God of Destruction

Chapter 3827: Fate

Chapter 3827 Chance

Tianzhao does have unimaginable power. It can not only condense the heart of the world, but also wash oneself, make one feel the avenue of heaven and earth, and also perfect the missing treasure. This kind of power is really omnipotent, but unfortunately, the only opportunity is this. Once, this time after the punishment of Heaven and Landmine, Xing Tian collected the greatest secret of the battlefield world in this area! Even if he re-punished himself in the future, he would never have such a chance again, because the power of the world rules would not be allowed to Xing Tian to obtain such a result. Such a result made Xing Tian's heart sigh involuntarily and faintly lost his heart. !

For Xing Tian, ​​if he can accept the power of the rules of heaven and earth every time he is punished by thunder, he will be able to gain the essence of the signs of heaven, and he will surely put his practice on the fast lane and increase his practice rapidly. It is a pity that heaven and earth The power of rules did not give Xing Tian such an opportunity. The huge benefits brought by the signs of the sky this time were unique. It would not be possible to get such huge benefits if there were thunder penalties in the future. The power of rules did not allow this to happen.

Perhaps when the Realm Battlefield World was first formed, such rules will still exist. After all, there will be a lot of loopholes in the beginning of the world, but today’s Realm Battlefield World has already reached a state of perfection, and it has already reached the point where it can no longer be reached. Ascension can only be combined with the Supreme Chaos World. In this state, there is no loophole at all.

For the city of thunder punishment, thunder pond is its origin and core. This is not a trivial matter. Xing Tian dare not be careless, otherwise he will only leave him with serious hidden dangers, and this situation is not Xing Tian What I would like to see is that Xing Tian has worked **** refining Lei Chi, doing his best to pay for it, leaving no hidden dangers!

Although the City of Thunder Punishment is just a city, not a world, Xing Tian still does his best to pay for it. The chaos that has just condensed destroys the Dao Dao True Intention and the Dao Hua Da Da Dao’s true will attack with all his strength. Under the guidance of his own mind, it turns into a brand and is burned by Thunder Punishment Above the nascent thunder pool of the City of Chaos, when the true meaning of Chaos Destroy Avenue and the Great Dao of Good Fortune were imprinted in Lei Chi, a pure source of power was formed in Lei Chi, and the true meaning of Chaos Destroy Avenue and the true meaning of Great Fortune were in Lei Chi. Combining with the power of the signs of the sky, it has evolved an incomparably pure chaotic origin. The chaotic origin evolved from destruction and good fortune directly makes the quality of the mine pool further. The mine pool once again metamorphoses into a chaotic mine pool, condensing it More refined, more powerful original power!

"Well, this is the city of thunder punishment that belongs to Xingtian alone, the chaotic thunder pool evolved from the Avenue of Destruction and Good Fortune, condensing the chaotic thunder pool that really belongs to Xingtian, the road of chaotic thunder that belongs to me!" For this metamorphosis Lei Chi, Xing Tian was very happy about this nascent chaotic thunder avenue. Although this avenue was branded in the city of thunder punishment, the true meaning of the avenue remained in Xing Tian’s soul and turned into one of Xing Tian’s heritage. , Strengthened Xing Tian's own strength!

Unfortunately, Xing Tian's mastery of the Great Way of Chaos Destruction and Great Way of Good Fortune is not yet satisfactory. He still has no ability to integrate these two opposing sources of the Great Dao into one, and he cannot evolve the same source of the Great Way of Chaos and Thunder. However, this The transformation of the city of thunder punishment gave Xing Tian guidance, allowing Xing Tian to see a new direction.

Dao evolution has never been static. A thousand people who practice the same type of Dao will have different results. Everyone’s path is unique, and Xing Tian is no exception. This time, a new life in the city of thunder and punishment Lei Chi's transformation gave Xing Tian a general direction, a mysterious road to the future.

When the imprint of the Avenue of Chaos Thunder was condensed, endless lightning flashed in the thunder pond, and the original power of countless laws of thunder was changing and evolving. The city of thunder punishment has also undergone new changes with the transformation of the thunder pond. The origin of the new road of thunder is changing the city of thunder punishment, but this change is very hidden and slow, everything changes silently, and every transformation will increase Xingtian’s punishment of thunder Master of the city, the perception of the Avenue of Thunder!

Opportunity, this is the great opportunity. I want to feel the great road inheritance left by the ancient Thunder God from Xing Tian from the city of thunder punishment. Xing Tian is more willing to accept this opportunity. The road that belongs to him is the best road. The most suitable avenue for oneself, no matter how good and powerful someone else’s avenue is, it is only someone else’s after all and cannot be truly controlled by oneself!

After cultivating countless years and experiencing endless trials and tests, Xing Tian naturally understands this truth, and understands that his own way is the foundation of his own practice. If the power of Lei Chi's origin completely completes the transformation of the city of thunder punishment, then Only when the city of thunder punishment will truly become its original treasure, will it truly belong to you. Now it seems that you have completely mastered the city of thunder punishment, but there is still the breath of ancient thunder punishment in the city of thunder punishment. These auras were completely eliminated, and the original branded aura of oneself had completed the transformation of the city of thunder punishment, and then this city of thunder punishment was truly controlled by oneself!

joy! At this moment, Xing Tian’s heart is filled with endless joy. This time the transformation of Thunder Punishment City, the transformation of Thunder Pond, the benefits brought about are no weaker than the benefits given to Xing Tian by the omen, although the transformation of Thunder Punishment City is due to The signs of the sky were born, but the opportunity it gave Xingtian was really amazing, and this was something Xingtiansuo did not expect in the future. It can be said that this is a meaning, a surprise, a big surprise. With this surprise, let Xing Tian's background is stronger and more complete!

With this background, Xingtian's thoughts have been completely opened, and Xingtian's road of practice has been completely opened. In the past, Xingtian knew that the road of chaos and destruction could eventually evolve into a road of good fortune, but that was just an expectation. It is difficult under the real situation. To achieve this, Xingtian succeeded this time. Not only that, but the integration of the Great Way of Chaos Destruction and the Great Way of Good Fortune was completed. Although there is the power of the signs of heaven, it did open a new door for Xing Tian and let himself Saw the power of Chaos Avenue!

If Xing Tian’s previous idea was to condense three thousand avenues and evolve chaos, at this time, Xing Tian has truly determined that the two opposing avenues can also do this, at least the Chaos Destruction Avenue and Good Fortune Avenue that he cultivated can do this. , It can be merged with the Avenue of Thunder to evolve into the Avenue of Chaos and Thunder, and this change once again allows Xing Tian to see the hope of Three Thousand Avenue.


For others, it is very difficult to master the Three Thousand Dao, but Xing Tian is not difficult. Not to mention his own inner world, just the chaotic real body he has practiced in the past is enough to do this, but now Xing Tian no longer has a heart. There is not a trace of worry, at least in my own Dao practice, everything is feasible and you can see the real fruits!

Joy returns to joy, happiness returns to happiness, but this has not made Xing Tian lose his mind. Under the current situation, Xing Tian cannot forget his true situation because of this joy, even if Xing Tian is eager to continue to explore the evolution of the road, but time does not allow Doing this by himself, with a thought, Xing Tian left the city of thunder punishment and appeared on the earth!

When Xing Tian stepped on the ground, I saw the city of thunder punishment turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the void, and the disappearance of this stream of light did not come to Xing Tian, ​​but disappeared directly above the void. When the situation appeared, the general Moruo, who was coming to Xing Tian, ​​couldn't help but be shocked. The occurrence of such a situation once again exceeded his imagination.

"What the **** is going on? Why didn't the city of Thunder Punishment be taken away by Xing Tian, ​​but disappeared into the void? Xing Tian had already refined most of the city of Thunder Punishment. Could it be that Xing Tian didn't really get Thunder The City of Punishment only has a part of the power of the City of Thunder Punishment?" In an instant, General Morrow had a lot of doubts in his heart, but unfortunately he could not find a single answer, and these doubts were only suppressed. In my own heart, I couldn't ask Xing Tian at all. This kind of big secret is not something outsiders should be able to ask. If I speak, it will only arouse Xing Tian's hostility!

Although General Moreau didn’t want to admit it, he had to admit that after the start of this war, everything was beyond his imagination, everything was out of his control, everything was developing in an unknown direction, and Xingtian’s future was even more so People are hard to be sure, such a mysterious and unpredictable person has a huge influence on himself or the empire!

influences! It is not so much an influence as a threat. Who made Xingtian not pay attention to Xingtian because of his arrogance, so that he made the wrong decision on the issue of Xingtian, so that Xingtian's heart has the empire and himself. A trace of resentment, even resentment, so neither oneself nor the empire can be recognized by Xing Tian!

Although there were all kinds of doubts and anxiety in his heart, General Moreau did not hesitate because of all this. His feet were still moving quickly, and for a moment he came to Xingtian's body with Tongtianhe water god, relative to Tongtianhe. The joy and excitement of the water god, Moreau’s heart was filled with endless worries and anxiety. His gaze focused on Xingtian’s body for the first time, trying his best to explore the reality of Xingtian, so that he could have a sense of Xingtian. A clearer understanding!

I don’t know, I was shocked when I saw it. In the heart of General Moreau, he thought that although Xing Tian might retreat under the thunder penalty, his physical body would be affected to a certain extent, even if there was a sign of heaven. It is impossible to let his physical body change quickly. After all, Xing Tian’s original physical fitness was placed there and Xing Tian’s age was placed there, but now he understands that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake. Although Xing Tian’s body seemed to be nothing on the surface The big change is still so small, but there has been a qualitative change inside. With the eyes of General Moreau, you can clearly see a glimmer of light!

The inner light of God, this is the change brought about by the metamorphosis of the flesh, this is the qualitative transformation. The appearance of this kind of divine light means that Xingtian’s physical body has great potential and has undergone qualitative changes, at least not as before. Weak!

"Damn, the situation is really out of control. Xing Tianzhen had to use Thunder Punishment to complete his comprehensive transformation, and his physical body went further. This step has brought a huge impact to himself and the empire. If it were before, the physical body would be Xing Tian's greatest Xingtian’s weakness is different now. The physical body is no longer Xingtian’s weakness. Even though Xingtian’s body hasn’t grown open now, the origin that he can bear has changed qualitatively. Under a thunder punishment, let’s not say With the help of external forces, only his own combat power will be increased tenfold, or even dozens of times, this time the trouble is big!" General Moreau secretly misunderstood in his heart, all of which made him bear the pressure again. Heavier a lot, and I feel heavier.

This time, General Moro’s troubles are indeed serious. Xing Tian’s strength has increased so terribly, it means that the cause and effect he carries on his body is even more dangerous. If there is a cause, there will be an effect. As long as this cause and effect are still there, it will come to Morrow. It is a fatal threat. If you don't resolve this cause and effect as soon as possible, you will most likely become your own reminder!

remorse! At this time General Moro had endless regrets in his heart. He had known that Xing Tian would have such amazing changes and such terrible methods. At the beginning, he shouldn't have such a big cause and effect for the empire because of a temporary impulse. Even if there is an empire in front of you, all this is planned and implemented by yourself after all!

General Moro is looking at Xing Tian, ​​and Xing Tian is also looking at Moreau. If he says that his strength has not recovered before, Xing Tian can't see through the void of the opponent, but at this moment Xing Tian hopes that he can see everything clearly and can truly understand General Mo. Luo's real combat power, with the help of Moro's knowledge, determines the power of this world and the power of the empire!

I saw that General Moreau took the lead and said, "Congratulations! After this thunderstorm, the strength of little friend Xingtian has grown rapidly, for the little friend's full assistance, the empire will definitely give enough return!"

Hearing Moreau’s words, Xing Tian’s heart was not so, and he did not need anything in return. Before he passed the thunder penalty, and before he unlocked the seal of the inner world, he needed resources to cultivate, which was a great influence on the empire. Naturally, there is a strong desire for rewards, but now it is different. After the thunder punishment, he has gained the connection with the inner world, and has unlocked the seal of the inner world. Compared with the powerful origin of the inner world, the rewards of the empire are not worth mentioning! It is precisely because of this change that Xing Tian's mood has naturally changed. He was extremely calm about Moreau's words, and was not at all tempted by the so-called return. His face was indifferent. Such performance made Moreau's I feel heavier and more disturbed! .

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