God of Destruction

Chapter 3830: Section source

Chapter 3830 Origin

When the origin of the World Dao was continuously integrated into Xing Tian’s body, the inner world also slowly opened up, absorbing the power of the origin emanating from the Heart of the World, and the Tree of the World was also comprehending the World Dao. Opportunities to constantly improve himself. Although Xingtian’s World Tree clone is very good, it is not perfect. After all, Xingtian obtained the World Tree from the Primordial World, and the heart of the world condensed with the Realm Battlefield World is still huge. gap.

When Xing Tian was comprehending the World Dao, Xing Tian’s body was constantly evolving with his comprehension. When Xing Tian was constantly comprehending the World Dao and refining the heart of the world, gradually he finally discovered a big problem, a big, earth-shattering problem. This world heart is not as simple as I thought. The origin of this world heart is not as limited as I thought. No matter how much I absorb the origin of the world heart, it will not affect the world. The quality of the heart of the world, because the heart of the world is connected to the world of the realm battlefield, and the origin of the world that I absorb is all the heart of the world drew from the world of the realm battlefield!

"What a heart of the world, what a great avenue of the world, in the endless years, I don't know how many arrogant evildoers, how many powerful people wasted this great opportunity, with the heart of the world in hand, as long as you can refine it , Then you can continuously absorb the origin from the realm battlefield world for self-cultivation. This great opportunity is really amazing. With the heart of this world in hand, you no longer lack the origin, all you lack is time!"

Time is the most important thing for Xingtian. It’s just that under the general situation of the world, Xingtian has no control over everything. Even if Xingtian has the intention to delay time, this world will not give Xingtian this opportunity. After all, under the general situation of the world , Even if Xingtian was repaired on the Great Avenue against the Heavens and the Great Avenues of the World, neither would change the general trend. In front of the heavens and the earth, the current Xingtian is just a tiny ant!

Compared with heaven and earth, Xing Tian’s power is not worth mentioning. So after understanding the huge role of the Heart of the World, all the plans in Xing Tian’s heart are forgotten, and he must do his best to seize every point. , Every second of time to practice, only when you become stronger can you get more benefits in this realm battlefield world.

With the heart of the world, when the heart of the world can be integrated into his inner world, Xing Tian believes that his inner world will also usher in a great opportunity and usher in a new transformation. After the catastrophe is over, when this world is integrated into the highest chaotic world, perhaps one can still use the power of the world's heart to absorb the origin of the highest chaotic world, and can make one's practice further. It can be said that the heart of the world is everything Fundamentally, it is my biggest help!

Although Xing Tian can't wait to refine the heart of the world and integrate it into his own inner world, the heart of the world is different from ordinary treasures. If Xing Tian wants to refine it, he must first feel stronger. World Dao, only when Xingtian takes the world Dao's perception further and reaches the standard of refining the heart of the world, will he have the opportunity to complete all this.

"Damn, I know it's not that simple. It takes time to realize a stronger World Avenue, but what I lack most is time. It won't be long before the empire’s reinforcements will come, and I should follow. The empire army enters the empire, and at that time, he will definitely have a steady stream of trouble!"

At this time, Xing Tian couldn't help but feel a trace of regret. He knew that the heart of the world would have such great benefits. Before, he should not be soft-hearted, but should be cruel to destroy all enemies. Unfortunately, everything is now too late!

Suddenly, Xing Tian's heart was murderous, and he muttered to himself: "Since you can't stop the trouble from the beginning, let go of your happy killing intent, have a bloodbath, and use the most direct means to kill the enemy. If you dare to have any wrong intentions, they will have to retreat!"

For Xing Tian, ​​killing is not a big deal, and it will not affect his own mind. If he kills madly to make the enemy retreat, he can reduce his own troubles. Xing Tian does not know how to kill, as long as those ignorant people dare to take action, Xing Tian would no longer be merciful, and would use the most overbearing means, the most brutal means, to turn the world upside down!

People don’t serve themselves and the heavens are destroyed. In the face of their own interests, everything can be sacrificed. For some ants, they will not be taken seriously by Xingtian, even if they are against the empire, as long as they can gain enough practice for themselves. Time, everything is worth it, it's no big deal to kill, and it's no big deal to fight the empire!

With Xing Tian’s constant perception of the World Avenue and the continuous influx of the origin of the world, Xing Tian gradually understood that this realm battlefield world is not as simple as he thought. The creatures in his inner world want to enter the realm battlefield. The world does not bring all the power into this world. When they leave their inner world and enter the battlefield of this realm, half of their own origins will be broken up, integrated into themselves, and improved. Of the roots.

Although this kind of ascension is not as effective as Xingtian’s reincarnation, it is still a great opportunity for all creatures in the inner world. The advancement of the foundation will give them greater potential in future practice. , Can go further.

"Okay, very good. With such a great opportunity, I can take this opportunity to strengthen my own power. After the territorial catastrophe is over, all of my subordinates will have amazing transformations and will become one of their greatest powers!"

auzw.com has such a group of potential and loyal subordinates, what a great opportunity it is. As long as these subordinates are trained, Xingtian will have a terrifying army, waiting for the battlefield of the realm At the end of the robbery, when the boundary battlefield world merges into the supreme chaotic world, Xing Tian will be able to swept one side with this army under his hands, and become a powerful force on his own!

Of course, this is just the opinion of ordinary people, and it would not be so short-sighted to Xing Tian. His sect is not worth mentioning to the entire human civilization. The area where his sect is located is only the periphery of the Supreme Chaos World. , In such a region, even if it can dominate one side, it’s nothing. When the final catastrophe comes, he still cannot escape death. Xingtian’s goal is not the periphery, but the center of the supreme chaotic world, human civilization. In the central area of ​​Xingtian, where is his pursuit, the mere periphery is no longer in Xingtian's eyes!

Xing Tian did not expect that he would get such a comparable gain in such a short time when he entered the realm battlefield world, so that he could stand tall, see far, and be able to look at future practice with a vision beyond everyone. , So that you can have greater potential and higher pursuits, so that you can gather a greater foundation!

What is the boundary battlefield world? For ordinary people, this is a test, an opportunity for conflict with its own bottleneck, but for Xing Tian, ​​it is different. It is the accumulation of oneself, the accumulation of the origin, the accumulation of the great understanding, the accumulation of the foundation, and the consolidation of the foundation. Only by doing all of this can I go further, survive in the great catastrophe that is about to come to the highest chaotic world, and be able to laugh to the end. Although Xingtian still doesn't know what kind of catastrophe it is. Xing Tian has been aware of it, has realized it, and will not shake his mind by the little temptation in front of him!

When Xing Tian was immersed in his cultivation, his breath had disappeared without a trace. Everything about him was integrated with the realm battlefield world. The general of Moro, who had been secretly monitoring Xing Tian, ​​felt great in his heart. Horrible, although General Moruo did not follow Xingtian secretly, he used his own spiritual knowledge to observe the village where Xingtian was located. However, when Xingtian breath disappeared, his heart still couldn't help being frightened. The shock!

"How is this possible? How could he avoid my sense of consciousness? Even if he got a huge gain from thunder punishment, it is impossible for his own strength to change like this, and it is impossible to escape from my sense of consciousness. , Even the Tongtian River Water God can’t avoid my sense of consciousness, how did Xing Tian do it, could it be said that this is the method of the ancient powerhouse?" General Moruo muttered to himself, fearing Now, in fear, most people may not think this is a big problem, but for Morrow, who has experienced many battles, this is a big bad thing, a big threat, and it can completely disappear his own breath. Without a trace, this means that if Xing Tian wants to make a plot, he can't avoid it!

"Damn it, how could this be? If you really want those ignorant **** to provoke the lunatic Xingtian, things are really out of hand. No one can withstand his assassination. For those strong, they can still live. Xing Tian's current strength is limited, but for a single person, that is ten deaths without life!"

Headache. At this moment, General Moro has an extremely headache. He intentionally wants to tell the Queen Empress, but he has to swallow it back when he reaches his lips. He has already formed a cause and effect with Xingtian before. Tell the Empress Empress everything that Xing Tian’s secret will be known to the Empire, and the cause and effect between himself and Xing Tian will be greater. When Xing Tian becomes stronger and settles the cause and effect with himself, I am afraid that his fate will be miserable, for the empire. Is he worthy of such a big cause and effect?

After pondering for a long time, General Moro shook his head secretly, and said in his heart: "No, I can't do this. The empire is the empire, and I am me. As today is turbulent, the secret of heaven is unpredictable. I can’t bear more cause and effect, and if I did it myself, the empire may not be able to give me much return. You must know that the previous plan has already failed, even if it is not my responsibility, but someone has to bear it. Responsibility, and your Majesty won’t take it back. Those **** in the center of the empire are even more unlikely to take it. In the end, I’m the only one to take the responsibility. There is such a big gap between giving and gain. Why should I provoke this cause and effect for myself? I am in greater danger!"

People don’t kill themselves and the heavens are destroyed. This sentence is suitable for everyone. General Morrow is no exception. When his own interests conflict with the interests of the empire, General Morrow still chooses his own interests. People are willing to sacrifice themselves, and no one is willing to pay their lives for the empire, especially when the world is in turmoil!

"Niang, the sky is bright, the enemy has been defeated, and the barbarian cavalry has already withdrawn. We should contact the army who came to help, so that we can know it. After all, we have experienced too much in this battle. There are too many accidents and too many secrets. If you don’t prepare early, if you wait for the conflict to come together, it will be out of control!"

After hearing Moreau’s words, the Queen Empress nodded. This suggestion is indeed very correct. Under this situation, if you don’t contact the reinforcements in advance, and you don’t make preparations in advance, there will be a slight difference. It will cause immeasurable losses, and at this time, I must also stand up, because only I can convince the army who comes to help!

"Okay, General, you issue an order to the reinforcements in my name, asking them about their situation and how long they will be able to reach the border. After you understand everything, you will take command, be prepared first, and warn those people in advance. Let them converge a little bit, don't invite disasters to the empire, don't give the lunatic Xingtian a chance to kill!"

Without seeing Xingtian’s madness with his own eyes, no one would believe that Xingtian is so terrible and crazy. It is precisely because of seeing Xingtian’s madness that the Queen Empress had to compromise, not to mention that there is a powerful **** beside Xingtian. , An ancient **** who can cultivate with the help of the imperial aura, the existence of Tongtianhe Water God is also a big threat to the empire.

Although the water **** of the Tongtian River used the imperial air transport to practice for a short time, General Moro had already noticed the changes in the water **** of the Tongtian River and felt that Moreau was making up for his own shortcomings bit by bit. His influence has been reduced a lot. It is unrealistic to threaten Moreau with incense and luck. It is precisely because Moreau has felt this change, so he has brought the worries in his heart ahead of time to pass the secret of the **** of the river. Tell the empress empress so that the empress empress can be prepared and understand that the Tongtian River water **** has undergone a qualitative transformation with the help of the imperial luck!

In Moreau’s eyes, this is a major weakness of the Tongtian River Water God. The cultivation of the Tongtian River Water God requires imperial luck. As long as the empire does not overdo it, the Tongtian River Water God will not react excessively. After all, he needs imperial luck. Come to complete your own practice! Fupin Chinese

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