God of Destruction

Chapter 3831: Festival shock

Chapter 3831 Shocking

Did things really go as General Morrow thought? The water **** of Tongtian River is really inseparable from the imperial luck. He urgently needs imperial luck to practice and make up for his own shortcomings? No, the matter is not what the general Moruo thought. The change of the Tongtian River Water God was not the effect of the imperial air luck, but the inheritance of the Shui De Xingjun derived from Xing Tian, ​​the condensed star **** body, the imperial air luck It is not indispensable to speed up the cultivation of the water **** of Tongtian River!

Luck cannot limit the water **** of Tongtian River, nor can it affect the general situation of heaven and earth. When the situation reaches this point, everything is no longer under the control of the empire. Everything has already deviated from the original track. No matter what the empire thinks or wants You have to take care of everything. The successive changes are enough to make the empire difficult to fight. After all, the empire cannot devote all of its energy to the border, and it is impossible to consume all of its power on Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God.

Time is slowly passing by, and everyone thought that this time the empire center would be prepared and guarded against the enemy. The empire army could appear at the border in time, but when the empire’s reinforcements were contacted, General Moreau Once again, his heart became heavy, and things were even more terrifying than expected. The empire was really dying. All forces moved one after another. The army that should have appeared at the border in time was once again blocked by external forces.

Why is there such a terrible turmoil in the empire suddenly? What happened? Is the empire unable to suppress the world, or is the enemy too well prepared? Even when they started, the entire empire was turbulent!

This is the result of many aspects. It is not only the sudden attack of the secret enemy, which caused the entire empire to be turbulent, but more importantly, the many families in the empire saw the failure of the empire and their ambitions increased. They all want to take the opportunity to take the opportunity to seize sufficient benefits for themselves. It is for this reason that when many families encounter the imperial reinforcements, they are all very excited and eager to perform in the empire. Many aristocratic children joined the reinforcements frantically, all wanting to take the opportunity to compete for their own military merits, and all wanted to perform in front of the empress.

If it’s just one or two families, it’s nothing and it won’t affect the march of the army. However, on the way from the empire to the border, what you will encounter is not one or two families, but hundreds. Every important town, there will be many generations of children surging, and it is their madness that drags down the march of the army, making it difficult for the army to arrive on time. Of course, there is also the push of the hidden forces in this, precisely because of their power. , Causing such an embarrassing situation for the Empire army!

"Niangniang, the situation is beyond our imagination. It will take a short time for the reinforcements to reach the border, and there are too many disciples in the support army, and the number is beyond the range of the army. !" Although there were many shocks and worries in his heart, General Moreau had to tell the Queen Empress, whether he wanted it or not, he had to face this terrifying'reinforcement' and had to accept what was coming. big trouble!

The result of this is that General Moruo never thought about it. The army who should have come to rescue his army in time has become a huge problem! It’s ridiculous, it’s really a big joke, but it’s a fact, but General Moro has to face it, facing so many disciples who suddenly joined the family, no matter whether these people are sincere or fake, they will It is a terrible impact on the army, and if there are some **** in it, the consequences are really disastrous.

"Damn, what do these **** want, what do the generals want, and what do they regard as imperial warfare?" After hearing Moreau's words, the empress empress's face changed drastically. Although she didn't have much military knowledge, she was a queen. She still understood how serious the consequences of such a change would be to herself and to the empire.

What is the empire army? It was a violent organization used to ensure the security of the empire, and now a group of **** can join the army so easily, whether they are kind or malicious, this is a huge hidden danger for the empire, suddenly joining With so many children from aristocratic families, the army’s combat effectiveness has not increased but decreased. This situation has seriously affected the security of the border and also seriously affected the security of the empire. This is the family of the empire, and their existence has become the empire’s. cancer!

"Niang, it’s useless to get angry. All of this has happened. We need to be prepared to prevent the most terrible situation from happening. The fighting power of the army is nothing. What I worry about is that some of the family’s children have different intentions. I want to beat Xingtian's idea, and even someone has to choose something. After all, the shock at the border gate is too great!"

Yes! This shock change at the border gate was too big to cover up, and even a little caring person could detect it, but at this time, under this situation, the aristocratic families in the empire sent such a Many children participated in the army, which had to make Moreau worried that the situation would be out of control, and had to worry about the consequences that would be caused!

After pondering for a long time, the empress empress sighed and said: "Forget it, let them go. No matter what these **** want to do, we don’t care about it, tell the God of Tongtian River and Xing Tian. , No matter what happens, everything has nothing to do with the empire, those **** want to die, just fulfill them!"

"What? Niang Niang is not a joke, it is related to the general trend of the empire!" When the Queen Niang Niang said, General Moreau was shocked. He never thought that the Queen Niang Niang would actually let go and let those aristocratic families. The child is looking for death!

"General, I am not kidding. This is what I think and the only way we can resolve the crisis. When the situation reaches this point, no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to prevent the crisis from happening. With so many children from the family, we Can we suppress it with one hand? We can't. If we can't, why not let them choose. We only need to tell the real situation to the God of Tongtian River and Xingtian. Everything else has nothing to do with us!"

auzw.com is ruthless! This was General Moreau’s first feeling. The empress empress in front of him was too cold and merciless. She even took the lives of so many disciples as a trifling matter. Such a move would shock the entire empire. But when the killing comes, I don't know how many families will hate the empress and herself because of this, but Moro can't find a solution because this is really crazy and terrifying.

"Niang Niang, you have to think clearly. If we really have to do this, then we will never have a chance to look back. We will be the target of all the families. It is not a big deal for me as a general. It's just dismissal at most, and Niang Niang, you are under great pressure!" General Moreau still wants to persuade the Queen Niang Niang not to make such a decision lightly, lest the situation becomes uncontrollable, lest he will suffer a huge threat!

The Queen Mother gave a bitter smile and sighed: "General, do you think we have other options? When those **** made such a decision, when they joined the empire, we were already on top of the road. There is no retreat. No matter what they want to do, we have to bear huge pressure. This is our only choice!"

For the Queen Empress, this is indeed the only choice, but for the General Moreau, it is not. It’s just that General Moreau cannot be the master now. Although he doesn’t agree with him, he can only nod his head. Fortunately, there is a Queen Empress. Before, even if you have to take the responsibility, you can't take it all. After all, this is the decision made by the queen!

"Well, I will notify Xingtian and the God of Tongtian River so that they can be prepared!"

When General Morrow left, he couldn't help but sighed inwardly: "The empire really has come to an end, and even the empire army can't grasp it. In this case, even if the royal family has the greatest background, it will be difficult to suppress the world. , The troubled times have arrived, and the choice of the queen empress seems to be very good, but she has opened a bad head, so that the empire has no peace!"

When the Great Tribulation of the Sun and Earth arrives, even if there is no such decision made by the Queen and the Empress, will the Empire have a peaceful day? Can you sit firmly in this world? No, it's impossible. General Morrow's vision is not far-reaching enough to see the general situation of the world. The only threat he sees is the hostile forces that are fighting, and he doesn't know that there is Xingtian in this realm battlefield world. The existence from the supreme chaos world, let alone the realm battlefield world will be integrated into the supreme chaos world after the catastrophe, even the general situation of the world has not been seen through, and the feeling of General Moreau is naturally not much credible. degree!

At this moment, General Morrow suddenly had a desire to leave the empire, the desire to stay out of the matter, but now he can't do this, who makes him and the empire too deep, and only one day Without resolving the cause and effect of Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God, General Moro could not leave the Empire army. After all, this cause and effect still needs the Empire to bear for itself.

Notifying Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God is not an easy task, because at this time, both Xingtian and Tongtian River Water God are devoting themselves to self-cultivation, fully digesting the previous harvest, in fact General Moro also wanted to do the same, but he didn’t have this opportunity. Although in the previous thunder punishment, Moro also had a lot of insights, but in the army, he couldn’t help himself. Can continue to be responsible for everything in the army.

All things have advantages and disadvantages. General Moro can use the imperial spirit to practice, and he will naturally be bound by the empire. Even if he has more insights before, as long as he is still in the army, he needs to master the army. To prevent the occurrence of sudden events, whoever lets the queen empress be in his army, if something happens, he can't bear the responsibility!

After being unable to contact Xingtian and Tongtian River God of Water again and again, Moreau's mood became heavier. He didn't think about arranging people to go to the cave of Tongtian River God of Water and let people go to the village of Xingtian. It was just the idea that soon He gave up. At this time, Xingtian and Tongtian River Gods are all practicing in retreat. If I send someone to interrupt, even if I send messages with a kind heart, there will be no good results. I will still be evil to Xingtian and Tongtian River Gods. In this case, Moro can only put it down for a while, anyway, it will take some time for reinforcements to arrive, and he still has plenty of time to wait!

For Moreau, the longer the wait, the better? Is it good for you? No, things are not that simple. The longer the time, the more accidents will happen. Those who fail the enemy will have more breathing time and finishing time. It can be said that every time you delay is good for the empire. , For Moro, there is tremendous pressure. After a long time, the enemy will touch all his whereabouts. When Moro and the empress return to the imperial capital, they want to attack again, but no one can be found. !

General Morrow can't see through such a simple question. No, Morrow can see it clearly. It's just that he can't control the reinforcements, and the reinforcements are not under his control. When the reinforcements have such a change, Moreau also knows in his heart. , Among them, there must be the enemy hidden in the empire pushing forward, just to delay enough time, so that the empire army can't dispatch them in time!

Involuntarily, Moreau has no way to change the current situation. Since he cannot change, he can only adapt to it. Anxiety is useless. Whoever keeps everything out of his control, and the empress is also ruthless. In such a situation, General Moro could only endure and wait silently for everything to come.

This is the general trend of the world. In front of the general trend of the world, General Moro is just a small'ant'. No matter how unwilling he is, no matter how many ideas he has, he has to succumb to the general trend. Under the pressure of the general situation, no one can resist, and the delusion to confront the general situation of the world is just a joke, just self-defeating! Moreau is not as stupid as this!

Time is slowly passing away, at least for General Moro. At this time, Moro really feels like living a year. He has to endure tremendous pressure every day, and he has to face the pressure of his soldiers. After such a big change, the empire’s reinforcements have already set off, but they have not yet arrived. This has made the grievances in the hearts of many soldiers more and more serious. Under such a situation, Moreau cannot be distracted at all and can only practice once. He uncovered his soldiers time and time again, and was under tremendous pressure time and time again!

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