God of Destruction

Chapter 3826: Heart of the World

Chapter 3826: Heart of the World

No matter how huge the signs of the sky, there will be the moment when they dissipate, and the same is true for the signs of Xing Tian. With the passage of time, the signs of the sky finally dissipate, and at the moment when the signs of sky dissipate, the sky once again A ray of light flashed and fell directly from the void into the city of thunder punishment, because Xing Tian was in the city of thunder punishment, and there was a city of thunder punishment as a cover, no one knew what the result of this light was. , I don’t know if this light is good for Xingtian or bad.

Even if the punishment is over, the signs of the sky dissipate, and Wuzai who is in the city of thunder punishment still does not show up. Everyone in the outside world does not know the true situation of Xingtian. Under this terrible thunder punishment, he does not know what Xingtian is. The situation, I don’t know if Xing Tian is back to the original stage and whether he has gone a step further in his practice. As a result, this situation makes the hearts of everyone who have been waiting outside become impatient. They all have an urgent idea to see Xing Tian. !

"The thunder punishment has ended, and the signs of the sky have disappeared. Why Xing Tian hasn't appeared yet? What is going on? Water God, should we take action and take the initiative to understand?" Seeing the thunder above the void The City of Punishment remained untouched, and when he still didn't see the sky, General Moruo couldn't help but ask the God of Tongtian River!

"Take the initiative to understand, do you think we have that strength? Or that you Moro has the ability to shake the defense of the Thunder Punishment City. If you have this confidence, you can go on your own. I will not stop you!" Following General Moruo’s question, Tongtianhe Water God sneered and said with a disdainful sneer, Tongtianhe Water God also understood Morrow’s intentions, and wanted to use himself as a company to face the pressure of Thunder Punishment City, Tongtianhe. Water **** is not so stupid, so stupid!

The City of Thunder Punishment was there, and as the signs of the sky dissipated, the light of the entire Thunder Punishment City had already converged, as if anyone could go and find out, but is it really like this? Tongtianhe Water God doesn’t think so. It can become the initiative of thunder punishment and the final force of thunder punishment. This city of thunder punishment is absolutely terrifying, even if it consumes most of its power before, it is not like them. Able to shake, a careless person will definitely die!

Without the company of Tongtian River Water God, General Moruo had no confidence that he could safely enter the city of Thunder Punishment. The reason why he asked so was that he wanted to take advantage of the relationship between Tongtian River Water God and Xingtian, and hope that Xingtian could see Tongtian River Water God. For the sake of his face, they can safely enter the city of thunder punishment, but it is a pity that the God of Tongtian River directly sees through his calculations!

After a light sigh, General Moro shook his head and said: "I don't have such confidence. If you are accompanied by the water god, there is still a little possibility. After all, you have a close connection with Xingtian. If Xingtian still maintains With a clear mind, for your face, we may still enter the city of thunder punishment, otherwise no one has the confidence to face the original impact of the city of thunder punishment!"

"Moreau, since you understand all of this, why bother to do such ridiculous things again? No one is a fool. You count me over and over again and count the penalty days. This is just to cause trouble to yourself, to yourself Timing of cause and effect, there are repeated times, not repeated times, don’t do things absolutely, it’s not good for you, me, and everyone!” At this point, the body of Tongtianhe Water God exudes a faint trace. Anger, and in this anger there is a hint of killing intent!

Yes, it was the killing intent. General Morrow’s temptations and calculations made Tongtianhe Water God also angry at him, and a trace of killing was unavoidable in his heart. You must know that no one wants to do it again and again. The ground was calculated, it can be said that General Moruo's actions have touched the bottom of the water **** of Tongtian River, which has attracted the killing intent of the water **** of Tongtian River! ]

A seemingly plain remark, but there is a huge threat hidden in it. Tongtianhe Water God is warning Moro. When the situation has reached this point, the Water God does not have to continue to bear it. If he bears it again, he will only It will make Morrow gain an inch, and will only give the other person an illusion that he is weak and very bullied. People are good to be bullied, and Ma Shan is being ridden by others. Liu still understands the truth through the depression of Tianhe, so this trace of killing intent is also Give the other side a final warning.

When the conflict between the water **** of Tongtian River and the general Moro once again, the empress sighed in her heart, she had to stand up to calm the conflict between the two sides, and said: "Water god, everything is over now. Now, why Xing Tian hasn’t appeared yet? Is there any danger in this? If he hides in the city of thunder punishment like this and continues to let the city of thunder punishment hang in the void, he will only bring him endless trouble. After all, there are countless enemies in the dark. Such a treasure is placed in front of everyone. Many people will have evil thoughts in their hearts, and our current strength is not enough to protect Xing Tian!"

Protect Xingtian? This sounds ridiculous. There is a city of thunder and punishment for protection. How many people in the boundary battlefield world can threaten Xingtian’s safety, at least Tongtianhe Water God does not have such confidence, nor does General Moro. confidence.

"We don't need to worry, the signs of the sky have dissipated, everything has passed, Xing Tian is just stabilizing his own cultivation base, as long as a little time, when he digests the origin of the signs of this time, he will definitely appear in front of us. , We don’t need to do anything now, just wait quietly, if there is a **** who doesn’t have long eyes to take action, it’s up to him to do it. Without strong enough power, no one will shake the city of thunder and punishment. We must worry about Xingtian’s safety!"

Yes, there is a city of thunder punishment. Why should you take care of your safety? If you really have to worry about it, you are also worried about your own safety. After all, the thunder punishment has ended. There is no threat of thunder punishment. No one knows. What would those hidden enemies think and do, compared to Xing Tian, ​​these talents are dangerous.


It’s a pity that Tongtianhe Water God would not say this, nor would Moro in the Magnetic Needle Army say it, because they all understand that saying this will make the military turbulent and plunge everyone into a more terrifying danger. In the middle of the world, everyone will face a more terrible disaster. Such a result is not what General Moro intended to see.

Waiting is the most painful, especially waiting under this situation. Every minute and every second is a huge test for everyone. People with poor moods will have magical thoughts if they are not careful. External forces control their own minds and plunge themselves into a more terrifying and terrifying crisis. After all, not everyone has the power as powerful as Xingtian. They have to punish the heavens and mines with a positive force, and fight against the will of the heavens. Who dares to By doing so, you are killing yourself.

Waiting is painful, but it is different for Xing Tian. When the last ray of light fell, Xing Tian’s heart waved again. The fall of this ray of light directly broke through the void and fell directly into his body. It fell directly on the spiritual orb condensed by the power of the seal origin outside the inner world, and when this ray of light fell, the spiritual orb was even more brilliant, and the terrifying vitality surged wildly. The spirit ball exudes terrible vitality, and a trace of life is looming in the spirit ball. How can Xing Tian be shocked by this situation!

How is this going? Why is there such a change? It is very simple. There is only one reason. The transformation of the spiritual ball was successful, and this time the transformation has brought a huge impact to Xing Tian. The origin of this spiritual ball is very different. After the transformation, it has become a true heart of the world, a growth. The type of world heart, with this world heart, can breed a world of endless potential by itself, and the existence of this world heart is no worse than the world tree in the world of Xingtian.

What is going on here, does the emergence of the heart of the world come from the will of heaven and earth, or the rules of heaven and earth?

The heart of the world is condensed from the origin of the signs of heaven and transformed successfully, and all this comes from the seal of the inner world. No matter how ignorant Xing Tian is, he understands that things are far more terrifying than he had previously imagined. This realm battlefield The existence of the world is not as simple as what I have learned from the school before. Its existence is not a practitioner who imprisons the world. The power of imprisonment and sealing is also an opportunity. Unfortunately, no one has ever noticed this before, because No one has ever been able to use the power of other great avenues to attract the power of heaven and earth mines and the power of the signs of the sky like Xingtian.

At the moment when his mind was connected with the heart of the world, Xing Tian received a message from the heart of the world that shocked Xing Tian, ​​and finally understood the meaning of the existence of this boundary battlefield world. The existence of the boundary battlefield world is not like a sect. What it says is to give low-level disciples a chance to wash their own bones. It is a training ground. Its existence is for the inheritance of the world. If you really want to get the greatest benefit in the realm battlefield world, there is only World Avenue. It’s a pity that because of the initial failure and the seal of the world, those World Dao practitioners are afraid of the realm battlefield world, and they dare not enter it again. Since then, even if it has gone through endless years, No one knew this secret until Xing Tian appeared, and it was not until Xing Tian completed the test with the help of the power of thunder that he really discovered this secret.

It’s a pity that everything is too late. The Supreme Chaos World will face a final catastrophe. All the realm battlefield world will merge with the Supreme Chaos World. After missing this opportunity, no one can get this. This great opportunity, it can be said that in the entire Supreme Chaos World, only Xing Tian got this opportunity.

"What a realm battlefield world, I didn't expect its existence to have such a big secret. It's a pity that there are so many realm battlefield worlds in the entire Supreme Chaos World, and there are so many big opportunities that are given to nothing by those ignorant bastards. It was wasted. Fortunately, I seized this last opportunity and let myself get this opportunity!"

Although Xing Tian wanted to take the opportunity to quickly refine the heart of the world, get in touch with the origin of the world's rules of the boundary battlefield, and get all the information hidden in this world, it’s just that the time is wrong and Xing Tian has no time to refine it. After all, there are still many creatures outside the city of Thunder Punishment. Xing Tian is not worried about them and dare not risk his life. If such a big secret is known, it will be a great disaster for him. .

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian brought the heart of the world into the sea of ​​soul consciousness. When the heart of the world entered the sea of ​​soul consciousness, Xing Tian soon felt the breath of the inner world and the breath of his own clone. It is not as dangerous as I guessed, the inner world has not been taken away by external forces, and everything is still under my control.

"Fortunately, the worst situation has not occurred. Now the inner world has been reconnected. As long as the heart of this world is integrated, the entire inner world will usher in an even more amazing transformation, and the laws of the entire world will also be perfected. There is no more defect!" When he said this, Xing Tian couldn't help showing a faint smile on his face. He paid such a high price, endured so much pain and danger, and finally ushered in the greatest Although the Great Way of Chaos Destruction and Great Way of Good Fortune were transformed under the signs of the sky, compared with the inner world, compared with the heart of the world, that little gain is not worth mentioning!

"It can't be dragged on any longer, otherwise the creatures from the outside world won't be able to bear it. It's time to meet them, but before that I need to refinish this city of thunder and punishment!" After experiencing the baptism of the sky, The city of thunder punishment has also undergone amazing changes. After the original disappearance of the thunder pond was taken away by the inner world, the city of thunder punishment reborn a new source under the baptism of the sky, this time the origin of the thunder pond There was a hint of colorful light in it, which was the power of the signs of heaven.

The new thunder pond condensed from the origin of the signs of heaven, even if it is only a new birth, has not yet condensed a huge source of thunder, but when this new thunder pond appears, the origin of the city of thunder punishment will also be completely perfected. Xing Tian can Continue to refine the city of thunder punishment, thoroughly master this city of thunder punishment, truly turn this city of thunder punishment into your own treasure, and imprint your own mark!

The original Lei Chi, no matter how much Xing Tian's blood trains, cannot truly integrate into his own Dao, because that Lei Chi is not the Dao of Xing Tian, ​​but the Dao of the ancient Thunder God. Now it is different, it is condensed from the origin of Tian Zhao. The new Lei Chi is truly clean, as long as Xing Tianjing's own brand is blessed, he can perfectly refine it and blend it into himself!

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