also breathed a sigh of relief. The power exuded by the signs of the sky before was too terrifying, and it was because the signs of the sky lasted too long, that would make They are more frightened and more disturbed. Fortunately, things are not developing in the worst direction, which makes them feel a little bit at ease, but they don’t know what the facts are at all, and they don’t know that the signs of the sky are consumed so quickly, not because of the signs of the sky The origin of Xing Tian is not strong enough, not strong enough, but because Xing Tian himself has changed, two major forces are frantically extracting the origin of the signs of heaven.

With the rapid consumption of the origin of the sky signs, the sky signs above the void gradually disperse, and the city of thunder punishment also has a slight change. When the colorful light gradually dissipates, the thunder light on the city of thunder punishment is no longer just purple. , But there is a trace of colorful light in the purple, and this colorful light harmony is caused by the power of the signs of the sky. Such huge signs of the sky are constantly falling from the void, even if they are not aimed at the city of thunder and punishment. Coming, it didn't stop in the city of thunder punishment, but when passing through the city of thunder punishment, there was still the consumption of the natural signs, and this consumption was changing the essence of the city of thunder punishment.

When the source of the signs of the sky in the void is getting less and less, the weak source of signs of the sky is no longer enough for Xing Tian to continue to perceive the origin of the Dao in the ocean of laws. Xing Tian’s mind gradually retreats from the ocean of laws, becoming Xing Tian’s When his mind returned to himself, he was shocked instantly. There was an abnormal change in his body, and there was a slight change in his avenue. Even the city of thunder punishment has changed. The most important thing is the trace of his inner world and outer world. Variety!

"How could this happen, but only after a little time, how could such an astonishing change occur? What happened during this period of time, why my body, this city of thunder and punishment, and the inner world Will there be such an abnormal change in the seal of Xing Tian?" Xing Tian was wondering in his heart. Although he understood that all this had something to do with the signs of the sky, how did the signs of the sky change all of this during this change?

Unfortunately, Xing Tian could not figure out all this immediately. After all, all this happened during the process of his wholeheartedly devoted to the realization of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. The most important thing is that everything has already happened. Let Xing Tian want to do it no matter what. I don’t dare to act rashly. After all, this is my own change. Everything is related to my own rest. Although Xing Tian is crazy, he is not a fool. He will not madly explore his own secrets and let his own strength after he has gained huge gains. Damage, such a stupid thing is impossible, and it will not happen to Xingtian, Xingtian is not crazy enough to lose his mind.

Xingtian still knows what can be done, what can’t be done, what should be done, and what shouldn’t be done. Xingtian still knows what to do. Under the benefit of oneself, no matter how much doubt and desire he has in his heart Understand what happened in the middle, but if it would affect his own strength and his own combat strength, Xing Tian would still not act rashly.

He took a deep breath and worked hard to calm his mood. After all, this is not a trivial matter. The more this time, the less he can be careless and impulsive. When he calms down, Xing Tian’s mind is turning quickly. While thinking about the cause of the problem, at this time, Xing Tian no longer devoted his energy to the signs of the sky above the void, because most of the source of the signs of the sky had been consumed, and the remaining source of the signs of the sky was no longer enough for Xing Tian to continue to understand. Dadao, under this situation, Xing Tian would naturally not invest too much energy, but instead let his own instinct absorb and digest the origin of the void.

As for the spiritual sphere inside and outside of his own world, Xing Tian never thought about interrupting its changes, never thought about preventing it from absorbing the origin of the signs of the sky, Xing Tian would not act rashly until the root cause of the matter was understood. !

"What's going on, is it all caused by my own instinct, or is it all the will of heaven and earth from the beginning, or the plan of the power of heaven and earth, the seal of the inner world is the moment I enter the realm battlefield. Yes, this kind of power will only appear in the control of the will of heaven and earth, or under the influence of the rules of heaven and earth! Now that it has undergone such a change, if there is nothing hidden in it, it will not make sense!"

Hidden? What secret is it that can cause such a change in the sealing power of the inner world? It can make that mysterious power be united with the sealing power of the inner world and outside, and can evolve like such a spiritual sphere, which can have a trace so pure and terrible. The origin of the world? Xing Tian couldn't figure it out, but all this had a vital effect on Xing Tian himself.


"Damn, I knew that such a change would happen earlier, so I shouldn't devote myself to the practice with all my heart, but I should separate a part of emotion and direct attention to all changes in the inner world and outside, so I don't have to be as passive as I am now. , I don’t even know the reason for this change in my body. This is too passive and unacceptable!"

Yes, there is such a change in my body, but I don’t know why it happened or why it happened. A power that is not under the control of the multiplication appears in my body, and it can also trigger the signs of the sky. The origin, this is really difficult for Xing Tian to accept, and makes Xing Tian unable to calm down, but all of this has become a reality!

"The origin of the heavenly signs above the void is running out, and there is not much time left for myself. If you can’t understand before the origin of the signs of heaven is exhausted, and have a grasp of this spiritual sphere, I'm afraid that all this is your own Transformation is not only not a good thing, on the contrary, it will bring more uncontrollable changes to oneself. Such changes are likely to make oneself have more terrible hidden dangers!"

When thinking about this, Xing Tian couldn't help showing a faint distressed look on his face, all of which he had never thought of. Such an abnormal change brought tremendous pressure to Xing Tian and made Xing Tian's mood serious. Get up, the power that is not controlled by oneself, appear in one's own body, this will be a huge hidden danger to one's own practice.

Clear this power and remove the spiritual sphere from your body? Xing Tian thought about it too, but this thought just flashed in his mind. It is one thing to think, but it is another thing to do it, without causing any harm to himself. Xingtian is willing to do this, but Xingtian can’t do it now, because Xingtian doesn’t know the function of this spiritual sphere, and he doesn’t know if he will cause terrible harm when he moves it!

"Damn it, don't I have anything to do with this kind of mutation, I can only let the mutation stay in my body, and let this mysterious sphere continue to isolate itself from the inner world? "Under the fruitless exploration, Xing Tian couldn't help but lose his voice. This result made his mood even more disturbed.

"No, I can't just compromise like this, I can't just give up like this, the more difficult it is to master, the less I can let it stay. Having such hidden dangers in my body will have a huge impact on my own practice. , Will affect my mind, there must be a way to resolve it, but I didn't think of it for a while!"

Xing Tian was muttering to himself, hypnotizing himself, convinced himself that there must be a solution, so that his irritated mood can be relieved, and not affected by this power, so that he can calm down the nervous mood again , It’s just that this time Xing Tian was very difficult to do this, after all, this time Xing Tian didn’t gain a little bit from the spiritual sphere.

While Xing Tian was struggling to resolve this method, the spiritual sphere was still constantly absorbing the origin of the heavenly signs that fell from the void. Xing Tian's own two avenues were also absorbing the origin of the signs of the sky, and continued to grow its own origin. Strength, constantly strengthens his own foundation, consolidates Xingtian's previous perception of the Dao, and stabilizes his foundation!

I explored again and again, but there was still no result. No matter how hard Xing Tian tried to explore, the spiritual jade ball did not give Xing Tian a reaction. Xing Tian's power seemed to be a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing without a trace!

"What kind of power is this, what kind of treasure is it, it can digest one's original power silently, does it exist only to isolate itself from the inner world, or its existence is the evolution and evolution of sealing power? Transmutation? Will such power always exist in my body, and will always act on my inner world?"

No one can give Xing Tian an answer. The emergence of such power is beyond Xing Tian’s imagination. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian has no choice but to use it. The most important thing is that Xing Tian has no time and cannot spend all his energy on it. On his body, because as the source of the signs of the sky continued to disperse, Xing Tian vaguely felt the changes from the void, the changes between the heavens and the earth, and felt that he was about to usher in a great opportunity, but he could not detect the opportunity. Where.

When this feeling appeared in Xing Tian's heart, he could not give up his exploration of the inner world and the outside. After all, the opportunity cannot be missed, and the loss will never come. If there is a big opportunity that is about to come, and he missed because of this abnormal change, it is really heaven. Big loss.

Gathering his mind, Xing Tian tried his best to give up on observing the changes in the inner world and outside the seal, abandoning the contact with the inner world, watching the changes above the void wholeheartedly, waiting for the natural signs of the sky to disperse, waiting for the chance Coming, in Xing Tian’s heart, he thinks that if there is a chance to come, it will be when the omen’s affairs dissipate, so he must prepare himself wholeheartedly and concentrate on staring at the void and the source of the omen. point!

At this moment, Xing Tian didn’t even have the heart to understand the changes in the city of thunder punishment. Although Xing Tian also noticed the changes in the city of thunder punishment, the city of thunder punishment was still under his control, so he didn’t need to. I am eager to understand, or the previous energy was cast on the void, on this great opportunity that is about to appear.

It is precisely because Xing Tian has such thoughts that Xing Tian did not notice the changes in the inner world and the outside world, and the potential changes in the city of thunder punishment. All of this is also an opportunity, which is also very helpful for Xing Tian’s own practice. It's a pity that Xing Tian didn't notice it, or Xing Tian felt it, but he had to give up. After all, he had to make a choice.

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