God of Destruction

Chapter 3829: Vigilance

Chapter 3829: Vigilance

If you don’t get the inheritance of ancient thunder punishment, don’t know the power of Thor, and don’t know the horror of the supreme chaotic world, Xing Tian might still care about fighting for luck in the realm battlefield, but now Xing Tian has long since paid no attention to it, compared with luck. , The improvement of one's own strength is the most important, and the improvement of the strength of one's subordinates in the inner world is the most important.

Unfortunately, the water **** of Tongtian River did not know what Xingtian was thinking in his heart. He didn't take Xingtian's words seriously. He shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that the enemy won't think so. Don't think that we helped the empire once and got them out of a terrible The crisis of death will be recognized by the empire and the goodwill of the empire. That does not exist. Interest is the root of everything. Those **** will not give up easily. On the contrary, our concessions will only make them think that we are weak. , Will only become more arrogant!"

"Then let them be arrogant. The cause and effect were that they had forged with us first. If they can't show even a little kindness, then it's no wonder that we are cruel. In such a situation, I don't mean to kill. , Using their blood and their lives to warn other people, as long as they have enough power, no matter how many ideas, no matter how big the ambition and greed of the other party, they are unbearable in the face of absolute power, we There is no need to focus on the intrigue with these people, it is better to improve your combat power if you have that time!"

When he said this, Xing Tian’s voice paused, and after taking a deep breath, he continued: “Strength is the foundation of everything, and the inheritance of Xingjun is not trivial. After this war, the imperial luck has increased. The body, as long as there is enough time, can complete the accumulation of oneself, quantitative change triggers qualitative change, complete the transformation of one's own divine body, and condense the complete Xingjun body. Only when the foundation is laid, you can accept the next inheritance. Can truly understand the power of the Avenue of Stars!"

Although after the inner world and the city of thunder punishment, Tongtianhe Water God is of little use to him, but Xing Tian is not a cruel and ruthless person. Since Pull Tongtianhe Water God has stepped on the Avenue of Stars, he cannot give up , So Xing Tian is still willing to continue to help him, warn Tongtian River Water God, don’t focus on the so-called fight, that turbulent liver is useful, your own strength is the root of everything, don’t put the cart before the horse, it will only damage yourself Opportunity for spiritual practice!

When Xing Tian's words fell, Tongtianhe Water God's face changed drastically. In an instant, he suddenly figured out everything and said in his heart: "Wrong, I was really wrong, and I was actually wronged at this critical time. The power of the outside world has affected my mind, and I forget that strength is the root of everything. It is really terrifying to give up the first and the last. If there is no reminder from Xingtian, I am afraid that I really have to miss the great opportunity and let myself miss this star. Avenue!"

"It's so dangerous. Fortunately, Xing Tian is not a cruel person. He can remind himself in time and didn't directly give up on me. It seems that my previous choice was correct. Following Xing Tian is the greatest opportunity and the best future!" For a while, the face of Tongtianhe Water God had already shed cold sweat, which shows how terrible the impact this has on him!

Seeing the performance of the water **** of the Tongtian River, Xing Tian said calmly: "Understood, sober, don't take it lightly, this is not an ordinary catastrophe, not as simple as you think, this is a terrible catastrophe of heaven and earth. Shenxinshen will be affected by the aura of the catastrophe, lose reason, and embark on the road of no return. This time I can remind you in time, but I can not detect it in time at all times. Everything depends on your own efforts. If you can't be more vigilant, even if an outsider like me, no matter how helpful you are, when the catastrophe breaks out, you will be in a state of eternal calamity. Shinto is not immortal!"

Although Shinto has strong self-preservation ability, especially the Tongtian River Water God who has already set foot on the Avenue of Stars, his self-preservation ability is greatly improved, but this does not mean that he can be immortal, without a physical body, but the soul is still there. Soul impact still has the worries of life, even under some terrifying and terrifying avenues, the divine body condensed by Shendao will be destroyed, just like the chaotic destruction avenue controlled by Xingtian, no matter how powerful your divine body is, it will be destroyed in chaos. Still vulnerable under the impact of the avenue,

Although Xing Tian’s tone has changed, there is no dissatisfaction with the Tongtian River God of Water. The more indifferent Xing Tian’s performance is, the more proof Xing Tian has regained his memories of his previous life. As an ancient powerhouse, he has not regained all his memories. Before, it may not be affected, but if all the memories are taken back, everything will be different. The strong have the dignity of the strong, even if they have not recovered all their combat power, they will not be the ancient strong. Treat equally with gods like yourself!

"It's careless, it's because I was too careless. I thought I had practiced the Avenue of Stars. I was complacent for a while. I forgot about the dangers of this world. I was affected by the tribulation of heaven and earth. Don't worry. After this lesson, I am I won’t make the same mistake again, but I still don’t understand and don’t agree with the empire’s strategy. This will not bring us any benefit, it will only bring more troubles, make those **** get better, and let us suffer more. Calculation!"

At this time, the God of Tongtian River still wanted to persuade Xing Tian to give up his previous ideas, don’t believe in the empire, don’t believe in the influence of the general, Moreau, and the empress, because in his opinion it is useless, the family in the center of the empire. Will not care about all this!

"No, this is worth it. With a little bit of benefit and a little bit of trust, we can look at the general trend of the empire, look at the reality in the empire, and look at the influence of the royal family. This is very worthwhile, that I am afraid that in the end those **** will make an inch, our contribution is also valuable, and it is more beneficial to us to be able to see the reality of the other party!

For Xing Tian, ​​if the imperial family is worthy of their own support, he would not help them. If the other party does not have the value of support, let them destroy themselves. If someone provokes him, he can take the opportunity to open up. Kill the precepts, kill the Quartet, create a road to heaven, and create a bright universe!

"Let’s go, we don’t need to waste our time anymore. Although we don’t know when the empire’s reinforcements will arrive, if you have more strength, you have more confidence. Let’s digest the gains of this battle. Don’t waste this time. Opportunity!" When he said this, Xing Tian ignored the Tongtian River Water God, strode out directly and left the riverside!


Under this battle, not only Xing Tian got huge benefits, but Tongtian River Water God was no exception. Whether it was his battle or the eventual observation of thunder punishment, this was a great opportunity. If he could absorb this time well. Opportunity will be of great benefit to one's own practice and will give Tongtianhe water **** a further opportunity.

Seeing Xing Tian's leaving figure, Tongtian River Water God sighed, then shook his head, his body quickly disappeared into the river water, and with the help of the power of Shui Dun he returned to his cave to digest his own battle. The harvest in the middle of the world, consolidate his own source, improve his combat power and realm, as for other things, he can only put it down temporarily!

When Xingtian and the Tongtian River were separated, they returned to the village and saw the changes in the village. He couldn't help but shook his head. The previous life and death battle also had a huge impact on the village. The terrible sound of killing, the terrifying sound. The coercive force of the heavens and the earth made the creatures in the village horrible and uneasy. The whole village was panicked, and everyone's minds were tense!

Xing Tian was not surprised by the changes in the village. This is normal. After all, the village is full of ordinary people. They all understand the horror and horror of war. Under such circumstances, Xing Tian is unwilling to interact with people in the village. Other people face each other to avoid being entangled and wasting their own practice time. For Xing Tian, ​​time is very precious and cannot be wasted on these villagers. It will benefit his practice.

With a thought in his heart, Xing Tian's figure quickly disappeared, hiding in the world, avoiding the eyes of the guards in the village, and then quietly returning to his home. When he returned home, Xing Tian was surprised that My mother was sitting quietly in the room, as if waiting for her own return. When the door opened, a sharp gaze looked at her, which made Xing Tian's heart startled. In Dao's eyes, Xing Tian felt a trace of mystery!

"The breath of heaven, **** it, how could this happen, how could there be the breath of heaven in his mother's eyes?" For an instant, Xing Tian couldn't help but be shocked. Such a change was something he had never thought of. There is only one explanation for the breath of ‘’s appearing on people’s bodies. His mother is the power who has practiced the Dao of Heaven and Man.

The Great Dao of Heaven and Humans is in charge of the origin of heaven and earth. At the end of this path of practice, all causes and effects and all blood ties will be cut off. After feeling this, Xing Tian's mood becomes heavy. This is beyond his imagination and beyond. Own plan.

"Damn it, is this the calculation of the will of heaven and earth, using my mother's existence to influence my mind, influence my practice, and make it difficult for me to get rid of the control of this heaven and earth, and be bound by this heaven and earth?" Think about it somewhere, after all, I am a heaven-defying person, and I am practicing on the heaven-defying avenue, even if I have survived the punishment of heaven and earth, I am still not treated by heaven and earth!

The power of the eyes flashed by, and when Xing Tian's body appeared in the house, the heavenly aura disappeared, his mother's eyes showed a faint joy, and the cold breath also dissipated from her mother. Up!

"Just come back, don't have too much involvement with the empire, you are still young, don't rush to pursue too many resources, it is not good for you!" Although the mother's voice is very plain, there is a trace in this plain. The warm concern freed Xing Tian’s heavy heart, and Xing Tian couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The matter has not yet reached the worst point, and he still has a chance to save it, but can it be as his own mind? It's hard to say!

Without waiting for Xingtian’s answer, the mother continued: “Okay, it’s late, and you didn’t have a rest all night. Just rest well. Don’t deal with unexpected things. Rest well is the most important thing. The body is everything. fundamental!"

After saying these words, Xing Tian’s mother stood up and returned to her room, leaving Xing Tian herself in the room. This situation made Xing Tian startled slightly, and she was surprised by all this again. After sighing lightly, Xing Tian shook his head, gave up all the thoughts in his mind, and strode back to his room!

Although Xing Tian was surprised and surprised by his mother’s changes, it’s just that it’s not time for him to understand. Time waits for no one. He can’t be shaken by such changes. He gave up his own opportunities and paid attention to his mother. The changes in the body, to trace the origin of the aura of heaven, doing so will only let yourself fall into the calculations of the'other'!

In Xingtian’s view, this is likely to be the calculation of the will of heaven and earth, and a trap set by himself. If he is affected by it, he will step into the trap of the other party, wasting his time in practice and wasting himself before. If the insights and benefits gained from the punishment of heaven and earth mines are true, your practice will be greatly affected!

He quickly gathered his mind and took a deep breath. After calming his mind, Xing Tian Jingxin Ning Shen began to understand himself and digested his gains from the punishment of heaven and earth. In the first step, Xing Tian wanted to refine the punishment of heaven and earth. Only the heart of refining the world can fully open the seal of the inner world and connect the inner world, and even let the heart of the world blend into one’s inner world and complete the inner world. Evolution!

When Xing Tian’s mind was thrown into the heart of the world, a powerful world-origin aura surged into Xing Tian’s heart. The essence of the World Dao poured into Xingtian’s mind, and the rules of the World Dao were pouring into Xing Tian. Let Xing Tian feel the power of the world, feel the rules of the World Dao, and accelerate Xing Tian’s perception of the World Dao. This is the inheritance, the true World Da heritage. The heart of the world is stronger than Xing Tian imagined. It’s even more powerful. With this heart of the world, Xing Tian can go further on the road of world avenue, and can make Xing Tian go further and see more thoroughly on the road of world avenue. This heart of the world The existence of Xingtian will completely fill up all the defects of Xingtian’s World Dao, and make Xingtian’s World Dao no defects in its origin!

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