God of Destruction

Chapter 3828: Face Slap

Chapter 3828: Face Slap

"There is nothing to congratulate, I just fulfilled my promise!" At this time Xing Tian didn't even mention the return, and didn't care about the words of General Moreau. The more plain Xing Tian's performance was, the more it showed that he didn't care about the empire. Return!

Xing Tian said it so indifferently, and acted so indifferently, which brought endless pressure to the general Moro, but for Tongtian River Water God, it was a pleasant surprise for me. Before that, although there were many guesses in his heart , I thought that thunder punishment this time would be a turning point for Xingtian, but did not expect things to be so, with such an indifferent expression, which shows that Xingtian has regained more memories and gained more during thunder punishment. power.

inherited! The water **** of Tongtianhe seems to see that he will gain more inheritance and stronger inheritance, and the inheritance of Shui De Xingjun will go further, and then he will be able to have a new transformation! When I thought of this, a faint smile appeared on the face of Tongtianhe Water God, which was joy from the heart!

He was shocked by Xing Tian’s performance. When he saw the joy from the heart on the face of the water **** of Tongtian River, General Moruo's heart became even heavier. He is not a fool. He can be a general. Naturally, his wisdom is very good. To make Tongtianhe Water God so happy means that the changes in Xingtian's body are more beyond his imagination.

"Damn it, how could this happen? I knew I shouldn't act rashly at the beginning, and now there is no room for redemption!" Although there is endless remorse in his heart, General Moreau can't express it, and his face has to be covered. With a hint of a smile, who made the current situation unfavorable for him, who made Xing Tian have undergone a qualitative transformation!

Xingtian fulfilled his promise. Next is when General Moro and the Empire fulfilled their promises. If the Empire can’t do it, General Morrow can’t do it. What awaits them will be Xingtian’s anger. Once things are here. One step, the empire will have one more terrifying enemy! No, it should be two, as well as the Tongtian River Water God. From the performance of the Tongtian River Water God, Moreau can understand that the relationship between Xing Tian and him is not as simple as it seems, and there is a connection that he does not know!

"Moreau, now that the war is over and we have fulfilled our promises, it is time for you to perform. It is not enough to suppress those family children who want to take the opportunity to attack. This is the end, you and the empire must give me an explanation and an answer to Xing Tian!"

When the words of the Tongtian River Water God fell, General Moruo's expression changed again and again, although he had already known that the actions of those aristocratic children had not been concealed from the Tongtian River Water God, knowing that this matter could not end like this. , But he didn't expect that the Tongtian River Water God would not give face to himself or the empire, so he said it in front of Xing Tian!

Slap! The God of Tongtian River was hitting Moro in the face, hitting the empire in the face, and he was also warning Xingtian. With these words, Xingtian must have different ideas about the empire and Moro in his heart. The situation is right. The empire is even more dangerous to Moreau!

"Water God, there is no need for a general to bear this matter. The empire will give you an explanation and a satisfactory answer. The empire will not forget the two help to the empire. When the corresponding army arrives, everything will be Satisfy you!" At this moment, the empress appeared, and this great cause and effect immediately followed, and all the responsibilities were put on the empire!

At this time, the expression of Tongtian River Water God changed. He wanted to say something, but was stopped by Xing Tian. Xing Tian smiled indifferently and said: "Well, this sentence is enough. We are waiting for the empire's confession! "

As soon as this statement fell, he took the Tongtian River water **** and left. Xing Tian didn't talk to the other party any more, because there was no need. After the thunder penalty, Xing Tian had already undergone a qualitative transformation. There was no need for the empire or the general Moro. What's so scary? The increase in your own combat power has brought even stronger confidence to Xing Tian!

Seeing the background of Xing Tian's departure, General Moro's face instantly became gloomy, and the empress empress' expression also had a trace of anger. They were all irritated by Xing Tian's actions, but they had to accept it. This is what strength brings. The more powerful Xing Tian became, the more difficult it was for them to take the initiative, especially now that the empire army had caused such a big trouble one after another. All this made them extremely solemn and extremely worried!

"Presumptuous, they are too presumptuous, they didn't put the empire in their eyes at all!" When Xingtian and Tongtianhe water **** disappeared, General Moreau couldn't help but whispered in anger in his heart, which shows that How angry and unwilling his people are at this time, but this is the truth, he can't help but accept it in the face of absolute strength!

"Forget it, that's it. We don't need to care about them, and now they have such abilities. Who would let us do a little bit over this matter? Who made those **** of the family be so ignorant? Performance, and all of this must be borne by the empire. This is the situation we have to face!" When this was said, the empress sighed involuntarily. If she was not strong enough, she had to endure this bad breath, especially Under the current situation, the empire could no longer provoke powerful men like Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God because of a temporary impulse.

For the empire, the aristocratic family is the biggest cancer. Their children are not focusing on the empire, but on their own. Even under the guidance and instruction of a strong general like Morrow, such an iron-blooded division , There is still no loyalty and patriotism. This shows how terrifying and serious the erosion of the empire by the family is, and it is precisely because of the existence of the family that the empire is so unbearable!


"That said, I am afraid that those aristocratic families will not think so, and will use this to attack, it will be even more dangerous for the empire. This time Xingtian's transformation is beyond the control of the empire, and it has also opened up the general trend of turmoil in the world, no matter what The terrible thunder penalty or the last astonishing sign of the sky has already tempted the strong hidden in the dark, and disaster is coming!"

Having said that, General Moro sighed again, and the feeling of helplessness rushed to his heart again, making his heart heavy. It can be said that after confronting Xingtian, he has never received any benefit. Under tremendous pressure and impact this time, he had to wonder if he was being an enemy of the people who should be robbed, the enemy of heaven and earth!

"Let them go. The disaster is not something we can prevent. Although all this is caused by us, the general situation is not under our control. This is the will of heaven. We cannot fight against the will of heaven. We are not Xingtian, without him. With such a powerful force and foundation, it is impossible to defeat the sky, let alone who can know that all this is not in the grasp of heaven and earth?"

When he heard the empress empress's words, General Moreau was startled first, and then he was ecstatic. These words gave him a new insight! Yes, who can know that everything that happened to Xingtian is not in the hands of Heaven and Earth, and it was not intentional by Heaven and Earth. If so, why should he care too much about Xingtian's threat?

If everything is the general trend of heaven and earth and is in the grasp of heaven and earth, why should one have to fight against Xingtian? There is no need at all. It is not better to let Xingtian develop like this. The stronger Xingtian is, the more it can attract more The attention of many powerful people will not have the energy to be an enemy of oneself, and the existence of Xing Tian will also bear some pressure on the empire.

When I figured out all this, General Moreau showed a faint smile on his face, nodded and said: "The mother said that, everything is up to him. We only need to do what we should do. Yes, Xingtian fulfilled his promise, and we can do the same. A little effort is nothing to the empire!"

What does the empire pursue? Naturally, Xingtian’s existence is a threat to the empire, but compared to the many powerful forces hidden in secret, Xingtian alone is naturally not a big deal, even with the addition of Tongtian River Water God, it’s not a big deal. After all, they don't have a huge power and cannot fight for this world with the empire.

Is this really the case? No, I can only say that General Moro thinks too much. Xing Tian is not as simple as he thought. It doesn't matter if he thinks like this before the thunder punishment. At that time Xing Tian didn't unlock the seal of his inner world and couldn't get the inner world. Xing Tian was no longer alone, but a powerful man with a huge influence, able to dominate the inner world. When the seal of the inner world was released, Xing Tian was no longer alone. The strong on one side.

As for the empire, Xing Tian didn’t care at all. Yes, after the thunder penalty, Xing Tian really didn’t care about the imperial jiangshan and the plundering of luck on the battlefield of the boundary, because the best interests have been grasped by Xingtian. The world With the heart in hand, Xing Tian's heart of the world is not the most important thing.

After leaving the barracks and arriving at the site of the God of Water of the Tongtian River, the God of Water of the Tongtian River could no longer resist the doubts in his heart and asked: "My brother, why did you let Moro so easily? We can take the opportunity to He put pressure on them to give them more benefits. This is what they owe us and what we deserve!"

Xing Tian smiled indifferently, shook his head and said: "Too much is too late. Don't do everything too absolutely. Moreau has indeed calculated us and formed cause and effect with us, but behind him is the empire. As long as the empire still exists for one day, He has great help. We don’t need to forge unending cause and effect with him and the empire for a little bit of benefit. As for the many aristocratic families, if they have any ideas, it’s good. I really want to know how much background they have!"

Regarding Xing Tian’s answer, the Tongtian River God of Water was very helpless and did not understand, but Xing Tian said it all, and he could only accept this result. After all, Xing Tian was the master, and although he was connected with it, It's just a superficial relationship. Under this circumstance, Tongtianhe Water God can only nod his head in acquiescence!

The empire’s aristocratic families are considered a backup choice for Xing Tian. If they really have the background to fascinate themselves, Xing Tian would not know that after this catastrophe on the boundary battlefield is over, he will be integrated into the world of the boundary battlefield to the highest level. After the Chaos World, let them join the sect and become a member of the sect. Of course, the topic is that they have such strength!

Unfortunately, the water **** of Tongtian River did not know what Xing Tian was thinking in his heart, so naturally it was difficult to understand what Xing Tian did when he opened the topic, and Xing Tian did not think about telling him all this. There was also no need. It was not Xing Tian cold-blooded, not Xing Tian ruthless, because This is the general trend. If the Tongtian River Water God cannot even accept this, then there is no need to cultivate. Xing Tian doesn't want to cultivate a self-defeating boy himself, which will bring him endless trouble and cause and effect!

After a moment of contemplation, the God of Tongtian River sighed and said: "I'm afraid that our kindness will not be rewarded. Now Moro can still talk to us on an equal footing, but when the empire's reinforcements appear, I am afraid that everything will be different. At that time, I was afraid that the children of the aristocratic family he suppressed would be released. The threat we have to face will be infinitely magnified. The influence of the aristocratic family on the empire is not as simple as we thought. If they really break out, it will be for us. Very unfavorable!"

Xing Tian shook his head, smiled indifferently, and said flatly, "Let them go. If those families do not know when to retreat, there is no need to exist. Although the empire is strong, it cannot suppress the entire world, just like today's turmoil, the power of the empire It is impossible to put it on us. Those forces that are hidden in the dark and attempt to overthrow the empire are the focus of the empire. Compared with them, we are not a threat at all, even if there is a threat, it is not worth mentioning! "

Without the heart of contending for world hegemony and the idea of ​​plundering the world's luck in the realm battlefield, Xing Tian's plan has also changed. For Xing Tian, ​​instead of focusing on fighting for world hegemony and plundering the realm battlefield's luck, It’s better to put your energy under the cultivation of your subordinates. If you don’t take advantage of such a great environment, then I’m really sorry for this great opportunity. Under such a great environment, you can completely let the inner world Zhong’s subordinates got an astonishing transformation, allowing them to quickly have a powerful force in the supreme chaos world, at least in the martial arts, they will have a greater right to speak, and even with this power, they can also Honestly cultivate your own power in the supreme chaotic world, cultivate your own world, strength is the root of everything!

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